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 Message Boards » » Campus police pulled me over for reckless driving Page [1]  
Douche Bag
Fcuk you
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and I was only given a warning. That was my first time receiving a warning instead of a ticket. My freind wasn't so lucky - he was following me.

[u]Full Story Below[s]
So, last night about 10:30, I got pulled over by the campus police for reckless driving. Fortunately, I was given a verbal warning. The cop didn't have his radar on, so he didn't know my actual speed. All he knew was that I turned from the left lane of varsity (on centennial campus) onto capability at a "high rate of speed" - I was going 30 mph, I just didn't brake. I had an Asian buddy of mine in an M3 who was pulled as well - he was following me to my house to watch the end of the Dook game.

So I tell the cop that I have a concealed weapon in the car (I carry a .45 Kimber Ultra Carry in my glove box). I give him my conceal weapon permit and license and registration, and he tells me to clear the area. I go home.

My buddy had forgotten his license, so he had to deal with 3 campus police cars. They accused him of having a suspended license and informed him that it was an "arrestable offense". His roommate brought his license over, showed it to the cops, and then they made his roommate drive his car home. The cops still insisted that his license was suspended. He has a court summons to prove that it isn't suspended, but other than that, he didn't get in any significant trouble.

I love dealing with the Campus Police over RPD. They are so much more down to earth and easy to deal with.

2/28/2008 9:57:53 AM

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2/28/2008 9:58:19 AM

All American
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Douche Bag 1

Douche Bags 0

[Edited on February 28, 2008 at 10:00 AM. Reason : b]

2/28/2008 10:00:10 AM

All American
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Campus police pulled me over while I was riding a bike at 6:45 A.M.

He threatened to give me a ticket, but said he would let me go just this one time.

'Twas bizarre.

2/28/2008 10:18:51 AM

now with sarcasm
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you wanna know why? cause you are a Douche Bag.

2/28/2008 10:24:21 AM

soup du hier
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hahahah I've been threatened tickets for riding my bicycle aggressively so many times its not funny.

aparently they don't like it when you jump your bike over the stair railings and land on another set of stairs go figure.

2/28/2008 10:28:39 AM

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I think those bitches are trying to throw a party in the partners III deck. When I came in, there were 2 just sitting there running their mouths and 3 when I was leaving. Funny thing is that shit is still getting broken into while they sit there yapping.

[Edited on February 28, 2008 at 10:30 AM. Reason : ]

2/28/2008 10:29:56 AM

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i've been told to knock it off when im out freestyle walking

2/28/2008 10:29:57 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Campus police pulled me over while I was riding a bike at 6:45 A.M.

He threatened to give me a ticket, but said he would let me go just this one time.

'Twas bizarre."

What exactly was he planning to charge you with, exactly? Were you riding in the street without a headlamp before it was light outside or something?

2/28/2008 10:32:12 AM

soup du hier
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hahah freestyle walking...

i think i do that out of habbit... regular walking is boring so i always jump on shit.

2/28/2008 10:32:38 AM

Sup, Brahms
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did someone say freestyle?

2/28/2008 11:03:17 AM

Douche Bag
Fcuk you
4865 Posts
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there were 5 skateboarders on campus shore drive jumping rails at the same time - they received no attention from the cops.

2/28/2008 11:16:21 AM

Sup, Brahms
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skateboarding is not a crime.

2/28/2008 11:26:09 AM

soup du hier
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Thats why we got harassed because all of the campus laws are written for skate boarders... Not once does it say anything about a bicycle thats why we never got tickets.

2/28/2008 11:30:26 AM

All American
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meh skateboarding is alright if it isn't crowded although I'm amazed they still think its a bad thing personally NCSU is probably the best boarding place in 15 miles...

2/28/2008 1:29:27 PM

All American
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Quote :
"What exactly was he planning to charge you with, exactly? Were you riding in the street without a headlamp before it was light outside or something?"

I was riding down that road between Wood Hall and the IM fields (I forget its name rotch now). The roads were empty as heck, since it was so early, and I heard a car behind me. I figure I'm holding it up, so I drift over to the left lane to let the car pass. It turns out it's a police car, and it pulls up next to me and tells me to pull over.

He said he was gonna give me a ticket for "swerving all over the road" and "reckless driving". I gave him the finger and did a wheelie at the same time, then did a mondo stoppie through a red light.

2/28/2008 1:50:27 PM

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