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 Message Boards » » how many people have to get tasered to death Page [1]  
All American
170962 Posts
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before the cops stop with that shit?

it seems like every monday on the news, they say "bob bobson died from being tasered over the weekend - greensboro/raleigh/fayeteville/etc police say the reaction was abnormal"

i mean if people at my job kept getting killed by some machine thats not meant to kill them, my company would pull that machine the first time it happened, and probably never put it back unless they figured it out

if it happens like once a week, you know they'd stop using it.

whats up with that?

CAN I GET A SIMPLE (ONE WORD [YES/NO] answer from people.... should they stop using tasers and replace them with something that doesnt kill so many people?

NEW POLL!??!?!?!1

ps - i have a political theory about negative campaign ads as it relates to being trolled on tww if anyone wants to hear it

4/28/2008 7:35:19 AM

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4/28/2008 7:38:49 AM

Shitter Pilot
10238 Posts
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Quote :
"Don't tase me, brah!"

Tasing was designed to be a non-lethal means for control of a person who could not be controlled otherwise. I think that it should be used as the second to last "last resort" and in much moderation. Tasing can be relatively safe if not used excessively. So, no, they shouldn't stop using tasers.

4/28/2008 7:41:03 AM

32613 Posts
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They should def use them less though and not as a "im gonna shock the fuck out of this asshole so i don't have to deal with him" and more as a "if i dont get this fucker under control he's gonna kill me so i better shock him" type thing

4/28/2008 7:43:42 AM

All American
2869 Posts
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well, tasing someone is a whole lot easier than doing actual police work, so there ya go

4/28/2008 7:44:16 AM

32613 Posts
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thanks captain obvious

4/28/2008 7:44:52 AM

63151 Posts
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^^that doesnt make any damn sense

4/28/2008 7:46:01 AM

All American
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hmm, how do i utilize my critical thinking skills and days of police training to defuse this situation safely and without harm to the public? nah fuck it, ill just tase the perp.

make sense now?

4/28/2008 7:49:42 AM

63151 Posts
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tasering is included in training, if it's a jurisdiction that allows for tasers.

4/28/2008 7:53:03 AM

All American
15485 Posts
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You know guys, I think jackleg solved this problem. Props.

4/28/2008 7:54:31 AM

Shitter Pilot
10238 Posts
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Tasers don't kill people. Undertrained over zealous cops with masculinity complexes kill people.

4/28/2008 7:54:35 AM

45912 Posts
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fuck that, let the fuckers get tased.

4/28/2008 8:26:31 AM

18598 Posts
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every officer who uses a taser must get tased after the fact (like when they get certified for taser use)

4/28/2008 8:40:10 AM

4373 Posts
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i saw a guy getting tasered at Buckhead a couple weeks ago, I was "that guy" and walked up and was like "don't tase me bro". the cops didn't like that too much

4/28/2008 8:47:27 AM

45912 Posts
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I have found that cops don't like any jokes, at all. at least the one's I've been around.

I have no problems with cops, I appreciate what they do. Why must they be hostile around me?

4/28/2008 8:48:26 AM

now with sarcasm
9841 Posts
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no, they should not stop using tasers

yes, they should train officers to PROPERLY use tasers

the other side of this argument is of course maybe we should train criminals to stop resisting arrest.. hmm?? If they didn't run, stopped trying to fight, shut up, sat down, and let the po-po put the handcuffs on, then they wouldn't get tased to death now would they?

4/28/2008 8:50:34 AM

5724 Posts
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why taze when you could just shoot them instead

4/28/2008 8:50:58 AM

All American
2869 Posts
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yea just shoot em, then sprinkle some crack on them.

after that, donut time bitches!

4/28/2008 9:01:38 AM

Art Vandelay
45180 Posts
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pick one, shot with a gun or tasered?

4/28/2008 9:02:30 AM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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they should use that new thing that heats up the water in your body and then you're fine afterwards.

4/28/2008 9:41:35 AM

All American
23081 Posts
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So what are the other options?

Pepper spray? There have been cases where people have been allergic to the spray and died.

