alias740 All American 533 Posts user info edit post |
looking back on the season, who would you have cut in the beginning in order to win the national championship?
1. mario williams 2. john mckeon 3. marcus hudson 4. andre brown 5. steven tulloch and for good measure 6. tj williams 11/19/2005 1:03:43 AM
Hedgeapple All American 2530 Posts user info edit post |
good thread, id cut
Jay Davis, Marcus Stone, Derek Morris, Aj Davis and Coach Barry 11/19/2005 1:10:31 AM
Luigi All American 9317 Posts user info edit post |
wtf? national championship? 11/19/2005 1:12:33 AM
ActionPants All American 9877 Posts user info edit post |
i would cut everyone but myself and deraney (i would also put myself on the team)
also i'd make deraney play o-line 11/19/2005 1:15:29 AM
CaptainBF Terminated 2633 Posts user info edit post |
Jimmie Sutton, III A.J. Davis Jeremy Gray Phillip Holloman Marcus Hudson
cornerbacks are pretty much the reason we are doing bad get rid of all of them 11/19/2005 1:24:22 AM
HaLo All American 14327 Posts user info edit post |
i'm confused 11/19/2005 1:34:52 AM
9one9 All American 21497 Posts user info edit post |
jason sehorn corey magette chf boyardee todd pinkston darryl green 11/19/2005 1:38:57 AM
9one9 All American 21497 Posts user info edit post |
and for good measure
cecils cockrng emporum 11/19/2005 1:42:11 AM
Luigi All American 9317 Posts user info edit post |
sheldon kee tremayne stephens danny deskevich marye ann fox the dell dude 11/19/2005 2:40:13 AM
Weeeees All American 23730 Posts user info edit post |
^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ 11/19/2005 2:43:33 AM
jrp Veteran 201 Posts user info edit post |
This is the dumbest fucking thread I have ever seen on this board!!!!
"Who would you have cut?
How about you suck dick and you should transfer the fuck out of dodge! 11/19/2005 2:46:36 AM
DrOldSchool All American 2221 Posts user info edit post |
I'd cut the $Texas amount of students at this school who like to pretend, but in actuality know nothing about football. 11/19/2005 2:50:58 AM
socrates Suspended 1964 Posts user info edit post |
1.marcus vick 2.matt baker 3.chris barclay 4.charley whitehurst 5.bc blackman
and for good measure
chuck amato
[Edited on November 19, 2005 at 2:55 AM. Reason : ***] 11/19/2005 2:55:10 AM
Hedgeapple All American 2530 Posts user info edit post |
^^wow and im sure you know so much about it 11/19/2005 10:12:23 AM
wolfAApack All American 9980 Posts user info edit post |
This thread wasnt even worth a response, but wtf
Quote : | "Jimmie Sutton, III A.J. Davis Jeremy Gray Phillip Holloman Marcus Hudson
cornerbacks are pretty much the reason we are doing bad get rid of all of them" |
well 2 of those guys have never seen PT before this season. Marcus Hudson is your fucking daddy and the ONLY good CB we have this year....and he's probably going to the next level.
ok I have to agree with AJ davis....rephrase your statement to only AJ Davis and we're settled. I hate him. 11/19/2005 10:36:35 AM
Hedgeapple All American 2530 Posts user info edit post |
the thread is wortha response dumbass, whats so controversial about it? I think its a good topic
chuck always said "cut one person from this team, and we'd win a national championship"
thats bullshit in the context of this football team, but there are many other teams that actually have a chance of BCS contention that are being held back by a few players
simple thread, really
[Edited on November 19, 2005 at 11:27 AM. Reason : o yea, and alias## choices are complete bullshit! those are like our best players] 11/19/2005 11:26:26 AM
MacGyver Suspended 6745 Posts user info edit post |
These are the type of threads that make me say the things I do. You had no chance to win a NC even if you added 5 players. Please don't ever talk about NCSU and a national championship. Honestly, thats like Vandy or Kentucky doing the same thing. Its just silly talk. 11/19/2005 12:33:57 PM
socrates Suspended 1964 Posts user info edit post |
if we added 5 wed be the best team ever 11/19/2005 12:42:44 PM
MacGyver Suspended 6745 Posts user info edit post |
riiiight 11/19/2005 12:54:14 PM
ActionPants All American 9877 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^I'm confused, if Chuck himself said that then why didn't he just cut them 11/19/2005 12:55:59 PM
Hedgeapple All American 2530 Posts user info edit post |
Chuck doesnt have any original things to say, so he uses alot of Coachspeak and what bobby bowden said 11/19/2005 12:57:51 PM
alias740 All American 533 Posts user info edit post |
i suck dick 11/19/2005 12:59:32 PM
Sleik All American 11177 Posts user info edit post |
anybody with J and Davis in their name 11/19/2005 1:24:10 PM
Ernie All American 45943 Posts user info edit post |
wtf is this thread 11/19/2005 3:34:12 PM
Luigi All American 9317 Posts user info edit post |
nm, i totally misunderstood this thread
id cut the entire team in exchange for a NC! what are you talking about!?!
[Edited on November 19, 2005 at 3:50 PM. Reason : .] 11/19/2005 3:49:17 PM
Ernie All American 45943 Posts user info edit post |
this is a joke right
how could subtracting these players help us at all
was mike greco going to lead us to the promised land 11/19/2005 3:50:23 PM