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 Message Boards » » how poisonus is BORIC ACID / animal lives in wall Page [1]  
All American
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im about to start a little wiki research of my own. but im in a typey insomniac mood again so you guys get to help me, and you get ANOTHER dumbass thread. but its real


apparantly i have another friend living in my wall. similar to the great squirrel of 06 when i first moved in here. something had chewed through the air filter on my furnace thing. it crawled up the pipe (i guess) and had some babies (i guess) inside he pipes or some shit.

anyways,while i was moving in, i ended up hearing shit in the wall, and took a vent cover off the wall by the floor in the dining room. and a fucking squirrel ran out. i let him live. then like a week later, i found one that had tried to get back out and never made it. he was dead on the other side of the vent. i had a guy check it out. had to pay like 160 to have someone fix the wires that the animals chewed up, and paid to have wood replaced at the top, and get this special mesh shit put in so that animals could get out if they were trapped up there or something (probably an upgrade they sell to treehuggers like me)


i have 2 options, i wanna try to solve this now. if i dont solve it now, i will fix it tomorrow and just call

a) there are a few stray cats that run around. i feed them. i throw cat food over the back gate and i see them back there eating. (YES I REALIZE THATS PROBABLY WHY A HEDGEHOG LIVES IN MY WALL). anyway i named 2. SAM and PEPE. they are bad motherfuckers and i think they could kill the animal if they could find it (if it turns out to be sam or pepe in the wall i will cry)

b) i have a jug of boric acid. how poisonus is that shit? if i go get the food that i use to feed SAM and PEPE whenever i go to the laundry room out back, do you think i can take the vent off in the dining room and pour cat food in there, and dump about a cup of boric acid on there. think that will kill me/ should i leave the air on/off/etc, any ideas

also idea c

c) can i just open my windows and turn the heat up to like 120 and roast whatever lives in my wall? that would be hilarious (only way it couldnt be funny would be if it turned out to be the neighbors 8 month old or something)

4/23/2008 12:32:22 AM

All American
12966 Posts
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Quote :

r-o-t-f-l..... still


i recommend NOT trying to burn it out. if it dies it'll just smell like hot shit in your house

4/23/2008 12:35:02 AM

All American
17209 Posts
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i think boric acid is just for roaches

4/23/2008 12:35:14 AM

All American
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Quote :
"(YES I REALIZE THATS PROBABLY WHY A HEDGEHOG LIVES IN MY WALL). anyway i named 2. SAM and PEPE. they are bad motherfuckers and i think they could kill the animal if they could find it (if it turns out to be sam or pepe in the wall i will cry)"

best line ever by a tdubber


4/23/2008 12:35:21 AM

All American
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Try some...

4/23/2008 12:35:51 AM

All American
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i read that line again & laughed

for those of you keeping score at home

4/23/2008 12:36:35 AM

All American
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So how do you know it's a hedgehog?

4/23/2008 2:49:06 AM

All American
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Quote :
"So how do you know it's a hedgehog?"

haahha ok good question

its really just cause whenever i hear it in the wall.... it reminds me of that damned picture of the hedgehog saying HAY GUYZ WHATS GOING ON.

and as much as i wanna give the poor little guy a home.... the last time i had these critters hanging out, they ended up leaving some damage behind and it wasnt that cheap

4/23/2008 7:41:57 AM

no u
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next time you hear it punch through the drywall and grab it

4/23/2008 7:52:01 AM

All American
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set a humane trap... lure it with food, sans chemicals. or just be glad it's not a snake.

4/23/2008 7:52:55 AM

All American
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^It's not like you get extra points for catching it alive. He just wants it gone

4/23/2008 8:15:58 AM

All American
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yeah... i'm one of those goddamned hippies that chooses not to kill a living creature if not completely necessary

4/23/2008 8:23:08 AM

All American
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4/23/2008 8:26:40 AM

45912 Posts
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I don't think boric acid works well at all, but it might for your little friend. I had some and tried to use it to kill some roaches/bugs, and I don't think it worked all too well.

