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DJ Lauren
All American
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I'm trying to think of ways to get back at somebody for doing something really fucked up.

So far this is what I've thought of:

taking a raw fish and putting it under this person's mattress and above their box spring...the fish will probably rot before it is found.

Any other good ideas along these lines? I seriously have to make this person pay. I know, it isn't very nice- but some people don't deserve to not have a fish rotting under their mattress.

12/2/2007 10:02:15 PM

All American
22728 Posts
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what'd they do to you to deserve this type of revenge?

12/2/2007 10:02:53 PM

All American
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think about it.

that is some crazy psycho shit right thur.

Turn the other cheek and be the better person. Dont talk to said person ever again.

12/2/2007 10:03:56 PM

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yeah that's a little excessive

just do what normal young adults do

fuck the person that would hurt them the most if you did

12/2/2007 10:05:00 PM

2019 Egg Champ
46681 Posts
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Babe, here's my life's motto:

The best revenge is living well, G.

</posting like Amsterdam>

12/2/2007 10:05:19 PM

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Quote :
"think about it.

that is some crazy psycho shit right thur.

Turn the other cheek and be the better person. Dont talk to said person ever again."

wow, im' proud of you NC86, did not expect this post from you.

the man is right, be the better person.

12/2/2007 10:05:50 PM

DJ Lauren
All American
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i was thinking about it. and shit went down a few weeks ago...and I told myself that if I was still upset with the situation in a few weeks that I could then do something in reaction to it.

I'm still pissed.

I don't consider myself psycho, and I feel that I need to stand up for myself in this situation. The person in question is such a fucked up person that speaking to them rationally has been attempted and has never been effective. I hate the term psycho because it avoids all accountability. When dudes call chicks "psycho" I always roll my eyes because sure, she may have done something irrational or unreasonable- but what did the dude do to warrant this behavior? You'd never know because she's already pigeon holed as psycho. This person that I'm talking about is the most arrogant, egotistical, hateful, self serving jerk. I hate this person. I generally like everyone and it really bothers me how I can't see any good in this person. I have to think of some revenge that will really fuck them over and not break the law.

12/2/2007 10:10:08 PM

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Quote :
"The person in question is such a fucked up person "

don't stoop to their level then.

12/2/2007 10:10:55 PM

22518 Posts
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Quote :
"what'd they do to you to deserve this type of revenge?"

we cant help you until you tell us what went down

12/2/2007 10:12:48 PM

All American
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Crazy Crazy Crazy

Just let it go. Dont give a shit, thats my life motto.

Been through it all, done it all, experienced it all..... and ive learned to not give a shit about trite and emotional shit.

Its made my life that much easier.

12/2/2007 10:13:14 PM

All American
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so what did the dude do to warrant this kind of behavior?

You're doing the same thing by telling us that he's fucked up without any information as to what actually happened

12/2/2007 10:13:25 PM

7284 Posts
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Quote :
"I have to think of some revenge that will really fuck them over and not break the law.

that seems tough. but then it depends on how bad you really want to fuck him up.

why dont you just have a face to face conversation (with a number of fuck you's and such), give him the business, and then go about your life.

12/2/2007 10:15:29 PM

1013 Posts
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she didn't ask you people to talk her out of it, she asked you for tips on effective revenge.

you people

[Edited on December 2, 2007 at 10:18 PM. Reason : 2]

12/2/2007 10:17:52 PM

warning: not serious
19581 Posts
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top shelf

12/2/2007 10:20:52 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Dont talk to said person ever again."

best advice ever.

I know too many people who for whatever reason just wont move on to new friends and new relationships, no matter what. It amazes me that anyone would put up with being around shitty people, just because they are already there.

Revenge is completely wasted time and energy, and you won't feel any better afterward. You'll just remain bitter and angry.

