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 Message Boards » » URGENT !!!! What if your bond got revoked ? Page [1] 2, Next  
All American
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and no other bailbondsman will give you a new bond. my preliminary hearing isn't till end of April. apparently, I mouthed off to my bailbondsman after he asked a dumb ass question. he revoked my bond.

what does this mean?

4/18/2008 12:20:57 PM

All American
27701 Posts
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you gonna get raped.

4/18/2008 12:21:32 PM

All American
45553 Posts
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what your cornhole, b

4/18/2008 12:21:56 PM

Aging fast
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Quote :
"I mouthed off to my bailbondsman after he asked a dumb ass question."

Don't ask TWW.

Ask a lawyer.

4/18/2008 12:22:57 PM

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4/18/2008 12:23:22 PM

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Quote :
"what your cornhole"

4/18/2008 12:23:35 PM

All American
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^^ evan. can i get my radio slot before i go to prison?

4/18/2008 12:23:37 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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how much was it

I got mine revoked in Greenville and was able to take care of no problem

4/18/2008 12:24:59 PM

All American
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bailbondsmen are crazy. this one guy i met at a hooters one time had gotten into that business and worked it for twenty years and then retired. he said you typically end up getting a lot of peoples shit because they can't pay and also its an automatic 15% ROI. So not bad.

4/18/2008 12:29:32 PM

All American
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4/18/2008 12:30:12 PM

All American
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Quote :
"how much was it

I got mine revoked in Greenville and was able to take care of no problem"

it was only $800. i've called around and other bondsman won't take it. they said they "won't go back on another bondsman's bond". WTF ???????????? DOES THAT MEAN !!!!1. am I fucked here?

4/18/2008 12:47:12 PM

All American
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you could just pay 800.

or, if you don't have it, i'll pay it for you and only charge you 10%

4/18/2008 12:49:45 PM

All American
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i'm willing to regive the money away again. it's bullshit that it was revoked, but i've made 3 calls and they are all hestitant to take it. asking me what happened, etc. it's total bullsh!t.

4/18/2008 12:53:03 PM

All American
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any advice guys?

4/18/2008 12:53:24 PM

All American
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4/18/2008 12:54:31 PM

All American
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so why can't you just pay the $800 yourself?

4/18/2008 12:58:37 PM

All American
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and if not, i told you what i'd do.

mr. oakley is also a good source.

4/18/2008 1:00:33 PM

All American
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800 is holding you down?

i thought you were more of a baller than that, b

4/18/2008 1:02:47 PM

All American
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I can, but i need a bondsman that will accept it.

basically, because the previous bond was revoked because of the argument other bondsman won't touch it.
the word REVOKED doesn't equate to these dumbass.

the original bondsman called me in the other morning bugging me about my court date. i told the guy my lawyer got a continuance and I sort of said, "why am I dealing with you anyway. just call my attorney or something if you need more info about it?" i wasn't profane or anything, but the prick revoked my bond.

4/18/2008 1:03:29 PM

Art Vandelay
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what your cornhole, b

4/18/2008 1:08:13 PM

All American
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well you and [user]TheJudge[/user] are in close relation, so i'm sure he can help you out.

4/18/2008 1:08:46 PM

All American
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this is my fucking life, B. I'm ruining it. i need to get back to life w/out legal issues.

4/18/2008 1:18:15 PM

All American
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its obviously not really an issue because otherwise you would have answered why you can't just pay the 800 yourself, and call it a day.

4/18/2008 1:21:33 PM

Art Vandelay
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Quote :
"I'm ruining it."

you will get no arguments from us on this point

4/18/2008 1:22:36 PM

45912 Posts
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you gon get ass pounded. serves you right fuckwad

4/18/2008 1:53:39 PM

All American
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have you posted about this in your blog? OMG I cant WAIT to read about it!!

4/18/2008 1:57:28 PM

All American
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If you have the money to pay the bond then you can bail yourself out. I don't think you need a bondsmen as long as someone can guarantee the rest of the bail $800/10% = $8,000 bail. Do you or your family own anything worth $8,000 that you can put up for collateral? car, townhouse, house etc.

Also actual lawyer = better then tww

[Edited on April 18, 2008 at 2:09 PM. Reason : clarity]

4/18/2008 2:08:08 PM

All American
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car title = colateral

4/18/2008 2:08:36 PM

All American
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i went to the guilford county jail yesterday (on a tour). and i'm gonna go ahead and say it jail, no matter how long you are there...even a few hours...does NOT seem like a fun place to me.

but i mean i dunno if you like big ass mexican gang members yelling, banging against the glass, and jacking off in front of you, then i guess it sounds like a hell of a good time.

4/18/2008 2:10:45 PM

All American
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How do you "apparently" mouth off to a bailbondsman?

Start taking responsibility for your fucked up actions.

4/18/2008 2:15:32 PM

All American
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^ the bondsman was offensive and just being a prick for no reason. as far as why I can't pay myself. i mean I bonded out with a "bondsman". no I'm considered jumped bail or something. my lawyer is asking for me to handle this portion . . . as if it's easy.

after explaining to multiple bondsman what happened they all stated because the other one was revoked there's a reason behind it. as if i'm lying or something. then they went into how no other bondsman will go against another's bond that was revoked. ITS FUCKING STUPID.

