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 Message Boards » » do any of you play Second Life? Page [1] 2, Next  
All American
31058 Posts
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is it fun?

5/18/2007 2:08:25 PM

All American
30652 Posts
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probably [no]

5/18/2007 2:12:55 PM

All American
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A 35+yr old woman that my mom works with just got married to her 20 yr old boyfriend that she met through second life.

Apparently it is populated by weird people.

5/18/2007 2:13:49 PM

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5/18/2007 2:14:12 PM

97470 Posts
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I figure it needs a lot of bandwidth, because I tried to run it once, and it took about a minute before my character would move even a bit.

5/18/2007 2:15:53 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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Seems like it would be like the sims.

Except even suckier.

5/18/2007 2:21:12 PM

5294 Posts
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its only for people who's first life sucks

5/18/2007 2:48:14 PM

4074 Posts
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it's quite the piece of shit

5/18/2007 2:49:05 PM

All American
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Reposted from my LiveJournal:

Jonathan Hamilton (jlhamilt) wrote,
@ 2004-11-22 17:36:00

Current mood: devious
Current music: none

Daily Weirdness: There's no safe harbor in Fantasy Land.

I have started playing...well, it's not really a game, but let's say I'm playing a game called Second Life. It's an MMOG where players share a massive space and essentially have absolute creative freedom to make anything they want. You can model objects, upload new textures and sounds, and write scripts to power your creations. It's a very ambitious and thrilling idea! It's also attracted exactly the types who'd NEED that kind of escapist freedom to fill the large, gaping holes in their pathetic lives: furries and perverts.

I'm not gonna act like cybersex is a terribly repulsive concept. Shit, I'm not even that averse to the fact that some people find fulfillment in pretending to be hermaphroditic dragons. I don't care for them thrusting their unnatural genitalia in my face while I'm trying to enjoy this brave new world, though.

Also, in case you've never played a game with me, I'm a griefer. In games where competition is not a major factor, I get my enjoyment from denying others of theirs. In Ultima Online, I was a thief who helped run a gambling racket designed to cheat people of their gold, and I owned a house with a pit from which escape was impossible without a teleportation spell. In Star Wars Galaxies, I was a kill-stealing pistoleer who spent more time in the cantina heckling the guys who played Twi'lek dancers than he he did actually stealing kills. In City of Heroes, though, I've been an upstanding champion of justice. I'd really been jonesing for an opportunity to be a complete prick to people paying to play a game, and along came Second Life putting real power into my hands—a fatal mistake.

My first few days in the game were kinda tame. I was just feeling out the community. The first griefing object I made was a giant wooden cube that looped an obnoxious rap beat I made years ago (a drum pattern mixed into the opening bars of a John Denver song) infinitely at maximum volume. I left that in my neighbor's hot tub and called it a day. Of course, he could tell who created it by looking at its properties, so I got banned from his property and reported for abuse. Not a bad start!

My next few creations were mild. The only one even worth mentioning is a giant Jolly Roger that repeatedly shouted "THE INTERNET IS USELESS." I enabled physics for it and flung it into the sea, never to be found but forever to be heard. Even I got sick of that one and eventually searched it out to delete.

I took a different tack after that. I needed information. All around me were these horrible, awful creations specifically engineered for the purpose of facilitating virtual sex between GOTHIQUE VAMPYRE LORDES and catgirls. I needed to find these people, learn about them, and target their weaknesses specifically. By the time I was through, I had developed a stealth listening system that I could use as a permanent hidden installation in strategic locations or deploy temporarily to areas I couldn't reach or was banned from in the form of arrows. It was truly exciting stuff.

I scouted for locations but found few of any real promise. You can't just stick one of these things anywhere you see animation stations for DOGGYSTYLE_M and DOGGYSTYLE_F, or they'd never fucking stop relaying messages. I figured if you wanted the real juicy stuff, you'd have to find the "private" areas belonging to the less intelligent perverts. Dejected, I returned to my home parcel (featuring a thatch hut, since I was a caveman, on scandalously undeveloped land just to piss off my neighbors). As I was flying around to cheer myself up before logging out, I noticed that my mini-map reported two players nearby at a higher altitude than me. In fact, they were above the flight ceiling!

