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All American
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2/1/2008 2:23:16 PM

All American
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through the technical difficulties..

2/1/2008 2:30:32 PM

All American
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RIP DnL's Honda

2/1/2008 2:31:27 PM

35780 Posts
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damn mother fucker

2/1/2008 2:32:36 PM

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my b

2/1/2008 2:33:08 PM

76471 Posts
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When the fuck did this happen?

2/1/2008 2:44:13 PM

All American
22489 Posts
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I hope this accident knocked some sense into you.... you bloody tit picture stealing basatard.

[Edited on February 1, 2008 at 2:47 PM. Reason : ]

2/1/2008 2:46:38 PM

All American
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yesterday before class - he got wambulanced to wake med, where i picked him up at 7:30pm or so.
we just went to the salvage lot like 1 hr ago - we took real picks w/ a disposable camera and are getting a picture cd soon.

2/1/2008 2:49:11 PM

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If it's his fault: good. About damn time.
If it's not: While I have no sympathy for dnl, that doesn't mean I'm glad it happened to him. I hope the other person gets taken off the road.

2/1/2008 2:53:07 PM

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you are psycho

2/1/2008 2:56:14 PM

All American
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so what happened?

2/1/2008 2:56:55 PM

All American
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Jesus, what the hell did you hit?

2/1/2008 2:58:31 PM

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For what?

Being that some asshole caused an accident? It's not as though driving is hard.
If it's you ...well, this isn't exactly surprising
If it's someone else - not only is it possible, but I almost expect it wasn't your fault. Just because I can't muster up sympathy for you doesn't mean I'm happy your car got totaled.

More simply put: the *carl face* part of the incident here isn't you, but the fact that people just fucking refuse to drive safely.

2/1/2008 2:59:23 PM

All American
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All American
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you are psycho

LOLLERS...... takes one to know one.. i guess.

2/1/2008 2:59:51 PM

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rofl ambrosia acts like she knows what personally yall wouldnt know shit if xsmp had not made the thread...but oh well....aint shit gone kill me nia

2/1/2008 3:00:24 PM

All American
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Quote :
"If it's his fault: good. About damn time. "

whatever your reason, this is not excusable by 'clarification'.

2/1/2008 3:02:06 PM

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Quote :
"rofl ambrosia acts like she knows what happened"


No. Typical DNL logic: someone asking a question = them acting as though they're informed.

Quote :
"wtf is wrong with you xtine ? I personally am just glad a friend of mine isnt dead, and you're saying you're glad it happened to him? you lost a LOT of points with me just now."

Uh - I asked whose fault it was for a reason. The reason I'm glad his car is totaled if the accident was his fault is so that he's got a very concrete reason to think about things and act more wisely. If it's not his fault...well, I specifically clarified that in that instance, I'm not glad it happened

[Edited on February 1, 2008 at 3:04 PM. Reason : ljk]

2/1/2008 3:02:33 PM

All American
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2/1/2008 3:03:21 PM

All American
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NC86 - for real. stfu.

your alias bullshit has a time limit.

2/1/2008 3:04:04 PM

63151 Posts
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it begins

2/1/2008 3:06:31 PM

All American
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there, fixed it

2/1/2008 3:06:51 PM

All American
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losing a car is a wrenching, terrible experience. walking away from it unharmed is mildly terrifying.
i seriously doubt this was his fault - i saw the scene, and the car.

2/1/2008 3:07:52 PM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"whatever your reason, this is not excusable by 'clarification'."

I didn't see that you had edited.

Being glad, after seeing that someone is okay, that something has happened to teach them a lesson they have needed to learn for a long time, is actually very much okay.

Learning the hard way: a cornerstone of effective parenting and the process of growing up.

Quote :
"losing a car is a wrenching, terrible experience. walking away from it unharmed is mildly terrifying.
i seriously doubt this was his fault - i saw the scene, and the car."

You know, instead of misreading what I said and assuming I mean the worst, you could have just asked, or even said "having seen the scene, I don't think it was his fault", seeing as how I specifically asked.

[Edited on February 1, 2008 at 3:11 PM. Reason : lk]

2/1/2008 3:10:00 PM

All American
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wow ambrosia is a vile bitch

2/1/2008 3:13:16 PM

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yeah so i only survived cause i'm so healthy....fattie woulda been done for

2/1/2008 3:14:16 PM

All American
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Was there another car, a phone pole, a person, or any other object involved - or did he collide with an air pocket? I'm asking for the clarification of the question "What happened?" and adding the part that asks "Where did this happen?".

2/1/2008 3:14:21 PM

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Apparently jacleg is right. I guess I should, instead, thank all you kind, upstanding folks for letting me know.

2/1/2008 3:14:27 PM

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yo the best part was finding my 35 dollars

2/1/2008 3:16:44 PM

All American
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he rear ended someone on avent ferry rd doing < 30mph(my guess is someone wasn't doing the speed limit) and upon collision, the engine revved uncontrollably, and his car careened out of control into two trees.

2/1/2008 3:20:27 PM

All American
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no, no, you don't need to thank anyone... probably the best thing to do would be to stay away from the internet when that bipolar pendulum swings back

2/1/2008 3:21:02 PM

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But see

Without the internet and the kind folks on it, how would I know how I'm doing? If you all aren't here to tell me, I'll never know!!!!

