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All American
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my chest is bleeding lactic acid and I dread the morning

4/16/2008 2:41:03 AM

All American
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lactic acid isnt heartburn acid is it?

i used to have daily frequent evil heartburn, but i finally found a medication to fix it. and it only costs 50 cents a day! the only pills that really kill heartburn for 24 hours

and i got heartburn so bad it made me throw up at night

that pepcid complete stuff used to be the best i could find, it claimed 24 hour relief but it lasted about 6 maybe

4/16/2008 2:44:49 AM

All American
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ooooh no.

this is from working out too hard after an inadequate warm-up and several months of inactivity

4/16/2008 2:46:32 AM

Mr. Joshua
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4/16/2008 2:47:25 AM

All American
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i have pink eye, i think, is that bad?

4/16/2008 2:47:46 AM

All American
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well, it's not good.

easy fix though

4/16/2008 2:48:15 AM

All American
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4/16/2008 2:48:51 AM

All American
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oh ok i dont know about you kids and your fancy exercise chemicals

i was just trying to help, i thought i had a fellow heartburn victim on the line

i also have a mild lactose intolerance, where i have this weird taste in my stomach after i eat cereal. DOES THAT RING A BELL?


4/16/2008 2:49:54 AM

All American
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thanks for your concern, Captain T.

I am okay with lactate in its various permutations as long as those of a reduced pH stay out of my muscles

[Edited on April 16, 2008 at 2:54 AM. Reason : nerd whore thread]

4/16/2008 2:53:19 AM

All American
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<--- GALLON CHALLENGE participant

i tried...

4/16/2008 2:58:19 AM

All American
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i did the half gallon in 3 minutes.

one of my friends did it in 1:47 i believe...i got a brainfreeze when i tried. i cant drink milk when its not extremely cold though. it makes me want to throw up

4/16/2008 2:59:42 AM

All American
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I've never actually tried that. We once had a competition at my old job to see who could down a pitcher (4 pints) of water the fastest. I won thankyouverymuch. That is significantly less than a gallon though, and that much milk sounds insane.

What is it, you have an hour or less?

4/16/2008 3:00:12 AM

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i once drank half a gallon of water in 3 minutes

4/16/2008 3:00:55 AM

All American
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i stopped at 3/4 gallon in 5 min

then i waited 15 minutes, got in a car, and had a full dinner at ocharleys

Quote :



4/16/2008 3:01:08 AM

All American
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fermented milk, i swear thats it. thats why i claim mild lactose intolerance, cause i eat cereal and then i get this feeling like i drank spoiled milk and its coming back up

although this has nothin to do with muscles or stretching or working out that i know of. but if i take like 6000 units of lactose enzyme something something right before or right after, and it stops bothering me.

i always thought it was heartburn crossed with milk.

maybe if you take lactaid enzyme tablets, it will help? i obviously have no fucking clue what i'm talking about (it sounds like exercise makes you feel the way i normally feel, but it also sounds like your symptoms are much different. im confused CRY CRY CRY)

but its only about 2.99 for 24 generic tabs

4/16/2008 3:01:31 AM

All American
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yeah gallon challenge is hour or less

one guy who did it with me got the whole gallon down in 17 min and then promptly projectile vomited for 45 seconds in front of 50 people

and as far as lactic acid goes, its worst for me in my legs

4/16/2008 3:04:50 AM

All American
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the last time i did the challenge, one of the guys was allergic to milk...hilarity ensued...

4/16/2008 3:05:35 AM

All American
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4/16/2008 3:06:22 AM

All American
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Quote :
"weird taste in my stomach "


4/16/2008 3:07:57 AM

All American
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anyone ever tried it with lactaid, or the generic?

i think my stuff says it has "6000 lactase enzyme units" per tablet.

wonder if that would make you able to do it?

^weird taste in my stomach. maybe i should say... weird feeling in my stomach. it doesnt turn into a taste till it creeps back up my throat and tastes like MILK VOMIT@@@@@! its disgusting.

4/16/2008 3:08:30 AM

All American
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that's def. gross. thanks.

