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All American
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I checked this guy's site out, and I'm glad I did. It really opened my eyes as to who exactly controls our everyday lives.

Quote :
"The essay which follows was sent to a highly-intelligent friend of long standing. He refused to read it, saying only that he was "content to remain ignorant of that topic [Jews], as on 99% of the things in this world", in spite of conceding that "tho of course it must contain much truth". Unfortunately, there is nothing at all unusual in my friend's behavior. It is what I call the HITS (Head-In-The-Sand) reaction -- the hope that all will be well if the problem at issue can just manage to be ignored. And it is to be conceded that this approach sometimes works -- my friend is getting on in years, and he may well end up as food for worms before the Jewish Question -- ie, the question of what dangers are posed by Jews to America and to Western (gentile) civilization generally, if any -- ever substantively arises in his life. For those of us without one foot in the grave, however, the ugly fact is that the Jewish Question is one of the most important issues of the day, and it is precisely this fact which the present essay seeks to demonstrate. The Jewish Question is important, however, in a way in which other vital problems are not, because of the Great Taboo on even discussing it. In fact, the Jewish Question has become a sort of a benchmark of intellectual freedom: Whenever there is an inability to fully and freely discuss this issue, intellectual freedom has been severely compromised.

Now most people don't give a tinker's damn about intellectual freedom, which is hardly surprising since most people don't have much of an intellect to be free with -- after all, half the population -- and 85% of blacks -- have an IQ below 100. But even for most of the more cerebral types, intellectual freedom doesn't usually mean much because their minds are so fossilized with conventional ideas that the chance of a new one finding an entree is about as likely as the chance of finding a negro competent in brain surgery. For the small remainder of us, however, intellectual freedom is almost as vital as breathing. For us, truth is the goal, no matter whose ox gets gored, whose ass gets kicked, or whose sacred cow gets turned into shishkebob. Truth-seeking, it is to be admitted, can be a risky business -- the history of mankind is littered with the corpses of dissenters and heretics, and there is only the thin blue line of civilization which stands between the truth-seeker and the barbarity of most other men.

Lest I be misunderstood, I do not wish to excessively denigrate those who are unwilling to break the Great Taboo -- it is simply too frightening for most men to risk jobs or social disapproval over an issue which seems so far removed from their everyday concerns. Nor, for that matter, do I wish to excessively denigrate those who break the Great Taboo out of hatred, even tho I am not one to share that hate: It takes guts to break a taboo, and when all the pasty-faced intellectuals have run for cover, the only ones left to join in battle are those who think with their abdominal structures. And make no mistake: The usual epithets applied to those who break the Great Taboo -- "hater", "bigot", "antisemite" and the like -- are powerful anathemas which only the strong can endure, in spite of the fact that those who hurl such epithets are usually far better described as bigots and haters than those whom they seek to harm.

Besides the issue of intellectual freedom, the importance of the Jewish Question is significantly similar to intellectual conundrums like the Paradox of Irrelevant Information, which I have recently spent much time discussing with a gaggle of Mensans and other high-IQ types. This importance is due to the fact that the investigations of both the Jewish Question and intellectual conundrums such as the PII represent explorations at the frontier of man's capacities -- an intellectual frontier in the case of the intellectual conundrums, and an emotional and social frontier in the case of the Jewish Question. Explorations at such frontiers often demonstrate interesting and unanticipated things, and offer the possibility of opening up entirely new vistas and perspectives. But at the very least such explorations separate the scientific from the sciolistic, and the rational from the rationalizers.

The tragedy of those who, like my friend, are comfortable with the HITS posture, is that they will never have the chance to evaluate material which -- even if only partially true -- implies quite simply that we are all immersed in an ocean of lies which significantly skew our perspective and leave us out of touch in a major way with what is really happening in the world. And while in some sense the effect of the present essay will be to unmask the hidden activity of organized Jewry, in a more important sense the effect will be to unmask the extent of our own sordid and egregious ignorance.

You can run from this essay, but you cannot run from the truth it represents -- you can only hope, like my friend, that it does not catch up with you.


wow, i cant wait to dig further

[Edited on October 24, 2006 at 4:32 PM. Reason : .]

10/24/2006 4:27:47 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The second big issue of the century. Liberalism has become the religion of the modern world, and yet there has never been a liberal program which has worked. What is worse, liberalism is illogical and self-contradictory, and fits every ugly description which liberals use to smear their enemies. Here are some outstanding pieces by the Birdman on why the only good liberal is a dead liberal. "

I've seen the light

10/24/2006 4:34:42 PM

All American
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true man of the people

10/24/2006 4:35:35 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Another example of him fighting oppression. This time in the form of a flyer demanding that he be allowed to feed pigeons in front of a neighbors house (thats right, the home of the infamous Doctor Obnoxious).

