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 Message Boards » » Guy stuck in elevator for 41 hours Page [1] 2, Next  
All American
28747 Posts
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I'd probably kill myself after the first 12.

4/17/2008 1:41:47 PM

All American
17209 Posts
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there's not a lot to kill yourself with in an elevator

4/17/2008 1:44:41 PM

All American
2950 Posts
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I watched this wondering if he ever pissed in the corner. If he did I didn't catch it.

4/17/2008 1:45:16 PM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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4/17/2008 1:45:34 PM

All American
4809 Posts
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Quote :
"I watched this wondering if he ever pissed in the corner. If he did I didn't catch it."

That was my first thought.

4/17/2008 1:52:45 PM

All American
6428 Posts
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i hope he wasn't claustrophobic

4/17/2008 1:58:29 PM

All American
28747 Posts
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He opened the doors to pee out.

4/17/2008 1:59:08 PM

22518 Posts
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Quote :
"I watched this wondering if he ever pissed in the corner. If he did I didn't catch it."

i was thinking thats why he kept opening the door in addition to trying to find a way out

id much rather piss out the door than in the corner to keep the smell down

4/17/2008 1:59:53 PM

All American
8112 Posts
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What was outside of the door each time he opened it?

4/17/2008 2:11:57 PM

22518 Posts
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looked like a concrete block wall

4/17/2008 2:12:19 PM

All American
10000 Posts
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i would've fapped like 8 times in 40 hours. what the fuck else is there to do other than thing about some moist teenage vag.

4/17/2008 2:17:20 PM

All American
687 Posts
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It looked like none of the other elevator cabs were working, either? He just happened to be in that one when it all went down, huh?

4/17/2008 2:19:29 PM

All American
21537 Posts
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i got stuck in one in Sullivan for about an hour

it was like 1:30 am

4/17/2008 2:20:20 PM

Status Name
11321 Posts
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Article about the guy and elevators in general.

4/17/2008 2:31:44 PM

All American
11036 Posts
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4/17/2008 2:36:54 PM

All American
1065 Posts
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According to the New Yorker Article, the close-door button on elevators built after the mid-90's doesn't do anything without a fireman's key. It’s just there to placate us.

4/17/2008 3:32:57 PM

All American
27283 Posts
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I guess this elevator didn't have one of those alarms?

nm, I read the second article, it says that it was out of audible range of anyone. I'd think it would be connected to some kind of alert desk or something though.

[Edited on April 17, 2008 at 3:55 PM. Reason : ]

4/17/2008 3:50:38 PM

All American
22242 Posts
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^it did, but no one heard it

The article is a really interesting read.

4/17/2008 3:52:40 PM

1029 Posts
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Fucking great article. Here is the outcome for those to lazy to read or click on that link.

Quote :
"White never went back to work at the magazine. Caught up in media attention (which he shunned but thrilled to), prodded by friends, and perhaps provoked by overly solicitous overtures from McGraw-Hill, White fell under the sway of renown and grievance, and then that of the legal establishment. He got a lawyer, and came to believe that returning to work might signal a degree of mental fitness detrimental to litigation. Instead, he spent eight weeks in Anguilla. Eventually, Business Week had to let him go. The lawsuit he filed, for twenty-five million dollars, against the building’s management and the elevator-maintenance company, took four years. They settled for an amount that White is not allowed to disclose, but he will not contest that it was a low number, hardly six figures. He never learned why the elevator stopped; there was talk of a power dip, but nothing definite. Meanwhile, White no longer had his job, which he’d held for fifteen years, and lost all contact with his former colleagues. He lost his apartment, spent all his money, and searched, mostly in vain, for paying work. He is currently unemployed.

Looking back on the experience now, with a peculiarly melancholic kind of bewilderment, he recognizes that he walked onto an elevator one night, with his life in one kind of shape, and emerged from it with his life in another. Still, he now sees that it wasn’t so much the elevator that changed him as his reaction to it. He has come to terms with the trauma of the experience but not with his decision to pursue a lawsuit instead of returning to work. If anything, it prolonged the entrapment. He won’t blame the elevator.