Clearly this was the answer. Someone was up to no good and using crude measures to maintain their privacy, but I knew what to do. One of the mediocre items I had created was a backpack that, when clicked, propels me forward with an explosion. I tweaked the script to direct the force straight up and waited for the players to log out. When the coast was clear, I launched myself into the air and found a room built in the sky!

It looked harmless enough at first, with a car (?) parked on one corner and a kitchen/dining room with animations for eating and doing the dishes, but...there were changing rooms. And sex animations. And...a stone wall that...compelled me to walk around to investigate....

It was a pair of fucking prison cells, with CHAINS and BARS and fucking PRISON JUMPSUITS YOU COULD PUT ON.


This was the fucking jackpot, the fucking mother lode. I hid a few of my listening devices and logged out. Little did I realize that their behavior would surprise me—while I wasn't online, my little machines e-mailed me everything they heard.

To be continued!

5/18/2007 2:58:38 PM

4074 Posts
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^ you've likely killed this thread with all those words

5/18/2007 3:00:01 PM

All American
51922 Posts
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from George <>
to Frosh Rockwell <>
date Dec 2, 2004 2:12 AM
subject Message From Second Life

The object 'George' has sent you a message from Second Life:

Dusun:Gabrielle Street:I roleplay all the time, I mean.. i'm not a dinosaur with a big dick and tits in real life =p

5/18/2007 3:10:29 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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Quote :
"^ you've likely killed this thread with all those words"

5/18/2007 3:13:36 PM

All American
51922 Posts
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I'm brilliant.

5/18/2007 3:16:07 PM

All American
22137 Posts
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5/18/2007 3:25:07 PM

63151 Posts
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that post was awesome

5/18/2007 3:42:47 PM


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5/18/2007 3:43:54 PM

All American
3663 Posts
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Quote :
"its only for people who's first life sucks"

ha! good stuff

5/18/2007 5:01:39 PM

76471 Posts
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It's far more pathetic than whatever other role-playing game you can think of, and thousands of times so.

5/18/2007 6:05:47 PM

97470 Posts
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You're pathetic

5/18/2007 6:07:16 PM

37709 Posts
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I would never play this game, but a friend did/does, and one time he was walking around with a tie-dye shirt on or something.

A guy walked up to him, said 'nice shirt' and flew away.

So fucking weird.

5/18/2007 6:29:44 PM

All American
31058 Posts
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Quote :
"A guy walked up to him, said 'nice shirt' and flew away."

yeah, that's really fucking weird

5/18/2007 6:30:39 PM

All American
1861 Posts
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I did for ten mins, I hate it, my boss loves it, but he's an asshole

5/18/2007 6:50:55 PM

All American
31058 Posts
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assholes play Second Life

got it

5/18/2007 6:51:29 PM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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i want to try this game, now.


5/21/2007 3:20:07 PM

All American
51922 Posts
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don't be gay

5/21/2007 3:20:29 PM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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how much money did you put into it?

5/21/2007 3:22:45 PM

All American
21537 Posts
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Quote :
"It's also attracted exactly the types who'd NEED that kind of escapist freedom to fill the large, gaping holes in their pathetic lives: furries and perverts."

5/21/2007 3:24:21 PM

All American
51922 Posts
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Quote :
"Dear Frosh,

Thank you for using LindeX.
Your sell order #96257 for L$35500 at L$281/US$1.00 has been filled for a
net income of US$121.91.
Thanks again - we look forward to seeing you in Second Life!

Linden Lab and the Second Life Team"

Real players get paid, Gameboy-ass n-word.

5/21/2007 3:25:08 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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5/21/2007 3:28:13 PM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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you sell your spying equipment?

5/21/2007 3:28:23 PM

All American
51922 Posts
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Scripted dicks, mostly. And little girl avatars. Especially profitable when you combine the two.

5/21/2007 3:29:19 PM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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well shit.

if it's profitable, I'm down.

any pointers on getting a $100 check?

5/21/2007 3:30:14 PM

All American
51922 Posts
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The dicks game is an arms race, son. You've gotta model that shit bigger, thicker, harder, and hotter than anyone else on the scene. The word for this season is animations. Attend a couple of dick conventions in-game, see how the other major players are working their shit. Rob their ideas. It's cut-throat shit, son. You need to diversify your boners, n-word.

