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All American
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or what?

12/31/2007 10:50:39 AM

All American
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12/31/2007 10:51:27 AM

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12/31/2007 10:52:15 AM

All American
33197 Posts
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heh- i already put my input in the other thread, but in that order and brand new:

1) Chevy

2) f150

3) dodge

12/31/2007 10:52:52 AM

All Amurican
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12/31/2007 10:52:57 AM

All American
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12/31/2007 10:53:12 AM

35780 Posts
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what catergories are most important to you?

you will get a lot of bias opinions from chevy/ford driver.

and the fact that you posted this in C/C you will get a lot of BS.

I own an 07 F-150. I searched, tested, and shopped for months for a truck. I went in wanting a GMC Sierra and not even considering Fords.

12/31/2007 10:53:44 AM

All American
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The forest service has used all of those.

We have new Silverado 4x4s and F-150 4x4s. The older early to mid 90s Rams suck ass cause of transmissions.

As work trucks the F-150s are better. More room, more cargo room, better ground clearance, better offroad suspension, etc.
The Silverados ride smoother and have more power (but F-150s have plenty of power anyway). If they were Z71s then it'd probably be Chevy all the way.

For a personal truck I'd buy a Ford and save money. If the F-150 and Silverado are the same price then I'd pick Chevy.

[Edited on December 31, 2007 at 11:02 AM. Reason : ]

12/31/2007 11:01:09 AM

35780 Posts
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why would you get the work truck version when you could get a baseline standard silverado or F-150 with a much nicer interior?

and as for work trucks, we too have F-150's and have had some Chevy's too. The Chevy's have come and gone and we still have some F-150s out there with 250k+ and running strong.

this is me

12/31/2007 11:12:38 AM

All American
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^It's my opinion that once you've rode in a Rancher Edition F-whatever, there is simply no return. Them seats are PRIMO. I've driven the F-350(?) duelley Rancher Edition. Pulled about a 1.5 ton trailer without even giving it gas. Just let out the clutch and enjoy the ride.

12/31/2007 12:05:32 PM

All American
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efff-juan-phiddy ftw

12/31/2007 12:09:08 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The Chevy's have come and gone and we still have some F-150s out there with 250k+ and running strong.

when I worked for the NC park service long ago, the fords were falling apart a year after they got them while the chevy's seemed to last forever. The only reason they bought the fords is because they were cheap.

12/31/2007 12:14:46 PM

35780 Posts
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funny how that happens

12/31/2007 12:17:03 PM

All American
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all cars and trucks are pieces of crap that will give you a ton of trouble. Once in a while you will get one that is unexplainably indestructible and last forever. Once in a while you will get one that falls apart right away. Every company makes both of these. Buy what works, take care of it, wish for luck.

12/31/2007 12:18:09 PM

35780 Posts
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its true. my old cherokee was one of the indestructible ones. i did my best (wrecked two weeks ago). I hope the repairs don't equal total loss cause i want to get that thing back.

12/31/2007 12:19:34 PM

All American
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Go test drive them and figure out what you like and what you can afford.

12/31/2007 12:20:41 PM

41758 Posts
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My dad bought an 87 wrangler with about 130k miles in 1998. Since my 16th birthday I have driven the living hell out of it (except for about a year when it sat because I did not have $$ to insure it). The odometer broke in 2003, then it was at ~190k miles.

I have wrecked it once and got all of the suspension parts for free of craigslist to fix it. I got a set of replacement jeep rims with tires for about $300.

Over the years I have replaced countless parts on it but never done ANY service to the motor or transmission. I have gone through an explorer that tore up the transfer case TWICE at $1200 a pop, in the course of two years. Gave that explorer to my dad (the second time the transfer case crapped), bought a land rover, spent thousands keeping that on the road despite the fact it just hit 100k miles last month.

Cars are a pain in the ass no matter what you do. But occasionally you do get one that despite how much abuse you throw at it proves to be invincible. I still drive that jeep about every day unless its miserably hot out. My commute to/from work is 60 miles a day, and I still drive that jeep there 5 days a week. I have no clue exactly how many miles are on the thing but it would probably be one for the record books if I did.

12/31/2007 12:29:56 PM

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