4/17/2008 4:00:34 PM

All American
687 Posts
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^ Another dirty, gritty, secret of Psychology revealed: It is not the traumatic event, itself, that leads to psychological harm, but your reaction to the event. Many people walk out of combat situations, move on from rape, assault, and abuse just fine, while others develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. There's not magic formula for coping, but, for most trauma, if you try to continue past a major event as close to how you were acting before the event, you'll be okay in the long run.

4/17/2008 4:06:37 PM

All American
740 Posts
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Quote :
"Every so often, a door opens when it shouldn’t and someone steps into the void. This is worth keeping in mind."

scary shit

4/17/2008 4:10:23 PM

All American
6092 Posts
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4/17/2008 4:11:26 PM

41759 Posts
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Quote :
"Another dirty, gritty, secret of Psychology revealed: It is not the traumatic event, itself, that leads to psychological harm, but your reaction to the event. Many people walk out of combat situations, move on from rape, assault, and abuse just fine, while others develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. There's not magic formula for coping, but, for most trauma, if you try to continue past a major event as close to how you were acting before the event, you'll be okay in the long run."

Yeah it sounds like he kind of pwnd himself.

I mean he probably could have gotten some sort of settlement out of them without putting on the whole show of quitting work, etc. I do feel bad for him, obviously that experience completely sucked ass. He did everything possible to attract attention.

4/17/2008 4:33:29 PM

3 of 11
All American
6276 Posts
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If y'alld read the article:

Quote :
"Nicholas White opened the doors to urinate. As he did so, he hoped, in vain, that a trace of this violation might get the attention of someone in the lobby."

[Edited on April 17, 2008 at 5:42 PM. Reason : ]

4/17/2008 5:22:57 PM

All American
5971 Posts
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sucks to be him.

4/17/2008 5:24:01 PM

41759 Posts
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Woullda sucked if he had pigged out on taco bell or chinese food right before going to the elevator.

4/17/2008 5:28:49 PM

12937 Posts
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I always take the stairs..

4/17/2008 5:33:37 PM

3 of 11
All American
6276 Posts
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Quote :
"The carpet was like coarse AstroTurf, and was lousy with nail trimmings and other detritus. It was amazing to him how much people could shed in such a short trip."

Quote :
"White never went back to work at the magazine. Caught up in media attention (which he shunned but thrilled to), prodded by friends, and perhaps provoked by overly solicitous overtures from McGraw-Hill, White fell under the sway of renown and grievance, and then that of the legal establishment. He got a lawyer, and came to believe that returning to work might signal a degree of mental fitness detrimental to litigation. Instead, he spent eight weeks in Anguilla. Eventually, Business Week had to let him go. The lawsuit he filed, for twenty-five million dollars, against the building’s management and the elevator-maintenance company, took four years. They settled for an amount that White is not allowed to disclose, but he will not contest that it was a low number, hardly six figures. He never learned why the elevator stopped; there was talk of a power dip, but nothing definite. Meanwhile, White no longer had his job, which he’d held for fifteen years, and lost all contact with his former colleagues. He lost his apartment, spent all his money, and searched, mostly in vain, for paying work. He is currently unemployed.

Looking back on the experience now, with a peculiarly melancholic kind of bewilderment, he recognizes that he walked onto an elevator one night, with his life in one kind of shape, and emerged from it with his life in another. Still, he now sees that it wasn’t so much the elevator that changed him as his reaction to it. He has come to terms with the trauma of the experience but not with his decision to pursue a lawsuit instead of returning to work. If anything, it prolonged the entrapment. He won’t blame the elevator. ?"

4/17/2008 5:43:08 PM

All American
20699 Posts
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Quote :
Article about the guy and elevators in general."
It's actually a really interesting read.

4/17/2008 7:20:24 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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I got stuck in the UT elevator with 15 offensive linemen during football camp in high school. (it was meal time and we were going to the upper floor dining hall.)

