IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
So some jackass hit my car in the parking lot of my dorm and left a huge dent in it and then didn't even have the courtesy to leave a note. I haven't measured it, but I'd say it's about 1.5 inches deep and 10 inches in diameter above my front passenger side wheel. I'm pretty sure I know who did it because it was fairly high up on my car and there was no paint exchange which makes me think it was a bumper on a huge truck. A likely suspect was parked directly behind me when I found it. I'm hesitant to find out who the guy is in case I'm wrong and look like an asshole confronting him about it. Is there anything I can do? 10/30/2007 10:31:31 AM |
GraniteBalls Aging fast 12262 Posts user info edit post |
take pictures and post them on TWW! 10/30/2007 10:32:09 AM |
IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
It'll be with a shitty camera phone, but it won't be til later. 10/30/2007 10:33:11 AM |
DiamondAce Suspended 12937 Posts user info edit post |
Get yourself strapped!
10/30/2007 10:33:22 AM |
EMCE balls deep 89868 Posts user info edit post |
someone did this to me in a grocery store parking lot once.
your situation is a bit different though. Dorm parking lot = closed and limited community more or less.
I'm not really sure what you can do besides speculate though. You might be SOL like I was 10/30/2007 10:34:04 AM |
IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
^ That seems to be the case. My desperation should be apparent by the fact that I'm posting on TWW for help. 10/30/2007 10:36:00 AM |
GraniteBalls Aging fast 12262 Posts user info edit post |
get a police report
call insurance
pay deductable
$profit. 10/30/2007 10:36:39 AM |
EMCE balls deep 89868 Posts user info edit post |
^ I mean, that only works sometimes Mr. GraniteBalls. Depends on how bad the dent is/what the deductible is/insurance company, etc.... it might be better to just let it ride, and get it fixed yourself 10/30/2007 10:38:46 AM |
IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
^^ Did it... he said nothing could be done
Did it. I only have liability.
Can't do that because I only have liability.
How do you profit when you have to pay the deductible?
[Edited on October 30, 2007 at 10:39 AM. Reason : .] 10/30/2007 10:38:49 AM |
GraniteBalls Aging fast 12262 Posts user info edit post |
because they usually quote the damage at a cost that's much higher than necessary.
get it?
[Edited on October 30, 2007 at 10:40 AM. Reason : nothing matters because you have cheap insurance, though.] 10/30/2007 10:40:42 AM |
umbrellaman All American 10892 Posts user info edit post |
This also happened to me a couple of years ago. My friend and I went to the Crossroads 20 to go watch a movie, and when we came back there was this dent and scratches on the sides of my car. I have no idea who did it, and the cocksucker didn't even have the courtesy to at least leave a note saying he (she?) was sorry.
The real test of one's character is when they can do something without fear of getting caught. Which means that humanity is full of failures. 10/30/2007 10:41:10 AM |
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
Have you checked the guy's bumper to see if it has any of your paint or if it looks freshly polished by comparison to the rest of his vehicle? 10/30/2007 10:41:40 AM |
IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
I see. I am still relatively young and this is the first time I've actually dealt with the insurance company first-hand. 10/30/2007 10:41:49 AM |
baonest All American 47902 Posts user info edit post |
if you suspect someone, just politely ask them. maybe they didnt feel/know it.
a big truck like that probably didnt even feel it. 10/30/2007 10:43:43 AM |
GraniteBalls Aging fast 12262 Posts user info edit post |
do you drive a nice car?
you should talk to your insurance company about better coverage and adjusting your deductible to make your payments affordable.
if it's a beater, then nevermind that. 10/30/2007 10:44:27 AM |
IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Have you checked the guy's bumper to see if it has any of your paint or if it looks freshly polished by comparison to the rest of his vehicle?" | Yeah, but there was nothing there. It did look like it might have been polished but it was a very small spot. I imagine a huge truck doesn't have to have a whole lot of collision zone to put a large dent in a comparably smaller car. The worst thing about all this is now I look like a bad driver driving around with a bigass dent in my car.10/30/2007 10:44:33 AM |
GraniteBalls Aging fast 12262 Posts user info edit post |
you might get lucky and find an identical door at a junkyard.
