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2940 Posts
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your debit cards don't work, they always make it credit like your funds are frozen or something. so whenever a customer swipes their card and makes it credit, they yell at me because they think i made them do credit instead of debit. fix yo shit.

4/28/2008 12:50:43 AM

147487 Posts
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use ur student id...

4/28/2008 12:52:08 AM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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youre in luck, wachovia reads this board

4/28/2008 12:52:25 AM

159 Posts
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^ still LOLing!

4/28/2008 12:53:14 AM

2940 Posts
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student ids fail at harris teeter. someone did try to use it to buy cigarettes. i told them to get a real ID or GTFO.

4/28/2008 12:53:50 AM

All American
10217 Posts
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it's working perfectly. It's probably saved millions from identity theft already.

They can't help their customers are idiots.

4/28/2008 1:07:34 AM

All American
11577 Posts
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wait what? I've never had trouble having my wachovia debit card go through as debit. or am i misunderstanding the op?

4/28/2008 1:22:00 AM

All American
18941 Posts
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I had it happen to me today at the Teeter

but before, I could use the keypad and do debit

so I don't know what changed

[Edited on April 28, 2008 at 1:25 AM. Reason : .]

4/28/2008 1:24:11 AM

New Recruit
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i alwats do credit, whats the benefits to doing debit?

4/28/2008 1:28:10 AM

All American
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^idk. you don't have to sign? and it takes it right out of the account?

4/28/2008 1:30:44 AM

New Recruit
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see my logic goes that it takes less effort to sign than to enter a pin # in so i always do credit

4/28/2008 1:33:40 AM

2940 Posts
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no signing, you do have to enter a pin, straight out of the account.

credit: you have to sign something, no pin, your bank pays for your purchase.

the largest advantage to using credit is that you can buy something you can't afford right now. the largest disadvantage is that thing called APR.

as i'm not a big spender, i never use credit.

4/28/2008 1:36:31 AM

All American
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Quote :
"you do have to enter a pin"

only at some places. I don't know exactly why you do some places but not others.

Quote :
"the largest advantage to using credit is that you can buy something you can't afford right now."

lol i would call that a disadvantage.

4/28/2008 1:41:40 AM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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so if i have money in my account theres no advantage to using debit over credit?

4/28/2008 1:43:22 AM

All American
34474 Posts
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Quote :
"credit: you have to sign something, no pin, your bank pays for your purchase.

the largest advantage to using credit is that you can buy something you can't afford right now. the largest disadvantage is that thing called APR.


I don't think the debit/credit cards work like that. I think the credit part is only there, because that infrastructure was in place before the debit stuff worked.

The advantage to doing credit though is that the retailers pay the credit company for processing a credit transaction, where as the retailers don't pay anything for a debit. A lot of places default debit/credit cards to debit, so they don't pay a fee, which is why paradoxically you have to press "cancel" to get to credit.

Also, when you use credit, you get "points" back on frequent flier-type of programs.

So for the end user, unless you REALLY value the pittance of points they throw your way, there's no real advantage to credit/debit. If you hate the retailer you're buying from, you can make them lose a little more money by choosing credit, but other than that, there's no real difference.

4/28/2008 1:45:11 AM

Doc Rambo IV
All American
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unless you get free rewards or some goofy shit like that

4/28/2008 1:46:02 AM

All American
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Here's my view on it. If the guy in line behind me at walmart or teeter watches me enter my pin, then mugs me just outside the door he now has my pin and my card. He heads on over to a wachovia ATM (think k-mart parking lot) withdraws all my cash. I have no recourse for getting my money back.

If he steals my credit card and rings up $10,000 I don't give a crap - I'm not liable

4/28/2008 1:48:21 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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Quote :
"only at some places. "

If you're not entering your PIN, it's being run as credit.

4/28/2008 1:56:07 AM

All American
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^I don't know. Whenever i get fast food or other places that don't ask me to enter my pin it always shows up on my bank account just like the debit withdrawls do.

So if it truely is being run as credit, why do you have to sign some places and not others?

4/28/2008 2:04:41 AM

All American
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^ I think some places just don't respect or take their chances with the signing policy.

And a debit transaction and a credit transaction WOULD show up the same on your account statement.

4/28/2008 2:06:49 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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^ Yes and yes

4/28/2008 2:10:37 AM

All American
11577 Posts
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So like all fast food places? Lol.

4/28/2008 2:11:58 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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Not all but a good portion of them do. Shit like that is what makes identify thefting so easy these days.

What used to really piss me off were people who gave me attitude about asking to see ID when running their card. How the fuck should I know if you're actually Sarah Jones?

4/28/2008 2:14:57 AM

63151 Posts
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Its better if your wachovia transactions go as cedit anyways. You can enable their visa rewards program on your debit card, but only signed transactions (as credit) are counted towards the rewards credit.

And the small ourchar thing, there's a cap that doesn't require a signature, its like $8 or something. If someone "stole your identity" $8 at a time, at food joints, then you've got other issues.

[Edited on April 28, 2008 at 2:55 AM. Reason : r]

4/28/2008 2:51:14 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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^^With Visa, retailers are NOT supposed to ask for ID.

When Visa and wherever it was that you worked decided to do business together, the business/retailer/whatever agreed not to ask for ID.

The reason I know this, and the reason people bitch about it, is that Visa told everybody they do not have to show ID to use their card. And retailers agreed to this.

