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 Message Boards » » I just got back from the FUNK THE WAR protest Page [1] 2 3 4, Next  
All American
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They shut down Connecticut Ave in NW DC, Cops came in riot gear and backed off b/c the crowd is massive - Now I am soaked, the cops are probably about to tear gas the crowd. Traffic is ALL fucked up.

Pics will come later

3/19/2008 1:51:09 PM

5959 Posts
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3/19/2008 1:51:34 PM

147487 Posts
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riots in DC?

3/19/2008 1:51:57 PM

All American
13916 Posts
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Quote :



and people wonder why the anti-war movement isn't taken seriously.

3/19/2008 1:52:06 PM

All American
35321 Posts
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Make love not war

3/19/2008 1:52:37 PM

All American
27372 Posts
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riots in DC?

3/19/2008 1:52:42 PM

All American
6092 Posts
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riots on the streets of chicago

3/19/2008 1:53:17 PM

All American
9053 Posts
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apparently there were protests all around the country today.

3/19/2008 1:54:00 PM

All American
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anti war people rioting....

I thought the best way to prove a point was to not be a hypocrite...

but that's just me

3/19/2008 1:54:07 PM

7062 Posts
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5 year anniversary of the war if i remember correctly

3/19/2008 1:54:34 PM

224 Posts
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I'm against picketing, but I don't know how to show it.

3/19/2008 1:54:48 PM

All American
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^don't do it?

3/19/2008 1:55:33 PM

All American
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It's a Mitch Hedberg joke, love.

3/19/2008 1:56:01 PM

All American
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3/19/2008 1:56:34 PM

147487 Posts
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mitch hedberg is one of those people i love to hate

3/19/2008 1:57:17 PM

All American
22489 Posts
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Quote :
"anti war people rioting....

I thought the best way to prove a point was to not be a hypocrite...

but that's just me


There was no rioting or violence, I'm talking about the COPS

The protesters are sitting in the intersection of Conn and K st

The cops tried to get them to move to Farragut Square, but they weren't budging - the cops backed off after a hundred or so formed a line and started marching towards to police.

It was spectacular

3/19/2008 1:57:22 PM

147487 Posts
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fuck tha police

3/19/2008 1:59:29 PM

All American
35321 Posts
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well peaceful protests are great...I've just never understood why some people go to protest agains violence or hate or really anything and then start a riot.

3/19/2008 2:00:17 PM

383 Posts
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do you seriously think this makes a difference?

[Edited on March 19, 2008 at 2:01 PM. Reason : xx]

3/19/2008 2:00:57 PM

All American
2042 Posts
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riots are where it's at

3/19/2008 2:01:40 PM

All American
22489 Posts
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Quote :
"do you seriously think this makes a difference?"

INTRUIGING!!? I have never heard thoughts like this before!!!! PLEASE, TELL ME MORE!!!

3/19/2008 2:02:43 PM

All American
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Aren't there like protest zones now or something?

3/19/2008 2:05:49 PM

All American
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no rioting!

that sounds like the name of a band. If it's not then I'm starting a band called No Rioting!!!
The angry face is part of the band name

3/19/2008 2:06:21 PM

2488 Posts
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Quote :
"well peaceful protests are great...I've just never understood why some people go to protest agains violence or hate or really anything and then start a riot"

they're not protesting against violence, but an ILLEGAL AND UNNECESSARY INVASION AND OCCUPATION,

carried out IN OUR NAMES

as far as I'm concerned, there should be all out riots in every city nationwide -- I'd be all for that
Quote :
"riots are where it's at"

[Edited on March 19, 2008 at 2:08 PM. Reason : oh, and
Quote :
"fuck tha police"

3/19/2008 2:07:08 PM

All American
27372 Posts
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It's like the Prince symbol.

3/19/2008 2:07:18 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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It would be great if there were no cops.

I would be so rich.

3/19/2008 2:11:41 PM

All American
35321 Posts
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So having a violent protest against a war is not hypocritical at all?

I guess in order for me to protest drunk driving I should drive around drunk?

3/19/2008 2:14:21 PM

All American
10506 Posts
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3/19/2008 2:22:39 PM

All American
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392 is the perfect example of why the anti-war movement failed to stop anything at the beginning of the war. While a lot of people disagree with the war, they don't usually respond well to being called a fascist or a baby-killer if they take anything short of a radical anti-Bush stance on every policy under the sun.

