Brass Monkey All American 13560 Posts user info edit post |
The early-mid 90's cartoon was spot on. It's became quite a cultural icon with our generation. The voices were perfect, and the opening theme music is as recognizable as other popular theme music like the Transformers, and Super Mario Bros. I've downloaded nearly all of the episodes, and noticed that the final few episodes in the 5th season or so, they changed up the animation and possibly even Gambit's voice. It didn't look quite as good as the rest of the episodes, especially Beast. His hair looked like it had less detail, and Professor X's chair was different. Also Rogue's hair was weird looking and she wasn't as "curvy" as before. I wonder why they would change it? Seemed odd to me. I have only watched a couple of the X-Men Evolution episodes so far. While okay, it's still doesn't compare to the original cartoon series, but I still have a lot of episodes to go.
I also downloaded a pilot episode for a X-Men cartoon that was created around 88-89. It's episode title was "Pryde of the X-Men". It can be found easily on Bearshare and elsewhere. As most X-Men fans would guess the episode focused on Kitty Pryde. While the animation was pretty good (looked almost exactly like the comics) especially for late eighties, they missed on a lot of things. First off the theme song sucked ass. Second the voices that were chosen were terrible. Wolverine had the voice of an Australian dude that had a dildo shoved up his ass. Professor X didn't sound like his usual compassionate, intellectual self. Magneto sounded like a ruthless killer, instead of sounding like a guy who thought he was doing good for his fellow mutants. Magneto is supposed to be the quintessential anti-hero. You can't really hate him. He just doesn't see eye to eye with Xavier's vision for peace between humans and mutants. This could be comparable to Martin Luther King and say the civil rights leaders that were more militant in their actions. Also Kitty arrives at the mansion for the first time ever and in that same 24 hour period helps fight against Magneto. She's 14 at the time. This all allowed by Prof. X. Now we all know of the many times that Prof. X denied Jubilee the chance to fight due to it being too dangerous. He wouldn't allow Kitty to go up against a mutant as strong as Magneto, when she can barely control her power and is so young. I'm glad this version was never picked up for more episodes.
Just wanted to see what others thought of the animated series, and start some discussion on it. 7/17/2006 7:57:25 AM
ActionPants All American 9877 Posts user info edit post |
doodydoodyDOOOdoot doo doodydoodyDOOOdoot doo doodydoodyDOOOdoot dee
dee do
To put forth an actual opinion: X-Men: The Animated Series was the best superhero cartoon of all time followed closely by Spider-Man and the old WB Batman: The Animates Series cartoon 7/17/2006 8:25:42 AM
hunterb2003 All American 14424 Posts user info edit post |
youve downloaded almost all of them?
can I get a copy? 7/17/2006 8:43:08 AM
FroshKiller All American 51923 Posts user info edit post |
Brass Monkey said:
Quote : | "Magneto sounded like a ruthless killer, instead of sounding like a guy who thought he was doing good for his fellow mutants. Magneto is supposed to be the quintessential anti-hero. You can't really hate him. He just doesn't see eye to eye with Xavier's vision for peace between humans and mutants. This could be comparable to Martin Luther King and say the civil rights leaders that were more militant in their actions." |
Magneto is a ruthless killer. He's a supervillain. You absolutely can hate him. It's not that he "doesn't see eye-to-eye," it's that he believes human beings are an inferior race that deserves nothing better than genocide or absolute subjugation. He took all of Manhattan hostage and set up fucking extermination camps for humans. He's not the Malcolm X to Xavier's King, he's not even the fucking Farrakhan to Xavier's King. He's HITLER. 7/17/2006 9:21:20 AM
cyrion All American 27139 Posts user info edit post |
id agree with actionpants, cept i liked batman better than spiderman. 7/17/2006 10:07:29 AM
DonMega Save TWW 4216 Posts user info edit post |
i just remember watching frickin reruns FOREVER, every saturday i'd hope for a new episode and it was always a rerun. Then they got voted the number 1 cartoon and they had to make a new episode.
i don't really remember any of the episodes though 7/17/2006 10:13:21 AM
jbtilley All American 12803 Posts user info edit post |
For some reason I remember waiting and waiting for this show's first season to start. I'd tune in to see it one week - the start was delayed - I'd play some Sega Genesis, I'd tune in the next week, delayed, Genesis. I remember going through a few months like this. Maybe I'm remembering wrong.
