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 Message Boards » » I think someone just tried to rob our apartment.. Page [1] 2, Next  
Kitty B
All American
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someone knocked on the door. our dog started barking like crazy (which she always does), and as my husband reached the door and looked through the peep-hole, whoever it was took off running. he went to our porch (second story) to see if the guy would come running out the front of the building, but he didn't.

whoever it was, he apparently wasn't expecting a dog. little does he know she sounds a lot bigger than she actually is.

it may be time to activate the "optional" alarm system installed in our apartment.

[Edited on February 13, 2008 at 7:11 PM. Reason : ps- now i know how jackleg felt ]

2/13/2008 7:10:46 PM

All American
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2/13/2008 7:12:14 PM

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i think you're right.....

whenever shit like this happens i can't help but feel like im' not nearly as safe as i usually think.

better get dat 190% confidence and a knife.

2/13/2008 7:12:26 PM

All American
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a knife? get a gun

2/13/2008 7:13:18 PM

All American
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Just shoot through the door every time you hear a noise from now on.

2/13/2008 7:14:02 PM

Duh, Winning
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if someone knocks on my door unexpected, i just open up and start shooting

p.s. dont send me singing telegrams

2/13/2008 7:14:49 PM

Kitty B
All American
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a couple months ago someone down the hallway beat the shit out of a guy who attacked him with a knife. we don't know the couple that lives there so we don't know if he knew his attacker. but it definitely made us more aware of our surroundings.

we typically leave our blinds up so that our cats (and dog) can look out the window during the day. i think we're going to leave them closed for a while. we have too much shit visible.

2/13/2008 7:16:13 PM

9388 Posts
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Quote :
"if someone knocks on my door unexpected, i just open up and start shooting"


great visual. i just imagined some guy with messed up hair in a robe with a bowl of cereal in one hand and a gun in the other, swinging the door open, unloading, then slammin the door and goin back to the couch to watch Dave Chappelle standup.

2/13/2008 7:17:48 PM

Kitty B
All American
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i like that visual

i probably was gonna get raped. i don't think the guy ran till he heard my husband calling the dog off.

2/13/2008 7:30:45 PM

best gottfriend
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i really want to make a thread and be like 'so i was gonna rape this girl, but i heard a dog and her husband so i bailed out the back of the apartment complex', but someone made a very similar parody just a few days ago.

2/13/2008 7:33:04 PM

9388 Posts
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except the computer chip = your dog and husband's voice

2/13/2008 7:33:54 PM

All American
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perhaps it was the people in alarm system sales. best way to get people to purchase is to rob the non-customers.

2/13/2008 7:36:44 PM

Tom Joad
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just make sure they can get a good look at them spiders if they get through the door and you won't h ave to worry about the dog

2/13/2008 7:37:48 PM

All American
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Put a second peephole in the door, only so that it peaks in.

Then put a spider cage right on the inside, so if you peak in all you see is a giant spider.

2/13/2008 7:45:38 PM

All American
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yeah...because everybody is afraid of spiders.

2/13/2008 7:49:42 PM

All American
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Apparently a lot of TWWers are.

2/13/2008 7:50:54 PM

Kitty B
All American
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2/13/2008 7:51:10 PM

All American
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2/13/2008 7:53:20 PM

12937 Posts
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^^You suck.

[Edited on February 13, 2008 at 7:55 PM. Reason : ^]

2/13/2008 7:53:32 PM

All American
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you suck.

2/13/2008 7:55:10 PM

Tom Joad
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i will say that after living with Kitty B for 2 years that my fear of spiders in general was greatly reduced

[Edited on February 13, 2008 at 7:57 PM. Reason : +]

2/13/2008 7:55:55 PM

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Spiders: The DiamondAce's only known weakness.

2/13/2008 7:57:49 PM

Kitty B
All American
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we just realized we can't activate our alarm system because we don't have a land (phone) line

and yes marko, i was greatly pleased that you never had to burn the building down.

2/13/2008 8:00:46 PM

Tom Joad
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that was more of a MetalRed threat i think

2/13/2008 8:01:38 PM

All American
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do you live at dominion?

2/13/2008 8:02:52 PM

Kitty B
All American
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we don't live anywhere near campus. we live in an apartment complex near new bern ave (exit 13b). it's definitely a black/hispanic dominated complex, but everyone is relatively quiet and we usually don't have problems. we're also surrounded by "nice" neighborhoods.

but i guess bad shit can happen anywhere.

2/13/2008 8:07:06 PM

68205 Posts
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Quote :
"yeah...because everybody is afraid of spiders"

have you seen these spiders?

2/13/2008 8:10:07 PM

Kitty B
All American
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came home and the place was still in one piece.

i was half worried someone would break in while i was on campus.

and half worried my dog would destroy our apartment because she couldn't look out the window.

