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 Message Boards » » People who make more than 50k a year... Page [1] 2 3 4, Next  
All American
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When did you graduate and what did you major in? Any other education?

Cause I'm really damn jealous and I want your job!

1/25/2007 10:45:54 AM

All American
9030 Posts
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class of 01

mba in 2005

1/25/2007 11:21:56 AM

All American
13239 Posts
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class of 04

currently pursuing a master in econ and public policy

1/25/2007 11:24:03 AM

All American
5093 Posts
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Environmental Engineering

Class of 04

1/25/2007 11:27:57 AM

25083 Posts
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December '04

Computer Science


1/25/2007 11:28:51 AM

All American
52920 Posts
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mechanical engineering

other education: various military training (occupation is Marine officer)

1/25/2007 11:30:56 AM

All American
47925 Posts
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computer engineering

1/25/2007 11:38:18 AM

All American
7051 Posts
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Quote :
All American
12951 Posts
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class of 04

currently pursuing a master in econ and public policy"

So are you working or how are you making 50k plus at grad school?

and TheDuke, are you currently in the military? What rank are you?

[Edited on January 25, 2007 at 12:01 PM. Reason : sdf]

1/25/2007 12:00:02 PM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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Computer Science

Class of 02


1/25/2007 12:40:45 PM

All American
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1/25/2007 12:45:37 PM

All American
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^^^ active duty; 1st Lt (+Pensacola BAH with dependants, flight pay <2 years)

1/25/2007 12:48:33 PM

All American
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so you get extra $$ with flight pay?

1/25/2007 12:58:16 PM

All American
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Officer pay in the military is pretty competitive up to around the rank of major (O-4) and is actually damn good after that,plus benefits...

but I wouldn't join the military just for the pay...

[Edited on January 25, 2007 at 1:04 PM. Reason : .]

1/25/2007 1:03:53 PM

All American
1252 Posts
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Nuclear Engineering, Class of 04

1/25/2007 1:10:11 PM

All American
5873 Posts
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Computer Engineering

1/25/2007 1:23:28 PM

All American
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^^^ yeah, right now it's only $125/ goes up substantially after a few years

^^ yeah, i have no complaints about my pay and benefits. i think i make decent money...i could make more in the civilian world with my ME degree, but I could also get stuck making less (and my pay increases pretty substantially with rank and time in service...i'll be making in the 70s in the next year or two, and it will continue to go up from there--although the increases will begin to level off somewhat).

however, it can be a very demanding job. high pressure at times, insane hours at times (60-80 hour weeks have been the norm, and more than that at times), you get moved around and deployed all the time (i know one Marine Prowler guy who spent 8 months home out of a 3.5 year tour...the rest were deployed! of course, he got paid tax free during the deployments...), not to mention miserable training like the gas chamber, SERE school, sleeping in the snow, etc.

basically, you'd be a damned fool to join the military--and particularly the USMC--for the money. however, if it's what you want to do, the money is good enough that it's not an issue.

1/25/2007 1:26:20 PM

All American
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^Do you know Jesse Nunez? He used to be on here (i forgot his TWW name)

He is in Pensacola and just finished flight school. His aircraft is going to be a helicopter though

1/25/2007 1:32:04 PM

41010 Posts
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csc may 04, no further education yet

1/25/2007 1:42:29 PM

All American
10141 Posts
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Class of '06

Business Management (Operations / Supply Chain concentration)

Starting my MBA this Fall at either NCSU (1st choice) or ECU (fallback)

My job's fine, the 51k is fine, but I can't stand living in WV, so I'm moving back to get an MBA & lockdown a job in NC. While I'm schooling, I'll make ~40k/year as a journalist, and hope to make a bunch more after I get that second piece of paper.

BTW, co-ops / internships FTW.

1/25/2007 1:59:25 PM

All American
7059 Posts
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NC State class of 02
major in Political Science, Law and Justice Concentration

UGA Law class of 05

1/25/2007 2:01:56 PM

50085 Posts
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State - Summer '04.

Political Science major, Business minor.

Working towards M.B.A. currently on top of working full time.

[Edited on January 25, 2007 at 2:08 PM. Reason : night classes ftw.]

1/25/2007 2:07:35 PM

All American
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fuck some night classes. work alone sucks. i am damn glad i went to the fulltime program.

1/25/2007 2:13:13 PM

All American
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did you get paid while you took time off work?

1/25/2007 2:31:18 PM

All American
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no, but i was a jew for two-three years after college so that i wouldn't have debt after school

the scholarship was an added bonus too

it really was like going back to college, only with more knowledge, money, and i was over 21 for the entire time.

[Edited on January 25, 2007 at 2:47 PM. Reason : ]

1/25/2007 2:47:00 PM

All American
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ah, i couldnt do that. i have a mortgage to pay...besides, its free as long as im working.

