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 Message Boards » » What 400 level ECE course should i take? Page [1]  
play so hard
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I'm a CPE major

Already taken 406, 407. Enjoyed 407, not so much 406. Currently signed up for 402 and 464 but might not be able to take 402 because I havent had STAT 371. I enjoyed 212 (who didnt), 211 and 301 were ok, but would rather stay away from all the math intensive theory. Oh, and I don't have hours and hours of spare time to spend on projects and the too much

any ideas?

12/21/2005 4:05:22 PM

All American
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If you don't want math definitely stay away from 402.

12/21/2005 4:52:45 PM

All American
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I highly recommend 403... its on the ECE track but you should be able to get it to count for CPE... it will teach you a tremendous amount on transistors and applications...

Removes the black box aspect to power supplies/amplifiers or anything with those little 3legged black things in it...

Its a pretty easy class over all, not because the material is easy but because its very well taught (and the tests themselves are easy)

Then you have all of the 492 classes... there are a whole bunch of them and I've only heard bad things from a few of them... they are typically very interesting b/c they are up to date technology unlike most of the standard 400level classes

12/21/2005 4:58:48 PM

All American
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I thought 463 (521) was a pretty cool class; when I took it Dr. Rotenburg was teaching it, and we all know he's an awesome professor (sans the Star Trek analogies).

I also highly recommend any of Dr. Grainger's power classes that are being offered, 305, 451, or 453

12/22/2005 1:21:12 AM

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403 was pretty cool, Dr. Bilbro is great. 463 was alright, but you have to write 3 intense java programs. If 460 was offered again I would definintely recommend that. 464 with Dr. Franzon was a piece of cake, but he said the next time he was going to teach it he was going to make the project harder. It's Verilog too. When you get into 400 level classes, its going to be hard to stay away from projects......

12/22/2005 10:50:08 AM

All American
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F* 451 and F* grainger as a professor...

on a personal level I like the guy a lot. But I abhore his teaching method. He's completely old school where he throws the information out and expects you to pick it up. Very sink or swim with no help, if you get a bad TA then your up the creak.

451 is why I didn't graduate Magna Cum Laude(sp? {irony I know}) in major.

12/22/2005 8:16:16 PM

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wait wait wait

you didnt like 406, and you signed up for 464?

you are aware that 464 is basically a replica of 406 right?

12/23/2005 2:48:19 PM

All American
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12/23/2005 5:00:08 PM

All American
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dude seriously think about adding EE to the major

take power (305). very much needed for FE exam and employers like it. especially when you say you had it with Grainger and they go pull his book off their shelf

12/24/2005 1:10:18 AM

All American
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what do you think about 403 vs 464? I'm already signed up for 464 cause I liked 212 and 406 pretty well, but 403 sounds like it might be interesting...can anyone give more detail regarding what sort of stuff do you do in 403? (and 464)

12/24/2005 1:18:38 AM

Starting Lineup
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I've taken 403 and I'm taking the grad level of 464 (520) next semester.

Basically 403 picks up where 302 leaves off in a way. Bilbro goes back and starts from explaining what a transistor is (as he even says) "that's simpler than how they did in 302." Then he goes into the different types of CMOS amplifiers, small signal models, gains, etc. You end up designing an 8-transistor opamp for the class project. It's a really cool class if you liked the last half or so of 302. If you didn't - I still think you can gain something from the class as it is a more in-depth look at amplifiers and how they're used.

He's upfront about the questions on the test and what he expects of you - he puts interview-type questions on the exams. However if you screw up a KCL (seriously there are some problems that a 211 and maybe even a 200 student could do) or write down stuff in the margins that's wrong - he doesn't take too kindly and you'll lose a lot of credit.

I think 464/520 is basically the next level of 406. I've heard Franzon is a really cool teacher and the class isn't too bad. It's basically just more ways to use Verilog to create ASIC's.

12/24/2005 2:17:13 AM

All American
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I loved and hated ECE305

I think if you are in EE you should be required to take it.

Graingers a good guy but doesnt wipe his students ass's for them.

Opinion may be different if i had not got an A in the class. Something to the effect of : devil teacher worst ever.

12/24/2005 3:21:50 AM

All American
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305 should be required. everyone should understand simple power concepts, including 3-phase, since its becoming more and more popular in smaller electronic packages... if you build anything with a motor in it, chances are you'll use a 3-phase motor.

and yea, like ^ someone up there said, telling people you have had grainger as a professor helps you out a lot. almost everyone ive worked with always has a copy of his book on their bookshelves. of course i work in the power industry, but this man is a legend.

12/24/2005 12:25:19 PM

All American
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I should state... I loved 305... but I had a TA that taught us everything we needed to know. When I got to 451 and didn't have the TA to help I got lost.

I have no intentions whatsoever of ever working for a power company. So 451 was a complete waste of my time and my GPA points (I got a B+ in 305 and a B- in 451 btw)

12/24/2005 12:35:06 PM

All American
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451 was easy to me. I just understood everything. I loved the material. I showed like half the class how to do the stuff. I felt like the TA at times

305 was hard as shit. but I took it when I was a not so good student.

12/24/2005 3:24:47 PM

no u
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take anything you can with kolbas and bilbro

12/28/2005 6:38:13 PM

All American
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take 305

12/29/2005 3:11:30 PM

All American
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470 its the next step from 407 I was in it this semester you will be in a group and its basically like senior design class as long as your group gets your work done your gonna get a good grade

1/1/2006 1:46:13 AM

All American
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take all of them

1/1/2006 12:21:27 PM

All American
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why is this thread still going

1/1/2006 12:39:52 PM

 Message Boards » Study Hall » What 400 level ECE course should i take? Page [1]  
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