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Its an exciting time at BESTBUY!! We are now expanding the number of mobile phone store in the Raleigh,NC area. We are hiring part time and full time associates and lead canadiates as well!!!! You will be responsible for delivering the excellent level of customer service that has become synonymous with the BestBuy Brand. Working as a part of a vibrant team you will sell a broad range of mobile products and services using a proven structured approach. You will be supported with an intensive orientation program to help you achieve great results in this fast past retail enviroment.

We are looking for outstanding people with a passion for mobile technology and a natural affintity for sales. An ability to understand customer needs, recommend the right solution and identify cross selling oppurtunities are key requirments of the role.

To complete the application apply online at

or call me Alana Herod General Manager (919)412-1875

9/24/2007 10:37:42 AM

All American
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9/24/2007 10:38:04 AM

All American
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9/24/2007 10:38:53 AM

22518 Posts
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best buy

more like WORST BUY


i have yet to see a knowledgeable salesperson in there

9/24/2007 10:40:11 AM

All American
27289 Posts
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It begins...

9/24/2007 10:40:44 AM

All American
6651 Posts
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all the knowledgeable sales people don't work for best buy

9/24/2007 10:40:51 AM

All American
8743 Posts
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In before the suspended.

9/24/2007 10:41:25 AM

All American
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Quote :
"the excellent level of customer service that has become synonymous with the BestBuy Brand."


9/24/2007 10:41:29 AM

25081 Posts
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i moved this idiot's thread to classifieds and he answers by making another lounge thread and one in here gg

9/24/2007 10:41:37 AM

76471 Posts
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roll in salt
rinse in vinegar

[Edited on September 24, 2007 at 10:42 AM. Reason : aslk]

9/24/2007 10:41:57 AM

All American
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9/24/2007 10:42:30 AM

All American
31346 Posts
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Quote :
"You will be responsible for delivering the excellent level of customer service that has become synonymous with the BestBuy Brand."

Hate to wreck your world, but excellent customer service is not synonymous with the BestBuy brand.

Antagonizing your customers, treating them like stupid children, ignoring them, not knowing your own policies, pushing service contracts and upselling garbage, now THAT is the BestBuy Brand.

9/24/2007 10:42:53 AM

76471 Posts
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don't forget the magazine subscriptions.

9/24/2007 10:43:24 AM

All American
15416 Posts
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i hate going into best buy. The other day i went in there and this old lady was looking a computer. This nerd employee was trying to sell this old lady a full fledged gaming computer. When he walks away, i walk over to her and tell her she doesn't need that shit and to buy the cheapest one.

9/24/2007 10:45:35 AM

25081 Posts
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the real solution here is for tww to have their way with that link posted and submit some applications

9/24/2007 10:46:03 AM

1587 Posts
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9/24/2007 10:46:11 AM

All American
23525 Posts
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lol @ this thread

9/24/2007 10:46:14 AM

22518 Posts
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is this thread eligible for pic bombing?

9/24/2007 10:46:22 AM

All American
47925 Posts
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Quote :
"the real solution here is for tww to have their way with that link posted and submit some applications "


9/24/2007 10:46:31 AM

68205 Posts
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i would lock this but you kids might want to have some fun here

9/24/2007 10:47:05 AM

All American
27289 Posts
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plz don't pic bomb the thread, I'm at work and I can see this thread becoming entertaining.

9/24/2007 10:48:23 AM

63151 Posts
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9/24/2007 10:48:31 AM

76471 Posts
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^^I've already got a picture picked out for picbombing, though!

And I chose a SFW one for the likes of you

9/24/2007 10:51:42 AM

All American
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to give best buy some credit, they do have intensive training there for their employees...not all employees choose to follow procedures though, just like in any business. Best buy employees do not make commission. They could care less if you bought the $300 Acer or the $2000 HP. They are there to provide knowledgeable information to the customer to help them make the proper decision on what best fits their needs. Service plans are the best thing Best Buy offers. I used mine for my camera about 3 months after I bought it. I also used my laptop one about 2 years after I bought it. Employees do not get anything extra for selling those. They are looking out for you.

Enough of this rant though. Best Buy is much better than Circuit Shitty or any other competitor.

9/24/2007 10:51:42 AM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"Service plans are the best thing Best Buy offers. I used mine for my camera about 3 months after I bought it. I also used my laptop one about 2 years after I bought it. Employees do not get anything extra for selling those. They are looking out for you"

1) That's why you read your credit card terms - most CCs offer a protection plan automatically
2) they aren't looking out for the customer. They're keeping managers and corporate out of their asses.

[Edited on September 24, 2007 at 10:54 AM. Reason : lskjd]

9/24/2007 10:53:18 AM

All American
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Bull. You sound just like the drone bullshit they feed employees.

Service plans are great for certain items, especially if you are a dishonest consumer. For the honest, careful consumer, they are a complete waste of money.