2/1/2008 3:21:55 PM

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anyway i got out that mf like yeah get off me ho then they were like yo dnl dont move your neck it might be broken...i'm like get off me hoes

2/1/2008 3:23:22 PM

All American
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lol whatever the case may be, josh is my friend, and I will help the guy anytime I can.
I don't give a fuck what he does on the internet, as long as it doesn't involve my credit cards.
IRL the motherfucker is solid to a fault, as far as people go. if we were all on a sinking ship, I would save him before anyone else if an emergency arose, but not for the reasons you might think - it's because i know he would help me save the rest of you...regardless of what a cockstain/cuntflap/asshole you are online.

2/1/2008 3:24:41 PM

All American
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at least he wasn't drunk driving in a parking deck this time

2/1/2008 3:27:26 PM

All American
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you're glad someone wrecked, and you really mean that shit. and you also seem to imply that people deserve bad things that come with accidents. seems pretty fucked up and crazy to me.

2/1/2008 3:28:43 PM

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its ok jackleg ambrosia just needs to find god

2/1/2008 3:29:28 PM

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Oh, jackleg.

I wouldn't ever dream of disputing anything you've said - even your personal assessments of me. I'm just seeking your guidance as to when I may interact with people online again. You are the boss on TWW, and I'd hate to break any rules you impose

Were I wanting to indulge with you in the topic of the thread, I'd do so.

2/1/2008 3:30:49 PM

All American
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maybe not necessarily god, although that works for some people. but i agree with you that she definitely needs to find some joy. i can't imagine being so hateful and mad at the world

2/1/2008 3:31:53 PM

All American
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Quote :
"you're glad someone wrecked, and you really mean that shit. and you also seem to imply that people deserve bad things that come with accidents. seems pretty fucked up and crazy to me."

i agree with this:
there isn't any way to say this, and still seem like a decent human being afterwards.

2/1/2008 3:32:20 PM

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i wonder what ambrosias blood pressure is

mine was freaking 119/58 the third time they took it

[Edited on February 1, 2008 at 3:32 PM. Reason : ^^yeah really...what a crappy way to spend time on the internet]

[Edited on February 1, 2008 at 3:33 PM. Reason : ^i guess...although it is just "the internet"]

2/1/2008 3:32:22 PM

All American
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2/1/2008 3:34:20 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I'm just seeking your guidance as to when I may interact with people online again. You are the boss on TWW, and I'd hate to break any rules you impose"

nope, just another person with a computer. no different than most people. the fact that you're defending yourself against my observation to the point where you feel judged, that says more about you than any guidance i could ever give you

2/1/2008 3:35:26 PM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"there isn't any way to say this, and still seem like a decent human being afterwards."

That's the thing.

I'm not concerned with seeming like one. Whether other folks think so or not, I know I am. It just so happens that a good many people do see me as not just a decent person, but a good one. I do my thing regardless of what other folks think of me.

Sometimes, such as in this thread, folks violently dislike what I've said. Oh well.

And if you want to voice your concerns to me, I'll happily listen. Because, unlike some of the other posters in this thread, your opinion carries at least some weight.

^You posted recently about people missing blatant sarcasm being worse than noobs.
...You don't really think, that with the absurd statements and the rolly eyes, that I was being serious, do you?

[Edited on February 1, 2008 at 3:36 PM. Reason : lakjd]

2/1/2008 3:35:55 PM

All American
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ohhhhh, so that was you in the ambulance--i pulled over for your ass

2/1/2008 3:36:11 PM

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Quote :
"the fact that you're defending yourself against my observation to the point where you feel judged, that says more about you than any guidance i could ever give you"

haha for real

2/1/2008 3:37:16 PM

All American
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sounds like it was his fault

pay attention when you're driving. one of these days you might end up killing someone for being reckless.

2/1/2008 3:38:05 PM

All American
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so the ambulance could get you didn't die...

2/1/2008 3:40:14 PM

All American
2126 Posts
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Would [Fail Boat] be inappropriate here?
Oh well...glad your not hurt man. Hope everything turns out alright..also....don't let the insurance ppl try to fuck you.

2/1/2008 3:41:06 PM

All American
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Quote :
"...You don't really think, that with the absurd statements and the rolly eyes, that I was being serious, do you?"

i dont know how to field this one without getting way too into it...

but you use that rolleyes guy more than probably any other regular poster on this site. and you're pretty constantly negative and condescending. plus, talking shit to/about DNL is one of the number one traits of a "cool TWWer"

so, yeah, i never really had any reason to think otherwise. sorry.

2/1/2008 3:41:20 PM

All American
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reading is the new listening, and i read what you typed, and was taken aback by it. I can't imagine feeling happy about any*one getting in a wreck, let alone someone that makes my life better in his own odd way. I responded. I'm not sorry for what I've said, but I haven't shut the door on you either...

|----| this much bad doesn't cancel out
|-----------------------------------------------------------------------| this much good
i'm sure we'll work it out

2/1/2008 3:42:31 PM

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