4/18/2008 2:34:26 PM

All American
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Can you not go down to the jail and pay the 10% (800) yourself?You dont need a bondsman to get out of jail on your own. Oh, its considered jumped bail at this point? Strange. No idea. The court system is completely fucked. It makes DMV and police departments look simple. If its just 8k total, just put your car up for it. You lawyer sucks ass. The point of lawyers is for advice and if hes expensive, to do every damn thing for you. I wasn't even aware you could revoke a bond. Although all the bonds crap ive seen is on that Dog show. And he makes it seem like if he loses a contact hes screwed. I always thought they were stuck with you.

[Edited on April 18, 2008 at 2:40 PM. Reason : s]

4/18/2008 2:39:32 PM

balls deep
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to all the people saying "just pay the 800 yourself"....

bond doesn't quite work that way.

if I'm understanding this situation correctly, $800 is what Amsterdam718 would pay his bondsman. the bondsman would then put up the rest of the bond for bail.

4/18/2008 2:43:25 PM

All American
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I'll bet he revoked it when he heard you are an alias on TWW

4/18/2008 2:44:56 PM

All American
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this bondsman guy was a fucking prick. the reason I'm fucking upset is because the cops came to my fucking house this morning. i was out jogging. my roommate told me. the cop said my bail had been revoked.

if i was here the bastard would have taken me to jail. i haven't even been back home yet.

4/18/2008 2:45:00 PM

All American
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Quote :
"to all the people saying "just pay the 800 yourself"....

bond doesn't quite work that way. "

at this point, i couldn't go anywhere. i found a guy that said he'll take $2500. i explained what happened and he'll post a new bond. this shit is really fucking draining me. I'VE GOT TO MAKE SOME EXTRA CASH. w/out involving anything illegal. EVAR !!!!!!!!!!!! again.

4/18/2008 2:48:05 PM

All American
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you could just hide out until your court date

4/18/2008 2:52:54 PM

All American
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what ? hide out. dude, i think that would look worse.

4/18/2008 3:09:04 PM

Neil Street
All American
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Quote :
"this bondsman guy was a fucking prick."

In any given situation, someone is in charge. Sometimes it's you; others it's not. Your bail bondsman was in charge and you failed to recognize it.

This is one of life's lessons bud, and I hope that for your benefit it sticks. It will save you a lot of hassle in the future.

(by the way, this should in no means be taken as telling you not to stick up for yourself)

4/18/2008 3:10:21 PM

All American
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it's really pathetic that this is even an issue

really...i think my arrogant and condescending attitude is justified in threads like're just so...DUMB

4/18/2008 3:59:38 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i think my arrogant and condescending attitude is justified"

can you be anymore of a douche. you fucking tool bag. you're a bag. this happened. it is happening. stop being a prick. lend some advice. i'm facing prison time here. my life's on the line.

4/18/2008 5:01:47 PM

All American
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Life is full of pricks. Grow up - and act like an adult.

4/18/2008 6:50:24 PM

All American
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real G's dont need bondsmen

4/18/2008 7:38:49 PM

Mr. Joshua
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No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die?

4/18/2008 9:51:13 PM

All American
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Quote :
"can you be anymore of a douche. you fucking tool bag. you're a bag. this happened. it is happening. stop being a prick. lend some advice. i'm facing prison time here. my life's on the line."

What have you been charged with? Can you explain how you own a Bentley but can't afford this chump change for bail? 8 grand? That isn't shit.

4/18/2008 9:58:31 PM

All American
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i have to get bonded by a bailsman. its already revoked. i'm on the lam until i get a new bond. i'm still working on it.

guys, stop being pricks about this. i have an attorney, but now the matter is because the bond is revoked the cops would rather see me in jail from now till July, which is when my "official trial date" is.

4/18/2008 10:02:34 PM

All American
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PM sent.

4/18/2008 10:13:42 PM

All American
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Can someone explain to me what this ^^ blabbering idiot is talking about? I've never been a criminal, so I have no clue what "getting bonded by a bailsman" means.

4/18/2008 10:51:42 PM

All American
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Quote :
"^^ blabbering idiot is talking about?"

why are you being a CUNT about this? it's been explained several times how this process works. and I'm not a criminal. its total bullsh!t that you can get arrested for a weed and a little bit of blow. we live in the 21st century. the drug laws here are primitive.

4/19/2008 9:51:44 AM

All American
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dude just pay the 800 bucks yourself. (i doubt you had a 5333.33 secured that required 15%)

i really really really really dont advise putting ANY property up on a bond, but if you must, then find a car of some sort with a value close to 800 bucks

don't go putting up a 20-40,000 car for a small bond, and definitely don't put up any equity in your home or anything like that.

so just get your bond fixed, then contact the department of insurance in your state. i fucked up the WASHINGTON BROTHERS. they ripped me off a fuckton a few years back, and they're now out of business and on probation.

4/19/2008 10:52:58 AM

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