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 Message Boards » » License suspenison from DWI Page [1]  
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My girlfriend got her license suspended from a DWI (yea save the criticism) and she doesnt know where to get it back from....i keep saying the DMV...and ive looked over the internet with no definite answer...does anyone know? (mecklenberg county if it matters)

5/7/2008 1:38:15 AM

3 of 11
All American
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you should cunt punt her.

5/7/2008 1:42:27 AM

156 Posts
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Well of course...but besides that...

5/7/2008 1:43:12 AM

3 of 11
All American
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Teach her how to read a bus schedule.

5/7/2008 1:44:41 AM

All American
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I bet her lawyer would answer this for her.

5/7/2008 1:45:23 AM

All American
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5/7/2008 1:46:31 AM

All American
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Same thing happened to my sister in Mecklenburg Co. no less.

Whatever she does, do not let her plead guilty before the judge. It'll cause irreparable damage in the future when it comes to employment. Get a lawyer instead.

[Edited on May 7, 2008 at 1:47 AM. Reason : .]

5/7/2008 1:46:32 AM

All American
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buy her a liquor-cycle.

and i bet her lawyer would answer this for her.

5/7/2008 1:46:55 AM

156 Posts
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Maybe i wasnt clear enough...i guess...shes just tryin to get her license back...shes alrdy did the necessary shit (i guess cuz thats what she said)...where would she go to retrieve her license (and her lawyer is in court all day and she deleted the message she got from him...whatta dumbass...i kno) just tryin to help her out haha..come on someone has to know

5/7/2008 1:51:07 AM

All American
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why don't you call the fucking dmv? you know, the place where they print licenses...

a little common sense goes a long way

5/7/2008 1:55:02 AM

All American
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^^Normally the full license is suspended one year, but the court issues a paper one to use for driving to work or school during certain hours.

When the full suspension passes you go to the DMV pay the restoration fee (pretty steep) and then take the tests and pay the normal fees to get a new license with the .04 BAC restriction.

You all so may need a form or letter from a judge or the superior clerk saying you have sucessfully completed any assigned punishments (classes, breath machine, probation, paid all applicable fees, etc).

[Edited on May 7, 2008 at 1:58 AM. Reason : .]

5/7/2008 1:55:17 AM

All American
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it might be wise to walk away from this one

[Edited on May 7, 2008 at 1:56 AM. Reason : the one, meaning the girl]

5/7/2008 1:56:06 AM

All American
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^ though based on his l337 internet speak, I'd say they were meant for each other

5/7/2008 2:08:49 AM

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So call the lawyer and say "I accidentally deleted your message, can you tell me what it was about?".

Seriously, get your shit together.

5/7/2008 7:39:39 AM

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5/7/2008 8:40:02 AM

All American
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god damn could just give the dude the answer...

if it's the initial 30 day suspension she gets it back from the magistrates office at the court house...same place you go to pay fines and stuff for a $50 fee until she goes to court...

if it's after the year suspension she needs to call the Meck. DMV to make sure all the paper work is completed and she can get it back...then she just goes to the DMV and gets a new one....

Quote :
"When the full suspension passes you go to the DMV pay the restoration fee (pretty steep) and then take the tests and pay the normal fees to get a new license with the .04 BAC restriction.

You all so may need a form or letter from a judge or the superior clerk saying you have sucessfully completed any assigned punishments (classes, breath machine, probation, paid all applicable fees, etc)."

no you don' pay $25 and you don't take any tests unless you are renewing your license at the same time then it's just the road sign tests

you also won't need any paper work to present at the just call the county DMV automated service....puts in your driver's license number and it will tell you if your license has been unsuspended (which means all the paper work is in order) just keep the paperwork in case something goes wrong and the suspension doesn't come off and you have to present proof to the state office that you finished everything...not the local DMV...

[Edited on May 7, 2008 at 8:50 AM. Reason : adsfa]

5/7/2008 8:42:47 AM

41759 Posts
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Now you can be a total dick and she can't leave since she don't have any license.

