I'm looking to get my little brother a nerd-ish toy.I was thinking about some sort of kiddy breadboard or something. any suggestions?He's 12, by the way.
11/30/2007 11:22:46 AM
how about thesehttp://content.techrepublic.com.com/2346-22_11-176427-1.html
11/30/2007 12:19:22 PM
11/30/2007 12:25:02 PM
something that's somewhat educational?
11/30/2007 1:24:52 PM
what's your price range?
11/30/2007 3:37:53 PM
11/30/2007 3:39:53 PM
Yeah, it's a plug, but whatevahttp://www.engadget.comhas gift guides listed at the topthe "For Son" one should go live within 24-48 hoursother family members will show up as the holidays approach
11/30/2007 3:52:07 PM
less than $30-40
11/30/2007 4:34:00 PM
12? doesn't need to be even really 'kid ish' Depending on price range, look at one of the make magazine built a bot kits, or a 500 in one or other electronics lab mounted component type breadboard system ,where you just wire the components on the board.
11/30/2007 7:27:47 PM
i had one of those back in the day and loved it, i dont think theyre that expensive either
11/30/2007 11:15:10 PM
http://www.contemporaryheaven.co.uk/http://www.boysstuff.co.uk/http://www.iwantoneofthose.com/ (the best... amazing!)
12/1/2007 5:37:00 PM
rubick's cube
12/4/2007 1:19:19 PM
12/4/2007 2:14:01 PM