stone All American 6003 Posts user info edit post |
What do you do and what was your major? 2/2/2007 4:26:14 PM
Panthro All American 7333 Posts user info edit post |

[Edited on February 2, 2007 at 5:21 PM. Reason : Holla]
2/2/2007 5:20:24 PM
roddy All American 25834 Posts user info edit post |
become a PRO football player  2/2/2007 5:35:23 PM
drhavoc All American 3759 Posts user info edit post |
haxxor comptars
Interdisciplinary Studies 2/2/2007 6:13:06 PM
ssjamind All American 30102 Posts user info edit post |
write 28 page reports on friday evening at 6:23pm 2/2/2007 6:23:24 PM
eleusis All American 24527 Posts user info edit post |
100,000 yen or pesos? 2/2/2007 6:40:29 PM
beergolftile All American 9030 Posts user info edit post |
mba 2/2/2007 8:31:13 PM
theDuke866 All American 52920 Posts user info edit post |
100k really isn't that much
but it is a lot for someone in our demographic 2/2/2007 8:43:19 PM
stone All American 6003 Posts user info edit post |
duke you are right. 100k really is not much 2/2/2007 9:09:48 PM
partial All American 1664 Posts user info edit post |
^Only roughly the top 10% of all tax payers have an adjusted gross income of 100k or more, so while it might not be a lot of money it is significantly more than most people will ever take home in a given year. 2/2/2007 9:10:50 PM
stone All American 6003 Posts user info edit post |
^ true. my adjusted gross was just over 100k this year and it did not dawn on me that it really is not much until i saw it. with student loans for my wife and my self, cost of living here in Charleston, monies diverted to 401k, and taxes there is really little for fun.
sales history
edit- i always thought that if i could make 100k per year i would be set. little did i know i was totally wrong. there are upsides don't get me wrong. but it really is not what it is cracked up to be.
[Edited on February 2, 2007 at 9:16 PM. Reason : edit] 2/2/2007 9:14:22 PM
partial All American 1664 Posts user info edit post |
^it is a hell of a lot better than making less than 100k. Still, you can never make enough money... 2/2/2007 9:18:04 PM
theDuke866 All American 52920 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ oh, sure, it's waaaay above average. i'm just saying that it isn't baller or even anything remotely approaching it. it's just upper middle class.
however, it would open the door to save and invest a significant enough amount that you could get dirty, rotten, filthy, stinking rich at a relatively young age. i make mid-to-upper 50s, have a daughter, a kickass car, a kickass jet ski, live 5 minutes from the beach, go out to eat all the time, blow money on other toys and stuff...and STILL save/invest over $1000/month. with an additional $40-50k/year, I wouldn't spend all that much more. no way i'd spend more than half of it, and prob less than that. I'd just be a millionaire by 40.
[Edited on February 2, 2007 at 9:23 PM. Reason : ^^^] 2/2/2007 9:22:42 PM
phishnlou All American 13446 Posts user info edit post |
you people are kind of sad
with all your money threads
grow up 2/2/2007 9:52:57 PM
ApostleNC All American 3862 Posts user info edit post |
I isn't that big of an issue. 2/2/2007 9:58:57 PM
stone All American 6003 Posts user info edit post |
money is power in todays society 2/2/2007 10:05:35 PM
eleusis All American 24527 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "The Notorious BIG said it best: "Either you're slingin' crack-rock, or you've got a wicked jump-shot." Nobody wants to work for it anymore. There's no honor in taking that after school job at Mickey Dee's, honor's in the dollar, kid." |
2/2/2007 10:17:39 PM
roddy All American 25834 Posts user info edit post |
Duke, GS 11? 2/2/2007 10:25:41 PM
theDuke866 All American 52920 Posts user info edit post |
O-2 2/2/2007 11:15:17 PM
cyrion All American 27139 Posts user info edit post |
im with the duke on this one. im able to save a decent bit right now without making 100k, so I don't understand how you can "not have much fun" with whats left over unless you are living well beyond your means (car, house, etc). i mean, im living somewhat frugal, but not tremendously so. 2/2/2007 11:15:24 PM
phishnlou All American 13446 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "money is power in todays society" |
you arent wrong
but i just could care less
and i make a fair amount of cash 2/2/2007 11:25:06 PM
ApostleNC All American 3862 Posts user info edit post |
Dude, I make enough money to do what the fuck I want...that's what matters. 2/2/2007 11:34:50 PM
Wolfpack2K All American 7059 Posts user info edit post |
Attorney. NC State major in Political Science (Law and Justice Concentration) 2/2/2007 11:44:58 PM
The Coz Tempus Fugitive 26810 Posts user info edit post |
Enough to support yourself, Dave, Juliet, AND the twins. 2/2/2007 11:53:49 PM
Beardawg61 Trauma Specialist 15492 Posts user info edit post |
Does it count if I physically handle several hundred thousand a day?  2/3/2007 2:47:16 AM
occamsrezr All American 6985 Posts user info edit post |
Shit, I make 250K A MONTH. Yen. 2/3/2007 3:35:49 AM
8=======D Suspended 588 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i make mid-to-upper 50s, have a daughter, a kickass car, a kickass jet ski, live 5 minutes from the beach, go out to eat all the time, blow money on other toys and stuff...and STILL save/invest over $1000/month." |
i'm sorry, but that's impossible. either you're exaggerating your expenditures, running up huge credit card debt, or exaggerating your savings rate. 2/3/2007 8:33:55 AM
gforce All American 2107 Posts user info edit post |
Project Manager IBM - Computer Information Systems 2/3/2007 8:41:35 AM
stone All American 6003 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "so I don't understand how you can "not have much fun" with whats left over unless you are living well beyond your means (car, house, etc). i mean, im living somewhat frugal, but not tremendously so." |
850 month school loan wife and self 997 investment house i rent out thats 2200 month i have to make in income before taxes. 26k a year right there.
