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 Message Boards » » mrfrog sells our secrets to the Chinese (words) Page [1]  

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Quote :
"[11:17:18 AM] cnshoppingmall says: hi
[11:17:23 AM] cnshoppingmall says: glad to meet u
[11:17:50 AM] mrfrog says: hi
[11:18:18 AM] cnshoppingmall says: where r u from?
[11:18:45 AM] cnshoppingmall says: do you like china?
[11:19:00 AM] mrfrog says: lol, i think china would be pretty cool, but i've neverbeen
[11:19:14 AM] mrfrog says: i'm in the US
[11:19:19 AM] cnshoppingmall says: hehe ,wellcome you come to china
[11:19:38 AM] cnshoppingmall says: have you buy sth made in china?
[11:20:47 AM] cnshoppingmall says: are you busy now?
[11:21:15 AM] mrfrog says: oh, i do buy stuff made in china
[11:21:20 AM] mrfrog says: a lot of it
[11:22:20 AM] cnshoppingmall says: oh what do you ofen buy from china
[11:23:01 AM] cnshoppingmall says: may have a lot of stuff you want
[11:26:40 AM] mrfrog says: isn't it really late there?
[11:26:51 AM] cnshoppingmall says: yes
[11:27:22 AM] mrfrog says: okay... i just woke up
[11:28:12 AM] cnshoppingmall says: after all,it's early now
[11:28:24 AM] cnshoppingmall says: but in china ,it's so late now
[11:30:02 AM] cnshoppingmall says: is it fast or slow to visit my website?
[11:30:52 AM] mrfrog says: it's fast enough, no major lag
[11:31:09 AM] cnshoppingmall says: oh,that's good
[11:31:33 AM] cnshoppingmall says: do you want to buy sth from here?
[11:31:34 AM] mrfrog says: there is a picture or two that doesn't load though
[11:32:23 AM] cnshoppingmall says: my webe server is in your country
[11:34:31 AM] mrfrog says: oh, the site works in Internet Explorer, but not in Firefox
[11:39:04 AM] cnshoppingmall says: by the way,which one do most of you use frequently?
[11:39:18 AM] mrfrog says: Firefox
[11:40:56 AM] mrfrog says: you don't have any prices
[11:41:59 AM] cnshoppingmall says: which kind of commodity?
[11:42:33 AM] mrfrog says: no it's cool, i don't want to buy anything, i'm just saying
[11:44:32 AM] cnshoppingmall says: it's ok,if you want to buy sth just tell me,i will give you a discount
[11:53:23 AM] mrfrog says: alright well i gotta go now
[11:53:25 AM] mrfrog says: cool site
[11:53:35 AM] cnshoppingmall says: do you have a ticket for Olypics?
[11:54:02 AM] cnshoppingmall says: thanks ,bye
[11:54:02 AM] mrfrog says: no, i will not be attending

[11:10:19 PM] cnshoppingmall says: hi
[11:11:01 PM] mrfrog says: hi
[11:13:02 PM] cnshoppingmall says: my website has updated ,do you want to visit it
[11:15:17 PM] mrfrog says: it works in Firefox now
[11:15:33 PM] cnshoppingmall says: that's great
[11:15:47 PM] cnshoppingmall says: fast or slow? 
[11:16:38 PM] cnshoppingmall says: the price list has been updated
[11:18:15 PM] cnshoppingmall says: could you tell me which forum do you ofen jion in usa?
[11:19:34 PM] mrfrog says: I don't use forms much, and the ones out there will get mad at you for promoting your site
[11:20:07 PM] mrfrog says: youtube might be a good bet for getting traffic
[11:22:38 PM] cnshoppingmall says: i'm sorry to hear that ,could you give me some advice
[11:23:12 PM] mrfrog says: no really, you'll get banned if you register somewhere and promote your site
[11:24:50 PM] mrfrog says: but yeah, just like make a youtube account, make a video look like soft porn (so everyone will click it), but then just put links to your site everywhere
[11:25:08 PM] mrfrog says: people do that all the time
[11:25:15 PM] cnshoppingmall says: that's a good idea
[11:25:25 PM] cnshoppingmall says: thant you very much "

How could you people boycott something as adorably entrepreneurial as this?

4/9/2008 12:13:09 AM

Scary Larry
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6/3/2008 8:23:09 PM

All American
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this thread makes me

6/3/2008 8:52:35 PM

Scary Larry
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I honestly didn't read it until you commented, but it is pretty funny

6/3/2008 8:55:23 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » mrfrog sells our secrets to the Chinese (words) Page [1]  
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