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 Message Boards » » Using RMI to access a MySQL Database using Java Page [1]  
All American
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Lets say I have a mySQL database on Server A. Lets say I have a Java application to interact with that database on Server B, which uses a JDBC driver to connect to the database server on Server A. Let us also say that for security reasons, Server A and the mySQL server will only accept requests from Server B, and no other remote computers.

So lets say I want to access that database on Server A, from a computer that isn't Server A or Server B, call it Client C. Could I use Java's RMI to access the database methods from the DB class on Server B from Client C?

11/15/2005 12:16:05 PM

4172 Posts
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the real question is

why is the security policy that restrictive

11/15/2005 1:08:24 PM

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11/15/2005 1:35:42 PM

All American
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Provided Server B exposes the methods for you to run, and you don't mind that Server B could be a potential bottleneck and your system would depend not only on the availability of Server A (to Server B), but also for the availability of Server B from Server C. You do know how big that can of beans is you're opening up with Java RMI, right? Just wanna get it out there so you know that you can't just say "oh, i'll use RMI, and it will solve my problem". You'll have to have a service/process/thing running on Server B that is waiting for Server C to talk to it.

^^it just is. assume if it were simple enough to change, it would have been done. i'm guessing there would be a lot of red tape in the way of changing that.

11/15/2005 2:26:49 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » Using RMI to access a MySQL Database using Java Page [1]  
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