Quote :
"The following is a flyer distributed in the Sunset Park neighborhood about 10/29/00.

Note: Paul Knox is the person identified as 'Doctor Obnoxious'.

Dear friends and neighbors:

I thought you might want to know some details about an obnoxious neighbor. He (along with his wife and children) resides in the house at the corner of Park and 1st Av S, directly across from (and facing) Sunset Park. Unfortunately we have not yet been able to determine his name, but since he claims to be a doctor of some sort (perhaps a witch doctor), we shall simply refer to him here as Doctor Obnoxious. And while he may indeed hold some sort of medical credential, his behavior indicates that he is neither particularly bright nor particularly knowledgeable about medical matters. He also doesn't know much about winning friends and influencing people, and is apparently unconcerned about keeping his word. Here's the story:

For the past three or four years my wife and I have been feeding pigeons in the morning at Sunset Park. During this time we have had many friendly encounters with neighborhood people, while having only one person who has expressed objection to our activities -- objection which he has expressed on several occasions by screaming obscene epithets as he drives by. We are of course regretful that such a lunatic is in the neighborhood, but we console ourselves by remembering that there is always one in every crowd, so it has not been a matter of special concern.

But now emerges Doctor Obnoxious, who moved here several months ago, and who on Thursday decided to unburden himself of the belief that our pigeons were threatening the health of his children because there have been cases of pigeons who carry a disease called psittacosis (parrot fever), and because this disease can sometimes be transferred from animals to humans. The notion that there is any threat to this man's children, however, is complete nonsense. As I pointed out to him, psittacosis is a very rare disease -- so rare, in fact, that his kids have more chance of getting leprosy -- or getting run over when crossing the street to the park -- than acquiring psittacosis (there were only two cases in the last 5 years in Florida). Similar statistics hold for other diseases which pigeons could theoretically transfer to humans. Or to put the matter another way, the chance of his kids getting psittacosis is just about as close to zero as possible without actually being zero. (I emphasize this point because one passer-by who engaged in discussion with me about the situation expressed the quite silly notion that, even with there being only two cases of psittacosis in the last 5 years, Doctor Obnoxious was right to be worried about one of his kids becoming Case Three.)

In the course of our Thursday conversation, I asked Doctor Obnoxious what would satisfy him regarding my bird-feeding activities, and we came to the agreement that in exchange for his not bothering us, we would move our activities down to the next tree, about 30 feet away. Or at least I thought we reached this agreement, and so did my wife, particularly because I queried Doctor Obnoxious a second time about what he would be satisfied with, and was given the same answer. But the next day, after I had given him a letter which -- among other things -- restated our agreement, he belligerently claimed that the agreement specified that we were to move all the way to the end of the block. That would actually have been just fine with me, except that it was not what we agreed. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I believe that an honorable man keeps his word except under extraordinary circumstances. (The passer-by mentioned above who expressed the silly notion that there was good reason for Doctor Obnoxious to be worried about one of his kids becoming Psittacosis Case Three also seemed to think that keeping one's word is unimportant -- in his awkward phrase, 'Agreements change'. To that I would say: Keeping one's word is at the very heart of human social interaction -- if you don't believe it, ask any divorcee -- and when there are people who shrug off this matter with a remark like 'Agreements change', you can be pretty sure that society is in serious trouble -- as indeed it is with a serially dishonorable man like Bill Clinton as chief of state.) And if Doctor Obnoxious really had misunderstood our agreement, he could have acknowledged that possibility in a courteous manner rather than presenting me with a face-full of non- negotiable demands. So in my book, Doctor Obnoxious is not merely ignorant (about disease risk), arrogant (about refusing to acknowledge that my activities are posing him no risk) and belligerent (when he doesn't get his way, and when his ego has been wounded by someone showing up his ignorance), but also dishonorable. Pretty nice guy, huh?

And speaking of nice guys, Doctor Obnoxious became even nicer today (Saturday) when he spent an hour clownishly clacking two boards together trying to scare away my pigeons from the park. What I am getting at is, feeding birds in the parks of St Pete is not only legal, but specifically permitted by law, but the ignorant, arrogant, belligerent, dishonorable and clownish Doctor Obnoxious decided that he would force me to either not feed them, or else to move down to the end of the block. So now, in addition to his dirty laundry list of other endearing qualities, Doctor Obnoxious is also a lawbreaker (by disturbing the peace and harassing law-abiding citizens). Like I said, a really nice guy.