9/24/2007 10:55:01 AM

25081 Posts
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unsuspended her - maybe she'll come in here to defend best buy - i sure hope so

9/24/2007 10:56:11 AM

All American
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credit card protection plans normally cover death. They arent going to cover your motherboard going out. Being a previous geek squad employee, I can assure you that the service plan is definitely worth it. I will always get one on anything I buy. We had way too many computers come in without a service plan and the client ends up spending a few hundred to get it fixed. Even if your computer doesnt end up with a hardware issue, the service plan at least covers a new battery and a new power adapter, which combined comes out to more than the plan itself

[Edited on September 24, 2007 at 10:59 AM. Reason : asdf]

9/24/2007 10:57:21 AM

22518 Posts
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i just sumbitted a few fakes

[Edited on September 24, 2007 at 10:58 AM. Reason : pizza hut home phone number ftw

9/24/2007 10:57:33 AM

22518 Posts
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Quote :
"We had way too many computers come in without a service plan and they client ends up spending a few hundred to get it fixed."

because your clients are fucking retarded

they wouldnt be offered if the company put out more in repairs than they take in

it is a bullshit scheme to increase the price if you arent stupid with your stuff

9/24/2007 10:59:52 AM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"Being a previous geek squad employee, I can assure you that the service plan is definitely worth it."

The truth comes out

Quote :
"credit card protection plans normally cover death. "

Not so. Quit believing everything corporate told you. here is but one of many, many links about this on the web.

9/24/2007 11:02:35 AM

All American
27289 Posts
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Quote :
"Employees do not get anything extra for selling those. They are looking out for you."

Bullshit, they push those plans because the managers annoy the hell out of them for it and seem to "misplace" time off requests if you don't sell as many as they would like.

9/24/2007 11:05:21 AM

All American
27023 Posts
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A) some people buy cash or with the BBY credit card
B) thats as bad as saying 'my homeowners insurance covers it

Do you know how much time and paper work you have to go through to GET that shit covered? I'd rather pay a few hundred more and get it done easy.

On a plus note: I had a $3300 laptop I bought a few years back that fried (it was an HP) after 2 1/2 years. They couldn't repair it so they gave me $3300 on a BBY store credit to buy anything I wanted. Naturally though I sold the store credit for cash.

Quote :
"Bullshit, they push those plans because the managers annoy the hell out of them for it and seem to "misplace" time off requests if you don't sell as many as they would like."

bullshit, they don't misplace anything. They do push it because your store ranking and department ranking depends on it. Everything from unit sales, attachments per unit, service plan sales, margin, etc etc etc...all effects your store rank and thats why they push everything.

[Edited on September 24, 2007 at 11:07 AM. Reason : fda]

9/24/2007 11:06:35 AM

All American
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corporate didnt tell me that. I know that from signing up with credit cards and going over the protection plan. And yes, I did work for geek squad. My supervisor fucked me over pretty bad, yet I still will shop at best buy and I still give the company credit. They even took numbers out of our morning meeting cause they didnt want employees focused on numbers. They focus on customer feedback.

Quote :
"Bullshit, they push those plans because the managers annoy the hell out of them for it and seem to "misplace" time off requests if you don't sell as many as they would like."

haha, i dont know what kind of fucked up store you worked at but I've worked at 2 different stores and they definitely didnt do that

[Edited on September 24, 2007 at 11:08 AM. Reason : asdf]

9/24/2007 11:06:58 AM

All American
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9/24/2007 11:07:50 AM

All American
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i have (at last count) 14 best buy geek squad tags that ive ripped off TRASHED computers that ive had to fix after best buys geek squad raped the poor people out of 300+ bucks,

funny thing is that im acutally able to get the problem fixed while mainly watching tv, and end up charging them a lot less. so much less, in fact, that i often get tipped because they are fucking amazed that its possible to "make the internet work" for less than 200 bucks...

then word gets around, and people go pull their computers out of best buy and drop them off at my house. thats where i got my 14 stickers

note: there are actually 2 stickers per case, i only take one. so its 14 computers, not 7)

9/24/2007 11:08:40 AM

All American
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funny thing is, i guarantee you 9 out of 10 of you people talkin shit about best buy still shop there for all your electronic needs

9/24/2007 11:13:00 AM

All American
27023 Posts
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^^blaming geek squad for User Error is retarded. When a customer brings in a computer thats filled with spyware and other shit then refuses to buy any kind of spyware/virus protection. Common sense says they will be back.

[Edited on September 24, 2007 at 11:13 AM. Reason : ^]

9/24/2007 11:13:01 AM

All American
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Quote :
"bullshit, they don't misplace anything."

I guess it must have been a hallucination then

9/24/2007 11:13:24 AM

All American
27023 Posts
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must be other reasons, just because your manager misplaced your time off requests doesn't mean ALL managers do the same. And I'm sure it wasn't due to your shitty work ethic either.

