mdozer73 All American 8005 Posts user info edit post |
damn good party tonight @ 2/25/2001 3:46:02 AM
in /message_topic.aspx?topic=2925&page=3#95567
[Edited on November 29, 2007 at 6:34 PM. Reason : .] 11/29/2007 6:29:31 PM |
poopface All American 29367 Posts user info edit post | 11/29/2007 6:35:37 PM |
GraniteBalls Aging fast 12262 Posts user info edit post |
GraniteBalls free 'dem titties 8777 Posts user info edit post
Suspend them all and let Jsquared sort it out.
8/7/2003 9:11:00 PM 11/29/2007 6:49:07 PM |
sawahash All American 35321 Posts user info edit post |
11/29/2007 7:18:02 PM |
sawahash All American 35321 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on November 29, 2007 at 7:19 PM. Reason : double post]
11/29/2007 7:19:32 PM |
keeeeler29 All American 4058 Posts user info edit post |
message_topic.aspx?topic=297214&page=971#9000466 11/29/2007 7:35:25 PM |
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
this isn't the oldest but its from the GO TEAM RAWDAWG thread when we used to play trivia at sammys
Quote : | "Jeepin4x4 All American 7144 Posts user info edit post i would come, but unless there is a topic on mid 90's primetime teen dramas Im afraid i won't be much use to you guys.
11/9/2004 5:25:01 PM " | 11/29/2007 7:40:19 PM |
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
seems as if the feedback forum may be the last to face a purge 11/29/2007 7:42:34 PM |
pwrstrkdf250 Suspended 60006 Posts user info edit post |
I'm not gonna search for mine
TAKE THAT TWW! 11/29/2007 7:42:57 PM |
ambrosia1231 eeeeeeeeeevil 76471 Posts user info edit post |
thats just sick in cristina-model, just a few days after registering 11/29/2007 7:44:16 PM |
puppy All American 8888 Posts user info edit post |
my first post. I'm such a n00b. 11/29/2007 7:44:18 PM |
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
the oldest of mine was spring semester of my freshman year. I was on T-Dub way before that. I wish I could go back further!! 11/29/2007 7:45:51 PM |
thegoodlife3 All American 39462 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "thegoodlife3 All American 7999 Posts user info edit post
as long as there is tww, there will be this thread
10/3/2004 10:42:56 PM" |
from the christina-model thread
w00t for 800011/29/2007 8:34:19 PM |
DiamondAce Suspended 12937 Posts user info edit post |
I believe this post was my tww cherry popper.
This was someone else's story that I just copied & pasted.
Quote : | "So I decided to go out on wednesday afternoon down to the super walmart to get a spot in line for the PS3. When I got there, a small refugee camp of 11 people were already assembled. So I say whatever, number 12 isn't so bad, and I should be able to still get one. I start talking to my fellow comrads, to find that they are pretty cool. We start shootin the breeze about games past, and someone even had a PS2 there with a mini tv, and we took turns playin various games. Time was goin by quick, and everyone was pretty cool. Except the first 6 people in line.
These were like the hardcore nerds, talking about how they should be the only ones who get a system since they were there since like Monday, and how dedicated they were to the system, and how only people of their dedication deserve to get one. I personally thought that their dedication was because they had no jobs, friends, or life, but I didnt tell them that.
Anyway, they were pretty cool about leaving the line to use the bathroom, smoke, eat and what not, as long as you were back within thirty min. So I was about to leave the line to go pick up some KFC for a number of us, and this nerd at the front shouts out that if I leave the line, I lose my spot. The cool people around me said they'd vouch for me, and hold my spot, but the six in the front could care less. They said that's the rules, and if I break them, they'll call the manager. I say whatever and stay in line.
