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All American
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For our water woes

10/16/2007 2:05:29 AM

All American
31058 Posts
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more like tidal waves

10/16/2007 2:07:16 AM

Art Vandelay
45180 Posts
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cat 1 soaking would be nice
drop 3-5 inches

10/16/2007 2:13:05 AM

All American
7873 Posts
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because praying will make something happen

10/16/2007 2:16:03 AM

All American
31058 Posts
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it does

Jesus answers all prayers in his own way

10/16/2007 2:17:30 AM

All American
26824 Posts
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I don't pray for any fucking hurricane.

I go prance around the yard naked in my special hurricane rain paint, shaking beads in the air and beating on my drum and chanting erotic rain-making chants to the Great Spirit and all his rain-making Lesser Spirits.

I don't beg. I say, "gimme some big got-damn STORMS muthafuckas. Bash my boats and swamp my 9th Ward, bitches. Whip it out and SHOW me you gots a dick bigger'n MY floordragger."

10/16/2007 2:19:35 AM

All American
25609 Posts
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brb, i'm gonna go seed some clouds

10/16/2007 2:29:10 AM

All American
26824 Posts
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Seeding uteruses is much more fun.

10/16/2007 2:36:29 AM

All American
21537 Posts
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i'm not in school anymore so i don't need anything cancelled

10/16/2007 6:45:03 AM

All American
11811 Posts
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I have been praying for a decent hurricane for 11 years now.

10/16/2007 11:53:40 AM

37709 Posts
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do the hurricane on that ho

10/16/2007 11:58:26 AM

All American
35321 Posts
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have any of y'all actually been in a hurricane? other than just the outskirts of one where it's a little windy and rainy? why would you pray for a hurricane?

10/16/2007 12:09:26 PM

All American
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Dude, I was in Charlotte during Hugo and in Raleigh during Fran. I have a variety of reasons for wanting a hurricane.

10/16/2007 12:11:44 PM

All American
8742 Posts
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At this point, the benefits of a hurricane that brought a shit-ton of rain and ended our drought would outweigh the problems that come with one.

10/16/2007 12:20:35 PM

All American
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Maybe a few tropical depressions would be nice....but the seas are calm and we are SOL.

Get ready for HELL ON EARTH.

I am picturing some fucking Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome shit in downtown Durham if we don't have enough water to keep making Kool Aid.

10/16/2007 12:23:18 PM

All American
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I don't see how anyone who has actually been in the middle of a "decent" hurrican can actually want another one. I've been in several and you know, not having power or running water for a few days sucks. Not being able to go get food from the grocery store because the roads are blocked for several days because they want the more main roads unblocked, and because there is not food in the grocery store sucks.

Not to mention during it, watching as the trees almost turn horizontal right above you, it's not fun. Yes the rain from the storm would be nice, so pray for a rain storm, not a wind storm. Hurricanes are primarily wind, not much rain comes from them. If you own the place you live in why would you want a hurricane to come? You'd have to replace the roof of your house, maybe a window or two. You'd have to risk a tree falling on it.
One year the top of a tree fell off onto the roof above my house and we had to replace it. Shingles fly off so easily during them.

Oh remember these storms go on for a while, so if you have any pets you're just gonna have to let them pee in your house, cause you wouldn't want to send them out in it and risk them being injured by a green pinecone that has turned into a spear when the wind blows it into the ground.

But if y'all are praying for Hurricanes I'm happy I'm living in Hickory right now and not any closer to the coast.

10/16/2007 12:24:35 PM

All American
4755 Posts
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Quote :
"Hurricanes are primarily wind, not much rain comes from them."

you were obviously nowhere near Goldsboro when Floyd came through

10/16/2007 12:30:28 PM

All American
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10/16/2007 12:31:25 PM

All American
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I was in Carteret County when Floyd came. But as I remember Floyd was a "different" hurricane which did contain a lot of rain. However, most of the time the only reason there is flooding is because of the storm surge coming over land that is at or below sea level.

10/16/2007 12:33:51 PM

All American
27701 Posts
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Quote :
"have any of y'all actually been in a hurricane? other than just the outskirts of one where it's a little windy and rainy? why would you pray for a hurricane?"

i grew up in and lived in wilmington for 18 years of my life. 'nuff said.

Quote :
"I've been in several and you know, not having power or running water for a few days sucks. Not being able to go get food from the grocery store because the roads are blocked for several days because they want the more main roads unblocked, and because there is not food in the grocery store sucks."

that's why you get a generator and buy a shit ton of water, plus stock your pantry and refridgerator before the storm. duh. if you live in wilmington, a generator is pretty much a necessity. ours runs our AC, lights, fans, the fridge, a computer/cable modem/router, and the tv/cable box. runs off of natural gas w/ diesel backup.