make some calls. 10/30/2007 10:45:41 AM |
Chance Suspended 4725 Posts user info edit post |
What kinda car? 10/30/2007 10:46:52 AM |
EMCE balls deep 89868 Posts user info edit post |
that could help too. It won't help for right now, but get your insurance adjusted. If your insurance is outdated (i.e., you got it when you were 16 or some shit, and have some disgusting deductible rate), then you're going to really be paying money you shouldn't have to pay if you get in an accident. 10/30/2007 10:47:28 AM |
ndmetcal All American 9012 Posts user info edit post |
^ i assume you're a bad driver b/c you call yourself imstoned420 10/30/2007 10:48:04 AM |
baonest All American 47902 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "you might get lucky and find an identical door at a junkyard.
make some calls." |
i think he said wheel well, not door.
goto paintless dent removal
[Edited on October 30, 2007 at 10:48 AM. Reason : i failed to see the 10 inches in diameter part]10/30/2007 10:48:11 AM |
IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "if you suspect someone, just politely ask them. maybe they didnt feel/know it.
a big truck like that probably didnt even feel it." | They definitely would have heard this if not felt it. There's no way in hell they didn't know what they did. It was one of those trucks you know belongs to one of 'them thar fellas' so I just assume this guy's an asshole (I went to high school with his clones so I know them pretty well).
Quote : | "do you drive a nice car?" | It's not a beater, but it's not nice either. This is clearly the most damaged part of the car now.10/30/2007 10:48:43 AM |
GraniteBalls Aging fast 12262 Posts user info edit post |
i meant fender 10/30/2007 10:49:12 AM |
baonest All American 47902 Posts user info edit post |
yeah i read it as a 1.5 inch dent, 10 inches above the wheel well.
i failed to realize it was 10 inches around.
so yeah, im sure he realized something happened.
[Edited on October 30, 2007 at 10:50 AM. Reason : ] 10/30/2007 10:49:41 AM |
GraniteBalls Aging fast 12262 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "(I went to high school with his clones so I know them pretty well). " |
i want to see this argument. It's gonna be the pothead vs 3 rednecks.10/30/2007 10:50:10 AM |
Jen All American 10527 Posts user info edit post |
i could have sworn this read some asswhole shit my car 10/30/2007 10:50:28 AM |
IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i assume you're a bad driver b/c you call yourself imstoned420" |
Totally honest, being high makes me a better driver because I drive slower and I'm more paranoid about what's going on around me which results in better observation of my surroundings. It just scares me sometimes with how effortlessly I can do it (not bragging, it really does scare me sometimes).10/30/2007 10:51:33 AM |
ThePeter TWW CHAMPION 37709 Posts user info edit post |
slash his tires 10/30/2007 10:51:45 AM |
GraniteBalls Aging fast 12262 Posts user info edit post |
OR BE FOREVER FLAMED ON TWW. 10/30/2007 10:52:21 AM |
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ is that why ER doctors have seen a huge increase in the number of patients visiting ER's due to accidents where the driver was high? 10/30/2007 11:12:36 AM |
jtmartin All American 4116 Posts user info edit post |
you shouldnt have had your car looking so clean and shiny, it made my truck look bad. therefore i was forced to even things out. 10/30/2007 11:24:02 AM |
tbow252 Veteran 209 Posts user info edit post |
I get scared anytime i have to park my car on campus 10/30/2007 11:27:04 AM |
One All American 10570 Posts user info edit post |
maye he was stoned 420 10/30/2007 11:27:29 AM |
wlb420 All American 9053 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "is that why ER doctors have seen a huge increase in the number of patients visiting ER's due to accidents where the driver was high? " |
are you implying that more people are driving high (also high on what is a good question), or that people who get high are getting worse at driving.....I mean, if there has been a huge increase, that means the instances were a lot lower in the past.....
....that, or you're just blowing smoke out your ass.
