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All American
25834 Posts
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Quote :
"Below are ten signs that you are being needy. Remember you are trying to attract women, not turn them off. So if you suffer from any of these signs of neediness, you need to immediately stop those actions.
1. You just walked a woman to her door at the end of a date. Instead of kissing her, you ask her if she had a good time. Women are attracted to confident men. They don't want to have to tell you that they had a good time on a date... they want you to be secure enough in yourself to assume that they had a good time.
2. You called a woman last night and she has not yet called you back, so you either email her or call her again to ask her if she received your message. If you want to push her away, this is one of the best ways to get her to quickly run away from you.
3. You start texting a woman you just began dating five or six times a day. You are over-texting her. You don't need to check in every two hours. That's a sign of neediness and clingy behavior that turns women off.
4. You miss a call on your cell phone from a phone number that you don't recognize. You call the woman you're dating, and to whom you talked just two hours before, and ask, "Did you just call me?" This kind of behavior is going to push and scare her away.
5. You agree with everything the woman you're dating says. Women are not looking for a man who agrees with everything they say. Women want a man who challenges them and from whom they can learn. When a man agrees with everything a woman says, he is telling her that he'll do anything to have a relationship (which is another sign of being needy).
6. The woman you're dating is out for the evening with her friends. She promised to call you when she got home. It's getting late and you haven't heard from her. You just can't resist and you call her cell phone several times until she answers it. This is a sign of being needy and insecure. She's out with her friends... not out with another guy. Let her have some personal space and she'll respect you more.
7. You are too available. If you have plans with a friend, keep those plans even if the woman you're dating asks you to do something that night. Women don't want men who are like a 7-Eleven -- convenient and ready 24/7.
8. You try to please a woman all the time. I'm all about men doing nice things for women, but she has to earn it. Some men will let a woman walk all over them, and then continue to be a sponge and allow it over and over again. Stand up for yourself and she'll respect you more. Letting a woman walk all over you is a clear sign to her that you're needy.
9. Don't be afraid to challenge a woman. If you don't agree with something a woman says, don't just sit there and agree with her thinking it's what she wants. Women are looking for someone who is going to stimulate their mind... not bore them. Women are not turned on by men they can completely control.
10. Be the man! Have a plan and stick with it. Women like men who plan out evenings of fun.
Don't always ask a woman what she wants to do. Listen to what she likes when you're having conversations with her
Don't always ask a woman what she wants to do. Listen to what she likes when you're having conversations with her, then come up with a fun plan that you will already know she'll like. A needy man will do whatever a woman wants. A man of action will create plans for what they will do. Being a man of action will lead her to find you a lot more attractive in the long run.
Women are attracted to men who are confident and real. Women want to feel like you need them... but only after you already have your own life, your own ambitions, and your own goals.
The moment a man starts getting too clingy, a woman will run for the hills. This is exactly like how you will pull back from a woman who becomes clingy and needy."

4/21/2008 12:41:42 AM

147487 Posts
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Now, this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I liked to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air

In west Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys
Who were up to no good
Startin making trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'

I begged and pleaded with her day after day
But she packed my suite case and send me on my way
She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket.
I put my walkman on and said, 'I might as well kick it'.

First class, yo this is bad
Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass.
Is this what the people of Bel-Air Living like?
Hmmmmm this might be alright.

But wait I hear there're prissy, wine all that
Is Bel-Air the type of place they send this cool cat?
I don't think sow
I'll see when I get there
I hope they're prepared for the prince of Bel-Air

Well, the plane landed and when I came out
There was a dude who looked like a cop standing there with my name out
I ain't trying to get arrested
I just got here
I sprang with the quickness like lightening, disappeared

I whistled for a cab and when it came near
The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror
If anything I can say this cab is rare
But I thought 'Now forget it' - 'Yo homes to Bel Air'

I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8
And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later'
I looked at my kingdom
I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air

[Edited on April 21, 2008 at 12:43 AM. Reason : .]

4/21/2008 12:42:15 AM

All American
8027 Posts
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in before that dumb bitch

4/21/2008 12:43:43 AM

All American
10217 Posts
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thanks for the advice, about 2 years too late

4/21/2008 12:51:24 AM

All American
12212 Posts
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Quote :
"They don't want to have to tell you that they had a good time on a date... they want you to be secure enough in yourself to assume that they had a good time.


