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El Nachó
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Firstly, I will start by saying I know this thread will accomplish the exact same thing that every single other thread in FF does which is precisely nothing. It's more of a venting thread than anything else.

But this guy is really starting to rival gargs as the biggest troll/shit stirrer in Tech Talk. Every single post is nothing more than arguing. I will admit that I've fell prey to the bait of stupidity that he constantly leaves. But I've been trying my hardest to ignore him lately, but it seems there is never a shortage of people willing to call him out for the total dumbass he is, and he is always willing to continue to prove them right. It's getting very old, and very hard to actually ignore when his rampant stupidity and fanboyism spreads across multiple topics and threads. I'm starting to think someone could make a thread saying the sky is blue and he would claim it's purple just to be arguing with someone.

Like I said, I know this will never happen, but at the very least this thread will at least take some of his attention away from the shit stirring he constantly does in Tech Talk. Or better yet, get people to realize that he is a known dumbass and try to start ignoring him more often. Something really does need to be done.

10/31/2007 11:34:30 AM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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the thing about trolls is that if you ignore them they go away

10/31/2007 11:56:00 AM

play so hard
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10/31/2007 11:59:54 AM

El Nachó
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I addressed my particular role in this game, but thanks for your participation.

10/31/2007 12:26:44 PM

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not that i have an particular opinion of golovko, but this thread is pretty weak man

10/31/2007 12:56:37 PM

El Nachó
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I guess my beef with him just comes from my personal diagnosis of my own posting habits. Basically being a douche bag and constantly arguing is stupid and it never accomplishes anything. I realized this and I've been trying my hardest to curb this behavior on my own. I've even gone so far as to apologize to anyone that my arguing has bothered. Golovko is far worse than I ever was in almost every way, but he refuses to admit that his constant trolling, bitching and arguing is having an overall negative effect nor does he seem to be showing any signs of cutting it out any time soon.

Kid just needs to grow up some.

10/31/2007 1:15:44 PM

El Nachó
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I mean look at his latest troll bait in the Blu-Ray vs HD-DVD thread.

Quote :
"because its not blu ray and blu ray discs hold more capacity and the ps3 is by far the best hi-def player out there!

who would want to buy transformers with shitty sound???"

I assume he's being sarcastic (or lamely trying to) with this post since it's obviously a pro-Blu-ray post and he's been waving the HD-DVD fanboy flag during the majority of that thread, but really? Does every single post in that thread warrant his smart ass sarcastic reply?

Hell, I'm not even sure if that post is meant as sarcasm at this point. With him talking about buying a PS3 and literally arguing with people on both sides of the fence, it's like he's just typing out words in order to see them make it on the internet or something.

10/31/2007 2:32:15 PM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"retarded comments get responded to with retarded comments."

At least he admitted to being part of the problem.

10/31/2007 2:54:23 PM

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This is bullshit. Not 1 week ago everyone on this site was calling for my head as the biggest troller tdub has ever seen...with about 8 posts per day total.

Now this?

How about just stop the fucking crying and ignore the trolls for a change?

10/31/2007 3:30:00 PM

El Nachó
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aww...someone's mad that someone else is getting attention for being an asshole?

Don't worry douchebag, everyone still hates you just as much as they did last week.

10/31/2007 3:53:00 PM

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It has nothing to do with attention and everything to do with pointing out you lame fucks on this website.

The majority of my "trolling" is nothing more than the same, pointing out shitty threads, shitty logic, and other types of inconsistencies.

You deserve to be called out when your vagina bled out all over the place last week because I mixed your peas and carrots and you didn't like it, and now you're crying some more.

Grow up you immature prick.

10/31/2007 4:10:45 PM

El Nachó
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What the fuck are you babbling about this time? mix my peas and carrots?

Are you high or just retarded?

