DZAndrea All American 26946 Posts user info edit post |
I'll be in NYC for a week in August! I would love a place to stay since I don't want to listen to my friend bwn for a week. HELP! 7/25/2006 10:41:28 PM
TKE-Teg All American 43431 Posts user info edit post |
You can crash at my place baby
Seriously, you can. 7/28/2006 1:26:17 PM
abonorio All American 9344 Posts user info edit post |
aww two greeks... ain't that cute. 7/28/2006 1:35:14 PM
TKE-Teg All American 43431 Posts user info edit post |
well not only do I live in NYC, I actually know Andrea. Crazy I know! 
7/28/2006 1:40:35 PM
DZAndrea All American 26946 Posts user info edit post |
Seriously, I can?
I will seriously owe you forever. 7/28/2006 2:22:04 PM
MajrShorty All American 2812 Posts user info edit post |
I want to see the Andrea
and i'm only 3 hrs away now  7/28/2006 4:16:19 PM
DZAndrea All American 26946 Posts user info edit post |
where are you living now lovertits? 
[Edited on July 28, 2006 at 4:20 PM. Reason : yay] 7/28/2006 4:20:47 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148896 Posts user info edit post |
you can stay with me
i'm only 10 hours away  7/28/2006 5:08:58 PM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
so i met these girls from nyc this week.
today i got the "next time you are in the city, call us up we owe you some drinks" deal.
any of you wanna provide a "well i just happened to be in the city" deal in a few weeks? im only comming up from philly area.
you know, we'll run the "friends from school" bit 7/28/2006 7:52:12 PM
DZAndrea All American 26946 Posts user info edit post |
You're near Philly now? Seriously, come up that would be so much fun!!!

i'm so freakin excited!!!       7/28/2006 8:27:17 PM
MajrShorty All American 2812 Posts user info edit post |
^ charlotte for now - moving to NYC in a year or two perhaps? 7/29/2006 5:07:57 PM
sNuwPack All American 6519 Posts user info edit post |
I moved to the city a month ago, anyone in this thread that would want to get some drinks or whatever just let me know.
pilgrim, I could take you to some decent poker clubs, not sure what limit you play these days. 7/31/2006 12:20:29 PM
DZAndrea All American 26946 Posts user info edit post |
Hey sNuw, PM me your phone number. I'll be staying with TKE-Teg, and it would be nice to meet ya! 
[Edited on July 31, 2006 at 12:30 PM. Reason : i get my tags confused!] 7/31/2006 12:24:56 PM
sNuwPack All American 6519 Posts user info edit post |
pm sent 7/31/2006 12:26:23 PM
TKE-Teg All American 43431 Posts user info edit post |
hehe, a TWW meet n greet in the big apple would be entertaining. plus i need some new contacts 7/31/2006 1:52:23 PM
pirate5311 All American 1047 Posts user info edit post |
NEW YORK CITY?!?!?! 7/31/2006 4:11:13 PM
sNuwPack All American 6519 Posts user info edit post |
yea, it could be fun 7/31/2006 6:05:26 PM
ZiP All American 18939 Posts user info edit post |
i'm down, fellas.
-ZiP!- 7/31/2006 8:27:46 PM
DZAndrea All American 26946 Posts user info edit post |
Ok I've been looking at maps all night so I can have a general idea of where the hell I am
What are your suggestions on getting back to Queens at night? If I'm going out with other people, how can I get home safe. I'm assuming the only way is a cab, but that seems hella expensive  7/31/2006 10:20:08 PM
TKE-Teg All American 43431 Posts user info edit post |
PM sent 7/31/2006 10:53:53 PM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
id do it.
im going to be in texas on business m-f the week of aug. 14th however..
but any other time 8/1/2006 12:57:43 AM
sNuwPack All American 6519 Posts user info edit post |
dz, it really depends what part of queens you are going to, but I'd say just take a train. I take trains to harlem at like 3:30 in the morn and don't have a problem
one time I passed out on the subway ground, woke up in time to got on the train, fell asleep again, woke up in the bronx, rode the train back down, and didn't get home until 6:30am and still had my wallet and stuff, haha
kind of a crazy story, there's a lot more to it, but it would take a long time to type. 8/1/2006 8:49:19 AM
super ben All American 508 Posts user info edit post |
It's easier in Brooklyn. I usually wake up in the new Coney Island station and fall back asleep. You don't even have to change trains.
