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 Message Boards » » Who said Obama wouldnt take NC!!???? Page [1] 2 3, Next  
All American
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HELL YEA..Obama in 2008!!!!

5/6/2008 7:35:53 PM

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5/6/2008 7:36:43 PM

All American
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The right candidate won NC and he will take NC in the Fall against McCain....OBAMA in 2008!!

5/6/2008 7:37:40 PM

All American
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id swear that sombitch was homeless as much as he says "change"

5/6/2008 7:38:05 PM

All American
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A decisive victory

5/6/2008 7:38:43 PM

All American
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are the polls closed?

5/6/2008 7:38:46 PM

All American
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Closed at 7:30

5/6/2008 7:39:21 PM

5724 Posts
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it makes me tingle inside when i'm reminded that it all boils down to the superdelagates

5/6/2008 7:40:41 PM

All American
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did anyone else pick up a 20 at the voting machine?

i dont know why i never noticed the diebold cash points machines until a couple weeks ago

5/6/2008 7:40:57 PM

126 Posts
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You know, sometimes I want Obama to win the election so you can see how much you are fucking up, but then again, I dont want the country to be ruined forever either.

5/6/2008 7:41:10 PM

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well said skillet

5/6/2008 7:41:55 PM

All American
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Yes well said well supported

5/6/2008 7:42:17 PM

All American
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did you guys know that the people who work the polls got paid 125 bucks today?

one of the ladies recognized my address a neighbor... started talking to me for a bit

they're gonna call me to a class sometime, then in november i get to take the day off work and sit up there and give out stickers and get paid double time

5/6/2008 7:43:06 PM

All American
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the country is ruined until we can get 3rd parties and the fair tax and many other things that wont happen ever

doesnt matter which puppet we elect.

5/6/2008 7:44:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
"the country to be ruined forever either."


5/6/2008 7:44:28 PM

the daire
460 Posts
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projected winner based on exit polls. but the official talleys so far<1% hillary has a 20% landslide lead

5/6/2008 7:44:56 PM

All American
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The fact that Obama is doing well across all demographics def. excites me and the fact that there are those in this country who stated there would never be a minority candidate in a position such as Obama. Today's victory was EVEN more rewarding, b/c I know there are people just fuming b/c a minority or a woman candidate will be the next president of the great 'ole US of A...and that my friends has made my fucking day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahh American politics is FUCKING GREAT!!

5/6/2008 7:45:21 PM

126 Posts
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I just want to be explained how Obama is going to make 13294939324 new government funded programs and not raise just doesn't happen that way.

5/6/2008 7:45:33 PM

All American
63547 Posts
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wow that's pretty sick

I should do that too

this girl and I both got asked our birthdays simultaneously
at the same time we said 04/14/-

I was two years older... if I wasn't already married I would have asked her out for a drink

^ by not spending $805 billion on a war?

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 7:46 PM. Reason : bush's asking for 70 more]

5/6/2008 7:45:48 PM

All American
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5/6/2008 7:46:03 PM

126 Posts
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I could care less about race or sex, what I care about is policies...and the dems are CRAZY right now

5/6/2008 7:46:18 PM

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i voted for obama because he seems hip!

5/6/2008 7:46:20 PM

All American
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hey guys it doesnt matter, we all know no one is gonna really vote for a woman or a black in a REAL election.

this is just a primary

political correctness personified.

5/6/2008 7:47:01 PM

All American
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He's doing well across all demographics if you only mean spoiled elitist young liberals and blacks.

5/6/2008 7:47:02 PM

All American
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5/6/2008 7:48:10 PM

All American
93281 Posts
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Quote :
"I just want to be explained how Obama is going to make 13294939324 new government funded programs and not raise just doesn't happen that way."

he's not. he has already said his goal is to RAISE taxes to close to 40%.

5/6/2008 7:48:12 PM

All American
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spoiled liberal students get a lot done sometimes

5/6/2008 7:48:22 PM

All American
15446 Posts
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wolfood98 is guilty of reverse discrimination.

5/6/2008 7:48:34 PM

All American
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I've been paying attention to elections well before you ever went to rehab, jackleg.

5/6/2008 7:49:06 PM

5724 Posts
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my great(x4) grandpa's journal said something about leaving europe because of the government controlling everything about his life and his family. whatever happened to the george washingtons and thomas jeffersons of this nation.

looks like those european ideas are starting to catch on over here now. great

thanks obama and hillary, don't let us fix anything about our country. make sure you do it for us.

