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 Message Boards » » How to fix the gas situation Page [1] 2, Next  
All American
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If you drive an SUV you cannot complain about gas. In fact you will payer a higher dollar ammount.

Gas prices per gallon should be based on the MPG of a vehicle. You get lousy MPG in your Hummer H2, you pay more per gallon. You drive a CIVIC, you pay less per gallon.

Less SUVs will be sold. Fewer gallons of gas consumed.

Thoughts? How to actually implement this is beyond me. The gas guzzler tax is NOT enough becuase you pay that once, and its out of mind. BUT if EVERY time you fill up you feel it a little more it might change your ways.

Now farm equipment, truckers that WORK, and so on I understand. Driving around in bling machine, you want it that badly, you have to pay for it.

5/3/2008 9:46:49 AM

Yankee Cowboy
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Hey Jen, can you translate this for us?

5/3/2008 9:48:00 AM

All American
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What about minivans? Should families with 3 or 4 kids have to stuff everyone in the back of the civic to go to church?

5/3/2008 9:52:47 AM

All American
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Quote :
"What about minivans? Should families with 3 or 4 kids have to stuff everyone in the back of the civic to go to church?"

Get a stationwagon and pile those extra kids in the back. Maybe get a civic and throw them in the trunk.


Don't have that many kids, they're expensive too.

[Edited on May 3, 2008 at 9:56 AM. Reason : ]

5/3/2008 9:56:07 AM

All American
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americans won't stop buying SUV's unless gas gets to $10/ sayeth bob lutz

5/3/2008 9:59:29 AM

All American
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Station wagons only have one row of back seats.


Unplanned pregnancies never happen.

5/3/2008 9:59:59 AM

All American
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most stationwagons only have two rows of seats and hold (safely) 5 people. he was talking 3-4 kids (possible bulky car seats which take up more space) and assuming 2 parents that makes 5-6 seats needed. plus they haven't made many stationwagons in a while so i doubt that the mpg on those would be much better than a minivan.

5/3/2008 10:00:00 AM

All American
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>improve and promote public transport

5/3/2008 10:01:33 AM

Arranging the blocks
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Well, it'd require such a large change in infrastructure, that I doubt it would ever happen. That and I actually use my SUV for just about everything, from pulling trailers, to moving all my belongings around NC.

If you were planning on all that, you might as well go ahead and say that nobody can own a car, everyone will have to ride motorcycles with engines no larger than 650cc.

Or you could make the largest vehicle you can own a small 50cc moped that gets 100 MPG or better.

5/3/2008 10:03:03 AM

All American
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^^^ lots of cars come in wagon configurations, but the point still stands that they only fit five people safely

5/3/2008 10:03:20 AM

All American
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^^^that's the ticket.

Public transportation is much better in larger cities...but once you more to more rural areas public transportation is very poor if not non existent

[Edited on May 3, 2008 at 10:04 AM. Reason : ]

5/3/2008 10:03:26 AM

All American
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Public transportation isn't going to stop a person making $100k + a year from driving a gas guzzler. They would chose the car first. But yes public transportation, like I have said in another thread, is what separates our area from a major metro area.

5/3/2008 10:05:17 AM

All American
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5/3/2008 10:05:29 AM

All American
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to fix the gas problem we have to invest in public transportation. if more cities had trams and subways there'd be less need to drive.

5/3/2008 10:05:43 AM

All American
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well people making $100k a year aren't going to mind the $400/month gas bills

I would really like it if North Carolina had a better passenger railway system.

[Edited on May 3, 2008 at 10:06 AM. Reason : ]

5/3/2008 10:06:08 AM

All American
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Nitrocloud has succeeded in making himself this thread's jackass, well done.

And african americans, who are by far the biggest glorifiers of the 'bigger is better' mentality, will probably be stupid enough to offset the benefits of your proposed plan. If you'll put 5K dollar bucks into rims for your 3K dollar bucks vehicle, you'll probably spend 100K dollar bucks on gas a year if that's what Lil Snappy or whatever says is cool

5/3/2008 10:07:17 AM

All American
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guessing you've never been to texas...

5/3/2008 10:08:33 AM

Arranging the blocks
3072 Posts
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Taurus Wagon

7 seats, ~25MPG, Not the one I've driven, I can park better than that.

Hell, paying $440/mo. on gas right now. I don't care, I drive because I have to.

[Edited on May 3, 2008 at 10:09 AM. Reason : .]

5/3/2008 10:08:37 AM

All American
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^^^I think what he was saying it right on target. Sometimes you have to be radical to prove a point. Without the radicals nothing would ever get done.

^How are the 7 seats layed out?

[Edited on May 3, 2008 at 10:10 AM. Reason : ]

5/3/2008 10:09:05 AM

63151 Posts
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the solution is to lower demand.

or stop bitching b/c america is still only like ~110th out of most expensive countries for gas

5/3/2008 10:12:37 AM

Arranging the blocks
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7 Seats:

Two bucket seats for driver/front passenger; a bench seat for 3 at the second set of doors; open the hatch and two rear-facing seats fold up from the cargo area, entry and exit from the hatch isn't bad.