12/2/2007 10:21:43 PM

DJ Lauren
All American
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i've told him what a horrible guy he is- but he laughs as if he's proud of being an asshole.

the straw that broke the camel's back was when he came over to my place with some of his friends and started wrestling in my living room. Since I had just painted my wall that day, they rolled around in a wet paint pan and then smeared paint all over my couch and floor. He was then so drunk that when I made them stop wrestling he rolls off the other dude, sprawls out on my couch, getting MORE PAINT all over the cushions.

it's fucked up, dude. He's fucked up. He then proceeds to announce that he doesn't really care that he got paint all over my living room and leaves my house. he left his drunk friends in my living room and I had to give these people a ride back to their car. I'd never even met these people before- except for one. I hate this guy so much.

He's so ugly too. That's what makes it even more infuriating.

12/2/2007 10:21:52 PM

22518 Posts
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torch his ride

12/2/2007 10:23:19 PM

31803 Posts
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step 1: shoot him in the head.

step 2: shoot yourself in the head.

step 2 is at least as important as step 1, maybe more.

12/2/2007 10:23:48 PM

DJ Lauren
All American
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yeah, i was thinking about dumping a bucket of paint on his car....what would that do?

12/2/2007 10:24:20 PM

56200 Posts
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why are you friends with him in the first place?

[Edited on December 2, 2007 at 10:24 PM. Reason : d]

12/2/2007 10:24:41 PM

All American
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sounds like you got some issues you need to talk out with a psychiatrist.

First of all, knowing that this guy is a asshole you let him in to your houose. Second, you dont even like this guy and you let him into your house. Third, you're a fatty

12/2/2007 10:24:50 PM

22518 Posts
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Quote :
"yeah, i was thinking about dumping a bucket of paint on his car....what would that do?"

a bucket of paint thinner would be much cooler and more expensive to fix

you have to let it sit for a bit though

12/2/2007 10:26:04 PM

12937 Posts
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What did this person do to you?

12/2/2007 10:27:21 PM

All American
12764 Posts
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Quote :
"maybe more."

12/2/2007 10:32:21 PM

All American
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Quote :
"First of all, knowing that this guy is a asshole you let him in to your houose. Second, you dont even like this guy and you let him into your house."

Agreed. Need to cull the shitty people out of your life.

And fuck revenge, you need to tell his ass to PAY FOR YOUR FUCKING COUCH.

Call him, tell him he's got 30 days, write a certified letter and send it to him. If he doesn't pay, take his ass to small claims court for it. There's no fucking way in hell I'd let that stand. Fuck revenge, you need to get your money, and teach his ass a lesson.

12/2/2007 10:32:26 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Don't listen to any of these people. There's nothing wrong with revenge. There's satisfaction in revenge you won't find anywhere else. Performed well enough, there's real closure in it.

Lash out. I can feel the hate in you.

12/2/2007 10:40:55 PM

12937 Posts
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Quote :
"i've told him what a horrible guy he is- but he laughs as if he's proud of being an asshole.

the straw that broke the camel's back was when he came over to my place with some of his friends and started wrestling in my living room. Since I had just painted my wall that day, they rolled around in a wet paint pan and then smeared paint all over my couch and floor. He was then so drunk that when I made them stop wrestling he rolls off the other dude, sprawls out on my couch, getting MORE PAINT all over the cushions.

it's fucked up, dude. He's fucked up. He then proceeds to announce that he doesn't really care that he got paint all over my living room and leaves my house. he left his drunk friends in my living room and I had to give these people a ride back to their car. I'd never even met these people before- except for one. I hate this guy so much. "

He sounds like an asshole.

Just don't have anything to do with him.

Quote :
"He's so ugly too. That's what makes it even more infuriating."

[Edited on December 2, 2007 at 10:41 PM. Reason : .]

12/2/2007 10:41:19 PM

22518 Posts
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either one will work

[Edited on December 2, 2007 at 10:47 PM. Reason :

12/2/2007 10:41:28 PM

All American
27279 Posts
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If his car has the type of doorhandles that you pull up (as opposed to the ones you pull out), put a bunch of dog shit on the underside of the handles.