Now I am aware that some of you may possibly be pigeon-haters, and thus would sympathize with Doctor Obnoxious. If that is the case, I'm sorry, but my guess is that it probably results from ignorance. For example, we have already mentioned the falsity of the claim that pigeons spread disease. Another frequent false claim is that pigeons mess on cars (this is rare -- the culprit is usually gulls, who drop while flying). A third objection is that pigeon nests can be messy because they contain the young's droppings, but this is not a problem as long as you don't leave cubbyholes, balconies or other sheltered places for them to roost in. (And anyway, the droppings are not particularly bothersome to the birds, as they quickly harden into a sort of glue-like binding for the nest.) And I think that about covers it.

Now some of you may think that this situation is much ado about nothing, since the problem can presumably be solved by me and my wife moving our bird-feeding to the end of the block. (This was the sentiment of the passer-by mentioned above, who said we should be 'big-minded' and give in to Doctor Obnoxious' demands.) And since that is what we have decided to do, that may indeed solve it. But giving in to Dr Obnoxious is not a simple matter of being 'big-minded', because it poses a special problem. In particular, by giving in -- in whatever small way -- to an arrogant, ignorant, belligerent, dishonorable and clownish law-breaker, we do something which may be interpreted as a sign of weakness and lack of courage; and such a circumstance is always an invitation to attack. But we are going to do it anyway, much as we find it distasteful, and see what happens. In particular, we told Doctor Obnoxious that we were going to swear out a warrant against him with the police, but we have decided now to hold off on this unless he bothers us further. We are, however, putting out this letter with a view to shaming him in the eyes of his neighbors, since we feel compelled to respond to his action with something that lets him know we are neither weak nor cowards, and that we will give him tit for tat if he bothers us."

[Edited on October 24, 2006 at 4:36 PM. Reason : .]

10/24/2006 4:36:25 PM

All American
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Holy Christ, I just realized that my friend Sara lives a couple blocks from this place

Quote :
"Abstract: The City Council passed an emergency ordinance Thursday banning public urination and defecation on city property - all in response to a man who dons goggles, feeds pigeons and then dumps his urine in a public park.



Please Duke, for the love of God and in the name of free speech, leave this open. This man must be discussed and held up for all to see...THE TRUTH

[Edited on October 24, 2006 at 4:39 PM. Reason : .]

10/24/2006 4:37:33 PM

All American
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Quote :
"FACT: The average white IQ is 100; the average American black IQ is 85; the average African black IQ is 70 (borderline retarded). There has never been a civilization worthy of the name founded by blacks, and blacks have not even been able to retain the civilizations which have been created for them by whites ("white colonialism"). "

10/24/2006 4:39:33 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"The man and his wife, who were not identified at the council meeting Thursday, visit a park at Sunset Drive and Central Avenue every morning. They sit back-to- back on a blanket dressed in sweatsuits, don goggles and set out bird seed. Pigeons swarm all over them, some from the sky, others apparently arriving with them in their car.

Later, the man takes off his sweatsuit, urinates into a container in the car while his wife holds a blanket around him. Then they dump the urine into the park, said Neighborhood Partnership director Susie Ajoc."

10/24/2006 4:40:39 PM

All American
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i'd totally trust the words of a man who shits himself in the name of FREEDOM

10/24/2006 4:41:02 PM

All American
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America stands for freedom
but if you think you're free
try walking into a park, and urinating on the pigeons!

10/24/2006 4:42:31 PM

All American
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Quote :
"IN PARTICULAR, liberals want to take away my guns, my property rights, my home school, my cigarettes, my fast foods, my unapproved cancer cure, my Confederate flag, my white-pride sticker, my eagle feathers, my moment of silence, my gas-guzzler, and my big flush toilet. "

10/24/2006 4:43:15 PM

Mr. Joshua
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but wouldn't liberals allow public urination?

10/24/2006 4:44:50 PM

All American
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liberals took away my right to masturbate in public!!!!!!!!!!!!

10/24/2006 4:45:43 PM

All American
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"In my view, Christians are a bunch of hypocrites; for I have heard many men loudly proclaim that they love Jesus, but not one who would say that, if Jesus asked them, they would suck his dick." --JBR Yant

10/24/2006 4:47:34 PM

All American
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Quote :
"but wouldn't liberals allow public urination?"

No, you can hold it out and shake it around, but you better just be playing with it.

10/24/2006 4:56:59 PM

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