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 Message Boards » » So i sparred live for the first time last night Page [1]  
6999 Posts
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whoa that shit was intense, it was against a 150 pound guy but still i got hit alot (they matched us up by height)

but i got my takedowns and submitted him one time

that shit was fun now i wont be ablt to focus on technical drills because i want to SPAR so bad

theres a world champ kickboxer (hes like 6'4") that trains there i want him next, and he has limited wrestling experience i know where im takin that one

2/13/2008 1:56:01 PM

All American
8027 Posts
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whatever pussy

2/13/2008 1:57:00 PM

All American
28213 Posts
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In the face.

2/13/2008 1:59:55 PM

6999 Posts
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its fun yall you should try this stuff

2/13/2008 2:01:33 PM

All American
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i just can't deal with all the humping that happens in MMA

i'll stick to scripted wrestling, thanks

2/13/2008 2:04:54 PM

68205 Posts
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how long did you spar for? 3 5 min rounds? 3/3?
i would be puking

2/13/2008 2:18:39 PM

6999 Posts
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it was one 3 minute round a piece with one person defending takedowns and the other trying to get takedowns, getting up once the takedown was successfully defended or if the takedown was successful, both guys being allowed to strike with no restrictions, we could include strikes in our takedown defense

then a 3 minute round of no restrictons at all and no restarts, submissions allowed anyone go go for a takedown, striking on the ground etc

so 9 minutes total, 30 seconds rest in between rounds

[Edited on February 13, 2008 at 4:18 PM. Reason : d]

2/13/2008 4:17:41 PM

148844 Posts
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that shit will wear your ass out even if you're in tip top physical shape

2/13/2008 4:24:46 PM

6999 Posts
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yea i couldnt keep my hands up consistently after the first round

i could have been kicked in the head and the instructor was tryna tell my partner to do it because it was open

i just kept kickin the inside of his thigh so that he couldnt set up for the head kick lol, i throw alot of low kicks

2/13/2008 4:27:22 PM

68205 Posts
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people really have no idea how long 3 minutes can be unless they have been in training like this
i know i couldnt do it in my current shape

2/13/2008 4:30:54 PM

Drunk yet Orderly
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i get exhausted after 1 min on a punching bag

2/13/2008 4:34:56 PM

6999 Posts
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luckily you dont have to punch constantly like at a punching bag when i get tired i become a whole lot more prudent in my shot selection lol

2/13/2008 6:41:20 PM

9388 Posts
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i sparred against a friend's friend one time because i went to watch them work out and his partner didnt show up so i stepped in so the afternoon wouldn't go to complete waste.

boxin is some scary shit man, you can't ever tell what your opponent is gunna be like till you're actually there after the bell rings. I can't even imagine how much tape actual boxers must watch before their matches.

when we both came out i was way too open in my stance and it basically spelled out "hey im' a fuckin noob"...... the other guy was cool enough to stop the match and give me some really great tips/hints and we started over again.

i got some good looks and landed a few good counterpunches, but the guy picked up on my "counter-style" and fuckin opened me up like i was nobody.

definitely want to do it again.

2/13/2008 6:51:01 PM

6999 Posts
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haha fuckin addictive aint it, thats cool they let you step in and help your friend out though

good to know it aint always about money, my gym is like that the one you talked about, i dont pay for a kickboxing specific class, but i got to my grappling class about an hour and a half early and the trainer is like "go get your hand wraps and come do some kickboxing, youre here u might as well learn somethin"

im a cheap ass so i didnt argue with him, im all about learning shit

[Edited on February 13, 2008 at 6:55 PM. Reason : x]

2/13/2008 6:54:43 PM

9388 Posts
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ahahah werd i love it.

i forgot where we went to but they had their "regulars" there and they were all tough lookin guys who looked like they were all involved in the dealing business.


after my sparring match each dude took a break from what they were doin and decided to work with me for a couple min to show me the basics and shit like that.