put those 2 things on top of my house mortgage, and 2 car payments. i would not say i live beyond my means but its 1000 dollars a month thats put into investment beyond 401k 2/3/2007 10:21:42 AM
8=======D Suspended 588 Posts user info edit post |
Assuming $57,000 salary with 30% tax rate:
Monthly income: $3166 Child Support: -$500 Rent: -$700 Restaurant 12x @ $25: -$300 Car Payment: -$200 Gas: -$60 Electric: -$60 Water: -$20 Insurance: -$100 "Other Toys": -$300 Savings: -$1000 ============================= Total -$74
Granted, I assumed you didn't pay cash for the car, but you said it was "kickass" and even if you have paid it off, I still lowballed almost every other item there (including the car payment itself)
[Edited on February 3, 2007 at 10:28 AM. Reason : s] 2/3/2007 10:24:51 AM
cyrion All American 27139 Posts user info edit post |
^^ most people arent buying 2nd houses for rental when they dont "have much money left for fun." thats fine that you do, but it skews the perspective on how much 100k really is (im ignoring that you're also paying family expenses that some of your peers may not as well).
the whole 2 lives thing isnt really for me. id rather have a decent bit of enjoyment in my life now and have a decent-good retirement as opposed to deffering my fun. 2/3/2007 10:46:49 AM
stone All American 6003 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "^^ most people arent buying 2nd houses for rental when they dont "have much money left for fun." thats fine that you do, but it skews the perspective on how much 100k really is (im ignoring that you're also paying family expenses that some of your peers may not as well).
the whole 2 lives thing isnt really for me. id rather have a decent bit of enjoyment in my life now and have a decent-good retirement as opposed to deffering my fun." |
the rental house is just short term. i bought it because of the lot it is on. it is an older house i street off the intercoastal in an 1940's neighborhood. Most people are buying them and bulldozing to build 750K plus houses. I plan on building on it as soon as i get it paid for. that house is a big reason there is not alot left for fun. if i wasnt married i wouldnt have but 1/3rd of the school loan payment, one car payment, and i would be doing a lot more. but i love my wife and it is worth more to me to be able to enjoy our future together and be able to ride off in the sunset so to speak. 2/3/2007 11:30:47 AM
cyrion All American 27139 Posts user info edit post |
no doubt, i wasnt trying to rag on ya, just saying that 100k is more than you were original saying, just not for you based on your current situation (though im sure itll be fine once you drop the loan payments and/or cars).
i say kick the wifey to the curb and build a 750k house! 2/3/2007 12:00:13 PM
theDuke866 All American 52920 Posts user info edit post |
^^ reid, i thought you rent the house out for a small net profit?
Quote : | "i'm sorry, but that's impossible. either you're exaggerating your expenditures, running up huge credit card debt, or exaggerating your savings rate." |
nope, no exaggeration. no credit card debt, either. I don't mean i blow money like it's cool on incidentals, but I never, ever eat fast food. I swill down overpriced stuff from Starbucks like it's my job. I do pretty much whatever I want to do, within reason. I have plenty of expensive toys like guns, electronic gadgetry, etc. I rent airplanes to the tune of $100/hour.
Quote : | "Assuming $57,000 salary with 30% tax rate:
Monthly income: $3166 Child Support: -$500 Rent: -$700 Restaurant 12x @ $25: -$300 Car Payment: -$200 Gas: -$60 Electric: -$60 Water: -$20 Insurance: -$100 "Other Toys": -$300 Savings: -$1000 ============================= Total -$74" |
Well, I take home about $4000/month (will be about $4150 as soon as I get them to finally start paying me at the "with dependants" rate). Child support works out to be about $500, so you're right there (although I'm legally liable for $1000, baby's mama is being really cool and only taking what is actually needed). Rent is only $312.50--I live with 3 of my buddies in a 4BR house and split the rent. $300/month for food is probably fairly accurate, although I don't really keep track of it. It might be a little less. Car payment is $500. Utilities are about $100. Insurance (for car, renter's, and life is about $150. Savings/investments are about $1100ish, plus whatever is left that just accumulates into my checking acct (when enough gets in there, I transfer it to a money market or brokerage acct). Also have a cell phone bill, which is a little less than $50/month. Jet ski is paid for.