Quote :
"Not to mention during it, watching as the trees almost turn horizontal right above you, it's not fun. Yes the rain from the storm would be nice, so pray for a rain storm, not a wind storm. Hurricanes are primarily wind, not much rain comes from them."

the wind is the coolest part, i love standing outside/on the porch during them

Quote :
"If you own the place you live in why would you want a hurricane to come? You'd have to replace the roof of your house, maybe a window or two. You'd have to risk a tree falling on it.
One year the top of a tree fell off onto the roof above my house and we had to replace it. Shingles fly off so easily during them."

our house has been through 15+ hurricanes and the worst damage we got was a tree that fell in our backyard

10/16/2007 12:34:45 PM

All American
6237 Posts
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Hurricanes were fun before I bought a house.

10/16/2007 12:35:19 PM

21958 Posts
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Dude, I lived through Hurricane Floyd. Everything flooded, ended up stranded at a friends house, couldn't get home, water water everywhere, out of school for weeks, lots of shite destroyed. The hell if I want another hurricane. The drought will end in its own good time.

10/16/2007 12:35:37 PM

All American
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Fran caused me to go without a shower for 2 weeks in muggy humid weather. The largest tree in our yard fell on our kitchen and the water damage destroyed our kitchen and living room.

Fuck hurricanes and anyone who would ever want them to hit North Carolina

10/16/2007 12:37:52 PM

All American
11811 Posts
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It's a matter of opinion.
Quote :
"I've been in several and you know, not having power or running water for a few days sucks."

For most people, sure, but some people actually prepare well ahead of time so this isn't anything too difficult to overcome. Plus not everyone minds roughing it from time to time. We were without power from Hugo for about a month. Since I was 8 some of the details have been lost but I don't remember it being an insurmountable challenge to survive.
Quote :
"Not to mention during it, watching as the trees almost turn horizontal right above you, it's not fun."

That, too, is a matter of opinion. I can not expect you to understand the exhilaration that comes with seeing the full magnitude of nature's power. During Hugo I was relegated to the staying well away from outside during the storm and was forced to only experience the aftermath and seeing our neighborhood transformed overnight. That was a very powerful moment. Since I was a bit older during Fran I was permitted to stand out the back door for the duration of the storm and just listen and feel the event. I don't think any explanation I give would do justice to describing the emotion that weather invokes.

[Edited on October 16, 2007 at 12:45 PM. Reason : .]

10/16/2007 12:43:11 PM

All American
4127 Posts
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i hope you guys buy a house near the coast and it gets fucking blown away

10/16/2007 1:02:03 PM

All American
19639 Posts
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Quote :
"I've been in several and you know, not having power or running water for a few days sucks"

On the contrary, I thought it was lots of fun. A fucking adventure if you will. We ate like kings too, cleaning out the meat in the fridge and grilling shit. It was the biggest block party my asshole neighborhood ever had, when for once they weren't absorbed in their TVs, cellphones, and every other distraction that keeps us indoors.

Quote :
"Not to mention during it, watching as the trees almost turn horizontal right above you, it's not fun"

Shit I remember watching 2-3 trees drop in our backyard, including one that fell across the only road into our neighborhood down by a river. I also remember going out in the middle of the storm with my dad and a couple of chainsaws and making quick work of the crown to open up a lane for traffic.

Quote :
"Hurricanes were fun before I bought a house."

I have to agree on this one to a point. I have a gigantic old oak tree in my backyard with some massive limbs, so I do worry some about that tree. But other than that, my house is fairly safe and in good shape structurally, so I don't really sweat a storm too much now.

10/16/2007 1:02:27 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i hope you guys buy a house near the coast and it gets fucking blown away"

Because advocates for hurricanes have never heard that before.

10/16/2007 1:04:21 PM

All American
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^^the biggest oak tree in our yard is what hit our house

my dad thought it would never fall

if i were you i'd cut that thing down if you live east of raleigh

10/16/2007 1:08:20 PM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"Hurricanes are primarily wind, not much rain comes from them."

My parents live in Craven County and when they moved in their new house they had like 3 big trees taken out of the backyard. Our backyard is pretty sheltered but you still don't want a tree falling on the house.