Shit, lets just throw away means of submission and just shoot people when they resist arrest. That works for me.

4/28/2008 10:20:03 AM

All American
6249 Posts
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until the numbers start to show that more people die from tasing than do from gunshot wounds, i doubt they'll stop

4/28/2008 10:21:39 AM

All American
19640 Posts
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Don't act a fool, and you ain't gotta worry about gettin' tased. Fuck 'em. Acceptable level of risk for the associated benefits of the device.

4/28/2008 10:25:53 AM

All American
2869 Posts
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of course humans never make mistakes and death is just an unfortunate consequence of inadequate taser training

4/28/2008 10:27:53 AM

All American
23081 Posts
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I hate cops as much as the next guy, but they've got to have tools to do their job. You cant expect every cop to be able to subdue a criminal by brute force. I mean come on, they can't all be Stabler.

4/28/2008 10:30:23 AM

All American
15758 Posts
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Are tasers overused? Yes. They should never be used in the "this fucker is annoying me, I'm gonna tase his ass to make him simmer down" fashion, though that's what seems to happen fairly often. But as a means to force submission in the case of acting violent/resisting arrest, yes, they are a good option. If you look at the other alternatives:
-Pepper spray: some folks are allergic and could die. Other folks have very little reaction to it. Too unpredictable.
-Nightstick: You probably run as good a risk of causing serious head injury/brain damage/death by beating someone down with a nightstick as you do of seriously injuring/killing them with a taser.
-Physical submission: What if the criminal is bigger/stronger than you?

4/28/2008 10:41:11 AM

All American
2869 Posts
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arent you supposed to call in for back up in those situations?

4/28/2008 10:46:39 AM

2488 Posts
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Quote :
"no, they should not stop using tasers

yes, they should train officers to PROPERLY use tasers"



oh I don't know,


just maybe,

JAILING COPS THAT KILL PEOPLE WITH TASERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!34785237

when officers gossip about a fellow cop being prison raped after being jailed for improper [fatal] use of a taser,

they'll think, "hmmmm, I'm either gonna stop using tasers, or I'm gonna train really good first."

YA THINK?!?!?!?!?

4/28/2008 11:00:21 AM

All American
2869 Posts
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that makes entirely too much sense for it to be realistically adopted by the professionals in law enforcement

4/28/2008 11:04:36 AM

All American
11299 Posts
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Wear one of these.

[Edited on April 28, 2008 at 11:06 AM. Reason : -]

4/28/2008 11:05:54 AM

All American
2390 Posts
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The bitches love my plush cardigan anti-taser sweater vest.

[Edited on April 28, 2008 at 11:26 AM. Reason : -]

4/28/2008 11:26:11 AM

All American
542 Posts
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They can tase you, or they can bring the nightsticks back out with the maglits and beat your stupid drunk ass for resisting. I prefer the tasers get banned. The beatings were more fun.

4/28/2008 11:38:20 AM

All American
2869 Posts
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all this is covered in training of course, with proper jurisdictions, of course

4/28/2008 11:46:18 AM

All American
542 Posts
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Btw, how do you improperly use a taser? Unless you are shooting people in the face, the thing clicks off after 5 seconds. The current is low enough that is has almost no chance of killing you unless you already have heart or nervous system problems. Death by suffocation is damn near impossible due to how many times you'd have to reapply the 5 second burst. So how are people dieing?

4/28/2008 11:53:57 AM

45912 Posts
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if you aren't doing anything illegal, the cops won't taser you. easy solution.

4/28/2008 12:44:01 PM

All American
4999 Posts
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tasering is fun.

4/28/2008 12:47:40 PM

Art Vandelay
45180 Posts
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awesome DPK

4/28/2008 12:48:06 PM

All American
4999 Posts
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dont break the fuckin law and you wont get taserd bra

4/28/2008 12:48:26 PM

All American
4812 Posts
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just make sure to repeat over and over.

dont tase me bro

4/28/2008 12:50:12 PM

45912 Posts
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^^thank you


4/28/2008 12:50:56 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » how many people have to get tasered to death Page [1]  
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