10/31/2007 4:31:18 PM

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lol...2 trolls gong at it in the feedback forum

hilarity ensues

10/31/2007 4:35:18 PM

play so hard
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lol...2 trolls gong at it in the feedback forum

hilarity ensues

10/31/2007 4:41:16 PM

El Nachó
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I think the main difference between Chance, Golovko and myself is that I have taken a step back, realized that behavior like theirs (and mine as of a few months ago) is highly detrimental to this site. I've been trying to curb this behavior in myself. I've even apologized for my behavior to those who I have affected. A form of self moderation, if you will. Chance and Golovko have done no such self moderation nor apologies, and still continue to be complete drains on this website, and show no remorse nor indication they intend to stop their piss poor behavior. The reason I really don't care too much about what Chance posts is that for the most part he stays in Soap Box where I couldn't give two shits about, or in Chit Chat where you expect the stupidity to be. Golovko is just trolling up Tech Talk like it's his job or something. It really needs to stop.

10/31/2007 4:51:36 PM

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Quote :
"The reason I really don't care too much about what Chance posts is that for the most part he stays in Soap Box where I couldn't give two shits about, or in Chit Chat where you expect the stupidity to be."

Look, you and your kind either lied last week or you are lying now.

It was stated I troll all over this website.

Get over yourself.

This thread is a waste of time.

10/31/2007 5:04:35 PM

El Nachó
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Ha! "it was stated..."

What the fuck am I lying about now? You really are on something, aren't you?

not by me it was stated. You give yourself too much credit fool. I might have said some shit about what a sad little man you are for keeping running notes about other peoples lives on here so you'll know who to be jealous of (hint: you should be jealous of everyone that doesn't use TWW to gauge their life) but I never said shit to you about being a troll last week, or probably last year for that matter.

Looks like your notetaking skills need a brushup.

10/31/2007 5:42:43 PM

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How about address the fact that you're being a little bitch about this shit? Hey, I remember my notes now, you're fat right?

10/31/2007 6:43:50 PM

Trauma Specialist
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10/31/2007 7:56:34 PM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"How about address the fact that you're being a little bitch about this shit?"

What's to address? You can call it bitching, whining, moaning, complaining, whatever the hell you want to call it. Does that make my points any less valid? Does that mean you're not a pussy ass bitch for not answering my direct call outs to you? I'm still waiting on you to tell me how I'm either lying now or lying last week. Still waiting for that explanation on what the fuck you're talking about. I'm guessing I'll be waiting for a while since you're talking out of your ass.

Quote :
"Hey, I remember my notes now, you're fat right?"

Your notes need updating.

By the way, how much would someone you didn't like on the internet need to weigh for you to feel good about yourself?

10/31/2007 8:52:39 PM

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Quote :
"Does that make my points any less valid?"

Why yes, yes it does. It's the motherfucking internet. Serious goddamn business El Hide Behind The Keyboardo

Quote :
"Does that mean you're not a pussy ass bitch for not answering my direct call outs to you?"


Check your pants kid. I think your vagina is bleeding.

Quote :
"By the way, how much would someone you didn't like on the internet need to weigh for you to feel good about yourself?"

I dunno, 135-140?

10/31/2007 10:00:51 PM

El Nachó
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edit post're not gonna actually man up and answer my questions. Gotcha.


10/31/2007 10:32:36 PM

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Ban Glove from The Garage too. I don't get on here much, but it seems like he's always trolling around like a bass boat in there too.

10/31/2007 11:07:26 PM

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^^ Keep hiding behind the screename fag. You've been owned again.

11/1/2007 8:18:46 AM

El Nachó
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For me to have been "owned again" you would have had to
a) have owned me in the past.
b) owned me this time.

Neither of which happened. Quite the exact opposite actually, if you want to know the truth of the matter.

You came in here talking about something that I supposedly said last week that somehow supposedly contradicted something I said this week. But yet refuse to give any details when asked about those two supposed contradicting statements.

Then you rabbled on about period blood for some reason, claimed I was fat somehow and now you're saying I'm hiding? On the internet? You do realize all this isn't real life right? You really live and die for this whole validation of your shitty life through this website huh?

That's sad, little man.

11/1/2007 8:28:51 AM

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You're trying way too hard. I didn't even read that post.

11/1/2007 9:14:34 AM

El Nachó
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Ah, the old "I've got nothing clever to say in response to the verbal ass whipping I just received so I'll claim I didn't even read it" comeback. A classic dumbass move first introduced by drunknloaded I believe.