5/21/2007 3:33:13 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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make them fly

5/21/2007 3:34:36 PM

63151 Posts
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this thread just got even more disturbing

5/21/2007 3:35:47 PM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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5/21/2007 3:36:40 PM

Zinc Saucier
18949 Posts
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Quote :
"Also, in case you've never played a game with me, I'm a griefer. In games where competition is not a major factor, I get my enjoyment from denying others of theirs. In Ultima Online, I was a thief who helped run a gambling racket designed to cheat people of their gold, and I owned a house with a pit from which escape was impossible without a teleportation spell. In Star Wars Galaxies, I was a kill-stealing pistoleer who spent more time in the cantina heckling the guys who played Twi'lek dancers than he he did actually stealing kills. In City of Heroes, though, I've been an upstanding champion of justice. I'd really been jonesing for an opportunity to be a complete prick to people paying to play a game, and along came Second Life putting real power into my hands—a fatal mistake."

I don't play MMOG, but if I did, I'd probably despise you (which is kind of the point I suppose).

5/21/2007 3:43:24 PM

All American
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My favorite was the giant wang with the motorcycle script. You could ride it around.

5/21/2007 3:43:44 PM

no u
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5/21/2007 3:45:17 PM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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how about a wang door knocker?!

5/21/2007 3:46:16 PM

All American
28747 Posts
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Quote :
"Airborne penises this week attacked CNET reporter and Second Life publicist Daniel Sadville, causing an unprecedented although not insurmountable interview interruption.

Daniel Sadville looked to continue his groundbreaking work hyping the Second Life online game by interviewing alleged virtual millionaire Ailin Graef (aka Anshe Chung). Sadville had invited Graef to CNET's Second Life office - a building Sadville convinced CNET to purchase by writing a flood of stories about Second Life - when all hell broke loose. We'll let the publicist explain.

On Monday, Graef visited CNET's Second Life bureau for a discussion about her business, how best to set up businesses in Second Life and the nature of competition there.

Unfortunately, as the interview was commencing, the event was attacked by a "griefer," someone intent on disrupting the proceedings. The griefer managed to assault the CNET theater for 15 minutes with--well, there's no way to say this delicately--animated flying penises.

Chung refused to continue the interview in the CNET theater but agreed to go on in her own space. Once restarted, the interview was attacked again, and the protester even managed to crash the entire server on which Chung's theater is held.

But after restarting and bringing back the audience, Chung talked with CNET for nearly three hours.

Noble perseverance and excellent follow through.

Of course, Sadville could have saved some time and avoided the penis assault by, say, picking up a phone. But maybe he's not into phones.

We're still waiting for some reporter to document Second Life's Molestation Grove. Won't it be something when an IBM virtual event is crippled by these sick creatures. ®

Video of the event:

[Edited on May 21, 2007 at 3:49 PM. Reason : ]

5/21/2007 3:47:37 PM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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graphics looks pretty terrible in some spots.

[Edited on May 21, 2007 at 5:08 PM. Reason : ]

5/21/2007 5:07:53 PM

All American
51922 Posts
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Well, of course the graphics look terrible in spots. It's practically all user-generated.

5/21/2007 5:19:11 PM

All American
47007 Posts
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Quote :
"Jonathan Hamilton (jlhamilt) wrote,
@ 2004-11-22 17:36:00"

have you been playing since '04 or did you fuck up the date?

5/21/2007 7:02:13 PM

All American
3575 Posts
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^^ Dude, your livejournal thing you posted above was very well written, and I enjoyed it a lot.

It reminded me of a wired article or something-- thats what I thought it WAS-- before i went back and read what you said about it. Hilarious, though!

5/22/2007 10:45:29 AM

All American
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Thanks! And yes, the date is accurate.

5/22/2007 11:39:35 AM

All American
26946 Posts
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This thread is gold and I want to know what's happened since. Please come back, frosh!

7/23/2007 12:42:32 PM

Tom Joad
72848 Posts
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nothing22 loves this stuff

[Edited on October 25, 2007 at 8:09 PM. Reason : /]

10/25/2007 8:08:56 PM

All American
21537 Posts
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he's teasing

10/25/2007 8:12:00 PM

All American
47007 Posts
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i was about to post about froshkiller's article and how bad I wanted to see what he heard in the room in the clouds, but now I just want to post it twice

10/25/2007 8:13:12 PM

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