[Edited on October 30, 2007 at 11:32 AM. Reason : .]10/30/2007 11:30:42 AM |
BigMan157 no u 103355 Posts user info edit post |
it wasn't me, i leave notes that say 'LOL' whenever i hit parked cars 10/30/2007 11:32:27 AM |
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
^^ not sure where the stats came from, but it was on the discovery health channel on some ER show 10/30/2007 11:33:46 AM |
Sweden All American 12297 Posts user info edit post |
was out there today and got this
10/30/2007 11:37:15 AM |
IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "is that why ER doctors have seen a huge increase in the number of patients visiting ER's due to accidents where the driver was high?" | I wasn't speaking for everyone. But I, personally, have never caused an accident.10/30/2007 12:53:20 PM |
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
I had someone hit mine 2 years ago. Left a nice dent from about the middle of my door to the front of my rear fender(have an extended cab dakota). You could tell someone had knocked the shit out of it. I call the campus police to come and he wasn't going to write a police report because the damage was <$1000 but he did anyway. He wrote it down as hit & run so I took it to my insurance company who estimated the damage at $3800 with a $500 deductible. Got someone to fix it for $2500 so I ended up with a fixed truck and $800 cash.
[Edited on October 30, 2007 at 1:55 PM. Reason : ] 10/30/2007 1:53:06 PM |
JHH Wolfpack All American 942 Posts user info edit post |
and that is insurance fraud 10/30/2007 2:00:47 PM |
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
No it's not. 10/30/2007 2:07:31 PM |
XSMP All American 16674 Posts user info edit post |
how many of you keep pen and paper in your car, if not carrying your book bag? I don't. I would certainly report dinging someone else's car to my* company, via the license #, but a note is not always possible. i'm just saying. 10/30/2007 2:14:41 PM |
IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
^ This was in my dorm parking lot. I'm thinking he had pen and paper nearby. Maybe not everyone does, but that doesn't make me any less pissed off. 10/30/2007 11:44:26 PM |
NC86 All American 9134 Posts user info edit post |
I had a friend who drove high all the time. In h.s we use to drive around smoking cigs and stuff. Well, he got high + xanax and ended up crashing at 130mph in his new 07 lexus that his parents bought him.
he died from internal injuries 10/30/2007 11:52:47 PM |
IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I had a friend who drove high all the time. In h.s we use to drive around smoking cigs and stuff. Well, he got high + xanax and ended up crashing at 130mph in his new 07 lexus that his parents bought him." |
I don't think weed had much to do with that one.10/30/2007 11:58:49 PM |
NC86 All American 9134 Posts user info edit post |
still had something to do with it.
and weed is a gateway drug, believe it or not. I Know all too well. And really, it takes a whole lot out of your pockets. Only good to do it once in a while, 2-3 times a month.
You've probably gotten to the point where you cant sleep without smoking, right ? 10/31/2007 12:01:08 AM |
budman97420 All American 4126 Posts user info edit post |
^X5 Unfortunately, most college students don’t operate that way (they run off). I’ve had an older Porsche clipped on the side, a 300zx backed into, and numerous large car door dents in my current Honda door (ALL ON CAMPUS). In none of these cases did I get as much as a sorry note. Comes with the college territory, get decent insurance if your car is worth it or you can’t afford to be without your car.
[Edited on October 31, 2007 at 12:03 AM. Reason : .] 10/31/2007 12:03:26 AM |
IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
^^ Not as much as being an idiot driving 130 mph and eating a pill.
Gateway drug is debatable. I don't feel like debating it right now. It can take a whole lot out of your pockets, but not always.
Not really. At home over the summer it takes up a large part of my day. But when I'm at school, it's usually a once or twice a week at night kind of thing, if that. I'm honestly not smart enough to survive in engineering and be a full blown pothead, but it's definitely affected the way I view the world in everyday life.
[Edited on October 31, 2007 at 12:05 AM. Reason : ] 10/31/2007 12:05:36 AM |
NC86 All American 9134 Posts user info edit post |
just dont ever do coke or ex or shrooms too often. 10/31/2007 12:12:08 AM |
datman All American 4812 Posts user info edit post |
set em up 10/31/2007 12:18:03 AM |