4/21/2008 12:55:52 AM

2019 Egg Champ
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I pretty much agree with everything in the first post.

4/21/2008 12:57:26 AM

All American
35165 Posts
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Quote :
"You are over-texting her."

yea, gotta watch out for the over-texting

4/21/2008 12:57:50 AM

All American
8522 Posts
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I pretty much agree with everything in the first post.

4/21/2008 1:14:27 AM

All American
16500 Posts
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And if you don't instinctively know most of these things, you're already behind in the game.

4/21/2008 1:15:10 AM

All American
10165 Posts
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4/21/2008 1:16:45 AM

All American
52912 Posts
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^ and likely a hopeless case

4/21/2008 1:17:24 AM

All American
4126 Posts
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Quote :
"if you don't instinctively know most of these things, you're already behind in the game"

4/21/2008 1:18:01 AM

All American
12212 Posts
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4/21/2008 1:18:32 AM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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ok here's what we're going to do in this thread.

every girl is going to respond with I pretty much agree with everything in the first post. and every guy is going to respond with And if you don't instinctively know most of these things, you're already behind in the game.

and go!

4/21/2008 1:18:45 AM

All American
6409 Posts
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ok here's what we're going to do in this thread.

every girl is going to respond with I pretty much agree with everything in the first post. and every guy is going to respond with And if you don't instinctively know most of these things, you're already behind in the game.

and go!

4/21/2008 1:30:17 AM

All American
2991 Posts
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i think pretty much all of that you learn through trial and error

although, some people are just insecure as shit and you'll never pull some of that crap out of them

4/21/2008 1:33:04 AM

All American
16500 Posts
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Quote :
"i think pretty much all of that you learn through trial and error"

Well, if some guys "learn" with that many "error[s]," I think all they're going to learn is the joy--and sorrow--of masturbation.

4/21/2008 1:40:00 AM

All American
52912 Posts
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yeah, i was waaay too much of a pushover-nice guy in an earlier life, and i still only made about a third of those mistakes (and learned my lesson fully by about halfway through college).

4/21/2008 1:48:28 AM

All American
3613 Posts
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none b/c I'm a woman.

4/21/2008 1:58:49 AM

All American
11177 Posts
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aren't 5 & 9 like the same thing?

(thankfully, the mistakes from this list I made, were made when the word "teen" still appeared in my age and now my relationships go downhill due to other shit)

4/21/2008 2:08:33 AM

All American
10527 Posts
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when texting dont use exclimation points exessivly

4/21/2008 2:30:47 AM

All American
17605 Posts
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Quote :


4/21/2008 2:33:25 AM

All American
10343 Posts
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don't be too inattentive either...i won't speak for all women but i'll think you're uninterested and lose interest. most of that stuff makes sense though - if you're not confident enough or if you make it too easy then it's boring

4/21/2008 3:11:34 AM

All American
11177 Posts
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I try not to come off as too pressed, no matter how much I might like a girl. It makes the flow feel manufactured at times, but my dating track record is better for it. I weed out "going nowheres" much quicker this way.

4/21/2008 3:17:48 AM

All American
15134 Posts
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this post was bullshit. women like a guy thats compassionate and not a total asshole. that's about it.

4/21/2008 3:19:38 AM

All American
10343 Posts
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i think it's kinda hard to say "women like..." b/c if everyone liked the same thing then...

there're probably plenty of women who do like the clingy type b/c they love that constant attention...and there are probably even more who bitch about the clingy-ness even though thwy secretly get off on it

4/21/2008 3:23:42 AM

147487 Posts
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which type are you?

4/21/2008 3:32:07 AM

All American
10343 Posts
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i'm not really any type...

it just depends on the "relationship"/person i guess as to what i want and how much attention i want. i never like the too clingy type though. i dated a guy for a long time that was freakin crazy's such a turn off. it makes me like omg please get away from me!!!1

[Edited on April 21, 2008 at 3:36 AM. Reason : i doubt you really cared for that answer, but i'm bored ]

4/21/2008 3:35:43 AM

All American
17118 Posts
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Quote :
"yeah, i was waaay too much of a pushover-nice guy in an earlier life, and i still only made about a third of those mistakes (and learned my lesson fully by about halfway through college)."

