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 Message Boards » » FUCK TIME WARNER Page [1] 2, Next  
All American
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Absolutely the most incompetent service I've ever experienced, aside from the city garbage collection but that's another story.

Roughly a month ago we moved into our new house and called Time Warner Cable to have them install cable and internet out here. They came out and installed, leaving wires strewn across the side and back yard, the box out back was left completely open and exposed to the elements, and they didn't install to all of the rooms we had asked.

We called them out again to fix the wires and to finish installing to all of the rooms. The guy came out and said that he could not do any of the work because he doesn't normally work for Time Warner, not sure what that was about.

Two days later I found a pink service slip on my porch stating we had missed a Time Warner service call. I had no idea we even had one scheduled as there had been no calls to us letting us know and no confirmation calls about it either. I called back and it took another 2 weeks to get someone out. I got a call last night and the guy said he was on his way. Only problem was that he was going to a house on the other side of Raleigh, literally the other side. He also had the wrong phone number associated with the account.

This morning finally a tech came out and he was very cordial and friendly however he said he could not do any work because we did not have a letter of permission from our landlord on his letterhead. First of all, over this entire ordeal we had never need a letter of permission and they had never told us we would need one. Second of all, our landlord is simply a guy who lives next door. He doesn't own a real estate agency or a rental program or anything like that so it's not like he just has his "business stationary" just laying around. I'm fed up and we're shopping around right now for tv and internet from some other company. Unfortunately we just got off of the phone with Verizon and they do not service this area.

10/4/2007 1:38:21 PM

All American
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10/4/2007 1:39:15 PM

All American
14538 Posts
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yo holmes

10/4/2007 1:39:19 PM

All American
43428 Posts
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Fucking idiots up here have my name misspelled on my account.

Who the fuck is named "PaRtick"???!?!?!?

And thats nothing. They came in and installed cable in two of our rooms when I was away for the weekend. When I got home the cable didn't work in my room. I had to call their tech line and deal with that crap for an hour for the guy to tell me my cable box "is dead". No shit buddy. Then I had to take it in to get a new one and when I hooked that up the following night I nice message popped up on my screen informing me that my digital service had been disconnected and to contact my local office. This, 4 days after I had it hooked up, and while it worked in the other room. Holy fucking shit I hate them. Oh, and did I mention that when I dealt with the automated phone line every time, that when I asked for a customer representative it would act like it didn't hear me.

[Edited on October 4, 2007 at 1:49 PM. Reason : ACK]

10/4/2007 1:46:33 PM

Trauma Specialist
15492 Posts
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Oh it's time for this thread again.

10/4/2007 2:00:07 PM

76471 Posts
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10/4/2007 2:11:53 PM

All American
7033 Posts
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call them and complain and they will give you credit for however long the ordeal has been going on

We had about 1 month of glitching service where the techs were unable to fix it and I called them and they credited us for a month of service pretty easily ( they will do it as long as there is record of the people coming out )

10/4/2007 2:16:16 PM

56200 Posts
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shit like this is why I switched to DirecTV years ago

10/4/2007 2:19:40 PM

All American
12764 Posts
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I've never had an major problems with them. When they came out I knew it would take a week or so before they came back to bury the lines. There was no problem with them being exposed to the elements. I made sure to check to make sure cable was installed in every room I requested. I owned the house so it wasn't a problem, but I can certainly see why they'd need a letter from the landlord. They aren't going to just dig up the lawn without permission from the guy who owns it.

10/4/2007 2:37:21 PM

All American
11472 Posts
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Basically every Cable company sucks huge balls and has horrible customer service. Where I live we have Cox cable and they are fucking horrible. I got so sick of my digital cable freezing up and my DVR not working that I cancelled digital cable and went back to standard cable.

Now I am getting this gay little scrolling messages on the bottom of the screen on channels like HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, and a few free channels saying they are going to stop offering these channels on basic cable and only with digital packages. What type of company does this to a customer? Imagine if Food Lion pulled this shit and said "You cannot buy that orange juice unless you also purchase this bottle of soda". I can't buy HBO unless I pay to have digital cable. Fuck you and fuck all cable companies. Books, internet, and magazines FTW.

10/4/2007 2:57:22 PM

All American
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Funny, the rep we deal with is a guy that I graduated hs with. He' always been courteous, and makes sure everything is right before he leaves, if not, he goes out of his way to make it right. Was an ok guy in hs, but an even better time warner tech

[Edited on October 4, 2007 at 3:07 PM. Reason : ]

10/4/2007 3:07:19 PM

All American
15292 Posts
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Tell them you are contacting your lawyer.

Problem solved next day.

The End.