[Edited on July 17, 2006 at 10:43 AM. Reason : -] 7/17/2006 10:42:24 AM
Skallah All American 1128 Posts user info edit post |
Seasons 1-5 are posted on usenet. 7/17/2006 11:07:00 AM
Wraith All American 27293 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah they did a whole bunch of reruns until they finally started the Phoenix Saga, that shit lasted forever. 7/17/2006 11:09:25 AM
methos All American 560 Posts user info edit post |
I liked the show, but I still think Batman TAS is the best comic book cartoon.
Still, Wolverine was funny in that Xmen cartoon. Since he couldn't kill anything other than robots, he'd spend several episodes just extending and retracting his claws while making threats, yet never actually doing anything.
And Rogue was better in that cartoon than any other recent rendition (like the xmen evolution cartoon and recent xmen movies) 7/17/2006 2:03:01 PM
synchrony7 All American 4462 Posts user info edit post |
I have two VHS tapes that came with meals at Pizza Hut, one has the the first two episodes of the series (Night of the Sentinels Part I and II), and I can't remember the names of the episodes on the second tape, but they'd be episodes 3 and 4. 7/17/2006 3:38:12 PM
Nerdchick All American 37009 Posts user info edit post |
I like X-men Evolution 7/17/2006 4:23:39 PM
AxlBonBach All American 45553 Posts user info edit post |
Batman TAS was my favorite
but X-men follows closely behind... with Justice League a strong third. 7/17/2006 5:30:22 PM
Brass Monkey All American 13560 Posts user info edit post |
FroshKiller, while a supervillain I agree, Magneto is moreso an antihero. He saw all of this violence as a child, and has seen all of the persecution of mutants which made him what he is today. He figures that mutants and humans can't live peacefully. So he figures he can protect his fellow mutants and help them one day live in peace by eliminating those that persecute them. He built Asteroid M as a sanctuary for mutants. Magneto seeks peace but through unethical actions. He believes his intentions are good, and they are for mutants, but they aren't for the world as a whole. If you were to look up antihero in a dictionary, Magneto's picture would appear. It's funny b/c Magneto has been portrayed in comics in so many ways. Supervillain, antihero, and actual hero. Besides is he that much wrong in thinking that the human race is inferior to mutants? Thanks for the thoughtful discussion. This is what I was looking for.  7/17/2006 5:41:05 PM
AxlBonBach All American 45553 Posts user info edit post |
Magneto doesn't seek peace, he seeks the end of mankind and the rule of Mutants.
[Edited on July 17, 2006 at 5:43 PM. Reason : and i'm pretty sure Snake Plissken is next to "Anti-Hero" in the dictionary] 7/17/2006 5:42:25 PM
EnderJRD All American 25300 Posts user info edit post |
Magneto doesn't seek peace. Why do you always think they bring up his suffering through the holocaust? It's because he has blinded himself to what he has become. He has turned into the ultimate monster that he hates. One who will destroy everyone that he feel superior to.
The only reason he's generally so courteous to Xavier isn't just because they used to be friends. It's also because Xavier is superior to everyone else in Magneto's twisted eyes. 7/17/2006 5:52:47 PM
testrada All American 1692 Posts user info edit post |
I downloaded all the seasons for my roommate to watch since he has never seen them; he watched them for about three days straight. We got to the final season where halfway through the animation and some of the voices changed and that shit became unbearable. 7/17/2006 5:54:13 PM
OmarBadu zidik 25083 Posts user info edit post |
and knowing is half the battle 7/17/2006 6:15:31 PM
Brass Monkey All American 13560 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^exactly. see Magneto seeks a peaceful world for mutants by eliminating those that persectute them and make their lives miserable. extreme yes, but he does have good intentions for his people. Hitler had all the power of his country, and persecuted a minority that was innocent of any wrong doing. Magneto fights for a minority that was being persecuted by the majority. He attacks back at the group that is attacking his people, even if some of them are innocent. Magneto uses the thought of "kill them all, kill them all, let God sort them out" when attacking the humans. He doesn't have the time nor the patience to sift through the good humans to find the bad ones.