4/16/2008 3:11:06 AM

All American
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one of my lactose intolerant friends needs like 3 tablets for a couple pieces of pizza

enough pills to counteract the milk could be pretty harmful (LC50?!)

plus the volume alone is hard

4/16/2008 3:13:12 AM

All American
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but naw mang, lactose intolerance and lactic acid in muscles are different problems with different cures. that sharp soreness in your muscles the next couple days after an intense workout is the lactic acid produced by anaerobic metabolism.

your body will get rid of it naturally over time, but you can speed it up by frequent stretching and massage, and generally oxygenating the muscles in question.

then again I could be wrong, I'm not a biochemist in the least. maybe I could take some lactaid and feel sweet relief

4/16/2008 3:22:09 AM

All American
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Quote :
"but naw mang, lactose intolerance and lactic acid in muscles are different problems with different cures."

haha, thanks for not going all wolfweb and calling me a monkey fucking retard shitbox faggot just cause i didnt know that

Quote :
" that sharp soreness in your muscles the next couple days after an intense workout is the lactic acid produced by anaerobic metabolism."

I WOULDNT KNOW THAT SORENESS! INTENSE WORKOUT, WHAT'S THAT??? hhaahaha, i'm not there yet. i just use the elliptical thing when i work out, since i've only been at it for a couple months, working on my heart and lung health (helped a friend move some furniture up some stairs and felt like i was gonna die so i "changed my ways" hahha)

4/16/2008 4:42:29 AM

All American
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4/16/2008 9:30:32 AM

All American
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but seriously, I got very sick last night. Very shortly after I got off my PC, that total-body ache and intense shivering knocked me into a quivering mass. You know that absolutely miserable feeling where you break out in fever and can't get warm no matter how many sweats and blankets you bury yourself under?

last night was hell, and, between the fever ache and muscle ache, it took me a full hour to get out of bed this morning. I'm now resigned to the couch and wonder how/if I should go to work today

I work in a bar, so should I worry about contagions?

[Edited on April 16, 2008 at 9:35 AM. Reason : pathetic]

4/16/2008 9:33:47 AM

All American
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where are you,

4/16/2008 10:07:37 AM

37709 Posts
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i've never heard of someone getting laid up after working out

really sore, yes, but not sick with a fever

you should try some body-building forums

4/16/2008 10:32:27 AM

All American
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dude you should just work out easier till you get in better shape

4/16/2008 10:36:53 AM

All American
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I'm pretty sure the fever and workout are unrelated.

But you're probably right anyway

4/16/2008 10:39:01 AM

All American
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You can't massage or stretch lactic acid out of muscles. Studies have shown that neither has any benefit against resting.

And there is evidence that "the burn" you feel has nothing to do with lactic acid. During your workout you tore a bunch of muscle fibers. You'd expect a tear in any other fiber on your body to hurt, so a lot of people conclude that the pain you feel is nothing more than the muscle tears and associated inflammation. I'm undecided on this one.

4/16/2008 10:41:42 AM

45208 Posts
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It sucks when you start working out again, then you get sick!!! Once you get over being sick, it's like starting all over again!

4/16/2008 10:41:44 AM

All American
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^^ could be. I've just always heard it attributed to the lactic acid.

^ yeah it's how i fell out of my routine all those months back to begin with

4/16/2008 10:43:48 AM

All American
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Ive had fever-like symptoms after working out before. It usually is alot more mild than what you are describing, though.

4/16/2008 10:44:43 AM

All American
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yeah...i'm not a stranger to working out and am well aware of what all comes with it. especially improper warmup/cooldown

and this was something different that coincidentally came after a workout, i dunno

[Edited on April 16, 2008 at 10:48 AM. Reason : question is, will i feel better by 2:30, because i REALLY dont want to work like this]

4/16/2008 10:46:39 AM

45208 Posts
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Ya know, if a girl made this thread it would have been a total shit show by now!

Sorry you feel bad

4/16/2008 10:47:25 AM

All American
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why would it be a shit show?

4/16/2008 10:49:15 AM

45208 Posts
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I'm sure someone would offer to stretch out a vajayjay or two with their massive cock or something like that haha

4/16/2008 10:50:40 AM

All American
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oooh right haha

that did cross my mind when I added the subject

but then I realized it didn't make much sense for me so I left it

4/16/2008 10:52:41 AM

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