5/6/2008 7:49:10 PM

126 Posts
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Im also pretty convinced that Obama is a terrorist

5/6/2008 7:49:43 PM

All American
9877 Posts
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Hell yeah let's pull the troops out of Iraq by the bootstraps

We're a nation of bootstrappers


5/6/2008 7:50:21 PM

All American
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5/6/2008 7:50:36 PM

All American
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ohh damn, rehab joke.

ok, you do your neal boortz podcast and ill do my rehab podcast ok

5/6/2008 7:50:50 PM

12937 Posts
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^^ Yeeeaaah, sorry about that. :\

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 7:51 PM. Reason : .]

5/6/2008 7:51:09 PM

133 Posts
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Obama talks about alot and never really says anything. Hes a charismatic speaker and thats about all.

I dont want to vote for McCain, Hilary, or Obama. Im gonna end up voting for a third party.

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 7:52 PM. Reason : m]

5/6/2008 7:51:35 PM

All American
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i'd never claim myself republican. or democrat. they're both a different scent of douche

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 7:53 PM. Reason : ^bob barr]

5/6/2008 7:52:15 PM

All American
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Rat if you're going to claim that socialism is somehow the spirit of Old Europe you're going to have to tell me how McCain's Hundred Years War isn't

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 7:53 PM. Reason : called out]

I felt a little sick having to provisionally claim affiliation with the Democratic party to vote in the primary... its kind of this oily film

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 7:54 PM. Reason : -]

5/6/2008 7:53:06 PM

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Don't forget guys, when they vote the barrack hussein guy the streets of iraq are ours again! mecca victory!

5/6/2008 7:53:58 PM

All American
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Eh, still less than 1 out of 7 voters in NC were under 30 so it wasn't that significant. Listening to the polling data on the news, 35 percent of the total vote was black which overwhelmingly went for Obama and is a huge voting bloc. It made it nearly impossible for Hillary to win.

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 7:56 PM. Reason : ]

5/6/2008 7:54:18 PM

All American
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McCain does NOT want to be at war for 100 years. Just like a liberal hippy to take a quote completely out of context for a political purpose.

5/6/2008 7:54:40 PM

All American
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seriously, trolled by this guy?

come on

^ oh god damn it I know it was a figure of speech but using the popular sound byte of the statement allowed me to make an allusion that I thought was clever

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 7:55 PM. Reason : - let me use my literature degree god damn you]

5/6/2008 7:54:42 PM

All American
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Manson if your going to vote for a third party on election day you might as well stay home on election day, b/c it'll have the same effect.

YoPusha amazes me of the arrogance of Republicans who think they have made this country so much better over the past 8 so-will have a MUCH NEEDED wake up call come Nov. '08-I PROMISE you that!

5/6/2008 7:55:31 PM

All American
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this is how i feel...when i want something from my country, i feel like i'm entitled to it. but when it comes to doing anything for anyone other than myself, fuck that. i'll just wait until i need something then i'll whine about it. until then, i'll whine about all this other stupid bullshit i have to put up with. but i still expect the military to protect me. oh but fuck veterans. i'll get old someday, but right now, fuck those old faggots. i don't like gay people. i know that has nothing to do with crime, education, poverty, foreign policy...but i'm going to go ahead and vote for whoever prevents those a-holes from getting married. the education system sucks and gang violence is out of control, but keep cutting the funding for it man, because fuck education. i still don't get how education improvements would make a difference in other facets of our country. fuck teachers, too. they're not that great if you ask me...they can keep working for nothing and just get waitressing jobs in the summer. all those damn liberals are so anti-military, trying to pull out of iraq. i say keep those motherfuckers in iraq until the job is done. it makes sense to be conservative and vote for tax cuts while voting to spend billions of dollars a day on a war. i just don't get why no one understands me.

oh yea, and don't forget...cut my taxes, bitch.

5/6/2008 7:55:35 PM

All American
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im way too intelligent and complex of a human to tie my self to one particular affiliation.

so i'll vote for someone who has 0% chance of winning

that'll show america.

5/6/2008 7:55:53 PM

5724 Posts
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victory is at hand! allah ackbar!!

5/6/2008 7:57:03 PM

126 Posts
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at least you will vote...I hate bitches that dont vote and then whine about stuff

5/6/2008 7:57:35 PM

All American
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Quote :
"YoPusha amazes me of the arrogance of Republicans who think they have made this country so much better over the past 8 years"

not sure where that came from but you seem to like the extremely skewed points of view.

Quote :
"you so-will have a MUCH NEEDED wake up call come Nov. '08-I PROMISE you that!


[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 8:00 PM. Reason : .]

5/6/2008 7:58:40 PM

All American
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What time does Obama speak at Reynolds Coliseum??

5/6/2008 8:59:37 PM


47844 Posts
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set em up

5/6/2008 9:53:16 PM

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