[Edited on July 17, 2006 at 6:22 PM. Reason : ] 7/17/2006 6:21:24 PM
FroshKiller All American 51923 Posts user info edit post |
Conan is an anti-hero. He's a thieving savage whose natural endowments and primitive nobility lead him to perform feats so great that they overshadow his flaws. Magneto is a hypocritical piece of mass-murdering shit. 7/17/2006 7:21:36 PM
urge311 All American 3026 Posts user info edit post |
oooo i think i get to call out frosh it was some sort of magneto imposter that took NY hostage a couple years ago in the books. 7/17/2006 8:52:16 PM
Penzoate Veteran 267 Posts user info edit post |
Does anyone notice the profound similarities between the xmen characters magneto and Xavier , and between real life civil rights activists Martin Luther king and Malcolm X. Its like the now dead civil rights activits have a continueing active afterlife in x-men comic books 7/17/2006 8:57:13 PM
Brass Monkey All American 13560 Posts user info edit post |

i've got to say that that is one of the most badass covers ever for a comic book. i've got that issue, and read it so many times that the cover started to get loose. i had to restaple it.
7/17/2006 9:28:15 PM
Brass Monkey All American 13560 Posts user info edit post |

that's a badass pic of Magneto. i think it was a cover on an old X-Men comic.
anyone know if they've released the entire animated series on DVD?
yep it is a cover.

[Edited on July 18, 2006 at 1:43 PM. Reason : cover]
7/18/2006 1:42:21 PM
Lokken All American 13361 Posts user info edit post |
^w00t i have that comic. Magneto was always my favorite xmen character 7/18/2006 4:13:12 PM
Brass Monkey All American 13560 Posts user info edit post |
there's actually a bunch of different versions of the cover of that comic. 7/18/2006 4:52:28 PM
synergizer All American 3591 Posts user info edit post |
dammit, they changed the site. it sucks now. i swear it used to have X-Men and the Tick. i bought the Eek the cat series here before they gayed it up...
[Edited on July 18, 2006 at 5:12 PM. Reason : bastards] 7/18/2006 4:59:29 PM
Brass Monkey All American 13560 Posts user info edit post | 7/19/2006 4:37:32 AM
leftyisreal All American 2145 Posts user info edit post |
Is there anywhere one can get the animated series on DVD? 7/19/2006 7:38:25 AM
Brass Monkey All American 13560 Posts user info edit post |
i've never seen it anywhere. i do remember that pizza hut VHS deal though, back in the day. Marvel would make a shit ton of money if they did release all of the seasons on DVD though. especially if they included a lot of extra stuff as well. 7/21/2006 3:41:04 AM
Money_Jones Ohhh Farts 12561 Posts user info edit post |
dont think its on dvd, but if you feel like taking the illegal route, i know a number of people that have downloaded the entire series, so it seems to be readily available that way 7/21/2006 3:52:32 AM
Brass Monkey All American 13560 Posts user info edit post |
yeah that's the way i got all of the episodes. i don't know if it's technically illegal since it is all files converted from tapings/dvr's of the show. i mean can they really regulate stuff like that. soon after the Chappelle's Show Lost Episodes aired i saw them on YouTube. 7/21/2006 3:55:46 AM
hadrian All American 1137 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Also Kitty arrives at the mansion for the first time ever and in that same 24 hour period helps fight against Magneto. She's 14 at the time. This all allowed by Prof. X. Now we all know of the many times that Prof. X denied Jubilee the chance to fight due to it being too dangerous." |
That's almost as unthinkable as Xavier sending a sixteen year old Bobby on a mission with the rest of the team who at most were about 22 the first time they ever face Magneto. Or forming a new team made up of mostly teens when his team disappears in space. Yeah, that's a very out there story for the X-men. 7/21/2006 5:11:57 AM
Brass Monkey All American 13560 Posts user info edit post |
well i mean she hadn't even really learned how to control her powers in that episode. she was accidentally phasing through Cerebro and all. besides i thought 16 was the age in which most mutants fully learn how to control their powers, which is kind of funny since that's when most teenagers start rounding out sexually in real life. i just thought it was odd he'd let her go, while having pretty much no experience, and didn't even really know how to control her powers. i understand what you are saying though, and i agree.
[Edited on July 21, 2006 at 5:20 AM. Reason : ] 7/21/2006 5:20:03 AM
ActionPants All American 9877 Posts user info edit post |
Also, Jubilee was pretty useless except as an extra target. 7/21/2006 8:31:45 AM
Brass Monkey All American 13560 Posts user info edit post |
haha. so true. the only time when she was really effective during her young age was when she got really emotional. ooh look at me, i can shoot you with a blast of fireworks, and even blind you. man i never understood why Rogue and Gambit couldn't just get one of those collars that knock out a mutants powers so that they could hook up. imagine gambit trying to hit it without the collar. he'd be like damn this is some good pussy. cherie you're draining my energy and cum faster than any woman ever.  7/21/2006 9:19:29 AM
StateIsGreat All American 2838 Posts user info edit post |
I loved this show. It would be my sole reason to getting up before noon on Saturday mornings, but sometimes I'd oversleep and miss an episode, wondering if it was a rerun or if they actually aired a new episode. I missed most of the revamped animation episodes, but the ones I saw were really low key plotwise.
