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 Message Boards » » Does Work Ever Seem Like "Office Space" Sometimes? Page [1]  
All American
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I know the whole appeal is that it seems like everyone's work on some level.

We in-joke about this all the time.

Cover sheets for things? I sometimes question the use, especially on standard forms where you obviously know what it's about. I think there is some natural law that states that the more "official work related logos" (company logos, unit insignias, etc) on the cover sheet must be directly related to its percieved importance. Double importance if the cover sheet is in color.

What is it with people stealing staplers? (Or for that matter, my aviation friends will love this one, what is it with stealing Charlotte sectionals? Can you not keep one in your kneeboard?)

But at least no one ever uses the phrase "Sounds like a case of the Mondays"

3/9/2006 7:21:40 PM

All American
4807 Posts
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Bigger companies definitely have more office space-isms. With that said, ^all that formatting stuff is why they invented secretaries (your work does sound gay with all that colored stuff, though).

3/9/2006 7:35:05 PM

All American
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I've also met people who insist that every Powerpoint Presentation MUST be done in Arial font. No Times New Roman, but Arial font. Sounds like one of those "unwritten policies" that people love challenging.

So I pick that military-looking "stencil" font or Eras Demi (or something similar) and REALLY mess with people. Small victories.

3/9/2006 7:41:45 PM

Starting Lineup
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yes, all the time when we sing happy birthday for someone no one "really" cares about, when i stand in line for cake, when my supervisor says "yeah". being sent memos. sitting at my desk making it look like i am working(like i am doing now)

anyone remember that commercial, i forget the company but it involves a video conference that doesnt work well and some tool is repeating "konichiwa(forgive my spelling)" lots. i hear that all the time from guys trying to be impressive to our japanese affiliates. makes me laugh.

3/9/2006 8:26:48 PM

All American
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i'm dead serious

3/9/2006 11:26:15 PM

All American
5385 Posts
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Yes. I get it. Cube farms are just like office space. The movie was funny because it was accurate. Can we please put this to bed before I hear one more person ask me if I have a case of the Mondays and then chuckle to themselves?

3/9/2006 11:27:54 PM

All American
13537 Posts
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Quote :
"yes, all the time when we sing happy birthday for someone no one "really" cares about, when i stand in line for cake, when my supervisor says "yeah". being sent memos. sitting at my desk making it look like i am working(like i am doing now)"

haha my job is like that sometimes. we have the 14 million company logos (that you can get in trouble if you don't use the right one). also the ricoh copier down the hall is CONSTANTLY broken. and we have formatted reports.

no flare tho nevermind... yes we do.... shirts, hats, etc.

[Edited on March 10, 2006 at 9:27 AM. Reason : er]

3/10/2006 9:27:13 AM

All American
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This is pretty much the gayest fucking thread possible in the gayest section ever. No wonder you're the mod.

3/10/2006 3:24:57 PM

All American
44691 Posts
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Quote :
"This is pretty much the gayest fucking thread possible in the gayest section ever. No wonder you're the mod."

I think the only thing that could make this thread any gayer would be if he posted that fucking loser-ass TWW Novel in here.

3/10/2006 3:27:19 PM

4836 Posts
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i'm dead serious

3/10/2006 3:35:12 PM

All American
52920 Posts
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the military is VERY Office Space-esque...not so much on the surface, but DEFINITELY if you stop and think about it...even some of the more high-speed jobs.

3/10/2006 9:52:37 PM

2019 Egg Champ
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I work in retail and my job reminds me a lot of Office Space.

3/10/2006 9:57:09 PM

All American
11175 Posts
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We always use terms like "customer", "product", and "the deal" during the air assault planning process.

3/10/2006 10:41:21 PM

All American
52920 Posts
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not to mention "8 different bosses" (although not if people properly utilize the CoC)

and "yeaahhhh, i'm gonna need you to go ahead and, uhhhh....."

3/11/2006 9:20:21 AM

All American
45553 Posts
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I work in retail and my job reminds me a lot of Office Space.

[Edited on March 11, 2006 at 9:34 AM. Reason : "hey donny... we NEED to talk about you cycle counts."]

3/11/2006 9:33:32 AM

49741 Posts
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I've got a job that does happen to print TPS reports and full-blown cases of the Mondays. Sadly my boss has never seen the movie.

3/12/2006 1:05:46 AM

All American
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Yea I definitely work with Milton....

3/14/2006 8:29:09 PM

17379 Posts
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yes, 100%, but in a good, funny way.
we play audio clips from the movie over the loudspeaker system thing.

really it's more like seinfeld + office space.

[Edited on March 15, 2006 at 5:16 PM. Reason : ]

3/15/2006 5:15:53 PM

All American
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I have to write monthy reports in TPS format. And major projects are done in TPS.

You see we're a little (dumb and bearuocratic) backed up so ... Yeah Im going to need you to come in on Sunday too..

3/15/2006 11:08:27 PM

All American
39626 Posts
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someone's always trying to steal my calculator or letter opener...i have sticky's on them that say "LK's! DO NOT STEAL!" hahaha

ok now it REALLY felt like it..."HEY! Are you wearing Green tomorrow?!?!?!?!!!!!"