I put that shit everywhere, and bugs kept coming. I ended up catching some bugs and putting them in a ziplock bag to do an experiment. with about 10 bugs living in the bag, I poured in some boric acid to see if it actually worked. at first the bugs acted like they were dying, and then they were fine. they lived in that shit for about 2 days until I gave them the fury of my fist.

[Edited on April 23, 2008 at 8:27 AM. Reason : ^^I'm not saving the life of a pesky rodent or nasty ass bug, hippie]

4/23/2008 8:26:45 AM

All American
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iirc, boric acid is more of a repellant for bugs than a bug killer. You put it around the perimeter of your home to try to keep them away.

4/23/2008 8:51:54 AM

All American
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i hope the animals seek justice by putting boric acid in your hormone-laden, kentucky-fried tortured value meal.

4/23/2008 8:52:45 AM

All American
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^ If you deep-fry the chickens while they are still alive, you seal in all that delicious horror-pain flavoring. Mmmm-Mmmm.

4/23/2008 8:58:23 AM

All American
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the problem with killing it in the duct work is if it dies out of your reach. That shit will start smelling awful.

[Edited on April 23, 2008 at 10:19 AM. Reason : haha, that's what i get for not paying attention to what firefox told me to use ]

4/23/2008 9:58:53 AM

All American
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Quote :
"awe full"

4/23/2008 10:12:33 AM

AC Slater
All American
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This is from the MSDS of Boric Acid
Quote :
Potential Health Effects
May cause eye irritation.
Causes skin irritation. May be absorbed through damaged or abraded
skin in harmful amounts.
Symptoms may include: headache, excitement, fatigue, nausea,
vomiting, stupor, and coma. May cause circulatory system failure. May
cause central nervous system depression, characterized by excitement,
followed by headache, dizziness, drowsiness, and nausea. Advanced
stages may cause collapse, unconsciousness, coma and possible death
due to respiratory failure. May cause digestive tract disturbances.
May cause respiratory tract irritation.
Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause dermatitis. Prolonged
or repeated exposure may cause gastrointestinal irritation and kidney

as far as animal toxicity it could be similar to humans if they absorbed/ingested a lot. I only found this as far as ecotoxicity

Quote :
Mosquito fish (fresh water) TLm=1800 ppm/24H Mosquito fish (fresh
water) TLm=1800 ppm/24H

Also be careful handling it because it may impair fertility.

4/23/2008 10:21:35 AM

All American
542 Posts
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Quote :
"Also be careful handling it because it may impair fertility."

so whats the bad part of that?

4/23/2008 11:00:44 AM

18598 Posts
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sticky paper

you can hear them rustling around when they're caught

4/23/2008 11:09:03 AM

All American
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I second the humane trap idea, not because I'm an animal-saving "hippie" but because if the animal dies in there its going to smell like hell in your house, especially if you burn it.

If you get it out alive, then you can kill it and perhaps eat it.

4/23/2008 11:23:25 AM

All American
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Quote :
"i hope the animals seek justice by putting boric acid in your hormone-laden, kentucky-fried tortured value meal."

thats the funny thing about these douchebag tree huggers. just because you want to save every wing on every green shit fly on the planet, you automatically assume that everyone else is a walking example of everything you see wrong with the world (the small corner thats hip enough to care about)

i dont want a fucking diseased ratdog living inside my wall, so that means that i dine only on combo meals. and not just any value meal. i eat the #3. from KFC. and i only have the tortured food.

you're fucking insane. seriously, if you're gonna come that ignorant, go post on fucking

4/23/2008 11:26:51 PM

All American
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you have it in liquid or powder form... because the powder, i always had a BITCH of a time getting that shit to disolve at work when i had to use it.

4/23/2008 11:31:17 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » how poisonus is BORIC ACID / animal lives in wall Page [1]  
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