People who tolerate no dissent amongst their own ranks and who substitute "righteous anger" for a rational discussion of the issues do no justice to their cause.

3/19/2008 2:25:07 PM

All American
22489 Posts
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It was a 3 minute walk from work, and I thought it would be a fun way to spend my lunch break.

Now I'm hungry

Anyway, here's one pic I got from my phone

btw -hard to tell, but it is raining like FUCK in that picture - and that is definitely a major intersection

[Edited on March 19, 2008 at 2:27 PM. Reason : ]

3/19/2008 2:26:25 PM

All American
9053 Posts
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^^do you really think there was anything any normal citizen, or group of citizens could have done to prevent the Iraq war?

[Edited on March 19, 2008 at 2:27 PM. Reason : .]

3/19/2008 2:27:42 PM

35780 Posts
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ncsurcombs is a fucking idiot

3/19/2008 2:28:23 PM

All American
10506 Posts
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no idea who that is

3/19/2008 2:30:01 PM

All American
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^^^ absolutely I do, but it would mean sorting through the bullshit from both sides, coming up with a position, and calling your congressmen. My congressman will ignore me, but if enough people call his office that'll quickly change. If TWW has taught me nothing else, it is that poll-skewing works.

Don't forget, many of the Democrat congressmen and women who went along with the war did so against their own personal opinions, but because they didn't have the political backbone to oppose it on principal. Sometimes, the voter has to give them their backbone.

The anti-war movement largely marginalized itself by its wanna-be 60s protest style. Hell, the radicals didn't change the course of Vietnam (much as they might like to think they did) it was Joe Average opposing the war that did it.

[Edited on March 19, 2008 at 2:34 PM. Reason : ^]

3/19/2008 2:33:04 PM

37776 Posts
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Bush should've bombed the FUCK out of those sorry ass protestors.

3/19/2008 2:34:51 PM

All American
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3/19/2008 2:35:50 PM

2488 Posts
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Quote :
"So having a violent protest against a war is not hypocritical at all?"

nope, not unless the reason you're protesting is pro-pacifism

you can be pro-violence, or at the very least not pro-pacifism, and still oppose a war

iow, not on the basis of "OMG WAR IS ALWAYS WRONG! VIOLENCE IS WRONG!"

but on the basis of "THIS PARTICULAR war is ___________ (wrong, illegal, unnecessary, etc.)"

(this is all regardless of the general efficacy of violent protests, of course)

Quote :
"I guess in order for me to protest drunk driving I should drive around drunk?"

one of the main points of protesting is to be seen and/or heard

so, despite the stupidity and hypocrisy of such a protest, you could still consider it to be one, I guess

but I'd stream live video of it or something, or no will care (assuming anyone would anyway)

I mean, wouldn't you consider this to be a "violent protest"?

Quote :
"take anything short of a radical anti-Bush stance on every policy under the sun."

I don't take an anti-Bush stance on every policy, oh, I guess you assumed I did because I oppose this war

I guess you think I'm a democrat or a liberal, also, don't you


Quote :
"People who tolerate no dissent amongst their own ranks"

who are you talking about?

are you assuming EVEN more, you fucktard?

are you seriously that dumb?

oh, and
Quote :
"do you really think there was anything any normal citizen, or group of citizens could have done to prevent the Iraq war?"


Quote :
"Bush should've bombed the FUCK out of those sorry ass protestors."

I agree

it seems he'll likely dodge prosecution for his other dozen crimes, but he'd never get anything less than life in prison for that

[Edited on March 19, 2008 at 2:42 PM. Reason : ]

3/19/2008 2:40:09 PM

All American
9053 Posts
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^x4 I agree with most of that, but but even if all the dems voted against the war it wouldn't have been enough. And all the phone calls/letters in the world wouldn't have swayed most repub congressman, b/c they had to fall in party lines.

Bush got info left and right about the struggle that this war would likely become, and how Iraq didn't really have anything to do with al-qaeda, but didn't listen, or didn't seemed nobody could've changed his mind.

[Edited on March 19, 2008 at 2:42 PM. Reason : .]

3/19/2008 2:42:15 PM

148852 Posts
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i wouldve been down with this shit when i was in high school

nowadays i got a lot more important shit to worry about

3/19/2008 2:43:59 PM

All American
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^^ His mind is irrelevant. He can't go to war without Congress' consent. Had he invoked is powers as CINC to mobilize troops against the will of congress (had that been the will of congress) I could see impeachment procedures.