5/3/2008 10:13:09 AM

All American
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What are the policies on car seats/booster seats in the rear hatch seats?

5/3/2008 10:16:04 AM

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It doesn't fucking matter

you've made your point. Families with 4-6 kids have a legitimate use for minivans. Soccer moms driving around 1 or 2 kids don't.

5/3/2008 10:21:48 AM

All American
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raleigh is built for people with cars

that's why it goes out and not up

you can't change that now

slow it down, yes, but wakefield is still out in wakefield and everything between here and there will fill in, etc.

5/3/2008 10:21:58 AM

Arranging the blocks
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PDF of Law

There doesn't seem to be anything listed in there, the seats do have belts, so it should be just fine. In a front-end collision, it is safer to be in a rear facing seat, same as for a rear-end collision it's better to be in a front-facing seat.

5/3/2008 10:22:55 AM

All American
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Actually I was really curious about the policies. Cause I remember friends when I was like having cars like that and we always wanted to ride in the back seats, but I didn't know if there were rules about car seats back there. Gee my bad, no more questions from sawahash. Carry on thread.

5/3/2008 10:23:41 AM

All American
63547 Posts
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ride a bike!

oh my fucking god!

ride a bike!

5/3/2008 10:25:08 AM

All American
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I always hear people complain about SUV's with poor gas mileage, but never hear people complain about sports cars with poor gas mileage.

5/3/2008 10:26:14 AM

All American
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I think they should just have a tiered structure at the gas pump

1-10 = X
11-20 = X + some


People are too lazy to pump 10 gallons and then seek another gas pump. It is America!

Quote :
"I always hear people complain about SUV's with poor gas mileage, but never hear people complain about sports cars with poor gas mileage."

Sports cars get better mileage in a lot of cases. I use premium gas (3.75$) and I have no problem paying more for fuel. I would pay 5$,6$,7$, hell 15$ a gallon. It's not a practical vehicle and I wont argue it is. The point is neither is an expedition used to drive dad by himself to work.

[Edited on May 3, 2008 at 10:30 AM. Reason : .]

5/3/2008 10:27:14 AM

All American
14538 Posts
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this is one of the most retarded threads i have ever read

5/3/2008 10:32:51 AM

All American
63547 Posts
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this is one of the reasons the world hates us

we use 1/4 of the world's resources and what do we give back?

Big Macs, Hollywood and endless foreign war

5/3/2008 10:35:26 AM

All American
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whoppers are waaay better than big macs

5/3/2008 10:36:50 AM

All American
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no doubt

but McDonald's is far more international than the King

you see what I'm saying about cultural imperialism?

5/3/2008 10:38:18 AM

All American
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mais oui...just thought i'd give credit where credit's due

5/3/2008 10:42:03 AM

All American
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we definitely should be exporting our GOOD stuff

not our disgusting stuff that kills people

5/3/2008 10:43:51 AM

All American
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We don't force big macs or Hollywood on anyone.

If the rest of the world didn't want big macs and Hollywood movies, they wouldn't have them.

5/3/2008 10:44:50 AM

All American
15134 Posts
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Quote :
"this is one of the most retarded threads i have ever read



5/3/2008 10:45:38 AM

All American
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I agree with you to a point

but if we are going to use 1/4 of the resources couldn't we at least ALSO export cures for cancer and AIDS or something?

why does our medicine need to think up another 20 dick pills when we still have those problems?
see... that's the problem with a market driven society

5/3/2008 10:46:32 AM

All American
26690 Posts
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Quote :
"Thoughts? How to actually implement this is beyond me. The gas guzzler tax is NOT enough becuase you pay that once, and its out of mind. BUT if EVERY time you fill up you feel it a little more it might change your ways. "

what about the fact it takes sometimes twice as much to fill up, and w/ terrible gas mileage ?

5/3/2008 11:09:19 AM

Yankee Cowboy
27011 Posts
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Quote :
"guessing you've never been to texas..."

ok, where in Texas?

5/3/2008 11:11:10 AM

63151 Posts
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he was playing off the "everything's bigger in texas" bit, bob

5/3/2008 11:21:51 AM

Yankee Cowboy
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oh i know, i was just curious. cause i know plenty of gas guzzling vehicles that are necessary in parts of Texas.

5/3/2008 11:33:16 AM

All American
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5/3/2008 3:09:08 PM

Tom Joad
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5/3/2008 3:10:17 PM

All American
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some people have different needs

you cant generalize the fact that people drive different cars and have different MPG

if you try to do that, your infringing on peoples rights and you cant be selective like that

5/3/2008 3:15:36 PM

All American
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Outlaw all cars that don't look like this.

5/3/2008 3:22:55 PM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"this is one of the most retarded threads i have ever read"


And to think, this came out a NCSU Business Alum. We're doomed.

5/3/2008 3:30:08 PM

Tom Joad
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5/3/2008 3:34:20 PM

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5/3/2008 3:34:48 PM

Tom Joad
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5/3/2008 3:36:01 PM

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