You're not even good at trolling anymore. First you lose your hair, then the ability to make a rational thought, now you can't even troll? Oh how the wimpy have fallen.

11/1/2007 9:32:40 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I didn't even read that post."

The funny thing is, he probably did read that post.

11/1/2007 9:49:07 AM

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Quote :
"Ah, the old "I've got nothing clever to say in response to the verbal ass whipping I just received so I'll claim I didn't even read it" comeback. A classic dumbass move first introduced by drunknloaded I believe.

You're not even good at trolling anymore. First you lose your hair, then the ability to make a rational thought, now you can't even troll? Oh how the wimpy have fallen."

Pretty sure it was Kontalonis or rallydurham that did this one.

And you still don't get it. I'm not invested in this battle with you man. I keep throwing out bones and you keep gobbling them up like you do the dick.

^ And this passive aggressive trolling you're doing of me is pretty lame as well. Go fuck yourself.

11/1/2007 9:56:55 AM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"And you still don't get it. I'm not invested in this battle with you man."

The fact that you jumped in with both guns blazing with absolutely no prompting from my end screams otherwise.

You just happened to miss all the targets on this one. So now that you've failed so miserably you claim you weren't trying. Weaksauce.

11/1/2007 10:00:58 AM

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see? these kinda wolfwebbers are way worse than me

11/1/2007 10:18:31 AM

El Nachó
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I know right. Someone should suspend them all.

11/1/2007 10:23:02 AM

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I think you're gonna get more out of arguing with a wall at this point.

11/1/2007 2:01:45 PM

El Nachó
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I'm having fun making you look stupid.

Don't stop now.

11/1/2007 2:04:46 PM

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I won this thread

11/1/2007 2:38:15 PM

El Nachó
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My PM inbox would strongly suggest otherwise.

11/1/2007 2:50:36 PM

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I have no clue what that means.

11/1/2007 2:54:46 PM

El Nachó
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That's probably because your iq most closely corresponds with the temperature of a bowl of day old soup.

11/1/2007 2:56:09 PM

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No, it's because you were being vague.

You got a PM suggesting I didn't win this thread?

Who would send a PM about that?

Lame interdorks?

You see why shit like that doesn't compute with someone like me?

11/1/2007 3:05:53 PM

El Nachó
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not just a PM. Multiple PMs.

All from people that are 1000% less "lame interdork" than you could ever hope to be.

11/1/2007 3:12:42 PM

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Quote :
"not just a PM. Multiple PMs.

All from people that are 1000% less "lame interdork" than you could ever hope to be."

No, that's pretty much as low as you can get on the lame interdork scale man.


You have people PMing you saying

"Chance/State409c sucks at life, you're so much cooler than him, you owned him?"

Am I understanding you correctly?

11/1/2007 3:20:12 PM

El Nachó
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Wow, you're slow on the uptake.

I don't see how PMing someone to say how lame someone else is is any different from PMing someone asking for personal info about who they are. Or PMing someone else to try and get info about them from their friends. Both of which you've done to me and several other people on this site.

You really do have an obsession with this place. All jokes/trolling/disliking aside, you need to get help man.

11/1/2007 3:23:33 PM

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If you can't produce any of these PMs - Game over. I win again.

11/1/2007 3:26:09 PM

El Nachó
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That's fine. Since your victories are only in your head in the first place, I'll let you live with your delusions.

11/1/2007 3:30:22 PM

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Can delusions really exists in a cyber world? You need to go outside more often.

11/1/2007 3:44:14 PM

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I think drunknloaded won this thread.

[Edited on November 1, 2007 at 3:58 PM. Reason : and I think Golovko should stay in tt]

11/1/2007 3:57:27 PM

Art Vandelay
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11/1/2007 6:47:31 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"I think drunknloaded won this thread."

he sure did

11/1/2007 8:44:06 PM

El Nachó
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Anyone that thinks dnl is capable of winning anything other than 3rd place in a race in the special olympics is a lesser person than I am.

11/2/2007 2:06:48 PM

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11/2/2007 8:08:19 PM

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