In other words, it's none of your business if the thirteen-year-old boy at your register is actually Sarah Jones.

[Edited on April 28, 2008 at 3:03 AM. Reason : sss]

4/28/2008 3:02:54 AM

All American
14208 Posts
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if you want the prices of the place that you're shopping at to get higher, then by all means, use credit instead of debit.

4/28/2008 3:03:55 AM

All American
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^^ Visa is sending out conflicting information then, as are the banks. I clearly remember Visa sending out a notice when I was still working detail saying, "Due to increasing identity theft blah blah blah, please try and ensure you know who is using the card." And the bank my store used told us if we didn't check IDs we were shit out of luck if someone was using a stolen credit card.

^ Yeah, I was shocked when I was told how much my store got charged for every credit transaction. I don't know how some businesses can afford it.

[Edited on April 28, 2008 at 3:10 AM. Reason : .]

4/28/2008 3:09:43 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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^I think you might be mistaken about what Visa meant.

Asking for ID is about identity verification. It's also an attempt at data collection, and that data collection can actually contribute to identity theft.

Asking for ID is also another way for folks to be classist, ageist, racist, whatever... Some folks get asked. Others don't.

The link I posted includes a link to a pdf of the 2007 Visa merchant rules that say:

Quote :
"Although Visa Rules do not preclude merchants from asking for cardholder ID, merchants cannot make an ID a condition of acceptance. Therefore, merchants cannot refuse to complete a purchase transaction because a cardholder refuses to provide ID. Visa believes merchants should not ask for ID as part of their regular card acceptance procedures."

Keep in mind, the rule used to be even more strict on merchants:

Quote :
"In most cases, merchants may not ask for an ID as part of their regular card acceptance procedures, either when a card is presented or to complete a sale."

[Edited on April 28, 2008 at 4:40 AM. Reason : Whoops.]

4/28/2008 4:14:17 AM

45912 Posts
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Wachovia - phonetically says: watch over ya, meaning watch over ya money

4/28/2008 7:50:12 AM

32613 Posts
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dunno if this has been said... but you're covered much better from fraud when using credit. if using debit and somebody gets your info (while I agree it's next to impossible for it to happen) it's a hell of a time getting the money back from your bank... with credit basically visa/master covers it and theres little if any fight/liability

4/28/2008 8:12:49 AM

All American
22728 Posts
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Plus using a credit card gives you essentially a loan for a month, allowing you to keep your money in your account/investments, earning interest, until the end of the month when you pay your bill off, hopefully in full.

Plus, with the rewards programs they have, they essentially pay you to use a credit card.

4/28/2008 8:32:44 AM

32613 Posts
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Yep... with the discounts they give its just smarter to use credit assuming you're responsible

4/28/2008 8:34:30 AM

45208 Posts
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^you are correct sir!!! I had my shit stolen and got my money back in less than a week!!!

4/28/2008 8:35:57 AM

63151 Posts
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Quote :
"Plus using a credit card gives you essentially a loan for a month, allowing you to keep your money in your account/investments, earning interest, until the end of the month when you pay your bill off, hopefully in full."

but this thread is about debit cards being ran as credit

they still deduct automatically, just processed differently.

4/28/2008 9:43:01 AM

32613 Posts
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4/28/2008 9:43:58 AM

All American
7117 Posts
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on a related note, i hate it when stores say that you have to have a minimum purchase dollar amount to use your credit/debit card. i saw it all the time when i lived in philadelphia, at corner stores and crap. they aren't supposed to make those rules, it violates their agreements with visa, i think....

4/28/2008 9:49:25 AM

63151 Posts
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yeah i see a $9/min for debit/cc purchases a lot

it's lost my business at a few joints, particularly ones i'd stop by for breakfast in the mornings

4/28/2008 9:50:43 AM

All American
1128 Posts
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More like "walk all ova ya"


4/28/2008 2:53:23 PM

45912 Posts
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4/28/2008 2:57:49 PM

45912 Posts
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4/28/2008 2:58:39 PM

All American
4755 Posts
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i hear a lot of shit talkin towards wachovia, but i've never had any issues with them

4/28/2008 3:01:17 PM

All American
8563 Posts
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ha they tried to steal my IRA b/c of an address change

4/28/2008 3:03:24 PM

63151 Posts
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Dont worry

most people who have problems with major banks are people who cause problems or have personal accounting problems in the first place.

4/28/2008 3:03:45 PM

All American
34474 Posts
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Quote :
"With Visa, retailers are NOT supposed to ask for ID.


Wolfpackgrrr was talking about asking for signatures with that post, Ms. Reading Comprehension.

4/28/2008 3:36:17 PM

All American
4809 Posts
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wad of cash ftw!

4/28/2008 3:37:06 PM

All American
2732 Posts
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^^if you write "See ID" on the back, then they're supposed to, right?

4/28/2008 7:16:26 PM

147487 Posts
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that is if the cashier sees it

i was really good about catching it when i worked at the museum

4/28/2008 7:18:14 PM

2940 Posts
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^^yes, but people never complain if you don't ask for it.

and IDs are supposed to be asked for by default. the only time when you're not supposed to ask for it is if there's a signature on the back.

[Edited on April 28, 2008 at 7:19 PM. Reason : ^]

4/28/2008 7:19:10 PM

32613 Posts
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you really should ask regardless for at least that minimum level of security

4/28/2008 7:19:54 PM


47844 Posts
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set em up

4/28/2008 7:20:53 PM

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