scottf All American 615 Posts user info edit post |
anyone, anyone 12/26/2005 6:57:56 PM
drhavoc All American 3759 Posts user info edit post |
I was... back here now. 12/26/2005 7:05:33 PM
MsWuf All American 3259 Posts user info edit post |
i was until about 5pm today. 12/26/2005 8:47:39 PM
VorpalRath All American 4119 Posts user info edit post |
i moved here about 6 months ago and love it so far. 12/27/2005 5:02:36 PM
scottf All American 615 Posts user info edit post |
moved there in march move of my life so far. although am going to be laid off for about six weeks. stupid winter. 12/27/2005 7:43:39 PM
drhavoc All American 3759 Posts user info edit post |
Wow. I was born and raised there and while it was great growing up there, I couldn't wait to get out.
Interesting to see differences in perceptions of the place. Enjoy it.
[Edited on December 27, 2005 at 9:36 PM. Reason : ] 12/27/2005 9:35:57 PM
Blue Jay All American 3082 Posts user info edit post |
Lived in Pawleys Island for a year and loved it, too bad I had to move to get a better job. Not too many Engineering Jobs near Myrtle. 12/28/2005 12:16:28 PM
stantheman All American 1591 Posts user info edit post |
I honestly cannot understand why anyone would want to live near Myrtle Beach. Is the south end of the island any better than the north? I think N. Myrtle is by far the trashiest redneck vacation spot in the carolinas. 1/1/2006 9:15:44 AM
drhavoc All American 3759 Posts user info edit post |
To the contrary, strike that and reverse it.
South Myrtle (as bordered by about 13th Ave. N. in Myrtle Beach) is the redneck riviera, but stops abruptly once you near Murrell's Inlet, Pawley's Island and Debordieu. Pawley's Island is one of my favorite places in SC.
North Myrtle has always (well, in my lifetime, at least) been the more "family friendly" beach and Myrtle Beach, proper (save the Dunes area), the place where all of the tourists hang out simply as there is more to do.
To be sure, the lines have been blurred in the past 15 years or so (with Broadway and Barefoot being expanded) as it's hard to tell where one stops and the next begins, but the locals know and will be happy to tell you.  1/1/2006 10:19:37 AM
stantheman All American 1591 Posts user info edit post |
^I grew up about 30 minutes north of there and always avoided N.Myrtle like the plague. Family friendly or not, its still a haven for obnoxious nextel users. I'd rather be in a place like Wilmington that actually recognizes its history (or at least the downtown does).
But I guess MB isn't made to appeal to me anyway, seeing as how I don't play golf or watch Nascar.
edit: I get what you're saying about the trashy south, but I still hate the endless sea of bargain beach shop and putt-putts on the north end.
[Edited on January 1, 2006 at 2:11 PM. Reason : PACIFIC BEACHWEAR IS TEH WINS!!!!!!!!!!1111111111S] 1/1/2006 2:09:28 PM
drhavoc All American 3759 Posts user info edit post |
Calabash? Shallotte? Bolivia?
I grew up in NMB and much preferred the Calabash, Ocean Isle, Sunset area to South MB... then again, that was the 80's. To your point, I rarely go to either end of MB anymore, even though my family is all in that area.
Yeah, I feel you. I despise Nextel as much as the next guy (in this case, you), but it certainly wasn't like that years ago. In NMB, there were only 4 putt-putts growing up, but there sure are a shit-ton now... same with Beachwear stores... but point made.
What a difference a few years can make. *sigh* 1/1/2006 7:33:47 PM
Wolfpack2K All American 7059 Posts user info edit post |
Aaron Huber (Wolfman80) lives in Myrtle Beach now. 1/3/2006 2:35:27 AM