Fast foward a few hours, and the manager comes out to inform us that they only will be receiving 7 PS3's; so unless your one of the first 7 in line, you should leave. So little by little everyone beyond spot number 7 leaves, going to the best buy down the road or just giving up. About two hours later it was just me and the 7 people in front of me. I make small talk with them about what games they were gonna get, and become pretty cool with them; and then after a while tell them I'm going to leave since I'm number 8. One of them makes a stupid joke that "ill lose my spot" (smartass).
Right before I leave, I tell them I'm going to the starbucks across the street, and ask them if they wanted any food or coffee or anything. The last guy in line says he wants some, and then like sheep, they all decide they could use something to warm them up. So I write down their orders, and they tried to give me money, but I told them dont worry about it because (by this point atleast) I respected their dedication, and in exchange they could let me come over and play it for a little sometime. They all laugh, and I feel proud that I'm doing a kind thing.
So I go across the street, and order the 7 drinks (starbuck is a effin ripoff BTW) and various muffins and carry them out to my car. Then I go into the CVS, buy a couple bottles of exlax, and pour some in each of the first six people's drinks. I decide that the seventh guy in line is cool, so I spare him. Then I place the lids back on, cruise back over to wally world, and give the nerds their ex-lax spiked stuff. We exchange numbers (well not my real number), I bid them good luck, and I'm off.
I cruise around for a little bit, and call up the couple of guys who's numbers I got from waiting in line with me (the ones who left) and told them to get back to walmart ASAP. Then about twenty min later I pull up in the parking lot to run observation on the line. Sure enough, they start looking more and more squimish, and finally one of them darts across the lot to some bushes in a median and drops his pants. Another is reaching for his porta-john thing he brought, but is too slow and a gross liquid starts spewing out of his pants and all over their sleeping bags and stuff. So at this point I get my stuff out of my car, lock up, and by the time I turn around two of the disappeared somewhere, another one is running inside the Walmart, and only #7 is laughing hysterically at what just went down.
I then walk up, he gives me a high five, and we throw all the nerds stuff in the street and claim our spots. Two come back from inside, but we both told them they got out of line, and rules are rules. Three of the dudes I called show up, and I let them get in front of me. Two of the nerds return after sometime and start yelling that we threw their stuff and we need to give them their spots back, but I told them to **** off, out of spot, out of line. They call security and the security guard is like "WTF is that SMELL?!" and looks at the nerds with all the poop all over them, making a scene and cursing at him, and escorts them off the property. So thats how I got my PS3!!! " |
11/29/2007 8:41:52 PM |
Aficionado Suspended 22518 Posts user info edit post |
lol that is great 11/29/2007 8:48:51 PM |
Money_Jones Ohhh Farts 12552 Posts user info edit post |
ha, mine is also from the christina-model thread
Quote : | "Money_Jones All American 6605 Posts user info edit post
^ wow, a bunch of scantily clad ugly girls
2/3/2004 4:28:32 PM " |
11/29/2007 8:54:01 PM |
RawWulf All American 9126 Posts user info edit post | 11/29/2007 9:17:06 PM |
Vulcan91 All American 13893 Posts user info edit post | - Write letters to inanimate objects
Quote : | "Here's one from Homer Simpson:
"Dear Die Hard,
You Rock! Especially when that guy was on the roof.
P.S. Do you know Mad Max?"" |
[Edited on November 29, 2007 at 9:29 PM. Reason : .]11/29/2007 9:28:49 PM |
cddweller All American 20699 Posts user info edit post |
*Is humbled*
Sorry, didn't mean to post twice so close together, but that pic had to get up here somehow. Just use his gallery instead of mine, I don't have a good selection.
[Edited on November 29, 2007 at 10:37 PM. Reason : back when I was polite] 11/29/2007 10:36:53 PM |
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "zxappeal Asscanon in D Minor 19620 Posts user info edit post BigBlueRam walked by me on the assfag end of campus today. I, of course, was on my way to Broughton, where I currently live.
I always pass by redneck350's and jsquared's place (and all the other fuckers that live at the Maison Grande), 'cuz I live just around the corner. But they don't know what I drive anymore, since Ivan and Reid laid waste to it.
