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 Message Boards » » omg the tta light rail will be subway downtown!! Page [1] 2 3 4 5 ... 8, Next  
1964 Posts
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yep. "partially underground" were doing big things

12/9/2005 3:48:46 AM

5482 Posts
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This will eventually be just like the MARTA in Atlanta. You know, Moving Black Residents Through Atlanta. Only poor and minorities will use it. But hey, at least we can say we got it.

12/9/2005 8:12:05 AM

All American
13936 Posts
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Wouldn't that be the MBRTA?

What about Moving African-American Residents Through Atlanta? That would at least be the politically correct way to make a racist joke, right?

12/9/2005 8:30:46 AM

50085 Posts
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In most places Mass Transit beats the living hell out of driving..

12/9/2005 8:34:24 AM

All American
1462 Posts
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moving africans rapidly through atlanta

even mootduff knows this, idiots

12/9/2005 8:37:59 AM

All American
2400 Posts
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It is called MARTA.

Moving Africans Rapidly Though Atlanta

12/9/2005 8:38:49 AM

All American
22728 Posts
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i rode on the marta when i flew in yesterday from the airport to my place off of 14th street. there weren't that many blacks on there after you got north of the i-20 corridor, there were a lot of mexican folks on there though

i also heard that they were going to implement a streetcar system there, kinda like in SF, and have it go all the way up and down peachtree. ITS GONNA BE A MESS IF THEY DO THAT

12/9/2005 9:14:41 AM

All American
3245 Posts
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i vote for

MARTA - Moving Africans Rapidly To Africa

12/9/2005 9:17:37 AM

11317 Posts
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if it only serves minorities im okay with that...

at least it keeps the uninsured drivers off the road.

12/9/2005 9:47:02 AM

All American
698 Posts
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Gas will hit $4 a gallon and all of a sudden white people will discover the TTA line

12/9/2005 10:03:27 AM

All American
26690 Posts
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i disagree with the idea of it being minorities who make the majority of the ridership

12/9/2005 10:07:48 AM

383 Posts
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and when the magical people mover finally comes to state in :cough: approximately near the end of time...
it'll be an even cooler project

can't wait to fly into rdu and not have to call and get a friend to pick me up. like i'd actually pay 12 dollars a day to park there...hell no

12/9/2005 10:37:34 AM

All American
31140 Posts
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CAT and DATA are crying.

Quote :
"Gas will hit $4 a gallon and all of a sudden white people will discover the TTA line"

Not likely. I'd rather pay $5 a day to get to work and be home an hour earlier than pay a dollar a day to ride the bus.

12/9/2005 10:53:34 AM

All American
19676 Posts
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looks like the route will be everywhere i need to go from home to work and back again. im curious what the fares will be.

12/9/2005 10:58:58 AM

All American
13349 Posts
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but the bus is free with your student id

12/9/2005 10:59:03 AM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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^ yes it is, and this guy is happily in possession of a student ID that doesn't expire till 2009.

12/9/2005 1:04:39 PM

All American
170962 Posts
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hahahha january 2009 here as well

12/9/2005 1:07:48 PM

11931 Posts
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That's awesome were moving torward a modern city in that aspect, and terrible at the same time. We'll be losing some of the ways of life of a southern city, and adapting more the way of a modern uncultured hellhole.

Oh, well that train was bound here.

12/9/2005 1:17:03 PM

Scuba Steve
All American
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great, we link Durham to Cary and Raleigh and see what that brings into the area

12/9/2005 1:38:02 PM

All American
43428 Posts
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modern uncultured hell hole?

What exactly are you comparing Raleigh to?

12/9/2005 1:39:47 PM

408 Posts
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^^Who exactly are you afraid of coming here, and what is stopping them from coming now?

[Edited on December 9, 2005 at 1:40 PM. Reason : ^]

12/9/2005 1:40:12 PM

11931 Posts
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Quote :
"Who exactly are you afraid of coming here"

The greater durham area

12/9/2005 1:43:09 PM

All American
60354 Posts
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oh, so its racism hidden in heritage eh?

