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76471 Posts
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Between Western and the EMS station
street view of where

2/17/2008 10:29:24 AM

All American
4809 Posts
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They do that a lot.

2/17/2008 10:30:11 AM

45912 Posts
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that's a badass fucking map thing. never seen that before

2/17/2008 10:31:08 AM

All American
831 Posts
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dammit an i wuz plannin on gettin drnk at church

2/17/2008 10:32:37 AM

2488 Posts
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Quote :



2/17/2008 10:34:15 AM

Scary Larry
644 Posts
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wtf checkpoint on Sunday at 10:30AM

I can't even imagine what they're trying to enforce here

2/17/2008 10:34:33 AM

All American
13446 Posts
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it is so nice to live in a state where checkpoints are not within the scope of the law

not because i drive around drunk, but because police states are a travesty

2/17/2008 10:38:03 AM

All American
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Quote :
", but because police states are a travesty"

How are they a travesty? They are checking people car to make sure everything is legal.

2/17/2008 10:39:45 AM

All American
13446 Posts
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maybe each citizen should have their own personal police officer, just in case

lets waste recources and violate people's rights, while at the same time solving nothing - brilliant!

2/17/2008 10:40:53 AM

76471 Posts
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Ostensibly, yes. It's gotta suck to be so bored that a checkpoint at 1030 Sunday sounds like a good idea.

[Edited on February 17, 2008 at 10:41 AM. Reason : I hate NC State sometimes]

2/17/2008 10:41:20 AM

All American
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What rights are they violating by having a check point?

2/17/2008 10:41:28 AM

76471 Posts
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Who said they were violating any rights?

2/17/2008 10:42:15 AM

All American
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Quote :
"lets waste recources and violate people's rights, while at the same time solving nothing - brilliant!"

[Edited on February 17, 2008 at 10:45 AM. Reason : quote]

2/17/2008 10:45:29 AM

All American
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If you are not doing anything wrong, then you won't mind if we take a look around, RIGHT?

2/17/2008 10:45:39 AM

76471 Posts
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Rights or not, the point about wasting resources is a very valid one.

2/17/2008 10:46:11 AM

All American
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or just tell them no you can't search my car.

2/17/2008 10:46:14 AM

All American
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i'll agree to the wasting resources but not the violating rights.

2/17/2008 10:51:12 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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I think they police should be able to come door to door to make sure nothing illegal is going on.

2/17/2008 10:57:46 AM

All American
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Where are your PAPERS?

2/17/2008 10:59:41 AM

All American
35321 Posts
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The town of Conover lives by these checkpoints.

They have one right by my house at least once a month. Probably have one any given location in conover twice a week.

Most the time when I go through them there are probably 5-6 cars sitting near the checkpoint with a people sitting in them getting tickets (most of them are hispanic). Often times you will see the hispanics walking away from the cars.

2/17/2008 11:04:35 AM

2488 Posts
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Quote :
"maybe each citizen should have their own personal police officer, just in case"
Quote :
"I think they police should be able to come door to door to make sure nothing illegal is going on."
Quote :
"Where are your PAPERS?"

yeah, I know, right?

I mean, the 4th amendment only protects criminals

if you obey all the laws, you shouldn't have anything to hide

but it'd be less wasteful to simply have police cameras in every car & home rather than "personal police officers"

don't you think?

I LOVE BIG BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

2/17/2008 11:13:33 AM

All American
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I don't mind it that much...I mean all they do is check to see if you have your license...and I always have it with me when I drive, so all I gotta do is pull it out show it to them and drive off.

Takes no more time to show it to people if I wanna buy cigarettes or for people who want to buy beer. You have no problem showing your license to get that stuff, why do people have a problem showing it to get to drive.

2/17/2008 11:20:37 AM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"I don't mind it that much...I mean all they do is check to see if you have your license"

1) You're still missing the point. Waste of resources, and wtf are they thinking doing it at 1030 on a Sunday morning
2) If you think, that for every driver, all the check is to make sure you have your license, you've got a lot to learn. You even pointed out in an earlier post how many people stopped in conover checkpoints are hispanic.

2/17/2008 11:25:35 AM

Sup, Brahms
23935 Posts
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if you don't like what the police do, start a punk band.

2/17/2008 11:26:26 AM

2488 Posts
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2/17/2008 11:42:25 AM

All American
1738 Posts
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Quote :
"I think they police should be able to come door to door to make sure nothing illegal is going on."

Aren't they allowed to do that. I wouldn't mind having a cop or two walking around U oaks area to make sure nothing is going on. I don't see how coming by and making sure everything is alright is illegal or invasion of privacy. Its not like they are searching through your house.

