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 Message Boards » » holy crap - when packrats sort (blog) Page [1]  
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I've been going through old stuff of mine tonight, for moving.

Between 1997 and 2003, I lived in easily 15-20 different residences. There were always a few things I kept with me, or safe. When I moved out of my parents' place, that was condensed into two bins. I went through them tonight, intending to pack them suitably for very long-term storage, and safely.

I found
- a placemat and napkin set from my grandmother, given to me somewhere ~2001
- my dad's USAFA PT shirt
- the barbie clothes of my aunt's from the 1970s...that my grandmother sewed in africa of clothing scraps, without patterns
- Notes from German when I went to Page HS in Greensboro. I color-coded my lists of nouns according to gender
- a crocheted sweater I bought at Victoria Falls
- photos of roommates I actually got along with
- a bible and the various 'congratulations on your baptism' cards
- a doll that I sewed as a patient at Dix. I really just wanted the ribbon, but I couldn't have it unless it was part of a project. That's the same deal as a length of fabric with african wildlife that I turned into a quilt.
- sundresses that my mom made matching sets for my sister and I
- an old Ariel doll. She always pissed me off because her clothing size was between Barbie's and Skipper's

Sometimes memory lane isn't such a bad place

Not from 1997-2003 is the scarf, in progress, was Sugarush4u's 2002 christmas present. With what I've learned in my studies, it's gonna be a lot easier to undo my mistakes without fucking up the scarf

From WAAAAAAAAAY back when I was younger, a purple bunny rabbit/teddy bear that says 'hug me!' with a heart for a nose, that used to sing. Sometimes, I miss being a kid

I also found a phone number for one of the cottages I lived in at one of the group homes

3/1/2008 11:28:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
"a doll that I sewed as a patient at Dix"

3/1/2008 11:31:05 PM

76471 Posts
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I guess I don't post about that enough

I didn't live at home from the time I was 12 til I was 17. Interspersed in the places I lived were some stays at psych wards

3/1/2008 11:33:30 PM

All American
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you went to page? i used to live near grimsley, now i live closer to page. its right down the street. although i've never actually been up to page since its hidden.

but i like the way the high school is actually a very clearly defined socioeconomic border line here in this area of town. whenever im going down the road and i get to page, i turn around. cause im scared to go into mill village after dark. those crackers are gangsta, yo.

also, all my female relatives went to page.

my father graduated from dudley, how awesome is that

3/2/2008 12:04:54 AM


4486 Posts
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are you from greensboro travis? i went to grimsley.

3/2/2008 12:07:36 AM

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I'm not very familiar with the GSO area, though

I lived off Lawndale...IIRC, the apartment complex was called The Hamptons. I had a GREAT friend there, named Chris Shaw, too.

I found a box of stuff from the trip to Africa in 97. I have tourist brochures, airline menus, ticket stubs, luggage claim

A South African newspaper:
Saturday Star, September 16 1995
Front page headlines:
Cellphone rivals in court battle
Papal Fever in Africa
Senate passes education bill, but Mandela's signature will have to wait
Now ANC threatens to force an election in KwaZulu-Natal

The Times of Zambia:
June 8 1998
Why Simukonde died
Chongwe water blues to fizzle out
Now it's genetically engineered crops

June 7 1998
Diana's mother called snob - page 4
FIFA tosses out Ng'andu
Aero-Zambia plane shelled

June 10 1998
Wold Cup tody - pages 11 and 12
How 'Solo' tried to recruit soldiers
Mahtani's habeas corpus hearing put off

I really need to get these papers preserved somehow. I'm afraid to open them.

^^IIRC, eahanhan went to Grimsley

I also found some letters from Nerdchick's first stint in the Rockies with AmeriCorps

[Edited on March 2, 2008 at 12:14 AM. Reason : ldfj]

3/2/2008 12:13:14 AM

All American
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actually i am from here, but i moved away in elementary school. since i have time i'll just tell the life story of school

i used to go to washington elementary here until 3rd grade or so. then we moved to raleigh and i went to fuller. then they bought a house in bumfuck and i ended up going to middle school and high school in fuquay (moving from fuller to fuquay pretty much killed my chance at an education, ha ha). then ncsu for a while. then the ncsu police kicked me out of school and banned me from campus. and i moved back to greensboro about 2 years ago after a failed attempt to go live in arizona, and on the west coast.

now, 4 years later, the charges that got me kicked out of school have been completely dismissed by the courts. so at age 29, im at a crossroads. my transcript says that im just short of being a senior. but theres some rule that you have to take the last 45 hours at the same school if youre doing it at a UNC system school. but even though the charges were dropped, its still technically against the law for me to go on campus.