[Edited on January 25, 2007 at 2:51 PM. Reason : df]

1/25/2007 2:50:45 PM

All American
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getting work to pay for it is great. i went out of raleigh and didn't feel that working was a good idea (nor would my program allow me to work as a fulltime student).

1/25/2007 2:58:02 PM

All American
7450 Posts
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BS - Comp Sci

Spring 04

No, self pursuing CCNA/CSNSS/CCIE-SN though.

1/25/2007 3:58:07 PM

63151 Posts
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bs cpe, bs ee

may 06

no. (yet)

1/25/2007 4:09:05 PM

All American
1703 Posts
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class of 04

computer science

1/25/2007 5:20:39 PM

All American
2240 Posts
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'04 statistics
thinking about getting the new master's in data analytics, but we'll see

1/25/2007 6:15:37 PM

All American
12764 Posts
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May '05

Computer Science


1/25/2007 6:20:09 PM

All American
25834 Posts
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hell no, no more school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOD i hate taxes, each year they take more.....and the State i cant do for a few days(online) Federal I had to pay, no telling what state will be(i had to pay state last year) Yall stay poor and get all yalls taxes back

[Edited on January 25, 2007 at 6:47 PM. Reason : w]

1/25/2007 6:44:32 PM

All American
7620 Posts
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Why is 50k a significant number? Somebody living near DC or NYC making 50k is probably no better off than somebody in Raleigh making half of that.

Without specifics on my current salary: Aug 05 / May 05, Computer Science / Statistics, MBA in progress.

1/25/2007 7:22:55 PM

All American
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i didn't think my mba would be worth it until now

1/25/2007 7:41:35 PM

All American
10491 Posts
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^? I would expect MBAs to get >50k, easily.

1/25/2007 8:00:13 PM

25083 Posts
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Quote :
GOD i hate taxes, each year they take more.....and the State i cant do for a few days(online) Federal I had to pay, no telling what state will be(i had to pay state last year) Yall stay poor and get all yalls taxes back"

do you even understand how taxes work?

1/25/2007 9:34:14 PM

All American
27139 Posts
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bs comp science may 2005
ms management dec 2006

[Edited on January 25, 2007 at 9:58 PM. Reason : funny what a diff a 1 year masters program can make]

1/25/2007 9:53:43 PM

10008 Posts
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2003, Nuclear Engineering
Navy Nuclear Power Program (2x)

1/25/2007 10:21:41 PM

Save TWW
38157 Posts
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^^^right, how can a business major be mad about getting to keep his money?

i guess that shows the quality of an ncsu business degree

1/26/2007 4:11:14 AM

All American
13239 Posts
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Quote :
"So are you working or how are you making 50k plus at grad school?"

i work full time and go to grad school part time.

i was just answering the "Any other education?" question

1/26/2007 7:56:49 AM

All American
7051 Posts
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Quote :
"Why is 50k a significant number? Somebody living near DC or NYC making 50k is probably no better off than somebody in Raleigh making half of that."

thats a very good point. I guess 50k or more would be a very comfortable number for me, but I was thinking locally. yeah, 50k in california or dc is like 25k here, I bet.

1/26/2007 10:00:36 AM

All American
4414 Posts
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NCSU '04
Computer Science
no further education

1/26/2007 10:11:06 AM

All American
43431 Posts
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1/26/2007 1:19:37 PM

63151 Posts
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Quote :
"thats a very good point. I guess 50k or more would be a very comfortable number for me, but I was thinking locally. yeah, 50k in california or dc is like 25k here, I bet."

you know,

before making statements like this, it'd be best to look up a cost of living calculator. assuming that dc is 200% of raleigh is absurd.

in reality its more like 50%

Quote :

Select the city you're moving from
Raleigh NC

Select the city you're moving to
Washington-Arlington-Alexandria DC-VA

Enter your current income: $ 50,000

The equivalent income is $77,689.93.

It will take a 55.38% increase to maintain your standard of living.

