Shadowrunner All American 18332 Posts user info edit post |
Anyone else? They're usually about my Cambridge exams rather than NCSU, but either way, I wake up and it takes me a few seconds to remember I've already graduated and don't have to worry about schoolwork any more. 12/9/2005 2:56:45 PM
JWHWolf All American 3320 Posts user info edit post |
I woke up one morning in October and panicked thinking I was late for an exam. Then I realized where I was and remembered that I didn't have anymore exams for a few years.... 12/9/2005 3:03:49 PM
Maverick All American 11175 Posts user info edit post |
I remember talking with ThePitts about this. I usually have one of two dreams:
1.) It's the end of the semester and there's a class that I'm registered for but I completely forgot I registered for the class and it's exam time. I'm going to fail and subsequently not graduate. After a few minutes I try to remember whether or not I actually graduated.
2.) There's an extremely pressing work issue that I have to solve RIGHT NOW. I will wake up wondering about this "issue at work", when it was all just a dream to begin with.
According to him, it represents some unfinished stressor that you have in your life.
He's like old and stuff so he knows 
[Edited on December 9, 2005 at 3:39 PM. Reason : .] 12/9/2005 3:37:35 PM
StayPuff All American 5154 Posts user info edit post |
I have had dreams where I have signed up for a class, but completely forgot I did, so I missed all the assignments, papers, and exams..... 12/9/2005 6:14:47 PM
marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |
i also have dreams where they come and take my diploma away  12/9/2005 6:36:41 PM
eraser All American 6733 Posts user info edit post |
I hate dreams like this.
I have had a few of them and I always wake up stressed out. 12/9/2005 7:33:20 PM
Lowjack All American 10491 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " 1.) It's the end of the semester and there's a class that I'm registered for but I completely forgot I registered for the class and it's exam time. I'm going to fail and subsequently not graduate. After a few minutes I try to remember whether or not I actually graduated. " |
whoa, i've had this one frequently. I think it's because I skipped so many classes, I got confused about which ones were real. 12/9/2005 9:04:11 PM
wolftrap All American 1260 Posts user info edit post |
I constantly dream about have to retake high school classes - and I graduated in '92. It never ends. 12/9/2005 9:50:13 PM
Maverick All American 11175 Posts user info edit post |
You think that's bad, I start trying to remember whether or not I graduated from college. Almost had to get out of bed to look for a diploma! 
Now I'm amazed I ever managed to remember to go to my classes. It wouldn't surprise me at all if I signed up for a class and just completely forgot about it for a whole semester.
[Edited on December 9, 2005 at 11:07 PM. Reason : .] 12/9/2005 11:04:40 PM
brainysmurf All American 4762 Posts user info edit post |
oh shit, i thought that was the only one
like last night i had a dream where i missed a whole semester of organic chemistry...........and i graduated in 02!!!! 12/10/2005 2:32:36 PM
eraser All American 6733 Posts user info edit post |
I had one last night.  12/10/2005 2:55:04 PM
Crooden All American 554 Posts user info edit post |
only had that dream during the first year after i graduated
i still dream about going back to my old hs and getting to play in "the big game." i'm the only one who's gotten older and i'm so much better than everyone else.
ahhhhh, dreams. 12/11/2005 1:50:32 AM
NCSUWolfy All American 12966 Posts user info edit post |
i had an opposite type of dream
last night i dreamt that i was done with exams and i was getting ready for graduation
i woke up wondering if i already graduated or not
then i realized i had to get out of bed and study for my last exam at 8am
oh well-- i'll be graduated in less than 72 hours!  12/11/2005 4:37:23 PM
ShinAntonio Zinc Saucier 18949 Posts user info edit post |
I have the dreams about screwing up in high school every once in awhile. In the last one I was still the same age I am now, but I was still in high school.  12/11/2005 7:54:58 PM
State409c Suspended 19558 Posts user info edit post |
I have dreams about chicks
which I tended to focus more on than exams
go figure 12/11/2005 8:40:27 PM
roddy All American 25834 Posts user info edit post |
no, not after college, but the summer before i had a few about missing exams.....those type you sit up for after you wake
[Edited on December 18, 2005 at 9:37 PM. Reason : q] 12/18/2005 9:34:21 PM
JennMc All American 3989 Posts user info edit post |
I used to have dreams that my high school called and that no one in the AP classes graduated and we had to re do a class. I would just scream that I have a college degree and in Law school that they should just give me the damn degree.
I also have a dream that I completely miss class for a semester and have to take an exam 12/19/2005 8:19:10 PM
AxlBonBach All American 45553 Posts user info edit post |
haha i once dreamt about having a class that i never even had
but i woke up the next morning confused as shit and really upset that i stopped going to the class like the first week that semester
it took until after breakfast until i convince myself it was all a dream. 12/19/2005 8:42:00 PM
Belle Veteran 406 Posts user info edit post |
Happened to me and my husband and many of my friends have mentioned it, too. You wake up in a cold sweat thinking you're late for a test/exam. The worst one ever was when I woke up thinking that I had "forgotten" about a class that I'd had the ENTIRE semester and now it was end-of-the-year exams when I hadn't attended beyond the first week. 12/29/2005 9:57:05 AM
st8fan Starting Lineup 100 Posts user info edit post |
^I have the same dream about forgetting about a class that I signed up for but forgot to drop. I never did that while I was in school, but it scares the hell outta you when you dream that you did. 12/29/2005 5:45:38 PM
Lowjack All American 10491 Posts user info edit post |
^whoa, same dream, too.
That's eerie. 12/29/2005 7:04:33 PM
StateIsGreat All American 2838 Posts user info edit post |
I've had the dream where I'm signed up for a class and forgot about it, and the class was CH 101.
When I left the Corps, for at least a month into my first semester in college I kept having the same dream where I was taking classes here at State but forgot I was still on active duty. I'd all of a sudden remember this and start freaking out about being a diserter from the military. 12/30/2005 11:37:53 PM
jimb0 All American 4667 Posts user info edit post |
i have these dreams too (though i'm still undergrad). i think they mean that i'm not putting 100% into whatever it is i'm doing (life/school). it seems like a subconscious guilt complex reaction to me. 1/2/2006 2:58:20 PM
Lewizzle All American 14393 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, I have these. I look at the exam and don't know shit. I usually wake up. 1/2/2006 3:47:16 PM
Boss DJ All American 1558 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "The worst one ever was when I woke up thinking that I had "forgotten" about a class that I'd had the ENTIRE semester and now it was end-of-the-year exams when I hadn't attended beyond the first week." |
I've had this dream a few times as well, before and after graduating.
Eerie indeed. 1/2/2006 9:39:22 PM
Wtbrowne32 Veteran 414 Posts user info edit post |
exams at state were a damn joke 1/19/2006 4:21:19 PM
YOMAMA Suspended 6218 Posts user info edit post |
I keep having this same dream.
I find myself sitting in a CHASS class that I never went to and it's the final exam.
It's strange. I have had this same dream for like 2 years. 1/19/2006 5:36:42 PM