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 Message Boards » » does carolina stay at the RTP sheraton Page [1]  
All American
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if so, then the guy i was talking to was telling the truth i guess. said he worked there. anyway he mentioned that the carolina coach was like a vagina with legs and had to have everything a certain way

but rtp is KINDA far out from the stadium considering its just a drive from chapel hill

who knows about this and what gives

1) why is he a vagina pop
2) why stay so far out, i guess cause they were looking for a classy 2 diamond resort?

11/11/2007 5:56:54 PM

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It's so that after the pregame team orgy they can just get room service to clean up all the mess.

11/11/2007 6:00:14 PM

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Says they stay at the Marriott in RTP

11/11/2007 6:00:34 PM

All American
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my bad, the marriott. and i said more wrong. the guy i talked to was there booking rooms for a convention thing. and was told this by the guy working there. i had a conversation with the first guy, so its 3rd hand info i guess. but looks like 5 just verified it

BUT. they dont come out and talk about the coach asking for turndown handjob service.

and i didnt know ncsu used a hotel downtown. i guess so they always have the same kind of atmosphere waking up each gameday?

11/11/2007 6:05:36 PM

All American
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More so they can keep track of the players the night before the game, make sure they're all actually sleeping and not out partying.

11/11/2007 6:08:55 PM

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Quote :

i read that the other day too, pretty interesting.

11/11/2007 6:11:09 PM

All American
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that sounds fair. my contact also had to check out the washington duke inn for the same reasons. ive been there, its really nice. i wonder if dook football stays there before games

but i heard the rtp marriott was all decked out up on those nicer floors, and the guy working explained that it wasnt normally looking like that, but that UNC would be there that night. looks like 5 backs up him saying that the coach is a real bitch with the whole "double suite" thing and all the snacks...

i hear they had massage tables laid out all over in the good guest area up there, and that they were treated basically like royalty. i guess its like that for all the programs even if ncsu spent 10k staying in one for a home game, and i assume its about the same with the massages and all.

just seems crazy they spend so much on football players and that its legal. when so many kids cant even get into school cause of money. and yes i know its private donations and bla bla, but still. come onnnnn

and i really hope duke gets to stay in the WD inn

11/11/2007 6:13:58 PM

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^^^^ it did say that Butch had a two room suite, but i guess thats not all too extravagant

[Edited on November 11, 2007 at 6:15 PM. Reason : ]

11/11/2007 6:15:35 PM

All American
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supposedly the room he had at first wasnt good enough and he bitched until he got something better

im not totally clear if he bitched to get INTO the 2 roomer, or OUT of it. but he bitched.

11/11/2007 6:17:27 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The cost comes from the university's athletics department my goddamn student fees, not from taxpayers."

11/11/2007 7:42:18 PM

All American
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taxpayers pay a large chunk of in state tuitions so id imagine we are footing some of the bill, somehow, someway.

11/11/2007 7:47:16 PM

All American
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it's more likely that wpc donations pay for that than your student fees

11/11/2007 7:48:05 PM

All American
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Quote :
"it's more likely that wpc donations pay for that than your student fees"

11/11/2007 7:48:35 PM

All American
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wolfpack club donations are used to provide scholarships artards

11/11/2007 7:52:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Lastly, and probably the most important part of it all is this...all teams in the ACC get a "Travel" fund from the ACC. It is either used or turned back in to the ACC. Therefore, all the teams get this nice treatment. So not as much of the ticket money goes to this as you would think. The amount from the ACC used to be $70,000 a year I heard. I can't say I saw the check, but a high up on the team said that. I'm sure it's more than that now. And this $70,000 is used for FOOTBALL alone. I don't know what any of the other sports get. "

not student fees either, "artard"

11/11/2007 7:57:46 PM

All American
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somebody said some dump shit, you agreed with it, you were both wrong, cry me a river

11/11/2007 8:00:34 PM

All American
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Wolfpack Club money goes to more than that just scholarships.

And I really doubt your piddling athletics fee, which is a drop in the bucket compared to ticket revenue, merchandising, and donations, has much to do with supporting the football team's hotel stays.

11/11/2007 8:06:55 PM

All American
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sorry, someone in their early 20s cant be right. just not possible. dont care about facts. next!

11/11/2007 8:08:47 PM

All American
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football team( at any large conference school); their success=money= they can stay anywhere they want to......

11/11/2007 9:10:31 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » does carolina stay at the RTP sheraton Page [1]  
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