10/4/2007 3:08:39 PM

2488 Posts
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Quote :
"Basically every Cable company sucks huge balls and has horrible customer service"

that's because they're all monopolies

without competition for prices and quality

they're free to do whatever the fuck they want

I'm still not sure how it's fair for only one company to get to sell media over coaxial cable

I mean, how can local governments legally grant a franchise agreement to only one company?

that's a monopoly, and not a "natural" one

I say we do away with all statutory monopolies

that way, maybe liberals will realize that anti-competition and fascism are the real problem, not capitalism itself

10/4/2007 3:33:52 PM

All American
6249 Posts
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because these companies agree to give kickbacks to the city/county for exclusive rights?

10/4/2007 3:36:56 PM

All American
20699 Posts
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Bellsouth DSL is fast enough for my purposes because I'm not downloading enormous porn files and shit, and their support has always been good for me. I installed that shit myself after a point of vodka and had no problems, and the only time I needed to troubleshoot later on was to hook my comp up to my office and home services, which is also simple.

And cheap, imo.

10/4/2007 3:45:47 PM

2488 Posts
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^^yup, fascism

^we're talking about coaxial (or optic) cable here, not telephone

10/4/2007 3:57:27 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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yea, and again i didn't say i had any issue with them needing permission, but after workin out here for a month without it you would a) think it wasn't an issue b) expect them to tell us at some point

10/4/2007 7:36:09 PM

All American
170962 Posts
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i just dropped my bill from 147/mo to 100.50 a month

it was really the battle of who would budge on the 100 line

10/17/2007 2:00:46 PM

45912 Posts
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I made TWC my bitch.

10/17/2007 2:01:30 PM

All American
20735 Posts
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i am so fed up with time warner cable
if i wasn't addicted to degrassi reruns i wouldnt deal with them

10/17/2007 2:04:18 PM

All American
5755 Posts
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Call WRAL 5 On Your Side


[Edited on October 17, 2007 at 2:06 PM. Reason : .]

10/17/2007 2:05:53 PM

45912 Posts
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^ tryin to make shit real

[Edited on October 17, 2007 at 2:07 PM. Reason : .]

10/17/2007 2:07:13 PM

All American
11291 Posts
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am i like the only person who hasn't had any problems with twc?

10/17/2007 2:08:25 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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10/17/2007 2:22:56 PM

45912 Posts
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^^you just fucked yourself. now they will begin

10/17/2007 2:23:25 PM

All American
9053 Posts
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i just got a month free b/c of exceptionally shitty service, and a healthy dose of bitching.....

10/17/2007 2:29:47 PM

All American
13047 Posts
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paging Five on Your Side

10/17/2007 2:30:00 PM

All American
26824 Posts
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Lemme see. This has to be about the bajillionth fucking Time-Warner complaint thread I've seen.

10/17/2007 2:33:57 PM

387 Posts
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Time Warner cable is about the worst large company, in terms of customer service, that I have ever had to deal with. I think in 2009 we are going to get another provider, AT&T maybe, who will offer a competitive service to Time Warner for digital television service. Until then we have to put up with their shit, because satellite sucks donkey balls....

Here is the link to the new digital service...sounds like a good thing

10/17/2007 4:16:13 PM

All American
14039 Posts
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Quote :
"We called them out again to fix the wires and to finish installing to all of the rooms. The guy came out and said that he could not do any of the work because he doesn't normally work for Time Warner, not sure what that was about."


its never "time warner cable" guys. they contract out some hobos and incompetents to do the installations

10/17/2007 4:25:49 PM

147487 Posts
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i havent paid for time warner in almost 2 years

10/17/2007 4:27:36 PM

All American
4127 Posts
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these bastards get way too much of my money

10/17/2007 4:37:12 PM

All American
2298 Posts
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They had to come out three different times to get me the right fucking DVR box. And when I would call them about it asking where it was, they would tell me I already had one, and why did I want another one? Because your dipshit of a technician couldn't figure out how to hook up the HD DVR to a non-HD tv (I didn't ask for an HD DVR btw because I knew I wouldn't need an HD capable one), so he just left me w/ a digital cable box and put through the paper-work saying he left me w/ a dvr.

It's not my fault your employees lie. Stop fucking arguing w/ me and telling me I have a DVR when there isn't a fucking recording feature on the box you left me. Why would I make shit like this up?

I finally told the guy to come out and see for himself that what I had wasn't a dvr, and if I was wrong he could kick me in the nuts, call me a jack-ass, and charge me for an unnecessary service call. I guess that did it because he finally stopped arguing w/ me and put in a service request for a non-HD DVR installation.

And of course their random outage last weekend fucked up our DVR. I tried rebooting it like they told me and it didn't work. So I call them up for them to come and fix it, and they say it will be Thursday before someone can come out. I tore the manager a new one over the phone, telling her it was ridiculous for a problem they caused to take 5 days to fix. I told her my hometown cable company had the cable back up and running for the entire town three days after a hurricane passed through, and that she was fucking crazy if she thought I was going to put up with that shit.