Quote :
"And all the phone calls/letters in the world wouldn't have swayed most repub congressman, b/c they had to fall in party lines."
If enough people call, most politicians will fall.

Lets be honest, the press failed the American public in 2003. The public in 2003 wasn't without a lot of doubts about Iraq. The tide could have been turned, but it wasn't.

^ and that is actually a pretty good example of how we got where we are. "Am I going to war? Are my taxes going up? No? Sure, do whatever."

3/19/2008 2:46:06 PM

All American
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oh, the cops were funny when they tried to move it
to off the streets
but they got blocked by the line
there was a circle, and a line
the line moved to where the cops would try to infiltrate the crowd


3/19/2008 2:46:52 PM

37776 Posts
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found a pic of 392.

No point in argueing with you. If you believe what you post on here you're doomed for failure in life.

3/19/2008 2:47:34 PM

All American
10506 Posts
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I rolly eyed you for this reason.

Do you really think that protest did anything? What accomplishment was reached? Hell I didn't even know about the protest until I read this thread.

I can tell you its making absolutely NO difference over here (and by that I mean in Iraq) except piss off some of the troops.

Not one bullet was stopped today, and I'm sure that the mortars that have been hittin here every damn night this week will still fly again tonight, regardless of the protest movement.

I think its damn silly and damn naive to think that a pullout at this time would be good for the area. This place will collapse without the presence of the US here. That is a fact. These cats have been fighting each other for centuries, and we're just barely doing a good job of keepign them at bay from blowing each other (and us with it) all to hell.

If the US pulls out too soon, this place will see genocide like crazy, hella worse than what has already happened. And if you think that getting rid of Saddam was a bad idea, I suggest you talk to some Iraqis, especially those who were tortured during his regime. Go up North into the Kurdistan area, talk to the people who remember the gas Saddam laid down.

3/19/2008 2:49:37 PM

148852 Posts
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Quote :
""Am I going to war? Are my taxes going up? No? Sure, do whatever."

i dont have a problem with that...i'm not going to waste all my time worrying about a bunch of shit i have no control over and doesnt often directly effect me...that would be a complete waste of time

3/19/2008 2:50:35 PM

All American
22489 Posts
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Here come the cops

Here go the cops!

3/19/2008 2:52:09 PM

All American
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here is the actual sit-in - in the middle of the street:

3/19/2008 2:52:59 PM

All American
13916 Posts
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Quote :
"i dont have a problem with that...i'm not going to waste all my time worrying about a bunch of shit i have no control over and doesnt often directly effect me...that would be a complete waste of time"
exactly. I don't mean to sound cliche, but a republic requires an informed and active citizenry. I'm not sure the United States can survive* as such when this the the predominant attitude.

I have no problem with people protesting and standing up for what they believe is right. What I have a problem with, is the kind of people I ususally find at these protests.

*(Will it survive in name? Sure. Will people still wave the flag and cook hot-dogs on the 4th of July? Probably. Will we all make a run on the sales for Memorial Day? I have no doubt.)

3/19/2008 2:56:14 PM

All American
7551 Posts
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Quote :
" rolly eyed you for this reason.

Do you really think that protest did anything? What accomplishment was reached? Hell I didn't even know about the protest until I read this thread.

I can tell you its making absolutely NO difference over here (and by that I mean in Iraq) except piss off some of the troops.

Not one bullet was stopped today, and I'm sure that the mortars that have been hittin here every damn night this week will still fly again tonight, regardless of the protest movement.

I think its damn silly and damn naive to think that a pullout at this time would be good for the area. This place will collapse without the presence of the US here. That is a fact. These cats have been fighting each other for centuries, and we're just barely doing a good job of keepign them at bay from blowing each other (and us with it) all to hell.

If the US pulls out too soon, this place will see genocide like crazy, hella worse than what has already happened. And if you think that getting rid of Saddam was a bad idea, I suggest you talk to some Iraqis, especially those who were tortured during his regime. Go up North into the Kurdistan area, talk to the people who remember the gas Saddam laid down.

your logical thinking and first hand experience mean nothing and have no place here!!!111

3/19/2008 3:02:12 PM

148852 Posts
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the protest was about as effective as posting images from facebook! red x ftl!!!11

3/19/2008 3:03:29 PM

All American
10506 Posts
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lol, ok I'll leave this thread then.

3/19/2008 3:03:51 PM

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