5/7/2008 8:48:43 AM

All American
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Its amazing what google can do

Quote :
"You must make payment of a $75 restoration fee and an additional $15 for a new license. Your license is not restored just because your revocation period has ended! The state will not send out a letter saying it is time to pick up your license. You will be Driving While Licensed Revoked until you are actually issued a new Driver's License by the NC DMV. People do not realize how long this process takes and that the Limited Driving Privilege can not be extended. They often end up having no driving privileges -- sometimes for months -- while they finish their requirements. "

5/7/2008 9:02:23 AM

All American
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while...that's funny...because i got a letter in the mail that said "your suspension ends on X, please contact the DMV at XXX-XXX-XXXX to ensure that you can get your license renewed at that time....after renewal you will have a .04 BAC restriction for 3 years".....granted i didn't have all my stuff finished so I couldn't get my license on that day, but i called everyday until they said "NCDL XXXXXXX is no longer suspended" or whatever the recording says....

i also didn't pay $75.....i just paid whatever the cost of getting a new license is....not a renewed license...and this was in '05 so unless the laws have changed...that's what you do

the only thing that takes forever is getting the credit for the if you get them out of the way then you're golden since it takes 6-10 weeks for that shit to be processed....

if everything else has been done the suspension will end on the day it's supposed to

[Edited on May 7, 2008 at 9:18 AM. Reason : asdfdsa]

5/7/2008 9:13:19 AM

2953 Posts
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LivinProof78 is correct. I've gone through this experience myself and all the info she gave is correct.

[Edited on May 7, 2008 at 9:19 AM. Reason : ]

5/7/2008 9:15:42 AM

All American
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5/7/2008 9:18:56 AM

soup du hier
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the county courthouse wherever she got the dwi...

good luck she's gonna take it hard...

5/7/2008 9:23:55 AM

All American
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^^^^i don't know about for dui, but i've had to pay to have my license reinstated twice for other reasons and it was definitely $75+ each time. this was 05 and earlier also. the license fee itself is only $25 iirc, but then they hit you with some other crap. possibly that extra $50 or so is already included in your other fees/fines with a dui?

either way, this thread is pointless... if the op's gf isn't smart enough to make a phone call or two to figure something this simple out, she doesn't need to be on the road. what did she do when she turned 16? wait for the dmv to call and be like "hey, we've got your license ready, come and get it!"?

5/7/2008 9:50:57 AM

All American
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okay, so dwi restoration is actually even more than a normal restoration. $75 + ($4 x 8yrs.) = $107 at least. i'm assuming we're all under 54 yrs. old...

5/7/2008 10:06:55 AM

All American
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5/7/2008 10:07:04 AM

All American
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You know, I'm not sure I could date someone with a DUI. I guess it would depend on the circumstances surrounding it. I've had too many drunk assholes wreck my mailbox to have sympathy

5/7/2008 10:11:45 AM

All American
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^^^that is definitely NOT how that works...haha...

that's if you are getting your first license...or moved here from another state or something...or at your 8 year renewal...

and i may have paid that $75 in some other fees and fines...but i don't recall paying anything but the $25 at the DMV...but I paid the magistrate $50 some other time so that could have been it....or maybe I went ahead and paid the magistrate $100 to take care of the renewal fee later on....

5/7/2008 10:19:59 AM

All American
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read it again... the yearly fees apply for reissuance also in addition to original and renewal. they might only charge you for the time remaining until your next renewal, but i'll bet it's still an applicable fee.

there's also this fwiw:
Quote :
"The fines and penalties imposed by the court are separate from any action taken by the Division of Motor Vehicles."

as well as this, which could explain the differences:
Quote :
"North Carolina law states that anybody whose license has been revoked, suspended, or canceled must pay a $50 restoration fee to have the license reinstated. You'll pay a $75 fee if the DMV revoked your license due to a DWI conviction. The DMV won't charge these fees if you lost or surrendered your license for health reasons following a medical exam.

You must also pay a $50 service charge to restore your license unless you surrendered it to the court or mailed it to the DMV before the suspension took effect."

there's also a legal difference in suspension and revocation, but i'm not positive what if any affect that has on the fees. i think it might be addressed in chapter 20 of the ncga statutes which covers the motor vehicle code, but i don't feel like searching/reading through it right now.

[Edited on May 7, 2008 at 1:31 PM. Reason : ncga link in case anyone else wants to search...]

5/7/2008 1:19:09 PM

All American
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whatever...i just know i didn't pay all that and i've had a valid driver's license after a DWI conviction for 3 years....

i surrendered my license to the court....

but i didn't have to pay any sort of yearly fee

5/7/2008 1:57:42 PM

All American
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yeah, i'm not doubting you... just more curious about why the difference. ncdmv in all their infinite wisdom.

5/7/2008 3:10:24 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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actually it was $50 twice and $75 once. (arrest, refusal, dwi) for me

[Edited on May 7, 2008 at 3:13 PM. Reason : .]

5/7/2008 3:11:37 PM

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