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 Message Boards » » ok, so while i clean my apartment Page [1]  
All American
5419 Posts
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you pick my project topic. k?

good! now go!

1. What are the effects of computer gaming on the players? You may narrow the topic based on group of players (i.e., children, teens, heavy gamers) and certain kinds of games (e.g., educational, fantasy, sports, violent, Second Life).

2. What is the role of new technology (e.g., YouTube, Facebook, mobile technology, blogs, podcasts) in influencing public opinion on political issues or candidates?

3. What types of persuasive messages are most effective for changing undesirable health behaviors? You can narrow this down by source (e.g., not-for-profit organizations, health educators, parents, doctors) and by behavior (e.g., smoking, alcohol use, drug use, obesity, unsafe sex practices). You could even look at the difference between mediated and interpersonal messages.

4. How can clinicians/doctors improve patient/clinician or doctor interactions?

5. How are people of color or race relations portrayed by the media? You may narrow the topic down by a type of media (e.g., music, television, movies, news) and/or by racial/ethnic group.

6. How do/should organizations communicate a major organizational change (e.g., merger/acquisition, executive leadership change, layoffs/firings, selling off or closing part of the business, policy) to employees?

7. How can/do teachers effectively use nonverbal communication to enhance students’ learning and experiences in the classroom?

8. How does someone’s physical appearance influence our opinions of and behaviors towards him/her? You may narrow the topic down by elements of physical appearance (e.g., clothing, skin color, beauty/attractiveness level, masculine/feminine face, body type/size/shape, physical disability). You may also consider workplace, media, or interpersonal settings.

9. What are the sources and effects of jealousy in romantic relationships?

10. What is the nature of conflict and conflict resolution in family relationships? You may narrow the topic down by type of family relationship (parent-child, mother-daughter, father-son, spousal, sibling, stepfamily).

11/15/2007 3:27:18 PM

9388 Posts
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11/15/2007 3:28:09 PM

All American
4809 Posts
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11/15/2007 3:28:32 PM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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11/15/2007 3:28:58 PM

All American
6307 Posts
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1, 3, or 9

11/15/2007 3:30:15 PM

All American
17209 Posts
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11/15/2007 3:32:06 PM

1587 Posts
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1. do world of warcraft, inquire in the thread in entertainment, and you'd probably get everything you need for your project right there.

11/15/2007 3:32:52 PM

37709 Posts
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wasn't that furkichan girl doing 1?

[Edited on November 15, 2007 at 3:34 PM. Reason : you could tie 1,3 and 9 all together]

11/15/2007 3:33:44 PM

All American
27279 Posts
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Do the video game one. I play tons of video games (both PC and console) so let me know if you have any questions.

11/15/2007 3:56:12 PM

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