12/9/2005 1:45:46 PM

All American
26690 Posts
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Quote :
"We'll be losing some of the ways of life of a southern city, and adapting more the way of a modern uncultured hellhole.

You are a fucking idiot. Raleigh isn't a small southern town.

12/9/2005 2:09:43 PM

Scuba Steve
All American
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well considering Durham is one of the most crime ridden shitholes in NC, anything that increases our interaction with them is a negative in my book

12/9/2005 2:28:54 PM

All American
6845 Posts
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i heard they invented this thing called a car. It allows people to move very fast.

its going to fuck us over.

12/9/2005 2:46:41 PM

All American
26690 Posts
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It already has

Think about how it fucked up or cities.

12/9/2005 2:50:06 PM

All American
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I hardly think sitting in traffic jams can be called a "way of life of a southern city."

12/9/2005 2:57:30 PM

All American
26690 Posts
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Actually, light rail would be considered more "going back to the old ways"

12/9/2005 3:04:09 PM

All American
34461 Posts
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If the train has a stop on or very near campus, I could see a lot of State students using it. I would use it if it were here, now. When I went to Washington DC once, we used the trains to get around there, and it was a fairly pleasant experience.

12/9/2005 3:05:04 PM

408 Posts
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IIRC, there will be a stop on campus along the line that runs through the middle of old campus. It is going to connect to a shuttle or other type of transport (another light rail?) that connects to Centennial.

12/9/2005 3:11:18 PM

383 Posts
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its supposed to be a light rail/monrorail...all plans of centennial have a right of way for a light rail/monorail to be built running from the library, meeting the TTA light rail, passing between talley and reynolds, then heading over western down to centennial

if that is built i will come back to state to take classes just to ride it...its like disney

[Edited on December 9, 2005 at 3:19 PM. Reason : .]

12/9/2005 3:19:29 PM

All American
15996 Posts
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All they need is the character breakfast in the Atrium with Mickey and friends.

12/9/2005 3:21:54 PM

408 Posts
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This train has the potential to be very, very good or very, very bad. When I was in HK last, I loved riding the train. I would very much like to see this part of my daily commute.

12/9/2005 3:24:04 PM

39171 Posts
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Durhams Attempt to Transport Africans

12/9/2005 3:27:56 PM

11931 Posts
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I'm excited about getting to class easier. I will agree there's nothing like a good train ride.

12/9/2005 3:36:03 PM

All American
1232 Posts
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Quote :
"Actually, light rail would be considered more "going back to the old ways""

Exactly. AFAIK, there was a light rail/trolley in raleigh in the 20s(?) I think it went down hillsborough street.

12/10/2005 2:54:37 AM

All American
26690 Posts
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Hillsbourough, fayettevill, and glenwood. i know there were more, but i'm not sure of the exact routes.

5 points, cameron park and the "old neighborhoods" are trolley car suburbs.

[Edited on December 10, 2005 at 3:02 AM. Reason : turn of the 1900s-late 40's?]

[Edited on December 10, 2005 at 3:08 AM. Reason : the glenwood one ran down to Bloomsburry Park, which was just before the country club]

12/10/2005 3:02:17 AM

All American
1291 Posts
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Quote :
"All they need is the character breakfast in the Atrium with Mickey and friends."

I'll run that by my managers today and see if they agree.

12/10/2005 9:05:55 AM

All American
37009 Posts
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Quote :
"If the train has a stop on or very near campus, I could see a lot of State students using it. "

I'm not so sure about that. The buses already run through NCSU. Those are free for students, but students hardly ever ride them.

12/10/2005 9:13:50 AM

All American
15996 Posts
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light rail >>> buses, if it takes you where you want to go

12/10/2005 9:26:22 AM

All American
8430 Posts
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Quote :
"Exactly. AFAIK, there was a light rail/trolley in raleigh in the 20s(?) I think it went down hillsborough street."