We were up at 135th and 12th the other day for Dinosaur BBQ. West Harlem is one of the places we are looking at for Oct 1st when our lease is up. How is it living up there?
[Edited on August 1, 2006 at 9:08 AM. Reason : 12th?] 8/1/2006 9:07:12 AM
TKE-Teg All American 43431 Posts user info edit post |
^eek! Call me a chicken, but I haven't ventured further northn that 100th street, lol. Well, during the day at least
I'm in Astoria. Its a cakewalk for her. 8/1/2006 1:30:16 PM
sNuwPack All American 6519 Posts user info edit post |
up to 120on broadway is completely fine, it's still considered the upper west side, when you move further east the northern border shrinks to about the high 90s I guess, but I really wouldn't say w harlem is THAT different than astoria, except instead of brazilians and russians, you have black people, which I guess might matter for some
we are definetly moving south once I graduate and get a job though
^^send me a pm with questions, and I'd be happy to try to help. 8/1/2006 1:50:03 PM
super ben All American 508 Posts user info edit post |
BTTT! Todd P is throwing a party in Bushwick tonight with a shit ton of bands and there's a fundraiser somewhere for squatters who got thrown out of their "houses." Where's everybody going? Where are the open bars!? 8/4/2006 3:49:34 PM
TKE-Teg All American 43431 Posts user info edit post |
^^I haven't noticed any Russians, unless I've accidentally grouped them together with the Greeks, who dominate the entire area of Astoria. Yeah, lot of Brazilians too. 
[Edited on August 7, 2006 at 1:31 PM. Reason : f] 8/7/2006 1:31:31 PM
DZAndrea All American 26946 Posts user info edit post |
SUPER EXCITED!!! 8/7/2006 2:40:23 PM
scud All American 10804 Posts user info edit post |
I interviewed with Merryl Lynch today... 8/7/2006 2:41:23 PM
super ben All American 508 Posts user info edit post |
Bushwick was crazy. 100+ drunk people in a warehouse in the middle of the summer =  8/7/2006 3:57:41 PM
sNuwPack All American 6519 Posts user info edit post |
^^what for?
yea, i actually know a girl from greece in astoria, she says it reminds her a lot of home 8/7/2006 5:43:02 PM
scud All American 10804 Posts user info edit post |
software engineer position in the equity derivatives group 8/7/2006 10:23:51 PM
sNuwPack All American 6519 Posts user info edit post |
cool, are you on the desk?
oh nevermind, you just interviewed, would you be then?
[Edited on August 7, 2006 at 10:46 PM. Reason : fdgd] 8/7/2006 10:46:13 PM
TKE-Teg All American 43431 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^yeah you should do that at a beach instead 8/8/2006 1:30:44 PM
sNuwPack All American 6519 Posts user info edit post |
should i know what or who the fuck bushwich is? 8/8/2006 1:41:59 PM
TKE-Teg All American 43431 Posts user info edit post |
I'm pretty sure its part of Brooklyn. A part i've never been to.
[Edited on August 8, 2006 at 1:57 PM. Reason : t] 8/8/2006 1:57:18 PM
ssjamind All American 30102 Posts user info edit post |
Bushwick Ave...the not too terrible part of Flatbush
 8/8/2006 2:01:25 PM
super ben All American 508 Posts user info edit post |
^^ Aren't you in Greenpoint? Bushwick is a few stops into BK on the L. Morgan, Montrose, Jefferson. Its mostly just warehouses from what we saw. No real reason to go there. 8/8/2006 2:37:54 PM
TKE-Teg All American 43431 Posts user info edit post |
I actually thought it was part of (or near) Flatbush.
I don't venture into Brooklyn. Not that I have anything against it, but I live in Queens so I spend a lot of time there and I really enjoy Manhattan as well.
Yes I work in Greenpoint, right near the corner of Greenpoint & Manhattan Ave. They're actually filming a scene for a TV drama literally in front of our building today. 8/9/2006 1:47:06 PM
budman97420 All American 4126 Posts user info edit post |
Will be there on the 11th after buffet looking to get wild at bars and what not. 8/10/2006 4:41:11 AM
TKE-Teg All American 43431 Posts user info edit post |
That the Jones Beach show or MSG? 8/10/2006 1:30:46 PM
DZAndrea All American 26946 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on August 10, 2006 at 3:28 PM. Reason : omg!] 8/10/2006 3:28:13 PM
sNuwPack All American 6519 Posts user info edit post |
a muted penis after seeing you in the shower? 8/10/2006 4:00:40 PM