Troop All American 849 Posts user info edit post |
attention now
[Edited on December 23, 2007 at 7:32 AM. Reason : meh] 12/23/2007 7:31:56 AM |
iphotou All American 13047 Posts user info edit post |
Quick! Someone start offering to lynch another UNC or Duke player. TWW can't lose it's spot as the #1 place WRAL and WTVD gets college news! 12/23/2007 8:28:15 AM |
NCSUStinger Duh, Winning 62516 Posts user info edit post |
just start posting pics of your models, then freak show deluxe will try and sue TWW for trademark shit 12/23/2007 8:44:14 AM |
DROD900 All American 24674 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Kevin Murphy' s fight vs. Pussy-ass bitch Road Beer complainer hey pussy, I don´t hear you talking shit anymore? I told you we are fighting next semester? Yea you´re a big talker on JuicyCampus but in reality your just a bitch. I don´t care if you don´t want to fight i´m still going to knock your fucking head in. Anybody else want to talk shit...i´ll take all comers? 12-21-2007
Hide all Replies Reply Duke | Greek Organizations 25% JUICY 4 votes 654 views #Replies 13
Re:Kevin Murphy' s fight vs. Pussy-ass bitch Road Beer complainer i simply havent been checking the site as much now that im home and i am very sick. if you get off from fighting a 5´11 skinny barely 18 year old freshman than good for you. youre just bitter that your frat is not as good as SAE or even KSig. im not going to fight you. i completely admit that you would kick my ass as i hear you are a big strong guy. fight someone your own size, or dont be a fag about 2 beers wich total cost about a $1.50. if that makes me bitch then i am a bitch, but ill be a bitch in a better fraternity after next semester.
Re:Kevin Murphy' s fight vs. Pussy-ass bitch Road Beer complainer I, on the other hand, will fight you. I have nothing to do with the road beers, except that I know the kids who were involved. Both way cooler guys than are in Theta Chi. Yeah that´s right. Don´t worry about my name Kevin Murphy, I´ll find you.
PS you´re a bitch. 12-21-2007
Re:Kevin Murphy' s fight vs. Pussy-ass bitch Road Beer complainer I really hope you find me. I really hope you do.
You will do nothing. Zero
you are a pussy 12-21-2007
Re:Kevin Murphy' s fight vs. Pussy-ass bitch Road Beer complainer dude lay off the ´roids - you´re just making your frat look even dumber. 12-21-2007
Re:Kevin Murphy' s fight vs. Pussy-ass bitch Road Beer complainer hahhaha im trying to imagine what all of you look like and the only image i can conjure is that of a bunch of cavemen, grunting and brandishing their clubs in an attempt to look menacing. evolve already
Re:Kevin Murphy' s fight vs. Pussy-ass bitch Road Beer complainer is duke really this retarded... he didn´t post any of this, obviously.
who actually says "i´ll take all comers". come on guys.
Re:Kevin Murphy' s fight vs. Pussy-ass bitch Road Beer complainer kevin murphy, apparently 12-21-2007
Re:Kevin Murphy' s fight vs. Pussy-ass bitch Road Beer complainer Sweet, Murph. Way to be.
Re:Kevin Murphy' s fight vs. Pussy-ass bitch Road Beer complainer haha its so obvious none of these posts are real. i doubt anyone in theta chi is mad about 75 cents worth of beer getting stolen...after all, they aren´t AEPi...ok that wasn´t in good taste.
at the same time, making fun of a fraternity for being a bunch of meatheads is totally legitimate.
Re:Kevin Murphy' s fight vs. Pussy-ass bitch Road Beer complainer kevin murphy is NOT a meathead, he´s a legitimate nice guy and by far not one of the biggest jackasses on the greek scene.
I guarantee him and peter reid (or whoever the freshmen is) have no idea who each other are and I´d go as far as to say this entire thread is made by like 3 bored people.
if you want meatheads, look at Delta Sig or the Football Team. Its hilarious that a thread about people stealing two beers from Theta Chi at tailgate or something ended up becoming about how they are a bunch of meatheads who start fights all the time. Lots of people in fraternities are like that, but you can´t stereotype everyone as being the same in one of them.