9/30/2003 12:47:21 AM " |
11/29/2007 10:39:49 PM |
paisleydaisy Veteran 117 Posts user info edit post |
how do I figure out what my oldest post is? 11/29/2007 10:44:50 PM |
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
you fucking search
[Edited on November 29, 2007 at 10:45 PM. Reason :] 11/29/2007 10:45:37 PM |
Snewf All American 63489 Posts user info edit post |
what you say?! I thought this was dead and gone...
9/8/2002 9:54:35 PM 11/29/2007 10:46:15 PM |
paisleydaisy Veteran 117 Posts user info edit post |
Gosh, sorry, I don't get on here much and I still don't know the ropes! 11/29/2007 10:46:35 PM |
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
take it like a champ
and you'll come out the better 11/29/2007 10:47:17 PM |
paisleydaisy Veteran 117 Posts user info edit post |
Some people really are mean on here 11/29/2007 10:48:09 PM |
Snewf All American 63489 Posts user info edit post |
save yourself the heartache
get the fuck out 11/29/2007 10:49:06 PM |
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
it's only b/c it's the last bastian of anonymous bashing
the internet is the only true realm of free speech, and you'll find the soft underbelly of human kind 11/29/2007 10:49:10 PM |
Snewf All American 63489 Posts user info edit post |
listen... Mackenzie I placed an elipsis there because there isn't a clear way to suggest that I was glancing at your name tag
you don't want to be here its a bad place
I hope, for your sake, that you're the alias of some lonely, creepy guy otherwise you're getting into trouble
unless you learn to harness the awful power that can be had here
[Edited on November 29, 2007 at 10:51 PM. Reason : -seriously, these kids suck though... unless you're racist and sexist] 11/29/2007 10:50:53 PM |
paisleydaisy Veteran 117 Posts user info edit post |
If this place is so awful then why are there so many people on here? 11/29/2007 10:51:50 PM |
Kitty B All American 19088 Posts user info edit post |
Kitty B All American 17125 Posts user info edit post
^^is her boobie melting or something?
9/25/2003 2:35:55 PM
[Edited on November 29, 2007 at 10:54 PM. Reason :] 11/29/2007 10:53:39 PM |
XSMP All American 16674 Posts user info edit post |
Cartidge World is the way to go, definitley. Cheap, and good quality. I print fotos all the time, and Ive never had an issue with their carts. $0.02
5/1/2006 1:45:53 PM 11/29/2007 10:54:44 PM |
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
fotos 11/29/2007 10:55:30 PM |
Snewf All American 63489 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^ why are they so many cockroaches in a dumpster? 11/29/2007 11:00:44 PM |
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
2004 11/29/2007 11:05:58 PM |
Seotaji All American 34244 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Seotaji All American 28701 Posts user info edit post
1/27/2001 11:10:32 PM" |
11/30/2007 1:05:44 AM |
chembob Yankee Cowboy 27011 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "chembob SWOtivator 15524 Posts user info edit post
Nobody remembers today is hump day until after the fact...this is one of society's major problems, no? We must put an end to the ignorance!
12/8/2004 10:53:39 AM" |
11/30/2007 1:07:31 AM |
JohnnieWalkr All American 2673 Posts user info edit post |
if you count when i used to post under traubs name 11/30/2007 2:26:19 AM |
fjjackso All American 14538 Posts user info edit post |
fjjackso salut 8781 Posts user info edit post
5/2/2005 1:27:39 AM 11/30/2007 2:27:58 AM |
Prawn Star All American 7643 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Prawn Star All American 3231 Posts user info edit post
the problem is all the niggers
9/2/2005 1:53:17 AM " |
LOL I almost forgot that I used to be a racist11/30/2007 2:30:20 AM |
smoothcrim Universal Magnetic! 18975 Posts user info edit post | 11/30/2007 2:53:42 AM |