Similar histories, you and I.

But you could easily take this list and reverse the genders. I HATE clingy. I'm very independent and expect the same of a girl...but I seem to attract the clingers. Unfortunately I'm generally too soft-hearted to break it off as soon as the first signs begin, justifying these actions using the shelved mindset of my youth. This quickly turns "issues" into "PROBLEMS."

I've found though that much of this is simply maturity. I see a lot less of that behavior in girls my age or older, though of course there are always exceptions in each direction.

[Edited on April 21, 2008 at 7:48 AM. Reason : shhhhhhhht]

4/21/2008 7:37:22 AM

All American
170962 Posts
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the only girls who have ever called me needy were codependent like crazy

its like a fetish or something i think

4/21/2008 7:43:52 AM

37776 Posts
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I thought it was 10 signs you were being nerdy

4/21/2008 7:45:37 AM

Shitter Pilot
10238 Posts
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What ever happened to the "Three F's?" Isn't that what you're supposed to do when your dating around?

4/21/2008 7:54:26 AM

5724 Posts
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so basically not having to call her and being an asshole is OK. awesome. why didn't they give women this advice BEFORE basketball season.

son of a bitch.

4/21/2008 7:55:16 AM

All American
4364 Posts
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Quote :
"9. Don't be afraid to challenge a woman. If you don't agree with something a woman says, don't just sit there and agree with her thinking it's what she wants. Women are looking for someone who is going to stimulate their mind... not bore them. Women are not turned on by men they can completely control."

HAHAHA...... Now this is Bullshit.

4/21/2008 8:04:54 AM

All American
16500 Posts
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^ It depends on. . .

1. The stage of the relationship

2. The issue

3. The way you disagree

If you're smart, you'll pick your battles. You don't want open warfare over every little thing.

Quote :
"Women are not turned on by men they can completely control."

And nothing makes most women drier than a yes-man.

[Edited on April 21, 2008 at 8:18 AM. Reason : .]

4/21/2008 8:14:01 AM

5724 Posts
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11. if your gf sees any competition from other females they will cling to you and attempt to claim you in public and control you in private. if this happens stop returning her calls and messages for at least a few weeks.

[Edited on April 21, 2008 at 8:24 AM. Reason : .]

4/21/2008 8:22:42 AM

All American
542 Posts
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I wish I had read that 2 years ago or more. Still have trouble for #10 with my long term girlfriend. Partly for that reason, and partly because I hate making decisions.

4/21/2008 9:36:59 AM

Shitter Pilot
10238 Posts
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Girls = Fail

4/21/2008 9:38:27 AM

All American
11177 Posts
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^^ Yeah I'm pretty deferential as well. By around the 1-year anniv. though, she knew... if I was making a decision, it was mine to make and that's more or less the end of it.

4/21/2008 11:34:04 AM

All American
27142 Posts
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i am pretty sure that this works both ways.

4/21/2008 11:40:48 AM

All American
49373 Posts
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you would probably be surprised at the number of mid-late 20s men that can not grasp that list....

bottom line...

women want men that are men...and that treat them like women....

the cavemen were really onto something

4/21/2008 12:15:23 PM

All American
5419 Posts
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i'm guilty of number 10- but only because we needed something to do until she was ready to fuck and there wasn't much to do in my area

4/21/2008 12:19:26 PM

All American
49373 Posts
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all those things are basically things that girls do....

and those are the things that dudes bitch about girls doing....

i'm not saying girls should do them either but it's expected from them....not from guys....

any man that does and says inherently girly things is automatically asexual in my book...

which brings me back to my thread about being one of the i have to start acting like an idiot again

4/21/2008 12:25:10 PM

Shitter Pilot
10238 Posts
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^^ Why don't you just tell her that the plan is, "Whatever she wants to do before you fuck"? That way it's directly to the point AND you have a plan. Problem solved!

4/21/2008 12:51:10 PM

All American
27142 Posts
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it so funny how that the authors of these how-to-tell-you-to-effectively-pull-women articles never reveal their relationship statuses. they are probably single lonesome bastards that wish they even had to balls to even say hi to a woman, let alone practice what they preach. if you don't at least have 3 bitches riding your nuts then there ain't shit that you can tell me about being the mofo man.

4/21/2008 1:01:20 PM

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