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 Message Boards » » i hate that SPICY LATINA judge on peoples court Page [1]  
All American
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what a bitch. its like she doesnt even listen to the people, she just picks the side she likes and then screams at the other side for 10 minutes and wont even let them give their evidence and then screams em out the door

she starts snapping her fingers and going side to side with her head, speaking all this spanish about how you'd get shot up EN EL BARRIO


1/23/2008 4:43:01 PM

All American
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what do you expect from a woman?

1/23/2008 4:43:41 PM

All American
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ha. its not that shes a woman. ive seen other girl judges that dont act that way. judge judy is pretty bad too but she looks like my grandma so i cant say anything mean or i feel bad.

but this redheaded lady makes me feel uncomfortable

1/23/2008 4:45:28 PM

All American
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dude ive only seen one show, but i go so seriously pissed at her verdict and the way she acted i actually tried to write them an email

Quote :
"You recently had a case when a stock broker sold a man stock on credit, the guy was supposed to pay him back within 10 days. then the broker decided to sell early and sold it at a loss instead of waiting to sell at a profit. The judge ruled in favor of the broker and I think that was a big mistake.

It was clear that the broker initiated the sale, fronted the money when the buyer didnt have it, gave him up to 10 days to pay, then half way called him and told him he wanted to "trade out of the stock" which was on the tape. The term "trade out" means to sell at a profit and both the plaintiff and defendent agreed that that was the verbal agreement they made. It was also shown on the tape that they made this agreement.

then instead of "trading out" of the stock, he sells it for a loss, that is a breach of contract, he didnt do what he said he would and the buyer should not be liable in any shape or form for the losses incurred from the sale. What happens to the stocks that the buyer committed to buying is totally up to the buyer. As soon as a decision is made on the stocks tha the buyer did not initiate that dissolves and resposibility of the buyer to pay for those stocks. Would you buy a stock that a broker made trading decisions that you did not authorise? Not me, and not any sane person.
If the broker was afraid of losing money for fears that the buyer wouldnt pay for the stocks that is his decision to sell early, but the losses would be on him since he was breaking the contract.
The buyer's only obligation was to pay for the stocks within 10 day and the only other action he authorized was the sale of the stocks at a profit, not at a loss.
Even the broker said, "the stock is volitile" which means it goes up and down. No logical trader would sell a volitile stock when it is down. Obviously the broker needed the money that was tied up in that particular stock for probably other purposes. It was his foolishness that got him in the situation, he couldnt wait the 10 days he allotted to the buyer.

Not only did the judge rule for the broker, she went even as far as insulting the buyer as a scam artist when it is evident this predatory broker who got in over his head was to blame for the whole ordeal.
These brokers are everywhere and these kinds practices are what is responsible for the subprime market meltdown and the Judge just bailed this broker out just like our government is bailing out companies like Citi who have lost Billions on reckless and predatory practices.

I think its a shame, I am not only upset at her decision but also at her behavior at the innocent buyer.
Shame on you judge, and i hope you have some type of response or clarifications because you made youself to look like a complete idiot with your decision and behavior.


but their email doesnt work

1/23/2008 4:49:43 PM

All American
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Not to mention that selling people stock on credit is highly illegal.

1/23/2008 4:51:56 PM

All American
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if she werent menopausal i'd say that i bet they only film the show one week out of the month. maybe the few days before she goes on the rag. OH I DONT KNOW. just looking for an excuse, what a fucking bitch.

im gonna read that email after a while, i gotta run for a few. im sure its interesting

1/23/2008 5:00:31 PM

All American
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The Judge

3/25/2008 7:01:55 PM

All American
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I'd hit it

3/25/2008 7:02:35 PM

best gottfriend
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Quote :
"what a bitch. its like she doesnt even listen to the people, she just picks the side she likes and then screams at the other side for 10 minutes and wont even let them give their evidence and then screams em out the door"


sounds like every judge on tv.

[Edited on March 25, 2008 at 7:05 PM. Reason : which there are far too many of, by the way]

3/25/2008 7:05:31 PM

All American
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My gf watches all of them...I like Judge Mathis and Judge Alex. That's it.

Judy and latina are complete bitches who dont listen.
Then there is other latina who is incompetent.
Sorority judge who is identical to a pre-teen cheerleader.
Judge Joe Brown who reminds me of my grandpa.
Maybe one more...?

Some of them are a complete disgrace to the Judical system, which is saying alot.

3/25/2008 8:38:26 PM

147487 Posts
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she always wears those giant hoop whore earings

3/25/2008 8:41:37 PM

All American
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i miss judge wapner

3/25/2008 8:45:03 PM

All American
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yeah judge milian is pretty dumb

This foreign guy call her "sir" and she says "i don't know about where you're from, but we have women judges here in America" where the country this guy was from had a freaking WOMAN PRESIDENT (who was American born Jew to boot).

3/25/2008 9:09:41 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » i hate that SPICY LATINA judge on peoples court Page [1]  
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