9/24/2007 11:14:23 AM

All American
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I never said I had shitty work ethic, I just didn't sell too many of the replacement/service plans.

9/24/2007 11:15:02 AM

5 Posts
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All this post was intended to do is to offer a job oppurtunity to those who may be looking. As it states in the subject, we are undergoing an expansion program at bestbuy with the cellular industry. We are creating a better enviroment for mobile sells in the big box store as well as 2 stand alone stores. Each store will carry over 90 different mobile handsets in store as well as 9 major carriers for this area with an extensive selection of handset accessories! We are looking for people that want all the perks of working for bestbuy but in a small box store, as the stand alone stores will be located in cameron village and cary town center mall. If your intrested apply, if not then don't!

9/24/2007 11:15:30 AM

Drunk yet Orderly
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edit post or whatever that site is says that the managers do that kind of stuff all the time.

9/24/2007 11:15:57 AM

All American
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Do you believe everything you read on the internet?

9/24/2007 11:18:52 AM

All American
170962 Posts
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Quote :
"blaming geek squad for User Error is retarded. When a customer brings in a computer thats filled with spyware and other shit then refuses to buy any kind of spyware/virus protection. Common sense says they will be back."

why do they need to buy that shit from best buy for 300000 fucking dollars dude? even if someone brings me a computer so bad that i have to do a complete level1 wipe and restore, i can set them up with virus and spyware protection for free (or at the very least, show them where to hit PURCHASE on the trials i set them up with)

im talking about people who call me saying best buy wants 375 dollars to fix their dell dimension 4100 with a p3 and 512mb of ram.................... that is why best buy is scum, and that is why i have so many geek squad stickers in my collection.

9/24/2007 11:18:53 AM

All American
2869 Posts
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i have read so many horror stories pertaining to geek squad and best buy, and experienced some myself first hand. fuck that place and fuck you.

[Edited on September 24, 2007 at 11:20 AM. Reason : ]

9/24/2007 11:19:53 AM

All American
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just about every meeting my managers stressed the "dont sell out of pocket" strategy. In other words, if you wouldnt buy it, dont sell it to the customer, and definitely dont sell them things they dont need.

But you guys are gonna keep arguing that you know more even though most of you have never worked for the company

and jackleg, most people dont have the tools to remove viruses from the BIOS. Viruses are near impossible to remove/and or clean, especially when in windows. They dont sell those tools in stores. Geek Squad does have them. So if a client has a virus but doesnt want to restore their OS, we can and will remove the virus for them.

[Edited on September 24, 2007 at 11:22 AM. Reason : asdf]

9/24/2007 11:20:26 AM

All American
31346 Posts
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Quote :
"funny thing is, i guarantee you 9 out of 10 of you people talkin shit about best buy still shop there for all your electronic needs"

Funny thing is, you worked for Geek Squad, immediately assuring me of the complete and total incompetence of Best Buy employees.

As far as your argument, the ONLY items I've purchased from Best Buy are black friday door busters and a couple of open box items I could haggle on.

I've never purchased a retail computer, CD, movie, or any other piece of electronic equipment there. I do go there all the time to play with the instore items, then I go online and save myself 20-40%

I don't think you understand how shitheaded the company is. people continue to go there because, in many cases, it's the only option. It's the same reason people shop at walmart. It's not because of the employees, it's in spite of them.

9/24/2007 11:20:43 AM

All American
170962 Posts
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not to mention the fun all the nerds have going through your pictures and movies and trying to "crack" your QDATA files with scriptkiddie bullshit (more spyware, from the geek squad? no way!!1)

i diagnose for free, kill any immediate threat, and let them come over and fill up a few dvds/cds with music and docs they wanna keep, then i do what i do.

9/24/2007 11:22:04 AM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"funny thing is, i guarantee you 9 out of 10 of you people talkin shit about best buy still shop there for all your electronic needs"

I tried to come up with five people I know who shop at Best Buy more than "very rarely"

...I can't think of a single person.

Quote :
"A) some people buy cash or with the BBY credit card
B) thats as bad as saying 'my homeowners insurance covers it"

a) I have no fucking sympathy for someone who turns down a free warranty extension on a large purchase, whatever their reason may be
b) if you're not a dumbass, it does. It's called a valuable personal property endorsement, and on my renter's policy (which I keep because I'm not on my bf's mortgage), I have that for my camera and my laptop. I specifically asked 'does that cover accidental damage, water damage, and theft?' The answer is 'yes'

Quote :
"^^blaming geek squad for User Error is retarded. "

He wasn't blaming BB for user error. He was blaming them for misleading customers about the usability of their propety.

Quote :
"Each store will carry over 90 different mobile handsets in store as well as 9 major carriers for this area with an extensive selection of handset accessories"


Quote :
"If your intrested apply, if not then don't!"

Are you any sort of manager? Despite being such a dumbass you can't tell the difference between you're and your?

9/24/2007 11:22:17 AM

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