Egg his car/house.

If you know his email address, sign him up for as much gay porn spam as possible.

PS- When she said how he got the paint on the couch, did anyone else think "FUCK YO COUCH! BUY ANOTHER ONE YA RICH MUTHAFUCKA!"

[Edited on December 2, 2007 at 10:42 PM. Reason : Rick James]

12/2/2007 10:41:29 PM

All American
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12/2/2007 10:51:40 PM

All American
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12/2/2007 10:58:21 PM

All American
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^best revenge book ever.

12/2/2007 11:00:08 PM

All American
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12/2/2007 11:08:12 PM

All American
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12/2/2007 11:11:42 PM

All American
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So what I got paint on her crappy couch. She had a stick up her ass so it was time to do some redecorating. I did you a favor that shit looked awful.

BTW this thread is incriminating.

12/2/2007 11:27:34 PM

DJ Lauren
All American
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^not the same dude

and you're right, this is way incriminating. it's kind of my control to actually not do anything.

12/2/2007 11:29:32 PM

All American
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do to him what Cartman did to Scott Tennerman.

12/2/2007 11:40:34 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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Anything worth doing is worth doing right. That being said, step up and kill either them or their family. There isn't any since in doing these things half-assed. Nothing puts people in their place like a room full of body-bags.

12/2/2007 11:46:41 PM

Sup, B
53252 Posts
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fuck that, b. Just kill the dude's parents and put them into chili. Them feed the asshole the chili.

But seriously. Small claims court. Make the bastard pay

12/2/2007 11:51:37 PM

All American
10217 Posts
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Two classics come to mind:

1) The upper decker

Take a dump in the top of their toilet. It will stink for days and it's tough to figure out why.

2) Shaving Cream Bomb

Take jumbo *CLASSIC* (not gel) shaving cream, dip in liquid nitrogen, use can opener to open bottom, toss frozen part into car. Wait. Profit. *DON'T BE A MORON, USE GLOVES*

12/3/2007 12:37:04 AM

Yankee Cowboy
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and you call me an asshole

12/3/2007 12:37:29 AM

9388 Posts
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damn, i can't stand lookin at those pics of the BMW.

that's crazzzy

12/3/2007 12:41:00 AM

All American
14033 Posts
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Go to a pet store and by a large feed box of crickets (like for a lizard). Release the crickets in his house. Their shit sticks to everything like glue and smells horrific.

12/3/2007 12:41:58 AM

All American
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chili con carnival

12/3/2007 12:42:04 AM

Trauma Specialist
15492 Posts
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You learned an important life lesson. Don't hang out with drunken douchebags. Let it go, move on. Karma is a bitch.

12/3/2007 12:44:25 AM

Neil Street
All American
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Quote :
"1) The upper decker

Take a dump in the top of their toilet. It will stink for days and it's tough to figure out why."

but I don't think you've got it in you.

12/3/2007 12:46:43 AM

Doc Rambo IV
All American
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Look, I am sorry about getting drunk and fucking up your couch, but do I really deserve to be called "the most arrogant, egotistical, hateful, self serving jerk"? I tried to talk this out with you rationally, but you kept going all pyscho on me. Now you turn to tww for justification?

12/3/2007 12:47:10 AM

22518 Posts
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i dont think its you

you look more goofy than douchey

12/3/2007 12:49:24 AM

All American
14880 Posts
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revenge is for losers who lost and want to screw up the other person
you must either like him or something cause if not you should just cut them out of you life and they'll feel stupid for losing a good friend

Quote :
"The best revenge is living well, G."

12/3/2007 1:10:36 AM

All American
14984 Posts
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Living well is the best revenge.

^Damn it, beat me to it. Best just to move on and leg shit go. Now, granted, I don't always follow my own advice, but still best to not let shit fester.

[Edited on December 3, 2007 at 1:12 AM. Reason : aadfas]

12/3/2007 1:11:54 AM

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