They called yesterday morning saying they could come out in the afternoon. Two showed up, did their thing for like 15 minutes, all was good, and they left. Now see, was that so fucking hard?


10/17/2007 5:35:44 PM

All American
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Get satellite and quit bitching.

10/17/2007 5:38:41 PM

All American
722 Posts
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Quote :
"am i like the only person who hasn't had any problems with twc?"

Nope. Everything's worked great, and I had prompt service the one time internet went out. *fingers crossed*

10/17/2007 6:08:26 PM

All American
5486 Posts
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^^Not an option for a lot of people- like me. Getting satellite would mean moving and there's this little thing called a lease.

10/17/2007 7:10:56 PM

All American
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How is quit bitching not an option?

10/17/2007 7:17:27 PM

All American
2298 Posts
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^ How about you shut the fuck up. Just because you haven't had any issues with TWC, doesn't mean other people on here, myself included, don't have legitimate complaints. So rather than suggesting we quit our bitching, why don't you leave the thread that was obviously intended for bitching about TWC. If the worse thing we are doing is complaining about TWC on a message board, considering some of the problems people have listed, I think you should quit bitching posting.

Here's to hoping your cable and internet go out and you meet with the same shitty service as the rest of us. Then, come back and tell us about it, so we can tell you to "quit bitching." You smarmy little bitch.

10/17/2007 8:06:56 PM

All American
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How about I don't shut the fuck up?

10/17/2007 8:49:19 PM

All American
2298 Posts
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^ Are you playing 21 questions? Or just being a moron? Or maybe both?

10/17/2007 8:52:55 PM

All American
12764 Posts
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You're the moron if bitch about Time Warner month after month yet continue to stay their customer.

10/17/2007 8:59:53 PM

All American
2298 Posts
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Quote :
"You're the moron if bitch about Time Warner month after month yet continue to stay their customer.


Nice grammar, moron. And yeah, this is definitely the second month I've had time warner so "month after month" doesn't apply here dipshit. And I'm so glad you haven't had any trouble with time warner cable, but let me ask a question. Was selling your asshole to a time warner "technician" really worth good cable service?

10/17/2007 9:05:47 PM

All American
12764 Posts
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I think you meant to say nice typo moron, unless I'm missing something.

I was referring to the general users on the board. Try not to be so egocentric.

Nice job starting a sentence with "And" grammar princess.

Sorry to hear you gave away your ass cherry and still ended up with shitty service.

10/17/2007 9:12:58 PM

All American
2298 Posts
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Wow. You really are a moron. And all this time I was kidding.

And it is acceptable to start a sentence with "and". Sorry. I wish I could say you got me because that doesn't seem to be something you're told often, but in this case, it didn't happen.

So you left out a word and I mistook you for a retard rather than a bad typer. Sorry about that. I'm sure that's not the first time someone has made that mistake where you are concerned.

I'm one of the "general users" on the board you were referring to, so I wasn't being egocentric by taking issue with something you said referring to said users. But again, nice try.

As for this gem:

Quote :
"Sorry to hear you gave away your ass cherry and still ended up with shitty service."

I actually chuckled at this. The unintended pun in what you said was actually funny. I know, you're probably as stunned as I am. But since you didn't deny you sold your anal virginity for better cable, why don't you answer my question.

10/17/2007 9:34:41 PM

All American
12764 Posts
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You were kidding? So, you really love Time Warner and think I'm not a moron?

Just because it is accepted by some people doesn't mean it should be widely used.

Sorry if after typing hundreds of lines a day I accidentally leave out a word or two. I didn't realize chit chat was so strict.

I think a "general user" on this board has had time warner more than two months.

Better cable? We have the same service genius. I still have my anal virginity. Try not to get too excited over it.

10/17/2007 10:11:02 PM

All American
5486 Posts
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I love it how people act like there's real alternatives if you want DVR service and don't have a view of the southern skies. The choice isn't "simply stop being their customer." It's "choose between their shitty service or no service" for many people. Their inability to deliver the services people are paying to is something that's worth bitching about- especially when many of their customers don't really have an alternative.

Hell, even if you don't care about DVR service and just want more than a few local channels you're fucked if TWC decides to provide you shitty service.

[Edited on October 17, 2007 at 10:12 PM. Reason : ]

10/17/2007 10:11:10 PM

All American
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I'd love to have the wireless network that Europe has, but you don't hear me bitching about that.

10/17/2007 10:29:57 PM

All American
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Have you been billed by and lied to by the wireless network in europe? No?


[Edited on October 17, 2007 at 10:43 PM. Reason : ]

10/17/2007 10:39:11 PM

All American
12764 Posts
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English please?

10/17/2007 10:42:40 PM

All American
5486 Posts
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Quote :
"I think you meant to say nice typo moron, unless I'm missing something.

I was referring to the general users on the board. Try not to be so egocentric.

Nice job starting a sentence with "And" grammar princess."

10/17/2007 10:44:44 PM

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