[Edited on March 16, 2006 at 10:23 AM. Reason : sheesh]

3/16/2006 10:19:01 AM

All American
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all the time. Currently i am writing a new batch of 'how to wipe your ass' documents*.

We also had a 2 week long debate in the Business group over what size the company logo in emails should be.

*These are documents that explain in great detail the various things you can do with our application, like how to login, how to change your password, etc.

3/16/2006 10:43:57 AM

25083 Posts
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i technically have 6 bosses - and in theory if i fuckup really big and it had a high visibility - i could get yelled at by all of them - but i've never heard of it happening

pdm/rdm/project team lead/project manager/group specialization team lead/group boss

3/16/2006 11:06:26 AM

All American
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no but I have broken the copier a couple times

3/16/2006 10:53:17 PM

All American
12966 Posts
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i'm in the office maybe 20% of the time

but i don't think my office has the office space funny to it even though i work for a big corporation

we get lots of flare though, so thats cool

3/18/2006 12:42:15 PM

All American
21263 Posts
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yes it does ALL THE TIME

[Edited on March 18, 2006 at 12:46 PM. Reason : ref to topic ?]

3/18/2006 12:46:07 PM

5482 Posts
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Every now and then, when the fax machine is being uncooperative, I'll hear someone go "PC loadletter? What the fuck?"

I chuckle.

3/18/2006 10:40:25 PM

All American
21537 Posts
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not really

i've watched officespace at work, however

3/21/2006 2:42:52 PM

All American
604 Posts
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my boss has a red swingline stapler

3/27/2006 3:29:40 PM

All American
1933 Posts
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I've never heard "It sounds like someone has a case of the 'Mondays'" at my job. Mainly because everybody has every Monday off.

3/27/2006 3:51:08 PM

Duff Man
All American
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i have an initech coffee mug with my callsign on it hanging in the coffee mess.

3/29/2006 7:16:09 PM

All American
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Right now I have somewhere around six immediate supervisors. Never mind the people that are above them.
I'll get told not to do one thing by my supervisors, then three other people and a few analysts will come by and say the same thing.
We always get voluntold to go to these ridiculous awards ceremonies and retirements for people we don't know. Complete with cheap supermarket cake.

3/31/2006 1:19:50 AM

All American
29309 Posts
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I got this email from our health/safety person:

Quote :
"We had a recent complaint from the cleaning folks that there were some unsheathed needles and syringes left in the trash in a bathroom. They could have been stuck with a contaminated needle. If you are taking medicines at work with a needle and syringe - ie. insulin, you cannot put the syringes in the trash. Please see medical for assistance in disposing of your syringes in a safe manner so no one gets injured. This, as all issues in medical, would stay completely confidential. Be responsible with your medications.

3/31/2006 9:42:37 AM

All American
4295 Posts
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Not me, but my bf's is like that... they even have a Wall of Fame

3/31/2006 2:01:52 PM

All American
2554 Posts
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we had cake today. luckily the ratio of people to cake was more than enough.

3/31/2006 4:17:38 PM

All American
3663 Posts
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my job is office space. from the small little cubicle, to the mind numbing paper work, to the copy machine, which for some reason decides who it will let copy today and who it won't

4/13/2006 1:43:09 PM

All American
46641 Posts
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they keep moving my desk

4/13/2006 5:41:29 PM

All American
8453 Posts
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only every god damned miserable day!!

4/13/2006 10:59:32 PM

All American
19676 Posts
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i am getting to the other side of the fence.

this morning, i found some files that had no received date stamped on them.

so i go to my secretary and ask her about it. then i remind her that everything needs to be stamped when received.

then i had another girl here go remind her that everything needs to be stamped when received.

my secretary is like 50 so i dont know if she'll get the reference.

4/27/2006 10:11:40 AM

All American
30102 Posts
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i had a close call the other day

this one broad commented on how my desk didn't have any flare. i just have a certificate from a VC competition I won.

i promptly slapped the taste out of her mouth and told her to finish those IRR calculations

4/27/2006 11:02:41 AM

All American
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I have 5.5 to 7 hours of meetings every thursday. The typical ratio of talking about doing work to actually doing work is somewhere around 5:3.


[Edited on April 27, 2006 at 11:22 AM. Reason : s]

4/27/2006 11:21:42 AM

spaced guy
All American
7834 Posts
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at my old job my boss would call me on the phone from the next cubicle "space"

4/28/2006 5:40:40 PM

All American
2812 Posts
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we have an open plan office so if i need someone, i either roll my chair over, or google talk them, got free beer today around 5pmish, but there are little things that remind me of office space sometimes, mainly the meetings - good god they're long. lets have a meeting to discuss setting up a meeting about a meeting. srsly.

overall, i can't complain

4/28/2006 7:32:55 PM

All American
10491 Posts
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open plans are the worst. no privacy and noise disrupts deep thinking. Personal offices are the best

4/29/2006 2:17:37 AM

All American
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^ I don't mind really, I get to overlook the patio at the ATC in Durham, I don't NEED a private office for anything, and I can still exist in my own little world when I put my headphones on... doesn't bother me in the slightest.

4/29/2006 7:00:51 AM

 Message Boards » Old School » Does Work Ever Seem Like "Office Space" Sometimes? Page [1]  
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