Re:Kevin Murphy' s fight vs. Pussy-ass bitch Road Beer complainer the post above was actually pretty intelligent.
just because most of Fraternity X (in this case Theta Chi) are a bunch of dbags/tools/meatheads it doesn´t mean every member is like that. Same with SNU - just because a couple of guys are tools doesn´t mean the rest aren´t smart. Especially fraternities like Kappa Sig Theta Chi KA and SAE - where a few douchebags ruin their reputation with everyone, and in reality a lot of those guys are friendly, outgoing, and smart.
however, if Murphy really is starting fights on juicycampus, he is a stereotypical douchebag meathead tool and I hope he gets jumped by like 25 freshmen kids when he´s on East campus pounding some blacked out freshmen chick who didn´t consent (After all, thats what greek life is all about).
Re:Kevin Murphy' s fight vs. Pussy-ass bitch Road Beer complainer You are all a bunch of lumpy COCK SUCKERS 12-22-2007
Re:Kevin Murphy' s fight vs. Pussy-ass bitch Road Beer complainer i´m not buying that any of these dumb fags would actually fight each other. they´re all too busy sucking each other off.
12-22-2007 " |
hahaha, that website doesnt even have any forums, its just a bunch of threads piled together.
[Edited on December 23, 2007 at 9:20 AM. Reason : asdf]12/23/2007 9:18:22 AM |
Duck All American 4708 Posts user info edit post |
honestly, they are fighting over whose fraternity is better. That should end the conversation before it even starts. 12/23/2007 9:28:52 AM |
Str8BacardiL ************ 41758 Posts user info edit post | 12/23/2007 10:28:34 AM |
DaveOT All American 11945 Posts user info edit post |
that site sucks ass 12/23/2007 10:29:13 AM |
Str8BacardiL ************ 41758 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "anyone that constantly checks this site and tries to spread rumors and aggravate situations needs to realize a few things: 1. you´ve graduated from highschool, show some self improvement. 2. even if you think it´s funny to insult other races and nationalities anonymously, it´s immature and just plain idiotic; chances are even if you´re "white american" you´re european descend. 3. stop hiding behind your insecurities and cowardliness, start giving some thought about your reality and the ones of those around you, it´s the inner journey called life. 4. who the hell raised you? 5. this website is worthless. you´re choosing to lose brain cells... pretty much the definition of insanity. pick up a book and/or try to make your community a better place for everyone instead of being a rich snob/brainless girl/ ignorant racist/ or just a plain dull person. 6. all of these should be combined into one important lesson... we´re in college, let´s show some responsibility and at least a bit of intelligence and understanding, we are all from one and equally import, let´s drop the prejudice... because in the end, you´re just being prejudice towards yourself. " |
12/23/2007 10:29:49 AM |
fjjackso All American 14538 Posts user info edit post |
time to infiltrate! 12/23/2007 10:44:13 AM |
God All American 28747 Posts user info edit post |
what a horrible site design 12/23/2007 10:52:53 AM |
Str8BacardiL ************ 41758 Posts user info edit post |
it looks like it was made for an aol browser
way to waste 2/3 of the screen 12/23/2007 10:58:36 AM |
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
well i hate news people atleast. 12/23/2007 11:03:00 AM |
simonn best gottfriend 28968 Posts user info edit post |
at least wral is keeping it consistant. 12/23/2007 11:06:37 AM |
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
wrong tww window
[Edited on December 23, 2007 at 11:19 AM. Reason : .] 12/23/2007 11:09:19 AM |
afripino All American 11454 Posts user info edit post |
you're 12/23/2007 11:15:48 AM |
synapse play so hard 60940 Posts user info edit post |
holy crap that site sucks 12/23/2007 3:30:48 PM |