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 Message Boards » » got an ipod / harddrive / etc question Page [1]  
56200 Posts
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Hard to explain on here... if anyone is really familiar with how itunes/ipod communicates with hard drives let me know, we can talk on messenger

8/14/2006 9:27:31 PM

22518 Posts
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database based on id3 tags

not really that complicated

8/14/2006 9:37:16 PM

22518 Posts
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what are you trying to do?

8/14/2006 9:39:36 PM

56200 Posts
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ok, had all my cds ripped onto my hard drive, along with a few songs bought off of itunes

said hard drive died on me, cant recover anything

still have all songs on my ipod... any way to get those onto a new harddrive from the ipod?

also, if I use an external hard drive to store my songs on for now on, can I also store/run itunes off of there? basically making it where I can take that harddrive and copy of itunes anywhere?

8/14/2006 9:41:15 PM

22518 Posts
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well you can get all your songs off the ipod by going into folder options under control panel and selecting show hidden files and folders

then plug the ipod up to the computer and go into my computer and click on the drive of the ipod and just start looking around and youll find all your music

to use an external harddrive, youll just have to get it when you sync the ipod and itunes, just set itunes to use the external drive

so get a the harddrive you want, and then open itunes, plug in the ipod and bam, the music will go where you tell itunes to put it

8/14/2006 9:46:31 PM

56200 Posts
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hey, do you have yahoo messenger?

8/14/2006 9:50:49 PM

22518 Posts
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no, but this is really easy

under the options in itunes you can select where you want itunes to store your music

just select whatever drive and folder you want like x:\music where x is the drive you choose

then sync the ipod with the computer and you should be gold

8/14/2006 9:54:55 PM

56200 Posts
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but itunes is a bitch when it comes to keeping track of shit, like if I plug my ipod into another compouter with a different copy of itunes, it will erase all my shit off of the ipod and replace it with whatever is on that itunes.

so if I have the songs and itunes on an external hard drive, could I plug that into any computer and run itunes off of there? or would itunes have to installed on that comptuers hard drive?

8/14/2006 10:00:48 PM

22518 Posts
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probably not because of the changes to the registry that it makes

8/14/2006 10:05:38 PM

56200 Posts
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probably not which part?

8/14/2006 10:08:25 PM

22518 Posts
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probably cant have itunes installed to an external harddrive and plug it into a different computer than the one used to install it

if you have a problem with itunes overwriting your songs when you plug it into a different computer, you need to make sure that in preferences under the ipod tab that you have selected manually manage songs and playlists

8/14/2006 10:10:19 PM

56200 Posts
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Quote :
"well you can get all your songs off the ipod by going into folder options under control panel and selecting show hidden files and folders

then plug the ipod up to the computer and go into my computer and click on the drive of the ipod and just start looking around and youll find all your music

will it keep all the track listing and song info?

8/14/2006 10:17:34 PM

22518 Posts
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thats all stored in the files

but i wouldnt mess with that until you have used itunes to sync the music up with your other harddrvie

8/14/2006 10:19:27 PM

56200 Posts
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all the files have weird names now, like FO1, F02 etc

8/14/2006 10:31:10 PM

22518 Posts
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well yeah

thats just how itunes and the ipod handle the music

all your files are going to be all over the place

8/14/2006 10:33:57 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
11612 Posts
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iTunes sucks...don't use it

8/15/2006 1:46:28 PM

All American
34461 Posts
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iTunes is the best.

To make sure it doesn't erase the songs, just go in to the options and check "manually manage music" or something like that for the iPod so it doesn't automatically sync.

8/15/2006 1:49:53 PM

the Dr is in
3848 Posts
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so the "manually manage songs and playlists" is in the iTunes options, not iPod options, right?

if i did turn on manual control, i could connect to my roomies' laptop and upload the music he has stored via his copy of iTunes?


8/17/2006 9:08:55 AM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » got an ipod / harddrive / etc question Page [1]  
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