Product Raleigh NC Washington-Arlington-Alexandria DC-VA Difference
HOME PRICE $223,814.00 $674,968.00 $451,154.00
PAYMENT+ INTEREST $1,016.57 $2,988.23 $1,971.65
APT RENT $573.00 $1,700.00 $1,127.00
ALL ELECTRICAL $133.80 $0.00 $133.80
TOTAL ENERGY $133.80 $161.71 $27.91
LIPITOR $123.93 $117.74 $6.19
DENTIST VISIT $99.83 $81.00 $18.83
OPTOMETRIST $80.75 $72.20 $8.55
DOCTOR VISIT $76.17 $97.00 $20.83
WASHER REPAIR $50.83 $50.98 $0.15
VET SERVICES $42.60 $50.50 $7.90
BEAUTY SALON $34.25 $43.00 $8.75
PHONE $29.99 $33.69 $3.70
MENS SHIRT $22.66 $30.39 $7.73
WOMENS SLACKS $20.49 $23.99 $3.50
BOYS JEAN $13.79 $20.59 $6.80
HAIR CUT $13.17 $12.60 $0.57
NEWSPAPER $13.17 $15.60 $2.43
T BONE STEAK $9.49 $11.11 $1.62
PIZZA $9.25 $10.19 $0.94
TIRE BALANCE $8.50 $10.90 $2.40
DRY CLEANING $8.29 $8.39 $0.10
BEER $7.75 $8.29 $0.54
MOVIE $7.65 $9.35 $1.70
WINE $6.82 $7.19 $0.37
IBUPROFEN $5.74 $5.81 $0.07
POTATOES $4.97 $5.05 $0.08
CASCADE $4.24 $4.06 $0.18
BOWLING $3.93 $4.57 $0.64
CRISCO $3.68 $3.58 $0.10
SAUSAGE $3.24 $3.30 $0.06
GROUND BEEF $3.14 $3.07 $0.07
CEREAL $3.07 $3.18 $0.11
COFFEE $3.01 $3.50 $0.49
2-PC CHICKEN $2.95 $3.15 $0.20
PARMESAN CHEESE $2.92 $3.59 $0.67
HALF GAL MILK $2.67 $2.06 $0.61
POTATO CHIPS $2.50 $2.30 $0.20
GASOLINE $2.48 $2.91 $0.43
HAMBURGER SANDWICH $2.37 $2.55 $0.18
ORANGE JUICE $2.33 $2.10 $0.23
TOOTHPASTE $2.31 $2.19 $0.12
TENNIS BALLS $2.08 $2.91 $0.83
FROZEN MEAL $2.05 $2.76 $0.71
KLEENEX $1.70 $1.69 $0.01
PEACHES $1.68 $1.89 $0.21
SUGAR $1.51 $1.50 $0.01
LETTUCE $1.37 $1.65 $0.28
FRIED CHICKEN $1.26 $1.55 $0.29
FROZEN CORN $1.26 $1.41 $0.15
DOZ EGGS $1.22 $1.15 $0.07
BREAD $1.16 $0.93 $0.23
COKE $1.09 $1.51 $0.42
SHAMPOO $1.08 $1.15 $0.07
SWEET PEAS $0.85 $0.89 $0.04
MARGARINE $0.66 $0.91 $0.25
TUNA $0.65 $0.72 $0.07
BANANAS $0.53 $0.55 $0.02
PART ELECTRICAL $0.00 $66.82 $66.82
OTHER ENERGY $0.00 $94.89 $94.89
Mortgage (%) 6.09% 5.86% 0.24


1/26/2007 1:38:34 PM

All American
25834 Posts
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Omar, each situation is different, but the old saying "the more you make, the more they take" is so true.

Well working jobs where I made less than 30k, I didnt get all of it back, but i got a good portion, jump over 40k and started owing(last year) and this year I am oweing hundreds of dollars. Of course, if you have a house, kids, you get deductions, but if you are single, no student loans, no deductions, you pay out of the ass

so step off my nuts, son.

and woody, i would love to keep my money, but it isnt happening...i said those shit jobs in college you keep your money....40k and higher they start hitting you hard(unless like i said, you have tons of deductions)

[Edited on January 26, 2007 at 5:38 PM. Reason : w]

[Edited on January 26, 2007 at 5:40 PM. Reason : w]

1/26/2007 5:33:52 PM

All American
12764 Posts
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You should be happen you owe money. That means you aren't like all those morons in the other thread celebrating the fact the let the govt borrow thousands of dollars from them interest free.

1/26/2007 5:54:53 PM

25083 Posts
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owing money is always better than getting it back unless you are a complete idiot and don't know how to earn a gain on money

you should do some research roddy

1/26/2007 5:57:06 PM

All American
52920 Posts
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^^ yeah, it blows my mind that people don't understand that.

if you get a tax refund, you fucked up (as far as i'm concerned).

Quote :
"Omar, each situation is different, but the old saying "the more you make, the more they take" is so true.

Well working jobs where I made less than 30k, I didnt get all of it back, but i got a good portion, jump over 40k and started owing(last year) and this year I am oweing hundreds of dollars. Of course, if you have a house, kids, you get deductions, but if you are single, no student loans, no deductions, you pay out of the ass

so step off my nuts, son."

you don't seem to get how tax brackets work.

[Edited on January 26, 2007 at 6:05 PM. Reason : ^^]

1/26/2007 6:05:03 PM

All American
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1/26/2007 6:17:16 PM

All American
27139 Posts
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some ppl are bad at handling money. having to owe at the end of the year might be an issue.

1/26/2007 6:45:35 PM

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