12/10/2005 11:27:20 AM

40960 Posts
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6/14/2010 7:53:33 PM

All American
3624 Posts
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epic four-and-a-half year bump

6/14/2010 7:58:46 PM

45912 Posts
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6/14/2010 8:02:18 PM

All American
3402 Posts
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Does it involve finally solving the MARTA acronym consensus?

6/14/2010 8:05:09 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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I got all excited until I saw the date of the first post. Now I'm left wondering why it was bumped

6/14/2010 8:16:10 PM

All American
7827 Posts
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same for me. I started reading and then noticed the timestamps.

clearly, not enough people with good subway experiences to know they're a good thing. though if you've ridden the Manila subway you might be less inclined to want one. Theirs is not my favorite.

6/14/2010 8:26:08 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Many thanks to qntmfred for the epic bump.

I was doing some reading today and it looks like they're going to try again to get DAT 190% FED MONEY.

Quote :
"Transit advocates gearing up to push a transit tax to bring light rail to Triangle

RALEIGH – A redesigned web site for a pro-mass transit group is the opening salvo in a stepped-up campaign to win voters’ approval for a half-cent sales tax to fund transit improvements in the Triangle, notably a light rail system.

Capital Area Friends of Transit, a Wake County-based alliance of state and local organizations and civic leaders unveiled their new web site last week. The site contains a petition supporting transit improvements as well as several pages laying out the arguments for transit improvements and the necessity for a transit tax.

Gearing up to lead the charge for a transit tax was part of the motivation for the web site’s redesign, acknowledged Karen Rindge, executive director of Wake Up Wake County, one of the alliance members.

“The Triangle is one of the few major metropolitan regions in the country without any kind of light rail system,” said Rindge, who is a “convenor” for Capital Area Friends of Transit.

Triangle planners have for several years tried to win federal aid for a light rail system. A primary reason that previous efforts failed was because the Triangle – unlike Charlotte, which has a light rail system serving downtown – does not have a dedicated local funding source for the system. The half-cent sales tax would solve that problem.

The tax was made possible last year when Gov. Bev Perdue signed legislation authorizing a transit sales tax in the Triangle (Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill) and Triad (Greensboro-High Point-Winston Salem) if voters approve in a referendum.

Rindge said transit supporters hope for a referendum in the fall of 2011, but she said the timing depends on a number of factors, including the price of gas, the state of the economy and what public polling reveals about voter attitudes toward the tax.

Wake County commissioners would have to agree to put the referendum on the ballot, and their approval is hardly automatic as that body is controlled by Republicans; local Republicans have been very reluctant to support new taxes in the past.

But Rindge said light rail is a crucial piece of the puzzle for the Triangle’s future and it has bipartisan support.

“We all know that Wake County’s population is going to double and we have to plan for that growth and plan for the increased traffic it will bring and how to move it efficiently,” she said. A light rail system has environmental benefits and economic benefits, she said. Taking cars off the roads will help air quality, and giving people who cannot afford cars a viable transportation alternative will help those who are struggling financially, she said. Plus, building the rail system will bring jobs to the Triangle, she said.

She noted that light rail has the support of the Regional Transportation Alliance, a program of the Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce that is spearheaded by more than 100 leading companies and anchored by 23 chambers of commerce in 10 counties. The last poll of that alliance, released in March, showed that more than 50 percent of registered voters would vote for a half-cent local option sales tax to improve public transportation in the Triangle.

Commenting on that poll,” Joe Milazzo, executive director of the Regional Transit Alliance, said: “Triangle voters continue to support expansions in bus and rail transit offerings. Respondents report that transit will benefit their quality of life, including those who don’t expect to use it.”"

Hopefully the census data saying that Raleigh is the 2nd fastest growing metropolitan area in the country (Provo, UT can suck it) and the fact that there is surprising lack of any light rail will win us some pity.

Here's a cool website from transit supporters:
sign the petition

6/14/2010 9:13:34 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Petition signed

6/14/2010 9:29:52 PM

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