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 Message Boards » » My neighbors are the stupidest fuckers alive. Page [1]  
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This is a completely different story from the previous one involving them falsely calling the cops on me, the resulting two night siege of their house involving construction lights and Master P songs being played on a large floor stereo at early morning hours.......we got squared away on that one.

A few nights ago I am in my room doing some shit and hear a high pitched yelp keep coming from outside. After about 15 minutes of this my dog is getting curious as am I so I go outside. Next door I see a VERY YOUNG puppy wrapped around a rocking chair about 15 times thought all of the different holes in the chair with my old dog tie out.

The puppy was completely freaking out because it could not move and was suspended in the air by its collar which no exaggeration had less than two inches between where it was wrapped and the collar. At first I was torn on what to do based on how my last interaction with them played out. Pretty quickly I realized that the dog had been like that for a while and that the right thing to do was to go over there and unwrap it.

I begin to untangle the puppy and low and behold someone comes out to see what I am doing. Maybe it was perfect timing, maybe they had been ignoring the yelping puppy until they saw someone else tending to it, I don't really know. Either way I did not consider it a huge deal because everyone is inexperienced when they get their first pet and even well intentioned people sometimes do dumb things (they just hopefully learn from them).

The girl picked up the puppy started petting it, explained she had to take a shower and had no idea it was like that until she came back downstairs. I joked about how much of a pain it was for me having a dog until my fence was built and how hard it was to house break a puppy.

Last night I saw the girl outside and offered her Mollies old dog crate (for free) since she had just gotten a puppy and I assumed needed one. She said she did not need one.

This morning about 7am the yelping starts again. My dog starts freaking so I figure better to have two dogs outside yelping, that one outside the window and one more in my room so I let Mollie out to take a morning piss and maybe rub noses with the puppy through the fence or whatever. Time goes by and Mollie starts beating on the door to come back in. My room mate lets her back in and I manage to fall back asleep despite the puppy continuing to yelp outside.

Another hour later I walk out for work to see the fucking dog catcher in front of my house stuffing the poor puppy in the box on the back of her truck. I asked her if they were forfeiting the animal or if it got loose. She claimed to have found it running loose so I told her it was probably theirs and pointed at the door, she said she had already talked to them and they knew what was going on.

This leaves me only to assume that the puppy was put on the tie out completely unattended AGAIN two days after the first incident and probably got wound up and managed to wriggle out of it in a panic. YOU CAN'T TIE A TINY PUPPY OUTSIDE UNATTENDED.

Most people recommend against tie outs for medium or large sized adult dogs. I don't see how anyone in their right mind would think its a good idea to tie a puppy (probably 3-6 months old) to a frickin tree with all kinds of obstacles around and not even bother to check on it. I would never fault someone for their dog getting loose that happens to anyone who has a dog, but a very young puppy is a different story. The dog does not even have any defenses at that age and its pretty fucked up to just tie them to a tree and hope for the best.

1/8/2008 1:52:48 PM

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1/8/2008 1:54:13 PM

All American
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If I had read that I would respond that owning a dog is a big responsibility which should only be undertaken after watching the appropriate special episodes of sitcoms like the Brady Bunch that deal with such issues.

1/8/2008 1:56:28 PM

All American
22489 Posts
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Wow, that was definitely not worth reading at all

1/8/2008 1:56:39 PM

All American
2042 Posts
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i read the last paragraph

steal the dog

1/8/2008 1:57:14 PM

41758 Posts
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^ Can't, it has to get bailed out of the pound first.

1/8/2008 1:57:59 PM

63151 Posts
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the pound's prlly a better place

1/8/2008 1:58:46 PM

All American
2390 Posts
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That pisses me off. How would they like to get tied to a post in the lawn and be ignored. I can't stand it when people mistreat animals that can't defend themselves.

1/8/2008 1:58:52 PM

All American
3526 Posts
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Yes, you have stupid neighbors.

1/8/2008 2:00:36 PM

All American
1914 Posts
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probably a christmas puppy

1/8/2008 2:00:44 PM

All American
8888 Posts
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poor puppy.

1/8/2008 2:01:45 PM

All American
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1/8/2008 2:02:00 PM

All American
12212 Posts
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man that's fucked up

1/8/2008 2:02:34 PM

All American
7117 Posts
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so the neighbors didn't want the dog, and just let it get taken away?

1/8/2008 2:02:52 PM

All American
9030 Posts
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what kind of dog?

1/8/2008 2:05:31 PM

All American
26690 Posts
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it was a golden

1/8/2008 2:06:04 PM

All American
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1/8/2008 2:06:15 PM

19447 Posts
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This is why I hate people.

1/8/2008 2:07:03 PM

All American
4809 Posts
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It's among the reasons.

1/8/2008 2:07:53 PM

All American
2965 Posts
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1/8/2008 3:11:46 PM

9388 Posts
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i actually read the whole thing.

i could have stopped at

Quote :
"the resulting two night siege of their house involving construction lights and Master P songs being played on a large floor stereo at early morning hours.......we got squared away on that one."

...dumb neighbor tho, for rizzeal

1/8/2008 3:24:08 PM

All American
1707 Posts
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B, if they decide to go get their dog back... let me know. I'm coming to steal it and give it a much better life. I'm SERIOUS.

1/8/2008 10:09:59 PM

6999 Posts
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why dont you just copy and paste the Bible next time

1/8/2008 10:11:41 PM

All American
26584 Posts
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vv thx

[Edited on January 8, 2008 at 10:24 PM. Reason : thx]

1/8/2008 10:19:28 PM

6999 Posts
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^ah shit

love it

1/8/2008 10:20:44 PM

All American
26584 Posts
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then post it all FULL SIZE like

1/8/2008 10:21:22 PM

6999 Posts
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my baad

1/8/2008 10:22:47 PM

All American
1319 Posts
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your neighbors do suck, I hope the puppy ends up in a better home.

1/8/2008 10:23:18 PM

6999 Posts
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i hope the puppy ends up in wake county waste treatment

1/8/2008 10:25:07 PM

All American
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1/8/2008 10:29:21 PM

All American
1319 Posts
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^^ the puppy may very well end up in a land fill, but there is a chance it will end up alive and with caring people. I am banking on that

1/8/2008 10:31:02 PM

All American
1431 Posts
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if they do it again, steal it and give it to better people. if they ask, say that it probably ran away. then punch them in the face. NOT KIDDING.

1/8/2008 10:40:08 PM

All American
10165 Posts
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When a mean dog barks at me, and it's tied to a tree/pole/etc., I like to walk in a circle and make him shorten up his leash to the point where he can't move

and then get in really close and talk shit to him, and he has like a 3 inches of slack and growls in helpless fury

1/8/2008 10:51:59 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » My neighbors are the stupidest fuckers alive. Page [1]  
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