Admittedly, I don't have to pay for health insurance, and my pay is somewhat tax advantaged (because the housing allowance portion of my pay is nontaxable). I also don't really have many expenses for buying clothes and stuff--since I wear a flight suit every day, it takes me FOREVER to wear out my clothes, and I don't have to have as much stuff in the closet. still...if you're halfway smart with money, it can go a long way.
[Edited on February 3, 2007 at 1:40 PM. Reason : asdfasd]
[Edited on February 3, 2007 at 2:00 PM. Reason : asfd] 2/3/2007 1:38:05 PM
scud All American 10804 Posts user info edit post |
100k is even less when you work in NYC 2/3/2007 2:15:43 PM
cyrion All American 27139 Posts user info edit post |
or on the moon and have to commute 2/3/2007 2:30:18 PM
stone All American 6003 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "^ reid, i thought you rent the house out for a small net profit?" |
i do, its 250 in the clear. that i think needs to be hitting a money market account each month instead of the checking account. 2/3/2007 3:16:44 PM
ApostleNC All American 3862 Posts user info edit post |
I'm not really following the Dave, Juliet, and the twins comment... 2/3/2007 3:33:00 PM
cyrion All American 27139 Posts user info edit post |
no problem: 2/3/2007 4:43:19 PM
spooner All American 1860 Posts user info edit post |
from rapping i have enough money to put crushed diamonds on my food. it serves two purpose: one, it's the most baller thing you can do to your food, and two, it makes my dookie sparkle. 2/3/2007 9:12:03 PM
roddy All American 25834 Posts user info edit post |
It is nice when you have work clothes, i have like 10 polo shirts for work(with works logo on it), and when i get bored of them I wear my own ones....I love my job, wear jeans and polo shirts everyday. I dont know what I would do if I had to wear dress clothes, I dont even think the ones I have still fit it has been so long since I have had to wear them(got them right after college when i went into management, that job lasted 6 months) Glad I dont have to wear ties....
[Edited on February 3, 2007 at 9:21 PM. Reason : w] 2/3/2007 9:17:55 PM
cyrion All American 27139 Posts user info edit post |
heh, i work in a software firm with no dress policy. kinda odd to get used to but you can wear whatever you want pretty much whenever, unless you have a formal meeting with a client. at that point it is just business casual so you dont make them feel weird standing there in shorts and a ripped t-shirt. 2/3/2007 9:57:11 PM
eleusis All American 24527 Posts user info edit post |
Duke, how are you managing to take home 85% of your salary? are you investing your federal and state income tax and then paying it at the end of the year? 2/4/2007 1:22:23 PM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
he's military
Quote : | "100k is even less when you work in NYC" |
seriously, that's like $45k in raleigh.]] 2/4/2007 1:45:09 PM
theDuke866 All American 52920 Posts user info edit post |
^, ^^ a little of both. i'm set up to usually break even or even owe a little on taxes, and i'm military. My base pay and flight pay are taxed, but the housing allowance and subsistance allowance components of my pay are not (that works out to >25% of my pay being nontaxable). 2/4/2007 1:50:14 PM
eleusis All American 24527 Posts user info edit post |
I didn't realise how much of a tax-free housing allowance you guys get. That makes sense now. 2/4/2007 2:03:26 PM
Republican18 All American 16575 Posts user info edit post |
i make 36,000 yay for public service 
oh i love my job, but the pay sucks
[Edited on February 4, 2007 at 2:39 PM. Reason : .] 2/4/2007 2:39:30 PM
absolutapril All American 8144 Posts user info edit post |
^I make way less than that, but love my job and make ends meet with no mounting debt---money isn't every thing
[Edited on February 4, 2007 at 3:36 PM. Reason : no a ] 2/4/2007 3:35:43 PM
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " you people are kind of sad
with all your money threads
grow up " |
2/4/2007 9:04:44 PM
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Wolfpack2K: Attorney. NC State major in Political Science (Law and Justice Concentration) " |
you're lying. here's how I know:
(1) you had a 2.4 overall GPA at NC State.
(2) you're the laughingstock of Athens Georgia.
(3) because of #2, you're contemplating joining the military to get away from everyone
(4) you have a record of being a pathological liar.
why are you still here? havent you made an alias yet? 2/4/2007 9:09:32 PM