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 Message Boards » » ATTN: Guy with his index finger crammed in his Page [1]  
All American
10527 Posts
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nose, can you please not do that. Futhermore, dont eat your fucking boogers in class.


4/16/2008 7:53:10 PM

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4/16/2008 7:54:52 PM

5052 Posts
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I do it in the car sometimes...minus the eating part...I like to flick them on cars at stop lights hahahahaha

[Edited on April 16, 2008 at 8:01 PM. Reason : agasgsg]

4/16/2008 7:55:51 PM

12937 Posts
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4/16/2008 7:59:52 PM

All American
44225 Posts
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i'd totally have scoped out jen in class, and specifically refrained from picking my nose (and eating it), just to impress her

4/16/2008 8:17:05 PM

All American
2081 Posts
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I tried to go a few days without picking my nose one time. The boogers built up and I couldnt breathe and they itched so I commenced picking

4/16/2008 8:39:03 PM

147487 Posts
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has anyone asked what shes wearing yet?

4/16/2008 8:41:01 PM

All American
3942 Posts
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About two weeks ago I was at a stop light GETTING AT one of those ones that makes breathing through your nose difficult and thought I heard something out the car window. I look over with the finger 1 knuckle deep and see this black girl in the car next to mine laughing off her fuckin ass looking straight at me. I just smiled shyly and made sure to hit gas when it turned green

4/16/2008 8:55:01 PM

Double Entendre
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YES! Sometimes my finger is so far up my nose that I feel like I could touch my brain. the relief of boogers in my nose is so amazing! I love the ones that have an attachment going down my pharynx.
Ok... eating boogers is something else.

4/16/2008 9:33:09 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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I had one earlier that had a tail, it looked like a comet whenever I flicked it out the window

4/16/2008 9:34:44 PM

All American
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in all honesty, doesn't everyone pick their nose? we're all just one booger away from becoming our primate cousins...

4/16/2008 9:43:40 PM

All American
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But apparently this dude was cramming his finger in his nose, which is a different level of picking entirely.

Which is the only reason why I clicked the thread - only my bf does that. I half-expected Jen to conclude her post with something along the lines of "in your black truck on 440".

4/16/2008 9:48:34 PM

All American
10527 Posts
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i think everyone would agree that they pick their nose. But this guy was using his thumb and then fucking ate it in the middle of class

who the hell does that? why, just WHY??

4/16/2008 9:52:44 PM

23634 Posts
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wow must've had some big nostrils

4/16/2008 9:54:34 PM

63151 Posts
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the ones with the tails

the tails that feel like

when it comes out

it goes into your brain

weirdest feeling ever


4/16/2008 9:55:36 PM

All American
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Ok, the thumb I have never seen. Except for that one time I cut all of my nails and needed to pick my nose at that particular moment, and had to use my thumb which had more nail than my other fingers.

4/16/2008 9:59:08 PM

12937 Posts
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Allow me to reiterate

4/16/2008 10:00:39 PM

All American
936 Posts
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I love cddweller.

4/16/2008 10:05:00 PM

All American
8888 Posts
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Quote :
"A recent poll alleges that a majority of Americans admit to picking their noses in public. Although not socially accepted, nose picking can , at times, be necessary. When something in your nose needs help finding its way out, you can be ready to respond by following one of these basic stealth techniques for public nasal manicuring.

The Thumb-Finger Method

1. Position the index finger of the opposite-side hand alongside the exterior of the obstructed channel.
2. Nonchalantly slip the thumb as deep as necessary into the nostril.
3. Using the thumbnail, delicately clamp onto the dried mucous mass.
4. Slowly withdraw the thumb and it's payload from the nostril. At this step in the process be particularly vigilant for any trailing mucous which might be attached to the payload. These un-noticed "stringers" can jeopardize the entire operation.
5. Return the hand to a more natural position and discreetly execute a flicking motion with the thumb. This should launch the material sufficiently far away from you that it becomes someone else's problem.
6. Remember...never wipe it on your shirt or trousers - its always a dead giveaway.
7. Always beware of flicking too hard. If the offending article sticks to the ceiling, it'll be there forever.