[Edited on October 16, 2007 at 1:11 PM. Reason : treez]

10/16/2007 1:09:40 PM

All American
8522 Posts
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I'm prayin for tidal waves

10/16/2007 1:12:28 PM

60006 Posts
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my house had four feet of water flowing through it during Fran

I did a shit ton of work helping victims of Floyd in 99

I'd rather we not have another hurricane

10/16/2007 1:15:08 PM

All American
28213 Posts
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For the most part hurricanes suck, especially from living on the coast.

10/16/2007 1:16:07 PM

All American
6709 Posts
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I lost 200 pine trees because of hurricane Fran, all of my childhood toys and clothes because our basement flooded...

I'll take a tropical storm or a flash flood, but no hurricane plz, k, thx...

10/16/2007 1:17:50 PM

All American
26690 Posts
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Yall took this a bit serious.

Yes I've been through several.

The rain from one would be nice, though.

10/16/2007 4:58:41 PM

All American
928 Posts
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yes, pray for tidal waves. smart comment. sucks yall have water restrictions... 1.5 baahahahaha

10/16/2007 5:31:59 PM

All American
3052 Posts
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Hurricanes are pretty fun. Except when you get hit in the head by a wind-driven pine cone. The hard-packed green ones. Knocked me to the damn ground. I thought I had been shot.

10/16/2007 6:23:48 PM

147487 Posts
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lol 200 pine trees

10/16/2007 6:25:54 PM

All American
25609 Posts
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evan the debunker

10/16/2007 6:34:10 PM

All American
9645 Posts
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I think we should pray for a blizzard

At least then the water will trickle into the system as it melts

10/16/2007 7:48:14 PM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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good call.

plus it'd be way more fun than a hurricane.

10/16/2007 7:49:47 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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We are not in the middle of a serious drought. If you're still only regulating when people can water their lawns it's not a serious drought.

10/16/2007 7:54:42 PM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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it has rained once since school started.

10/16/2007 7:58:09 PM

686 Posts
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Quote :
""Hurricanes are primarily wind, not much rain comes from them.""


who told you guys THIS?

Quote :
""Hurricanes were fun before I bought a house.""

get insurance

Quote :
"On the contrary, I thought it was lots of fun. A fucking adventure if you will. We ate like kings too, cleaning out the meat in the fridge and grilling shit. It was the biggest block party my asshole neighborhood ever had, when for once they weren't absorbed in their TVs, cellphones, and every other distraction that keeps us indoors."

It sucked because it was summer and theres was no way to cool off. all the ice at every store was gone or had a 3 hour line. all the gas in raleigh was rushed.

That december ice storm we had in 04? crippled raleigh more than any hurricane ever did.

I loved that much more for the reasons you stated plus you could heat yourself with a fire,

and why do mexicans always grill indoors? do they not have charcoal in mexico?

Quote :
"cause you wouldn't want to send them out in it and risk them being injured by a green pinecone that has turned into a spear when the wind blows it into the ground."

those kind of winds last a few hours maybe

10/16/2007 8:32:53 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
11611 Posts
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Quote :
"Hurricanes are primarily wind, not much rain comes from them."

It is my professional opinion that you should never comment on anything weather related again in your life.

10/16/2007 9:23:53 PM

45912 Posts
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hurricane in nc during October/November? yeh, not gonna happen

10/16/2007 9:25:10 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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^ Since 1940, more than 100 storms have passed over or very close to NC in the months of Oct., Nov., Dec., and Jan..

At least know what you're talking about before you start typing next time.

[Edited on October 16, 2007 at 9:41 PM. Reason : ]

10/16/2007 9:40:59 PM

45912 Posts
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^most of our storms do not occur during those months.

10/16/2007 9:42:43 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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^ October is the third most active month after September and August for hurricane landfall in NC.

10/16/2007 9:50:36 PM

All American
9645 Posts
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"get insurance"

Unless you're paying in cash - insurance is pretty much required.

Rates however will increase should an INS company find that you are in a "high risk area" - aka they have to pay for you and your neighbors insurance claims.

Honestly it has nothing to do with insurance. Its all about you having to fix a fucked up house. Its not like the insurance agents call the repairmen for you - its a hassle.

10/16/2007 10:06:53 PM

686 Posts
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^lmao its so hard to CALL somebody to fix your house for you and worst case scenario have to stay at the embassy a couple of nights on the insurance. boo hoo.

^^ya but october is pretty much over. I mean its already the 17th so i'm certain nothing will happen before the last week of october and of those storms that have hit in october i wonder how many were in the last few days of october.

10/17/2007 12:45:55 AM

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