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 Message Boards » » Continous Mac apps/mods/cool stuff thread Page [1]  
4167 Posts
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I'll put in my two cents, hopefully we can keep up a thread of cool Mac mods and upgrades. Here's a screensaver I found today:

2/28/2007 9:27:31 PM

22518 Posts
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silly mac users

2/28/2007 9:46:35 PM

4167 Posts
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then don't read the thread, idiot

2/28/2007 9:50:43 PM

All American
4906 Posts
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[Edited on February 28, 2007 at 9:55 PM. Reason : .]

2/28/2007 9:54:11 PM

22518 Posts
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2/28/2007 9:55:26 PM

All American
19842 Posts
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2/28/2007 9:59:44 PM


18617 Posts
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lol macs r ghey!1,ololol

2/28/2007 10:08:41 PM

The Stubby
7786 Posts
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much love for my mac book pro. hate using windows.
cool app i found the other day... focuses on one app at a time with the usual command tab looking switcher:

[Edited on February 28, 2007 at 10:30 PM. Reason : ModestMouse, are u on ppc mac using the Fluid ss?]

2/28/2007 10:23:12 PM

4167 Posts
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Thanks, I'll give that a shot, Fry

2/28/2007 10:27:50 PM

All American
13936 Posts
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keep an eye on this site. It's like Digg, but for applications -
they put up several apps a day. most of them not useful, but at least a couple really good ones a week.

2/28/2007 10:30:10 PM

The Stubby
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^ nice site, just dl'ed a couple utilities, SheetSpeed and QuickEffect

2/28/2007 10:36:14 PM

All American
13936 Posts
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i just installed Fluid. Looks nice, but i don't think I want my Mac Mini running at 80% CPU when just the screensaver's on!

2/28/2007 11:07:28 PM

The Stubby
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i wish it were a Universal Binary already

2/28/2007 11:11:00 PM

4167 Posts
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Although it's mainly for music, the invite-only torrent site Oink ( has a pretty awesome selection of Mac apps that are already cracked.

There's also a forum for requests which gets filled pretty quickly. If anyone here is interested in an invite I currently have 8, but I'm not going to give them out to just anyone so please check out the site and let me know what you think.

3/1/2007 8:05:18 AM

All American
1118 Posts
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good thread

3/1/2007 11:44:11 AM

All American
22728 Posts
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I use Renamer4Mac all the time for intelligently and easily renaming large groups of files

3/1/2007 11:59:56 AM

All American
13936 Posts
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here is an email I wrote a couple months ago to a new switcher. some of it is out of date (e.g. the new Parallels is out), but most of it is relevant. I have installed some more in recent months that I'll look for when i get home

Buy and download software:

* - kind of like, for Mac software. People submit programs they use and other people mark them as "I use this". So you can sort by Most Used to see popular applications, and new apps are added every day.
* - most mac programs, including old versions, can be downloaded here
* - deals on 1 piece of software a day (modeled after
* - software deals
* - 1 daily free app (limited time only, I think)

Blogs, software reviews, news sites:

* - usually long, rambling rants about something
* - "app of the day", "hack attack", good how-to's

And here some essential software that I use, some of which I've already showed you.

* Parallels - - should be very familiar with this by now. The new Beta adds some awesome features, but I found it's not very stable yet so I went back to the old version. Before you buy, you might want to make sure you get free upgrades to the next version - otherwise wait for the new version before you buy
* Pathfinder - - simply awesome. I find the Mac Finder to be underpowered and not customizable enough. I keep a single Pathfinder window open at all times and it takes care of all my Finder and file management needs
* Quicksilver - - a Spotlight replacement, and more. Again, I find spotlight to be underpowered. Quicksilver does everything spotlight does and a ton more. I mostly use it as a launcher for apps that I don't keep in my Dock.
* iPhoto Library Manager - - not essential, but useful. iPhoto will start to bog down if you get thousands of photos. Using Library manager, you can split them up into multiple libraries (iPhoto loads only a single library at a time). E.g. I have all my Munich/Germany photos in one library, all the wedding/honeymoon pics in another, etc.
* iPhoto Diet - - another nonessential. But if you start using iPhoto a lot for edits, cropping and stuff, it will start to accumulate trash in the iphoto database. For all the edits you do, it will retain original photos, you might get duplicate, etc. This can significantly shrink the size of your library files
* Camino - - I use camino for my main browser. I find FireFox still to be too slow on Mac (might be better on yours) - I can't stand the "interface lag". The camino interface is much faster, but it's much less powerful than FireFox. Use tools from to make Camino more powerful. Here's a review of all the main Mac browsers - . On your Mac, the best browser may be Windows Firefox running in Parallels Coherence mode (Coherence mode only available in the Parallels beta).
* If you want to use Firefox, try one of these Mac optimized builds to see if it runs any better -
* Flip4Mac - - I think the latest version of VLC plays almost anything, but if it wont' play some WMVs, this plugin will allow Quicktime to play them (from MS, believe it or not)
* VirtueDesktops - - multiple desktop manager. Useful for small screens. Will be replaced by "Spaces" that's built into OS X 10.5
* Acquisition - - if you are in the mood for some file sharing (to get Office or Dreamweaver or something)
* AdiumX - - iChat replacement (no video support)
* Transmit - - or YummyFTP - - best FTP clients (transmit looks and "feels" better, I think Yummy is more efficient and faster)
* Delicious Monster - - A DVD and book library. Nonessential, but if you want to see the beauty of OS X applications at it's peak, download the trial, and be sure to try the iSight bar-code scanning of DVD covers
* Appzapper - - they say to uninstall a program in OS X all you have to do is drag it from the Applications folder to the trash. That's technically true, but often it leaves behind settings files and library files scattered around in various places. Uinstalling with appzapper searches your HDD for all traces of the program, if you want to keep everything nice and clean.

3/1/2007 1:50:05 PM

All American
27023 Posts
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has anyone here put Vista (release version) on a mac yet?

3/2/2007 1:15:35 AM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » Continous Mac apps/mods/cool stuff thread Page [1]  
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