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 Message Boards » » How do you count down your work day ? Page [1]  
soup du hier
41043 Posts
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7:xx just got here
8:xx 1 hour down
9:xx oof
10:xx 1 hour till 11 ( dunno why )
12:xx LUNCH
1:xx ok back to work
2:xx post lunch soda time
3:xx back at it hard
4:xx almost 5
5:xx should i stay or should i go now.

1/22/2008 9:17:02 AM

19447 Posts
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I don't really have a consistent schedule. Usually it's 9-9:30 or 10 = drink coffee and wake up, then it varies until around 4 when it's 1 hour till I get to go home.

1/22/2008 9:22:42 AM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Its never really been a problem for me yet

I enjoy my job, so 6 o clock usually rolls around before I know it

I cheat a few times on good weather days, but most of the time I'm fine

1/22/2008 9:24:06 AM

2488 Posts
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Glenn Miller

The five o'clock whistle's on the blink,
The whistle won't blow and whadd'ya think?
My pop is still in the factory 'cause he don't know
What time it happens to be.

The five o'clock whistle didn't blow
The whistle is broke and whadda'ya know?
If somebody don't find out what's wrong
Oh, my pop'll be workin' all night long,

Oh! Who's gonna fix the whistle?
Won't somebody fix the whistle?
Oh! Who's gonna fix the whistle?
So my poor old pop will know
It's time for him to stop

Ya ought to hear what my mommy said,
When papa came home and sneaked into bed
And told her he worked till half past two
'Cause the five o'clock whistle never blew.

1/22/2008 9:25:05 AM

19447 Posts
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Liking your job doesn't mean you can't be ready to go home when the day is over. I love my job, but I'm still ready to go.

1/22/2008 9:25:33 AM

147487 Posts
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usually in 30 minute blocks...and i would play dumb games with myself to psych myself say i got off at 5

well at 2:30, i would tell myself i only have 2 hours left cause after 2 hours its only 30 minutes left and 30 minutes aint shit

1/22/2008 9:28:03 AM

2488 Posts
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1/22/2008 9:31:11 AM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
34079 Posts
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I really don't have a set time to leave as long as its after the markets close at 4

sometimes I'll dip right at 4; most times I stay for a while and catch up on backlog or flirt with the receptionist

So since I don't really have a set time that I leave at, I never really countdown

1/22/2008 9:31:42 AM

All American
9030 Posts
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7 just got here
930 finished surfing the internet
11 lunch
12 no more lunch
surf tww
2 work
4 ready to go home

1/22/2008 9:33:45 AM

All American
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i try to get in 4 daily breaks besides lunch.

usually in the mornings i follow other peoples leads on going to get a drink, or going to smoke. we hang in packs, have to stick together. never break alone!

at least in the morning. the afternoons are a lot different because we all come in different times in the morning (i choose early) - so after lunchtime if they see you in the break rooms they dont think anything of it, cause you could be on lunch, or you could be off work, or whatever.

point is, there are actually people in there, so it goes back to the stick together thing. i never like being seen alone

^ allow me to be "that guy"

Quote :
"930 finished surfing the internet"

Quote :
"1/22/2008 9:33:45 AM"

[Edited on January 22, 2008 at 9:36 AM. Reason : YOURE OFF SCHEDULE GET TO WORK]

1/22/2008 9:35:26 AM

All American
1999 Posts
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I'll bite:

0730: Get the day started, put my shit on the rig, check fuel level
0800: breakfast, paper, workout
0930: Check rig, other equipment, clean shit, run errands
1100: what's for lunch?
1130: lunch
1200: nap
1300: training/pre-plans/other business related activities
1600: what's for dinner?
1630: start cooking dinner, downtime
1700: nap
1800: dinner
1900: tv
2100-2200: bedtime
0700: wake up
0730: take shit off rig
0800: see ya...

then shuffle between 0 and ~ fire/ems calls in the mix

1/22/2008 9:41:41 AM

All American
4755 Posts
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last two summers i've been a mexican doing lawncare/landscaping, so it's been:

6:30: check oil/fuel levels, clean air filters, change blades, load equipment
7:00: get gas and drive to first job
7:30: do as many jobs on the schedule as possible before lunch
~12:00: eat lunch and catch a nap in the shade
~12:30: do the rest of the jobs on the schedule
go home anywhere from 4:00 to 7:00, depending on how rain has affected our schedule

1/22/2008 9:52:05 AM

All American
16575 Posts
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Night Shift

630: Fuck yeah lets get some criminals, oh cool Hannity is on.
730: Still motivated, talk radio is awesome.
830: Dinner time, put on the Mark Levin show
930: OK I'm no longer hungry, lets go bust some scum bags
1030: If I take someone to jail right now I still have time to get back on the road and get a drunk.
1130: I wouldn't mind an arrest call right now or even a report call
1200: Its drunk hunting time, let the games begin....and coast to coast am is on
130: Still looking for that drunk, snack time perhaps
230: I can still get off on time if I get a drunk now and get to the jail by 3
330: If I get a drunk now I'm not getting off on time......overtime is cool
430: Not really looking for a drunk anymore, please don't be obviously wasted in front of me
500: I better not get a report call the rest of the night, coast to coast is over
530: If I don't hear anything else on the radio the rest of the night I will be happy
600: Will the other platoon fucking check on already.
630: If I get a call right now I'm gonna be pissed
700: Goodnight, I'm going home.

1/22/2008 10:01:43 AM

All American
27701 Posts
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Quote :
0730: Get the day started, put my shit on the rig, check fuel level
0800: breakfast, paper, workout
0930: Check rig, other equipment, clean shit, run errands
1100: what's for lunch?
1130: lunch
1200: nap
1300: training/pre-plans/other business related activities
1600: what's for dinner?
1630: start cooking dinner, downtime
1700: nap
1800: dinner
1900: tv
2100-2200: bedtime
0700: wake up
0730: take shit off rig
0800: see ya..."

this is completely accurate

1/22/2008 10:05:35 AM

All American
16575 Posts
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mine too

1/22/2008 10:06:45 AM

18598 Posts
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Quote :
"430: Not really looking for a drunk anymore, please don't be obviously wasted in front of me
500: I better not get a report call the rest of the night, coast to coast is over
530: If I don't hear anything else on the radio the rest of the night I will be happy"


1/22/2008 10:12:32 AM

All American
16575 Posts
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yeah, a 12 hour is a shift is a bitch....those last 3 hours are a drag

1/22/2008 10:16:06 AM

All American
2869 Posts
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oh, youre a cop. well that explains a lot. a whole lot actually.

1/22/2008 10:31:00 AM

All American
14538 Posts
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how many shifts a week repub

1/22/2008 10:31:02 AM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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Obviously there are days i don't have time to count and those are the days i love my job.

1/22/2008 10:35:14 AM

All American
9012 Posts
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bring a flask with ya & hit it every 30 mins til you leave/run out

if you leave before emptying the flask, who cares you arent at work anymore
if you empty the flask before leaving, who cares youre drunk

1/22/2008 10:38:32 AM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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i always like my job just when there is nothing for me to do it draaaaags a little

1/22/2008 10:46:45 AM

Type R PowR
690 Posts
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8-get to work, looking foreward to coffee
11-woo hoo almost lunch
12-1 find some lunch
3:30-am i going home now
4-how about now
5-looks like we leaving
6-get home b/c rush hour

1/22/2008 10:49:29 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » How do you count down your work day ? Page [1]  
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