If i had the time i'd definitely want to sign up and work out/train a couple times a week.

2/13/2008 6:57:55 PM

12937 Posts
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I must break you.

2/13/2008 6:58:57 PM

9388 Posts
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2/13/2008 7:00:45 PM

12937 Posts
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That's what I was referencing.

2/13/2008 7:02:31 PM

All American
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Three minutes and I'd probably submit myself due to lack of oxygen (the gas, not the network). I finally got decent enough with my breath control to do long workouts on the punching bag, but I have a feeling it would all go out the window as soon as some asscunt kicked me.

2/13/2008 7:13:09 PM

9388 Posts
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gloves and tape are alot heavier than you'd think, specially when you're 2min into a round with a guy tryin to blast your head off with a vengeance.

2/13/2008 7:20:50 PM

6999 Posts
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^since im a n00b with no training gear of his own i have to use the oversized, shitty stinky, outdated gear that weighs 20 pounds it feels like im suiting up for knighthood

i turned my ankle sprawling today and couldnt do the conditioning drills at the end, which kinda sucks when everyone else is doin em

2/13/2008 10:33:37 PM

9388 Posts
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2/13/2008 10:36:08 PM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
theres a world champ kickboxer (hes like 6'4") that trains there i want him next"

you gonn get raped

2/13/2008 10:37:09 PM

6999 Posts
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^^we were wrestling/grappling live (hah actually with the kickboxer dude, i get paired up with him so he can learn wrestling and grappling, were bout equal weight) he shot in on me and and when i attempted to get hip separation my ankle caught on the mat and i rolled the god damn thing

[Edited on February 13, 2008 at 10:40 PM. Reason : x]

2/13/2008 10:40:12 PM

9388 Posts
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sweet, that's exactly what i thought sprawling meant! not a big newb after all i guess.

oof, that sucks man. i hate it when i have to sit out and watch other people do what i could be doing cuz of an injury. i guess it's better than tryin to continue and fuckin everything up for even longer though.

when you want to slide out when he shoots at you, are you supposed to jump out of the way, or shuffle your way out?

2/13/2008 10:46:08 PM

All American
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real fights, in the street, are much more intense and your adrenaline will kick like a mofo. I have had a few pretty good fights in my law enforcement career, drunks, gang bangers, crack heads, rednecks....but honestly the toughest fight i ever had was with an obese black woman....that woman put up more of a fight than any man i have ever fought. she spit, scratched and bit my hand ( i had my kevlar gloves on) i swear it was like trying to subdue a blue whale. i finally was able to hold her arms and pin her till i got some help to cuff her crack head ass. good times

2/13/2008 11:22:35 PM

9388 Posts
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Quote :
"i swear it was like trying to subdue a blue whale."


god i got a good laugh out of that.

2/13/2008 11:23:51 PM

6999 Posts
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neither really

its more like you force your hips to the ground and away from the shot and shoot your legs back to a good base so you can get right back up or be ready to scramble, think of it as when you force your hips down, you want to be able to knock the guy out with the force of your hips slamming his head into the ground if his head were to be there

jumping is not good because when your feet are off the ground you wont be able to adjust quickly to what your opponent does, if you shuffle then you are taking too long and your opponent will have an easy time bring your hips in making for an easy

when i sprawl, i like to get my arm underneath one of his and have my hand gripping his back, and i shuffle to that side of him and work from there so i can trap him in position and escape being backed into the wall

^^haha that sounds fun, to beat up on a fat black hoodrat, ida went straight for the nightstick

[Edited on February 13, 2008 at 11:28 PM. Reason : x]

2/13/2008 11:24:12 PM

All American
63541 Posts
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sparring is a lot of fun

its exciting

2/13/2008 11:35:38 PM

All American
16575 Posts
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yeah, i miss doing it

2/13/2008 11:36:19 PM

All American
63541 Posts
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I kind of like hitting people

2/13/2008 11:39:14 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » So i sparred live for the first time last night Page [1]  
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