2/17/2008 11:48:23 AM

Yankee Cowboy
27011 Posts
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Papiere bitte.

2/17/2008 11:48:55 AM

All American
4809 Posts
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I don't know about this mantis tuna guy. He wants the police all up in my shit.

2/17/2008 11:54:57 AM

2488 Posts
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^he's gotta be trolling

how could anyone be that stupid?

2/17/2008 12:04:18 PM

All American
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Seems to me like the only people who have a problem with the police are the ones who do illegal things. I'm not saying i never do anything illegal but in general i don't do illegal things.

2/17/2008 12:05:03 PM

All American
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2/17/2008 12:05:38 PM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"Seems to me like the only people who have a problem with the police are the ones who do illegal things. "

Yes, a troll - just in case it wasn't painfully obvious.

2/17/2008 12:06:27 PM

All American
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I know I just wanted to make it clear that, to me, his name is mantis tuna.

2/17/2008 12:07:26 PM

2488 Posts
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Quote :
"Seems to me like the only people who have a problem with the police are the ones who do illegal things"

that's right

and don't forget

doing illegal things is ALWAYS wrong

so ignoring individual rights to ensure 100% law enforcement is completely ok

mantis tuna for president

2/17/2008 12:13:30 PM

All American
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What right is being ignored by having cops walking around a neighbor hood?

2/17/2008 12:16:01 PM

All American
57594 Posts
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Police should be allowed to do whatever they want in low income areas.

2/17/2008 12:18:00 PM

All American
1738 Posts
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Police should be in high crime areas. If that means low income then so be it.

2/17/2008 12:18:41 PM

All American
2950 Posts
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I bet you that they have arrested several people for drunk driving. People who drank way too much last, are driving home, but their body has not processed all of the alcohol yet. I've heard of people blowing over the limit the morning after and getting a dui.

2/17/2008 1:00:32 PM

41758 Posts
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A couple of years ago I hit that same checkpoint at like 12:30 am and my friend was driving me to College Inn to drop me off. I had a ruckus mug that was still full of beer and they did not say anything. They just made sure he had his license and waved us on.

I hit the one at Kaplan & Kent the other day and got a lecture about my inspection but no ticket.

2/17/2008 1:08:17 PM

Scary Larry
644 Posts
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^^God bless America and praise Jesus that those law enforcement officers are there to prevent collect revenue from someone driving around borderline intoxicated the night after, because .08 is a gold standard of intoxication which is neither affected by individual genetic factors nor tolerance, the testing of which without the commission of a related crime can hardly even be construed as a constitutional search without a healthy dose of judicial activism.

[Edited on February 17, 2008 at 1:11 PM. Reason : Jesus '08!]

2/17/2008 1:10:17 PM

All American
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I am not hiding any heroin in my ass, therefore I have no problem with someone digging around there just to make sure. I'm a patriot, god bless America.

2/17/2008 1:34:04 PM

All American
10000 Posts
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You did not just street view that shit.

2/17/2008 1:37:42 PM

76471 Posts
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^I did.

2/17/2008 1:38:43 PM

All American
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2/17/2008 1:39:37 PM

All American
17118 Posts
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that street view is awesome...i found my neighborhood and my car parked :-D

must have been done pretty recently

HAH! found my car in more than one contest! see how many places you can find your car!!

[Edited on February 17, 2008 at 1:52 PM. Reason : hahaha]

2/17/2008 1:47:35 PM

All American
22435 Posts
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Because trying to catch drunk drivers is totally on par with fascist totalitarian regimes.

Its really the same thing actually.

2/17/2008 1:54:42 PM

Scary Larry
644 Posts
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God damn right, fucking DWI Nazis!

What's this shit about open containers too? Does it really fucking matter if the passenger is drinking?

The Fourth Reich has come!

2/17/2008 1:56:38 PM

147487 Posts
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varsity is god damn annoying with all their willy nilly checkpoints...

2/17/2008 3:00:58 PM

All American
45553 Posts
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you'd be amazed at the number of DUI's given before noon on a Sunday

Broski and Chad stay up all night drinkin, up until the time the sun comes out

then, they drink a few more, and when Noah wakes up, he joins them. They kill a few more Natty Lights and hit up some IHOP to cap their AMAZING saturday night.

On their way home, they kill a family who is on their way to Church.

Check points aren't a bad thing, anytime they're held.

2/17/2008 3:13:04 PM

All American
14180 Posts
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god called those people home and you know it

2/17/2008 3:21:34 PM

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