2/14/2008 1:23:46 PM

All American
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Quote :


2/14/2008 1:25:46 PM

All American
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are you sure it wasn't a terminator?

they are usually afraid of dogs.

2/14/2008 1:51:30 PM

Mr Scrumples
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I found an egg!

2/14/2008 1:53:34 PM

Kitty B
All American
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i don't think terminators were afraid of dogs. i think the dogs were just good at telling who was human and who was machine.

my dog can't distinguish such things. she just barks whenever she hears ANYTHING.

2/14/2008 2:04:00 PM

All American
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my neighbor's apartment got robbed during xmas break.

it was during the day so he thinks the guy waited til he saw the car gone, then broke in the back balcony (which we share). both my roommate and i were out of town for a week and i have tons of electronics in my room which has a door to the same balcony. the only thing i can imagine that saved my electronics is the fact that she traveled with her brother and left her car in the parking lot during the break. but regardless many extra precautions were put into place after that.

2/14/2008 2:40:32 PM

All American
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keep these by the front door

2/14/2008 2:46:12 PM

Kitty B
All American
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well, needless to say we don't regret choosing to live on the second floor rather than the first floor. we have a lot of electronics and such. there is no "back way" out of our building and our porch faces the parking lot and another building, so i don't worry about crazy burglars scaling the building.

we also never leave our door unlocked (even when we're home). i think i may look into the purchase of an aluminum bat. we have a functional katana, but my husband is the only one who would know how to use it properly. i'd just slash up the wall or myself.

2/14/2008 2:56:52 PM

Sink the Flagship
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if you have a dog you are 60% less likely to get broken in on, big or small

2/14/2008 3:04:33 PM

5724 Posts
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this is why i carry a a .38 snub people. then when this shit happens i am calm and relaxed and answer the door with a smile on my face.

2/14/2008 4:52:38 PM

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i can get 5 rounds downrange before they can get away if there was an attempt at breaking in.

the life of my friends and family is too important than some law generated by the liberals to placate the ngrs and liberal white vote. i will be carrying for the rest of my life.

2/14/2008 4:55:47 PM

All American
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Quote :
have you seen these spiders?"

yep, she has giant tarantulas. I think they are cool.

2/14/2008 4:56:06 PM

All American
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Quote :
"before they can get away if there was an attempt at breaking in."

so you are going to shoot them in the back?

[Edited on February 14, 2008 at 5:00 PM. Reason : d]

2/14/2008 4:57:34 PM

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2/14/2008 4:57:38 PM

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yes. i would gladly kill an intruder or his attempted one if it meant the survival of my friends and family.

if the law chooses to punish me for protecting the life of my friends.. fuck it. I'd rather go to jail than have dead innocent family members.

why? would you let your family/friends get shot or raped?

[Edited on February 14, 2008 at 5:00 PM. Reason : a]

2/14/2008 4:59:55 PM

All American
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Quote :
"this is why i carry a a .38 snub people. then when this shit happens i am calm and relaxed and answer the door with a smile on my face."

i doubt you'll be able to draw and get a shot off before any badguy could kick in the door.

best thing is to have backup behind you with a shotgun loaded with 00 buck, but that's a tad paranoid.

Quote :
"why? would you let your family/friends get shot or raped?"

i don't understand your argument. if said bad guy was running away, why would you shoot them in the back? are you saying that they could run away and rape/kill your family at the same time? if so, that's a very talented bad guy.

2/14/2008 5:02:19 PM

All American
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Soooo....wait....what made you think he was trying to rob your apartment? He ran away? Oh... that makes a lot of... wait, he was black, wasn't he??? hmmmm?

2/14/2008 5:02:21 PM

All American
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yeah her post was odd, as there wasn't any reason to believe that they were about to be robbed.

2/14/2008 5:04:07 PM

5724 Posts
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Quote :
"i doubt you'll be able to draw and get a shot off before any badguy could kick in the door."

you are wrong sir. i encourage you to not try breaking into my place. Mr.

2/14/2008 5:08:17 PM

Kitty B
All American
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let me clarify. i believe that whatever their intentions were changed when they realized i had a dog and there was a man in the house. after further thought, he didn't run till he heard my husband.

i would much rather think i was about to get robbed (ie, break in because we weren't home) than consider that someone wanted in here thinking i was here alone.

2/14/2008 5:14:56 PM

All American
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bleh... i don't know which apts you live in over that way, but that area generally isn't safe :-/ i work over there are there are sketchy people all over the place, esp near wake med/health dept/human svcs

2/14/2008 5:39:15 PM

Yankee Cowboy
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Quote :
"someone knocked on the door. our dog started barking like crazy (which she always does), and as my husband reached the door and looked through the peep-hole, whoever it was took off running. he went to our porch (second story) to see if the guy would come running out the front of the building, but he didn't."

ding dong ditch?

2/14/2008 5:42:53 PM

All American
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get a gun and renters insurance

2/14/2008 5:43:43 PM

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