My favorite episodes are the Phoenix Saga ones. If I recall correctly, I think they all aired for a week straight during the usual afterschool lineup. I was excited; new episodes of X-Men for an entire week, and afterschool?! I also really liked the episode about Rogue and how she got her superhuman powers. X-Men and Spider-Man need to be put on DVD's.
Is it just me, or did Hugh Jackman portray Wolverine perfectly from the cartoon? 7/21/2006 10:42:37 AM
Brass Monkey All American 13560 Posts user info edit post |
he was pretty damn good in the movies. i surely wasn't complaining. now the fact that Juggernaut lost his "mutant" powers when he got close to that one mutant kid, was something i couldn't get over. he got his powers from the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak. he wasn't a damn mutant. plus how can you have the Dark Phoenix with out the good Phoenix? the movies were entertaining, but i wish they would have stayed truer to the comic.  7/21/2006 10:54:13 AM
EnderJRD All American 25300 Posts user info edit post |
So they're supposed to throw a random villain with magical powers without some explanation in the X-Men movie? It sucked, but they had no choice but to make him a mutant. Otherwise they'd have had to make some major plot changes.
The movie was so-so anyways. 7/21/2006 11:09:40 AM
Brass Monkey All American 13560 Posts user info edit post |
well they could have just not put the juggernaut in in that case. 7/21/2006 5:42:41 PM
Money_Jones Ohhh Farts 12561 Posts user info edit post |
i just wanted them to put a shot where prof x and jugs gave eachother a look, thats all they needed, and for those that knew they were step siblings i think they would have appreciated that, and for those that didnt know, it wouldnt have meant anything and they would have never thought anything of it, but instead it was another thing they decided not to even deal with 7/22/2006 1:14:09 AM
skokiaan All American 26447 Posts user info edit post |

7/22/2006 1:32:58 AM
bcvaugha All American 2587 Posts user info edit post |
i would always sneak away from work as a child (no child labor laws for farm kids) and watch it at 11. great show 7/22/2006 10:13:58 AM
Lewizzle All American 14393 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Batman TAS was my favorite
but X-men follows closely behind... with Justice League a strong third." |
I'll agree. 7/22/2006 4:15:52 PM
Money_Jones Ohhh Farts 12561 Posts user info edit post |
We back!!!!! First 2 episodes of a new season on Disney+ today. Haven’t watched yet, but plan to on my lunch break. Apparently picks up exactly where it left off 3/20/2024 7:45:41 AM
Money_Jones Ohhh Farts 12561 Posts user info edit post |
First 2 episodes are great! The theme/intro is mostly the same (which is very good because the original theme/intro is an all time great, would have been very dumb to get rid of or change it significantly). Cyclops is still kind of a stuck up douche, but they showed him using his powers in some interesting new ways that actually made him kinda bad ass 3/20/2024 4:04:55 PM
Brass Monkey All American 13560 Posts user info edit post |
Wow it is interesting to see such an old topic of mine being bumped. Watching the first episode right now. 3/20/2024 9:22:51 PM
StTexan NO BOOZE NO CIGS! 8130 Posts user info edit post |
^^did it involve him shooting his laser beam into a device that amplified it hardcord and he like destroyed all kinds of shit? 3/20/2024 10:28:24 PM
Money_Jones Ohhh Farts 12561 Posts user info edit post |
No 3/21/2024 6:25:25 AM
marko Tom Joad 72872 Posts user info edit post |
I always wanted to "love" the X-Men cartoon, but I never felt it truly gave me that Jim Lee vibe I loved in the same the way the 90s Batman/Batman Beyond/Batman+Superman/JLI mixed Fleischer Superman/Jack Kirby/Alex Toth and just really came out genre-defining.
I remember seeing Pryde of the X-Men live on tv. The animation was fucking off-the-hook beautiful, but it was def the X-Men of the 80s, and not what happened soon after.
This new toon looks pretty frigging tight. 3/21/2024 3:28:48 PM