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All American
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sooo, this may be old news to some... but i just heard about this.

faggot! tree!

Quote :
"Virginia Tech's goal is to achieve a reputation of exemplary hospitality and respect for our opponents and fellow Hokie fans - leading the ACC and nation as a model for hospitality and sportsmanship. Together we must be sensitive to behavior, gestures, language and excessive alcohol consumption that offends fellow fans. The Hokie Nation can be a leader in hospitality with the personal commitment of every fan.


1/16/2008 11:59:27 AM

All American
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1/16/2008 12:00:33 PM

22518 Posts
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eh if they can accomplish that more power to them

i wish we would do something like this

class is not a bad thing

1/16/2008 12:00:47 PM

50085 Posts
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Ore. Vick. Druckenmiller. Vick.

[Edited on January 16, 2008 at 12:02 PM. Reason : i swear we were just driving down the street and my friend took out his crackpipe... i had no idea.]

1/16/2008 12:02:00 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Whenever I think of VT, I think about asians wigging out and shooting people.

Good luck changing my prejudices.

1/16/2008 12:02:18 PM

All American
12212 Posts
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they can't do certain cheers anymore, bring in noisemakers, etc. . .

1/16/2008 12:02:44 PM

All American
17209 Posts
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atleast they don't have to pee in cups...

1/16/2008 12:03:33 PM

Aging fast
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an attempted slap in the face to NCSU

1/16/2008 12:19:48 PM

All American
10527 Posts
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i usually think they should be alittle more concerned with the student shooting spree then they should with some sports conduct. But thats just my .02

wheres that photo of crazy doing the cartwheel?

1/16/2008 12:54:35 PM

All American
22137 Posts
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Quote :
"i usually think they should be alittle more concerned with the student shooting spree then they should with some sports conduct. But thats just my .02"

Next time... when you have a thought... keep it to yourself.


I mean NC State's last shooting took place at a football tailgate and no one thought it was stupid for them to completely change the tailgating regulations. Oh wait.

You know how they took care of that student shooting spree? They made sure that the fucker that did it was buried. That's about all the concern that needed to be placed on it.

Oh and yeah, NCSU fans could use a little more class. I am all for the rest of you growing the fuck up and learning that you can cheer for your team without having to yell fucked up stuff at the other team's fans and players.

1/16/2008 1:01:37 PM

9388 Posts
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Quote :
Oh and yeah, NCSU fans could use a little more class."

obviously a carolina fan.

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"you can cheer for your team without having to yell fucked up stuff at the other team's fans and players."

no, that's not fun.

given our shitty athletics, we don't go to games to support our players. We go to distract the opposing players in hopes that it might give our players an advantage.

1/16/2008 1:06:50 PM

Sup, Brahms
23935 Posts
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Quote :
"I am all for the rest of you growing the fuck up and learning that you can cheer for your team without having to yell fucked up stuff at the other team's fans and players."

I guess you're the only one with any class here...

1/16/2008 1:07:53 PM

All American
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Quote :
"given our shitty athletics, we don't go to games to support our players. We go to distract the opposing players in hopes that it might give our players an advantage."

And obviously it is working smashingly well.

Quote :
"I guess you're the only one with any class here..."

No I just placed myself into the grouping of people with class. The rest of you being the group without class.

No, I don't yell at the other team. No, I don't yell at the other team's fans. I yell in support of my team, the team i have had season tickets to cheer for since 1991.

I have cheered my way through shittier times in our athletics history than this. And I will continue to cheer for us no matter how shitty we may get. I am a Wolfpack fan and it is pride in that that takes me to games, not the desire to distract the other team and maybe get a little entertainment out of how offensive i can be.

1/16/2008 1:12:48 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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who was the college we played that counted down the shot clock like 5 seconds early?

yeah, fuck that college

1/16/2008 1:17:54 PM

Sup, Brahms
23935 Posts
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Quote :
"And obviously it is working smashingly well."

If being a prude at a sporting event worked "smashingly well" maybe that would catch on... no such luck.

[Edited on January 16, 2008 at 1:25 PM. Reason : d]

1/16/2008 1:25:43 PM

Sup, Brahms
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and for the record, i'm not saying class is a bad thing

1/16/2008 1:32:14 PM

9388 Posts
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Quote :
"And obviously it is working smashingly well."

just imagine what it would be like if we weren't there to insult the opposing team .....

all our games would be like the carolina game this past weekend.

1/16/2008 3:21:07 PM

6999 Posts
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Quote :
"No I just placed myself into the grouping of people with class. The rest of you being the group without class.

No, I don't yell at the other team. No, I don't yell at the other team's fans. I yell in support of my team, the team i have had season tickets to cheer for since 1991. "

if you fail to understand that, youre retarded or you need to grow up and have probably never been involved in any meaningful competition in your life

1/16/2008 4:17:20 PM

All American
22137 Posts
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Quote :
"If being a prude at a sporting event worked "smashingly well" maybe that would catch on... no such luck."

It's not being a prude, it's NOT being an asshole. NOISE is what works at sporting events. I am saying that that noise should be created as support for your team rather than calling a Carolina fan "fag" for the 112th time that day.

This isn't in any way directed at just students, there is an alumnus that sits near where my season tickets are that does nothing but spend his time yelling at the away team's fans (we are right behind where their band sits normally) and I think he is one of the most classless individuals I have ever seen.

All of this, and I still get asked to sit down constantly in my section and leave every game (even the shitty ones that we get our ass kicked) with virtually no voice.

1/16/2008 5:30:04 PM

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