SO. when they get that figured out, i may end it all where i started, in greensboro at UNCG. but i think i would have to drop a few classes to do that. and i'd imagine they'd make me just kill a semester. so im trying to decide if its really worth it to go through the trouble to
1) get "my right" to go to school back
2) lose credits so i can finish it all without going back to NCSU
3) actually go to school for 3 more semesters and perhaps a summer, depending on the details

part of me says i'm fine without it, part of me says that some people never get the chance to go and i'd be a shithead to not finish, and part of me says that since i'm more done than not, then it would be stupid and a waste to not finish. it would have been a no brainer if i were still 25 and my only known skill was waiting tables. now it almost would be a pain in the ass. did i mention the part of me that wants to finish just to say a big FUCK YOU to ncsu?

anyways theres my life story, enjoy. feel free to help me decide if i should finish college now that i'll be 30 in 6 months exactly

edit: ambrosia, i've actually lived off lawndale a couple of times! i love that part of greensboro.

[Edited on March 2, 2008 at 12:25 AM. Reason : /]

3/2/2008 12:24:20 AM

Mr Scrumples
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jackleg are you losing your mind?

3/2/2008 12:27:07 AM

2019 Egg Champ
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3/2/2008 12:32:42 AM

All American
34244 Posts
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Quote :
"finish just to say a big FUCK YOU to ncsu?"

[Edited on March 2, 2008 at 12:33 AM. Reason : but you've always known my opinion.]

3/2/2008 12:32:55 AM


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i grew up on Homewood Ave., then moved to David Caldwell off of Holden, then a small street that ran between Jefferson and Bearhollow

3/2/2008 12:34:20 AM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"so im trying to decide if its really worth it to go through the trouble to
1) get "my right" to go to school back
2) lose credits so i can finish it all without going back to NCSU
3) actually go to school for 3 more semesters and perhaps a summer, depending on the details"

I'd say it's worth it.

I went to elementary school, in raleigh, at underwood, effie green, and hunter. my bus always had kids from fuller on the route.

My aunt, born in 78, IIRC, went to hunter whenever the family was in raleigh

[Edited on March 2, 2008 at 12:40 AM. Reason : jesus. this thread makes my family seem like a bunch of transients ]

3/2/2008 12:39:58 AM

All American
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Quote :
"jackleg are you losing your mind?"

dear scrumples,
when you ask if i'm losing my mind, are you referring to is all the typing and wondering aloud and huge blocks of text that i've posted for the past few days?

cause that's intentional%##%!!11 it seems to make people mad. plus im used to typing like 60 hours a week and suddenly i cant anymore. so when i get a chance to type, i type a lot more. you should see the emails i send now.

or if youre talking about how im pondering aloud about school and what happened there. all i can say to that is that if it happened to you, you'd be in awe at how long i held my tongue on that shit. and even now i still won't get into how i really feel about it. just that i'm thoroughly excited that i finally got justice in our "guilty until proven innocent" united states of america

but no matter what makes you think so, no i am not crazy. just a cheerful person with a positive outlook on life. which i'm sure makes me appear crazy since i've had a little cloud over my head following me for as long as i can remember! in other words, i lost my mind years ago, and now that i have it back, i will scream about it from every rooftop in the land!!1

have a good day,

[Edited on March 2, 2008 at 5:55 AM. Reason : why did i think that was terpball]

3/2/2008 5:54:12 AM

70298 Posts
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so I don't understand the point of this thread

wow you have stuff

how great

3/2/2008 5:57:31 AM

All American
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i r sorting. the room still looks a mess, but i've emptied out the random bags of stuff that were scattered about the apt and thrown a bunch away. now it's just a matter of completely sorting/putting away everything.

yay productivity and cleanness

3/2/2008 7:31:59 AM

All American
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haha ReceiveDeath doesnt understand actual "words"- and apparantly they piss him off

try speaking in large caps and AIM logs if you'd like for him to understand.

3/2/2008 12:58:22 PM

All American
26946 Posts
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I want your Ariel doll.

3/2/2008 1:45:41 PM

76471 Posts
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3/2/2008 1:48:45 PM

Art Vandelay
45180 Posts
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i'd get the degree

without it, you're much more likely to be the first one laid off

3/2/2008 1:50:40 PM

All American
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3/2/2008 1:50:47 PM

All American
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3/2/2008 1:53:38 PM

2019 Egg Champ
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I think I used to have that same Ariel doll.

She was about the same size as a skipper but her boobs were more like a Barbie's.

3/2/2008 2:36:07 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » holy crap - when packrats sort (blog) Page [1]  
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