I reckon we was too heavy for it, and it conked out between 6 and 7.

of course, I was hungry so I pried the inner doors open, pried the outer doors open, and hopped down to the floor below and took the stairs.

4/17/2008 8:29:37 PM

All American
10165 Posts
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Quote :
"i would've fapped like 18 times in 40 hours."

4/17/2008 8:32:10 PM

killer tofu
499 Posts
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i don't know what i'd do if i was stuck in an elevator. i'm too claustrophobic for that.

4/17/2008 8:33:35 PM

147487 Posts
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glad it wasnt me...i woulda jerked off on camera

4/17/2008 8:34:14 PM

3 of 11
All American
6276 Posts
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Quote :
"I got stuck in the UT elevator with 15 offensive linemen during football camp in high school. (it was meal time and we were going to the upper floor dining hall.)

Usually an elevator thats too heavy will not close the door, course those UT elevators weren't always in the best of shape... Howd they fit that many into one of those anyhow and how did you wedge yourself in there??

4/18/2008 12:24:23 AM

All American
4809 Posts
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Quote :
"I got stuck in the UT elevator with 15 offensive linemen during football camp in high school. "

I read about this in Penthouse Forum.

4/18/2008 12:31:02 AM

All American
12966 Posts
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about 8 people got stuck in an elevator at work for about 30min

fuck that, stairs & escalators!!!

4/18/2008 12:45:30 AM

All American
63547 Posts
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that story was very interesting

my dad is in the elevator business

he's with Brugg Wirerope

4/18/2008 12:55:19 AM

All American
26447 Posts
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damn, that elevator ruined this guy's life

4/18/2008 1:06:10 AM

7062 Posts
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good read.

4/18/2008 1:25:09 AM

Norrin Radd
All American
1356 Posts
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i laughed every time he re-opened the doors....

it was funny to me that he kept thinking he could get out

like in Bee Movie where he keeps banging his head into the glass

4/18/2008 4:49:51 AM

All American
6003 Posts
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all bullshit aside i would hate being stuck in an elevator. I hate not being on my schedule and that would really put a cramp in someones schedule.

4/18/2008 7:17:21 AM

45912 Posts
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I woulda fapped like 41 times

4/18/2008 7:19:05 AM

All American
615 Posts
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Always remember when your in one going up or down real fast - it was constructed by the lowest bidder...

4/18/2008 7:23:45 AM

All American
1498 Posts
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I would have been a gibbering mess by the time they got me out. Not so much afraid of being stuck & alone, but of the cable snapping - that's one of my more frequent nightmares.

4/18/2008 11:04:21 AM


10410 Posts
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Quote :
"I got stuck in the UT elevator with 15 offensive linemen during football camp in high school. (it was meal time and we were going to the upper floor dining hall.)

I reckon we was too heavy for it, and it conked out between 6 and 7.

of course, I was hungry so I pried the inner doors open, pried the outer doors open, and hopped down to the floor below and took the stairs."

Shenanigans: The stairs don't go to the dining hall. You can only take the stairs to the 8th floor.
Stairs in the dining hall are fire escape.

4/18/2008 11:11:48 AM

All American
31140 Posts
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4/18/2008 11:15:40 AM

All American
1725 Posts
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Quote :
"I always take the stairs.."

To the 43rd floor? Multiple times everyday? I mean I always use stairs in Poe or Lee, but anything over 15 floors, and I'm not taking the stairs.

4/18/2008 11:48:21 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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Quote :
"Shenanigans: The stairs don't go to the dining hall. You can only take the stairs to the 8th floor.
Stairs in the dining hall are fire escape."

we definitely took the stairs. this was in 1996, so it might have changed since then.

4/18/2008 11:50:34 AM

41759 Posts
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This presents an excellent argument for keeping your cell phone on you.

4/18/2008 11:52:15 AM


47844 Posts
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set em up

4/18/2008 12:15:26 PM

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