The Advanced Hand-Guard Method

1. Slightly cup the left hand and position it so that your forefinger is below your right eye and your thumb is below your left eye. The palm will be hiding the nostrils from onlookers who will be convinced that you are rubbing your cheeks as one does when trying to ease the symptoms of a headache, or of weariness, (simultaneously closing one's eyes makes the tactic even more effective).
2. In a natural, confident motion bring the right hand up and under the left hand. Use the right index finger to probe, acquire and extract the residual material. After returning the right hand to a secure location execute a flicking maneuver to eject the material.

The Athletic Nose-blow

1. If you find your mineshaft quite often gets cave-ins you may find this a useful technique to clear blocked passages. This does require a bit of exercise, so if you have a condition which makes exerting yourself dangerous then you might want to steer clear of this method.
2. First, work yourself up to a nice sweat. This will get the blood circulating in all parts of the body including your head. Once this has been accomplished while your running, or performing whatever exercise, have a quick glance around to make sure no one is looking, casually turn you're head out of line-of-sight, take a deep breath, close your mouth and push all the air from your lungs as well as the offending road-block in one explosive breath. You may be saying to yourself, "How is this inconspicuous". This can be done both effectively and inconspicuously even if people are around under the guise of a feigned sneeze. Voila! Enjoy a nice deep breath through your newly cleared olfactory mines.

The Fake Cough

1. Fake a cough slightly while bringing your hand up to your mouth (as if to cover the cough).
2. Raise your index finger up to the nostril that's bothering you.

The Turnaround

1. Slowly excuse yourself and slowly turn around. Extract material from nose quickly and keep your hand down on your lap. Then, when you are talking to somebody and they have their full attention to your face, flick material into the world.


4/16/2008 10:35:32 PM

12937 Posts
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4/16/2008 10:44:03 PM

All American
47007 Posts
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Jen with a booger thread. sweet. ive been meaning to make one for a while now

4/16/2008 11:18:18 PM

All American
15028 Posts
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Quote :
"Sometimes my finger is so far up my nose that I feel like I could touch my brain. the relief of boogers in my nose is so amazing! I love the ones that have an attachment going down my pharynx"


4/16/2008 11:22:20 PM

68205 Posts
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im trying to post in this thread but its hard with my finger in my nose

4/17/2008 12:12:59 PM

All American
2869 Posts
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you ever do the "no-hands" nose clear? just close one nostril and blow real hard out of the other. repeat with other nostril.

4/17/2008 12:24:01 PM

All American
5419 Posts
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yeah, there was a girl in my first class today that was sitting there going to town in her nose.

i was just like "really? right here in class?"

4/17/2008 12:27:22 PM

All American
27283 Posts
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Remember, if your nose starts bleeding it's because you're either picking your nose too much or not picking it enough.

4/17/2008 12:29:41 PM

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4/17/2008 12:32:23 PM

All American
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4/17/2008 5:12:29 PM

All American
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4/17/2008 5:17:48 PM

All American
49373 Posts
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every time i see this thread my finger automatically goes to my nose

4/17/2008 7:10:54 PM

45912 Posts
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the first time I read this, I was picking my nose.

so am I good if I don't eat boogers?

4/17/2008 7:33:44 PM

All American
10165 Posts
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Quote :
"About two weeks ago I was at a stop light GETTING AT one of those ones that makes breathing through your nose difficult and thought I heard something out the car window. I look over with the finger 1 knuckle deep and see this black girl in the car next to mine laughing off her fuckin ass looking straight at me. I just smiled shyly and made sure to hit gas when it turned green"


Today I pulled up to a stoplight singing "Maggie May" at the top of my lungs, and had to stop because there was a carfull of black people two lanes over and I knew they would've laughed at me

Then this white chick pulled up between us, and I was like "Yes!" and started singing again

4/17/2008 8:21:51 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » ATTN: Guy with his index finger crammed in his Page [1]  
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